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December 19, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-19

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Lii U VU~Ui ~ UEE



-. + flhurlhIil it rJnsubstantiate our ndng. ,* ['f ! iil I I 11L I U iIX L l u "M
kk' III uI flI iru v Personally I am strongly i favor sassc
ZGlo V~ ~ ' RNKo hvrfyrn n ilb ny hR RPI IA~l~ single teal
toglad -to arrange for the flooding IJIU 111 IIllfIUI have Joine
hardest f R~ I% I~l of the place found if one can be se- -!jclub anda
when- cured," said Mr. Bartelme. WLL PLAY FOUR TOUGH GAMES, floor "when
college Board In Control of Athletics -votes; Frank Leverett of the geology de- DURING CHRISTMAS the night
ack to- Moe ota.upoe partment, who is an expert on the HOLIDAYS Toy Boose
tob Bartelme Rprsinionec of sis when asked his op- nalegianc,
l to be Reort , Ino on securing a lot that would CahMte n i aktalalgac
-answer the requirements of the rink, CahMte n i aktalof 'the D.
[Is do-MANY DIFFICULTIES I WY said: "I am quite positive that there tif ometiiorwenahermkeMatir to CARIGOU RJC WAYn ac.atgou tFrr il tea cmetigo n temp akno e thereare
~or near the campus that would hold Crsmsti.Atog hr r men one o:
,,rigonly four games on the schedule, theseth con
hiat the Funds have beeni appropriated by the the water but I think a place might aesrtoofrth ads ido hae cut
an ex- Board in Control of Athletics for the be found not too far from the...cam- sae
;bal i pupos ofestblshig aUniersty Iwork for the team. In addition, all of I h
bal ting rpo nkf, acoringitoa Uiesty pshih-il.d.the games- take place on consecutivethogt
. The sktnIik codn oasae Mr. Leverett said that he wouldnghs thugingteea no retsould bl
oast gmeat by P. G. B rtelme, director of. searph for a desirable spot and- after ngttu iigteta ors hudb
gii ofotorxtltclstngt h oiasreot n lcswihbetween contests. Mcia
taiooudoatltclsnih.tehldyreotaypaewhc For the first game, Dec. 31, the Var- Tencignti
B Wol-At the meeting of the board Mr. Bar- the might find.
to the telme made a resolution that moneyj "There is a method by which the st ilb nPnic hr twl of thA 00n
be pprprite fo ths urpse n&soil Taight be ma e to hold the wet- meet the strong Oakland Motor, Car as fa~t bad
"reasonable amount" was voted for er'," said Mr. Leverett, "as it is done temheatmoiecopnarsit
a very fast five. Lynn Allei, "a fornmer1
N the purpose, according to Mr. Bar- { in the West. There, they! have thet trip.
II of a rink for the University and of a in turning cattle upon the ground have sTolsaHswt teta.E~~ IRTY-7
varsity hockey team, Mr: Bartelme; found that they trample the ground Watson, once of Olivet, is sure to be a;
aid , Ia togyi ao faeog omk thl ae.Dr stumbling block for the Varsity. Nor FRF
urink or"he amsitgy indfavr fsenoupugonmaegtrod weantr Drtis Jimmy. Hole of the. fast 1917 Yps!! OR
fo-h nvriyadhv pn upduo rudhr n rml team an easy man to down. Entries
considlerable time investigating the ed down in any one of several ways
posbltisoIeurnTrunssH- would serve the purpose of the rink." Second Game In Flint have come
able for such a purpose. There areInFitothflowgngtherp4ra
many difficulties in the establishmient SOPHOMORE GIRLS DEVELOPING Champion Ignition company will pu~t Thereare
of ' rnk chefy i te mttr o te FSTflAKEBAL SXTETEa powerful team on the 'floor. Joe' fo 3
of arin, ciefy i th materof he ASTBASETBLL EXTTTEHanish, who can be remembered on fro
earnest porosity of the soil. Michigan's football team several years up the fi
om the Soil Too Sandy Enough sophomore girls to alternate ago, is on the 'Spark plug team. the secoTi
tSteve "The soil around Ann Arbor is san-: two full basketball teams turned out what the Rayl team of Detroit willt Thursda
Water- dy and contains so much gravel that for practice yesterday afternoon. More offer is not yet known. This team has ink the soc
"s eligi- when water Is turned upon a field it organized 'play is being displayed and always been one of the strongest in ber in the
ichigan seeps through the soil immediately. teams- whipped into shape for the fin- the country. A number of its former more timE
3for a The attempt was made three years ; al selections which will be made after men are back -and are showing good in the fi
ago and twice following to make a. the Christmas recess. The latter part form. Only two or three teams int the about 12,
stellar rink on Ferry field, but the drainage r of February the series of ,interclass country have been able to stop this the play
rse, be there is so good that even in the cold- games, will be -played, the winning;i outfit in former years. be finishe,
)Var- est of winterit was impossible to keep class to be awarded a silver loving D. A. C. Strong the secon4
t John- 'the water 6n any part of then grounds. cup~ Against the Detroit Athletic club, league.
critics ' It was also attempted to start a 'sophomore sextettes will have to,
le best rink at.another spot in Ann Arbor, but mnake up in speed what they lack in_____________________
produc- It was found that the ground absorb- size, and experience. Freshman teams
d Hobi 'ed the water as soon as it was put are showing up as well as the second. ALL OF
.John- on, and, in fact, so much of~it soaked year girls.' As yet no team work has!
wr and boring that, the University was threat- as it' is aimed to give them all an op-.
raulting ened with a suit for damages and 'lost portunity to participate in the prat-
as been $600 settling' for the damage done. tices.0
Lout the Have SearchOed. Town im
will en- "Mr. Pardon,' the surerintendent of A GENTLE INT TO DAD
during the buildings and grounds, has offer-' For Christmas, a Multiplex Ham-
ference ed us the vacant lot opposite Bar- mond" Typewriter. Martin R. Webb,E
- bour. gymnasium fori our purpose, but , Student Representative. 1214 Wil-
be Par' said that he was satisfied that it lard. Phone 1695-R.--Adv. )Products Are Mad4
Lash- would not hold the .water. Coach ",0 ' aly"~
in' the Mitchell and myself have searched all1 SHANTUNG BUFF! Collar attach- S cie if i1 ll P
weak. Ann Arbor 1for ground to suit our pur- ed shirts. Such Irresistible ones~ asC r a
out -for pose, but have come to the conclu- we are now showing are the latest C r a
trkhold- sion that there Is not the necessary .word In Smartness. Davis Toggery -
d Earle amount of clay in the soil to make It 4 Shoppe, 119 S. Main.-Adv.




hto work
are 'a few
dents who




Value Giving. In Fine



advises the
Lane hall.
cards and
0. D. Mor-

ent of





bcause we
the real way toE
You men v
value-giving poli
LN ~assurance of rec
The nature
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ybelieve giving- superior values to our customers is
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wvho need overcoats have an opportunity to test this
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'. ".



i V ,~
i:, ,..../
r i %.

tg ~Inen prefer games
s for their leisure
ou are interested in
of young men, y-
to visit Qur'oilliard
)t as you wish.
find that this is a
,lean sport, where
rofanity and. other
elements are abso-

N. F. Allen Co.
The House of Kuppenhemer Clolhes
in.Ann Arbor

; ',fl-


os e

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