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December 12, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-12

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I , ll .11"! . .. I., I I

i:0i I1fl0Appointient of the second Michigan
A FRhodes scholar to be sent to Oxford
university next year will be made at
a postponed election to be held Tues-
day, Dec. 23, according to Dean John
R. Einger, a member of the state
~AI A(EE ENT WTH 'WILSON committee of appointment for Rhodes
P1SAGEE1~LNT WIH WI S cholarships. Ralph M. Carson, '17,
ON SETTLEMENT BRINGS instructor in English in the Engineer-
EiACTION ing college, was given the first ap-
pointment at the regular meeting
PERSONAL MESSAGE TO Nov. 1, and will leave for England in
After it was announced that the
- election of a second candidate had
Administration Refuses to Comdu t been postponed, several candidates
Upon Report; Cabnt Supprts who had not put in applications be-
Temporary Increase P fore the time set, Oct. 15, inquired
fieipdraY Inise lanwhether they might apply for the ap-
pointment betweenthat date and the
(By Associated Press) time of election. Dean Effinger an-
Washington, Dec. .L-Fuel Admin- nounces that the committee wrote to
istrator Garfield's re signation was to- the American secretary of the Rhodes
night in the hands of President Wil- foundation in New York,and received
\son, given because he disagrees in a reply stating that only those who
prinle ithte ca s tikesetle-had made application before Oct. 15
principle with the coal strike settle- would , be eligible.
ment 'proposal arranged by the gov-
ernment and the mine workers union,
Dr. Garfiled refused tonight to con-
firm; deukor discuss the report but at
the White House it was said that ae
personal letter from him had been1
afternoon. 1919 Students' Guide in Hands of
Disagrees With Plan Binders; Supply Will Be
Men close to the fuel administator Liiited
understand .that he believes that the -
work of the commission authorized SCHEDLE OF EVENTS TO BE
under the settlement to be made up of NEW FEATURE OF VOLUME
one coal mine operator, one coal miner
and athird ;person named to represent Copies of the 1919 Student Dlirec-
Sth rd publcwillesultnateincrease ntory are on the press, in the hands of
the public will result in the increase in binders, and will be ready for sale by
the price of coal to the consuming Tuesday, Dec. 16, Stewart Baxter, '21,
public, managing editor of the directory, an-
Against this form of settlement Dr. nounced yesterday.
Garfield has been unalterably oppos- Despite handicaps -which have con-
ed. It has been leared on go; au fronted the staff o. the guide as a re-
thority that he took no part in the sut of the extraordinarily lrge 'en-
negoitations with the mine union rollment in the University this year,
workers chiefs during the.last week, and inability on the part of printers
and though informed and consulted and binders to furnish material in
after their initiation the terms laid quantities needed, it will be placed on-
out as finally accepted contravene sale before the Christmas vacation.
his conception of the main principle The conditions under which this year's
involved. guide has been published can *.4e
It was recalled in connection with equalled only by the S. A. T. C.regime.
the' resignation that in suggesting a "We have been held&tp considerably
14 per cent increase as fair for the by the inability of our biders to sup-
miners and possible of payments from ply us with covers," Managing Editor
present profits of mine workers. Baxter said last night, "yet we finally
Cabinet Supports Idea received enough to warrant its circu-
Whether -the President will accept lation.
the resignation is not known. Men- "The supply, however, will be lim-
bers of the cabinet, however, are ited. Buyers are therefore urged to
C lown to be supporting the settle- get copies as soon as they can, for we
ineat program as put through Attor- are of the opinion that the supply
ney General Palmer. will not last long."
Coal mine operators authorized to This year's issue has incorporated
represent practically the entire indus- in it a number of new features, never
try were still in Washington tonight before printed in the directory. A
*waitlng an official notification of the complete schedule of athletic events,
settlement basis. There was consid- as complete as it was possible to get,
erble doubt inilividually and differ- as well als a schedule of other Univer-
once of opinion, but no meetings were sity events, have been included in. the
held to formulate definite decision of guide. Information concerning the
policy and it was said none would bes Union is also published. The book this
held until the government call came. year will exceed 450 pages.

9 O0Organization of all men of the
iiiiiuOF , teaching faculty and administrative "REDF EATHER,
officials of the University in an asso-
.DElation to be known as the University
forum was effected 1at night at a
meeting held at the Union. The pur-
FINAL RETURNS GIVE TOTAL OF pose of the organization is for the in-
2,10 SIGED IP; GEATformal and educational discussion of
2,1 INTEREST SHOGEAT University questions. NOTICE, LITS?
The only permanent official elect-
ed was Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the , Absences all day Friday and
philosophy department as secretary. Saturday, Dec. 19 and; s20, and
HEADS WINNING TEAM A temporary administrative commit- Tuesday, Jan. 6, will count triple,
tee was formed for the purpose of the Registrar's office announces.
Individual Honors Are Captured by D. nominating permanent offclrs, ar- Only excuses from Dean Effinger
M. Scheurmann,'22, with 9; ranging the next program, reporting will be accepted by the attend-
L. C. Jerome,'21, Second . details to be'discussed, and making ! anO committee.
arrangements for the next meeting.
Returns, which are practically com- The following were chosen for the
plete,' show that the quota in th' committee: Prof. $ohn F. Shepard of
Union life membership , campaign, the psychology department, chairman; UR
which came to an end last night after Porter H. Evans of the electrical n-
d-three day drive, has been exceeded gineering department, Hesel E. Yn-RHE
by more than 100, a total of 2,135 life tema of the political science depart-P
memberships having been secured. ment, Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the
Team 14, captained by Pierce Mc- philosophy department, Prof. Ifarley SUP RI PL
Louh,'21, arsurpassed its competi- H. Bartlett of the botany department, -~~
tors, as this te signed up 31 stu- and Prof. Horace L. Wilgus of the law Show But 15 Per Ceut of
dents, while JIM. Scheurmann, '22, department. S nist rsiowtChurchr)Ceebos
of the same team, took individual University Church Memebrs ,
honors with 93 sigatures. L. C. Je- p Ti1li1nAttend Services
rome, '21, obtained 84 life member- U UI Ii biV l MIRE
ships for second place, and Floyd &C-OPERATION SOUGHT BETWEEN
Straith, '23D, came in third with 82. LAW RE W CNTROL-CHURCHES AND STUDENTS
Results to Be CheckedU
Team 13 with Maynard Newton, '22, -'Careful studies of statistics compil-
as its leader took second place with - Reorganization of the Law Review ed from students' enrollment cards
192 subscriptions. which took place at a meeting of the show that 60 per cent of the 8,000
Accurate results will not be known publication yesterday afternoon re- men and women registered in-the Uni-
until the Union office force checks suted in the placing of most of the versity are church members or pos-
over and tabulates the cards, after power in the student board which ses a church preference. But obser-
whih time a reliable announcement of heretofore has had little control., vations made by statisticians of the:
team standing and individudal honor Up to the present time the Law Re- attendances in the various Ann Arbor'
will be made. Donald Porter, '21, view, which in the opinion, of many churches reveal the fact that a bare
chairman of the campaign committee, authrities on the subject is one of 15 per cent of those students avowing
does not expect the final figures to the best magazines of the kind in the their church belief or preference act-
vary much from those given out late country, has been pradtically under ually attend local services.
last night. faculty control. Although the new - The view has been expressed by
"Not only am i well satisfied with system will not go into effect at once those interested in the situation that
the results of the campaign, which It is expected that a greater amount some underlying fault must existin
equalled any exp ations, but the of power will pass into student hands Ann Arbr religious circles to slc-
great surprise of the drive was the within a short time count for this expression of disinter-
interest which the workers showed in A. B. Tanner, '20L, was elected est in church' affairs. To suggest a
it. An excellent showing was made president of the student board while solution of the problem it has been
by each man, and every one did his L. Kawin, '20L, will fill the position of stated that Michigan students, accus-
best," said Porter, secretary. Winter Snow, '21L, was tomed to what is conceded by many
Team Standings chosen treasurer. to be the best in educational, social,
The standing of the leading 10 teams and athletic life, require the very best
as given out late Thursday night MINERS URGE MEN facilities, equipment, and the like for
was: team 14, Pierce McLouth, '21E, RETURN T'E' T religious training.
315; team 13, Maynard Newton, '22, PChurches Doing Their Best
192; team 1, Joseph A. Bernstein, '22, - It is the belief of those who have
145; team 7, Earl Juers, '21, 141; team (By Associated Press) made a study of the situation, how-
12, Robert McKean, '21, 131; team 6, Indianapolis, Dec. 11.-Members of ever, that the local churches are do-
David Decker, '22E, 130; team 9, Rich- the United Mine Workers of America i'ng all in their ,ower, practically, to
ard 'Khuen, '21, 121; team 10, Boyd are urged to return to work with the meet this requirement of offering the
Logan, '21, 112; team 17, Fred Storrer, least possible delay in order that the best service to the student body that
'21E, 111; team 4, Richard Fischer, public needs for coal may be prompt- their antiquated equipment will al-
'21E, 107. ly supplied, in a circular prepared by low.
the international officials -of the or- t What is sought, declares the local
gani;ation this afternoon and which element which s striving to remedy
C 1jlOREN'S C lISIMwill be sent to the 4,000 local unions the situation, is firmer bck and
as soon as it can be printed. , stronger support from state anu na-
The circular was issued to supple- tional organizations of the leading
ment instructions sent out last night churches which students desire to at-
by wire and contained an eplanation tend. Investigators state that all of
of the action of the general committee these organizations are upon a firm
Representatives of fraternties and in voting to accept the president's- and soundly managed financial basis,
sororities will meet at $ o'clock this proposal for the settlement of the and that aid could be forthcoming if
afternoon in Lane hall to complete strike. only the need were thoroughly real-
'plans for clothing and entertaining Acting on the directions contained ized.
Ann Arbor's poor children before the in the telegramst of last night many Other educational centers have been
Christmas holidays. Every house ap- miners reported for work today and the recipients of considertable'sums of
proached has responded heartily to the indications were that practically .all money from these.same state and na-
idea, and all day Friday phone calls mines will resume operations tomor- tional church organizations upon
came in promising active support. row. which the local In-tutions call for
J. E. Goodwillie, '20, president of support, it__s stated. c
the University Y. M. C. A. and general supporti sta ed
director of the plan, postponed the 0o-operationB feleved Lacking .
meigof sorority representatives YOUR PR INTH In view of this fact many believe
meeting ofsrrt ersnaie ORPART INTHE that the proper co-operation between.
which was to have been held Thursday SOLUTION OF THE what might be called dependent and
afternoon, in order that the generalw
meeting might be held today. Assign- ATHLETIC PROBLEM raincoe anizaadonsacknfg. A n r

ment of a child to each house, and ar-
rangementsfrt in which the present religious situa-
ragmnsfor .the general campaign. tion, may be somewhat' relieved, it is
for funds, which is to be opened on The New England States club, a sec- hoped, is being worked out by officials
the campus next Monday, will be taken tional organization, has started the of the Students' Christian association.
up at this meeting, ball rolling. Following directly in the of th e ritin assoiaton
Committees appointed for -the Y..-M. path of the Interfraternity council, campus through its societies'wand or-
C. A. and Y. W. C. A. have secured they fre going out for men for Mich- ganizations can get behind the local
substantial reductions in prices for igan. chuchesin et b kisdwhetloca-
supplying clothing for the boys and The organization has called a spec- ing developed, state Christian asso-
girls to be outfitted by the fraterni- ial meeting of its members during the ciation authorities.
ties and sororities. Houses may ae- next week for the purpose of discuss-a
cure from 10 to 20 per cent off on all ing the problem of bringing eastern
such purchases by mentioning to any athletes to the west-to Michigan. BARRISTERS WILL TARE IN lb
of the following merch-ats the fact It is going to be a hard task to make IN FALL INITIATION TODAY
that they are clothing the children in 'the eastern prep school stars leave
the interest of the Christmas charity their traditionally powerful eastern Fifteen men will be taken into the.
campaign: .3. F. Wuerth and 1com- universities in favor of a western Barristers today when that organiza-
pany, Main street, for boys' clothing; school, but this is what the New Eng- tion holds its fall initiation. Although
Allmand and Forsythe, Main street, land States club of the University of the names of the men have not been
for shoes; Goodyear's, Main 4reet, for Michigan is going to undertake. It is given out it is understood that the
girls' clothing; Kyer and Whittaker, a worthy move on their, part, and functions will start at 3 o'clock.
Washington street, will make a re- ishould stand out as an example for Prof. Evans Holbrook, and Prof. G.
duction to cost prices for all fruits the other sectional clubs of the Uni- C. Grismore, of the law faculty, will
bought for the children, both at the versity. speak at the banquet which will be
house celebrations and in the hospi- Power to the New England States held at the Union. 3. E. Chenot and
tals. club. L. G. Carrigan will also speak.


. 11 11111111 11111111 11 111

Directors Win Praise for
Finish Expected 1 Lat
(By Ntul A. S"lnkma
If Red Feather had waited j
moments longer before revea
self as the Countess Drag,
for the purpose of restoring
Prince of Roifancia, to his
there would have-but we are
our story. Besides, who ca
the plot of a comic opera?
Klein or no Charles klein, t
It was the music of Re
.Koven and a group of voice
quality that made last nigh
ier perforiace of "Red Feal
Dramatic society's all-campui
tion, an event worthy of M2
dramatic calendar. The m
unmistakable in its represen
the aristocrat of opera comi
when interpreted by soloists a
able chorus of decided abilit;
to be the big attraction of t
"Little lillgere X ke
The curtain was rung up
effective boat scene and a prel
by Howard Walser and the ci
stage. Of the extensive pr
musical numbers which
_throughout - the action of .
"The Little Milliner," a duet,
Thee Mine," and the fa'iii
waltz number, "The Ga
Dreams," were undoubtedly
numbers. The first was s
Evelyn Rockwell as Fifine, a
ably chic e\mne fiie, and
chorus of milliners who sho
they knew how to wear hat
as trim them.
Pearl McGeoch-Walcott at
Hamilton of the School of Mu
the duet "To Call Thee Mine
the most tuneful numbers of
ning, and Marion Treleaven,
mencitt did equally well in "'I
en of Dreams" number. Rot
erle was an attractive Princ
to appearance and voice lmt c
handled a few ,more solos fie
But with a review of the by
principal wares of "Red
have been displayed, -for th
indeed, much finish st 11' to b
ed in the way of both acting
ieal support. In the fist p'
voices are good enough to p4
poloists to forget themselves
extent in their parts, and giv
heed to Mlr. Klein's part c
duction. -Delayed cues seem
the chief offenders and there'
eral noticeable waits for t
and the orchestra to come
the proper places. Unneces
inexcusable 4iouquets shove
the footlights also served to
the action in places, and a
spotlight needs taming down I
night's performance.
Production Ultra Sma
, As for the actul produc
"Red Feather" was ,"all thei
two acts, and notably the 1
given two ultra-smart setti
might serve to kindle the Je;
any comic opera company in -
try. The costumes were of pr
ate elaboratenese and supplie
strikingeffects, notably in th
to Act II, which was a genuin

"Red Feather" is good e
ment~ and with the finishing
which will undoubtedly be ap
fore tonight's performance
prove decidedly acceptable I
maining two audiences.
Alexander Succeeds Red
Washington, Dec. 11.-The
tion of Representative A
Democrat of Missouri, as sec
commerce to'succeed William
who recently resigned, was c
;by' the, senate late today foll

ance Of. R.0. T. C. Assured;
Cooley Would Include Drill

e loss of the R. O. T. C. from;
rsity of Michigan is no long-
ated by Col. Robert Arthur.a
udents of the Engineering
ave supported the R. O, T.
:h a way that there is no
t the unit will remain here,"
1nel Arthur. "The men are
g loyally to the call and have
o such an extent as to make
anency of the R. O. T. C

s expected

that the opening of
o students in the lit-
11 result in a much

and makes them physically fit. It al-
so makes them able to do better work
in class.
"I have- been about the country a
great deal in the past year, and every-
where I go I find that the war is not
yet - over, and that another war is in
prospect soon. It therefore behooves
us to get ready at once, and not be,
caught napping as we were last time.
Must Prepare for War1
"The supply of officer material must
come from the colleges. In many
branches of service the highest tech-
nical training is essential. Such train-
ing can be acquired best at universi-
ties. This being true, and the pros-
pects of another war in the not distant
future confronting us, it is but com-
mon sense to unite this technical train-
ing with the necessary military train-'
ing, that we may be ready for this war
when it comes.
"The government at this time is in
vastly better position to furnish isuit-
able officers and equipment than it
was at the beginning of the war. We
have two splendidly equipped officers,.
graduates from West Point in charge,
of the work here. As many commis-
sioned and non-commissioned officers

Cooley Favors ;Drill
very inuch interested in the
C.," laid Dean Mortimer E.
f the' Engineering college
estioned on his opinion of the
. "I would like to see every
n the campus in it. Not only
like to see the courses of
prescribed at present, taken
udents, but I would like to
on the campus two or three
week. Not only is drill good

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