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December 16, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-16

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: t l






(By Associated Press)
ashington, Dec. 15.-The state de-
nent was notified late today thatl
erick Hugo, the American seiz-
y bandits in the recent raid of
tuiz, Mexico,' had been released
had returned to Muzquiz. Condi-
Supon which he wvas set free were
stated in the message but the de-
nent announcement said it was
osed no ransom had been paid.
al report came from the American
ul at Piezran Megran, Mexico,
added that it was possible that
ip8, an' Ainerican also captured
ig the raid and whose first name
not known here, had also been
nding more complete information
nformation was available, at the
department as to the extent to
h this latest incident has affected
admittedly increased delicacy of
relations between the United
s and the Carranza government.

Chamber Society
Offers Unusual
IConcert Program
(T.A. S.)
Chamber music has not often ap-'
peared on Ann Arbor's musical cal-
endar. Indeed, in these days of solo-
ists and symphonies, there has been
little room for this particular type of
music with the result that the major-
'Ity of the concert-going public has
not been given a chance to decide for
itself what its particular attractions
In spite of this fact, one of the fin-
est expositions of chamber music, on
record was given In Hill auditorium
last night by the New York Chamber'
Music society, led by Carolyn Beebe,
pianiste. An ideal balance of strings,
wood wind, and brass, used with a
precision and evenness which seemed
to produce a, single ' perfect tone; re-
vealed the peculiar charms attained in
chamber music.
Opens with Beethoven
The program was opened with a
Beethoven quintet in three movements'
for pianoforte, clarinet, oboe, French
horn, and bassoon. This number par-
ticularly, exhibited the noteworthy
ability of Henri De Busscher, oboist,
who showed a remarkable control of
a far from easily mastered instru-
ment. A Brahms quintet for clarinet
and strings followed with Gustave
Langenus leading in the clarinet part.
The allegro and adagio movements of
this number were particularly effec-
tive with the violins furnishing a del-
icate accompaniment along with the
richer and more sonorous tones of the


Several Changes Mad in Selections
Previously Announced by

perhaps the most enthusiastically
were nam- received number of the program was
s the group of "Five Impressions of a
t a meet- Holiday" by Eugene Goossens, play-
be called ed by Mss Beebe, Paul Kefer, cell-
aon. Theist, and William Kincaid, flutist. The
numbers were of a popular but none
the less artistic type, and the three in-
struments provided one of the most
chairman, exquisite ensembles of the evening.
te Chapin, "At the Fair" was a 'brilliant bit of
3ruce Mil- perfectly keyed harmony and demand-
tion, Wil- ed an encore in spite of the chances
thea Flin- *of the program's continuity being
d, Marie broken.

Yuletide Fund
Will Brighten
Tots' Christmas
Contribution boxes will be placed
in all buildings on the campus Tues-
day and Wednesday in orler that the
University students and faculty may
have an opportunity to give generous-
ly to the Christmas fund for provid-
ing a real Yuletide for Ann Arbor's
poor children. The money collected
from these boxes will be used to pur-
chase 450 baskets qf fruit to be distrib-
uted in the hospitals, and any , re-
maining amount will be applied t the
general clothing and toy fund in the
city campaign.
Sororities Care for Children,
This contribution is in addition to
the work to be done by fraternities
and sororities, many of which have
agreed to entertain, feed, apd clothe
completely from one to three chil-
dren apiece, on some day this week.
Up to this time every sorority, and 30
fraternities, hive arranged to care for
children in this way. Persois not'
connected with any of the houses, but
who, desire to contribute to the gen-
eral campaign, will be reached by the
boxes on the campus.
Nurses Will Help
Early Christmas morning nurses
will distribute the fruits and .toys to
the hospitals, themselves arranging the
baskets after the University houses
have decorated them. Christmas carols
sung by the nurses will attend the
distribution, and many children who
would otherwise have had no Christ-
mas will be made happy by the gifts.
Few Unprovided For
At present, the -names of children
who require entire outfitting are al-
most all taken care of by the frater-
nities and pororities, according to J..
E. Goodwillie, '1k, president of the Y.
M. C. A. and general director of the
plan. Some children are to be par-
tially outfitted as well as entertain-
ed, and fraternities wishing to take
some of these to their houses for a
Christmas celebration may' secure
names by phoning to Goodwillie.
Snap ProMised In
From its pretty girl on the cover
to the las-t ad on the back, the adjec-
tives, "smart, unusual, and varied,"
are reputed to be the only words which
properly convey the merit of the
Christmas Gargoyle, which will be put
on sale to Yuletide shoppers Wednes-
The farthest possible digression from
all that is rubber-stampy and time-
worn is promised for the holiday is-
sue. Neither art, jokes, no stories
are of the sort that will be forgotten
soon, or remembered as having been
seen before. The staff prophesies that
this will be much the best issue of the
Several short stories and articles
of merit, o say nothing of its briefer-
and snappier material, will help to
make the issue one of the most ac-
ceptable of Christmas presents, wheth-
er alone or as the first instalment o
a year's gift subscription.

Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, Dean Wil-
liam H. Butts, and Prof. W. C. Hoad
will speak at a freshman engineers'
smoker to be held on the main 'floor,
of the Michigan Union at 7:30 to-
night. /
Music will be furnished by the
freshman "Jazz" orchestra. Cider,
doughnuts, cigarettes, pipes, and to-
bacco will be furnished. Tickets may
be obtained until 4 o'clock at either
Graham's . book store or Calkin's
drug store.

Approximately 200 committeemen of
the Union life membership drive will
be guests of the Union at a dinner af
6 o'clock tonight in recognition of
their, work in the three day cam-
paign of last week. Toasts by the
Union to the committees and by the
pommittees to the Union, a quartette,
orchestra music, and other features
will entertain the men at the din-
The meeting will take the form of
a get-together and pep gathering.
Donald Porter, '21, has notified all the
chairmen to have their men out, and
he requests that everyone come.
Seated at the' head table will be
the winning team, and the other men
will be seated around their team cap-
tains at tables. Partially checked
figures of the campaign show that a
total of 2,154 memberships were se-
cured, although duplications on cards
not yet gone over may lowerAhe num-
ber somewhat.
Number of Copieg Obtainable Limited
by Scarcity of Labor and
- - Material

Progress in
tain phases c
problem was
of the inter
mittee, held (
Union. The o
tee is foster
shortly after
holiday vaca
Boyd, '21L, c


prep s



Fifteen hundred copies of thi
cial Student's Directory will be p
on sale at 10 o'clock this mornii
three.campus booths and at the
and 'the office of The. Michigan
The campus stands will probat
located in the Economics buildin
Engineering building and Univ
Local Sales First

ties .

les are

I rer,




Jal, William
brey Dornan,
;aret Spain,
Van Norman,

vitations, David Nash, chairman,j
er Cress, Florence Field, Katherine'
s, Henry Hoch, P.' J. McDufflie,
ee Renkes; Finance, C. R. Qsius,
rman, Dewey Fagerburg, Harry ;
effner; Auditing, Earl Johnson,
rman, Earl Cress; Membership, A.
an Brunt, chairman, Irving Cha-
Lucy Huffman, Rose Sturmer;
(Continued on Page Six)

Perfect Ensemble
Wolf-Ferrari's "Sinfonia Da Came-
ra," played by the entire society, was
the evening's most remarkable exam-
ple of ensemble playing. 'In addition
to those already mentioned, Pierre
Henrotte, first violin, Herbert So-
man, second violin, San uel Lifschey,
viola, Emil Mix, double bass, Ugo Sa-
volina, bassoon, and Joseph Franzl,
French horn, appeared. The adagio.
and. the vivace con spirito were the
outstanding movements, the closing of
the latter with its three flawless
chords being especially effective.
(Continued on Page Six)


Journalistic Class Will Publish
New Semi- Weekly Press Bulletin
In order to combine practice in writ-, part, "Since the University belongs to
ing for publication with the distribu- the citizens of the state, it is highly
tion of University news among the desirable that -they be regularly in-

Owing to the scarcity of labor and
the difflculty of obtaining covers and
materials, 'the directory officials have
been unable to have'.as many copies
printed as will probably be needed.
"The limited number of copies makes
it advisable that 'students buy their
copies early,' 'declared Business"Man-
ager Alan F. King, '20E, yesterday.
"Sales will be made in Ann Arbor
'first and it is possible that the lim-
ited number printed may make it im-
possible for the usual Ypsi sales to
be made."
Features Included
This year's directory including sev-
eral new features, is larger by 100
pages than the largest previous is-
sue. The new features that have been
(Continued on Page Six)
Christmas vacation is just three days
off. Practically every student in the
University will be at home during the
recess. He will be in a,position to
communicate directly with those high
school seniors who are'planning their
college courses. He will be able to
talk with and advise these prospec-
tive college students.
It will become, the duty of every
,loyal Michigan man and woman to in-
form these high school Aeniors of the
reasons 'why they should come to
Before wasting a moment at home,
it becomes the duty of those loyal
students to search the college mate-
rial in'their locality for the best ath-
letes, and to urge them to come to
Michigan. A direct and concentrated
effort on the part of every one who
goes home should be made to bring to
Michigan at .least one man in order
that in the future years there will 'be
no lack- of material at Michigan. I

A. P. Belknap, '22; Sigma
Ion, J. H. Joseph, '21; Thete
R. C. Losch, '21E;- Alpha
E. J. Jefferies, '20; Psi Up:
ard Weeks, '21; Beta Thet:
Wickham, '21; Alpha Tau
0. Kunze, '22E; Phi Gan
Lawrence Butler, '21; Phi
ta, John Henry, '21; Zeta B
Stix, '21; Phi Kappa Psi, (
ion&, '21; Sigma Chi, K.
'21; Alpha Delta Phi, D.
'22L; Delta Kappa Epsilc
Cook, '20E; Sigma Ph$ Re
'low, '21; Delta Upsilon, j
All State Teams .4
In, addition to the individ
copies of as many All-sta
city teams, as can be ob
being asked. These are v
;ticularly as the men on the
ly to be of college calibre
In addition to -the obi
names of prospective, at1
committd is writing eves
varsity squads for the last
who would be eligible to p1
to return.
All-State Teams Wal
The names of nearly a sc
football players have bee
from the records of the
fice, and it is hoped to get
part of them back to giv
coacing staff somethingsmo
with next fall than the p
terial offers.
The committee announce
not its purpose to make t
clusive fraternity undert
that the interfraternity cou:
a good place to start an o
(Continued on Page
Angell Home Again (
Dr. Hugh Cabot, head of
'department of the Univers
school, has moved into the
house which was turned o
.on account of the poor hot
I tion in Ann Arbor this yeas


st day of the new
newspapers of Michigan and the sur-
ress should turn rounding states, Prof. John R.-
te people believed Brumm's class in newspaper organi-f
then they can go zation and practice'has established the
:ly if the country "University of Michigan Press Bulle-
ill's enactment in tin," containing campus articles of
current interest written by members
of the class.
GLEE AND To Reach 2,000 Papegs
LUB CANCELLED The bulletin, khe first, number of
which appeared yesterday, will be is-
g theater engage- sued twice weekly and sent to editors
Mee and Mandolin of about 2,000 newspapers. In form
its trip to Port it is similar to press bulletins now be-
Osius, Jr., busi- ing issued by several universities, be-
a club, states that ing a single sheet of four columns.
>een agreed upon, Co-operation Urged
ability the concerti As an introduction to the first issue,
y part of next se- Professor Brumm has written "A
Word to Editors,' 'in which he says in'


formed concerning its varied interests
and activities. This purpose can be
accomplished only through the public'
press. It is urged, therefore, that ed-
itors co-operate with the University
by giving space- in their papers to
such items in the . bulletin as may
prove interesting to their readers."
Will Use Class Editorials
Other articles in the paper are: a
description of the new University hos-
pital and library; the 1919 attendance
record; plans of the debating team;
apd items on the interest taken in
music at Michigan, the new course in
highway' engineering and the estab-;
lishment of the University forum. +
It is planned to devote a column in1
the future numbers to editorials writ-1
ten by students in the editorial writing +

.._ a A















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