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Sororities Respond To Y" Call;
Poor Children Will Have Real Xmas
Seventeen sororities have already
agreed to act as Christmas big sisters
to a like number of poor children, who
will be clothed and given a real Yule-
tide party under the plan now being
carried on by committees of the Uni-
versity Y. W. C .A. and Y. M. C. A. It
is expected that fraternities will re-
spond with as great willingness as
soon as they are asked to"take a boy
apiece and give!him a "big time." for
one day before Christmas vacation..
Committee Meet Friday
In place of the general meeting an-
nounced for Friday, it has been de-
cided that the fraternity and sorority
representatives will meet separately,
the women at 5 o'clock Thursday and
the men at 5 o'clock Friday, both in
S s
pera comique
Uichigan Dra-
presented for
itney theater,
au, I, -
i -ts
With a new peace program of work,
m- under which it will serve as a clear-
M- ing house for American students sin
to Europe and European students who
he desire to take courses in the United;
is States, the American University
Unen ini Europe has been entirely re-
nel. This comes as the resut o ac-
tion taken in a number of meetings
of its board of trustees, culminating
in that of last Saturday, over which
President Harry B. Hutchins presid-
ed as chairman.
To Care for Students
The greatly appreciated war services
of the Union, which afforded its privi-
leges to more than 30,000 college men,
wereo brought to an end .Tune 30, 1919,
when the Union ceased to function
as a war instrumentality. It was a
part of the original plan that the.
Union, after the war, should be trans-
formed in function in order to take
care of American students in conti-
nental and British universities. This
plan is now to be carried gout.
Home at Paris-
"At present the Union has three cen-
ters of activity," said President Hutch-
ins Wednesday. "The principal conti-
nental center is in Paris, with the
present home of the University Union
there is at 1 Rue de Fleurus. Prof.
Charles B. Vibbert of our department
of philosophy, who was at the head of
the 'Union's Michigan bureau during
the war, has been appointed director;
of the continental work for the cur-
i rent year.
"An Italian branch of The Union has
been established in Rome, and ° an
English branch in London. Each is
in charge of a director. Professor Mc-
Lean, former president of the Univer-
sity of Iowa, is in charge of the Lon-
- don branch."
Commenting on the future peace-
time work of the Union, President
t Hutchins said that its principal func-
tion would be to- help American stu-
dents who may be studying abroad, by
giving them the necessary informa-
tion as to opportunities, and by get-,
ting them in touch with educational'
authorities and other persons whom
* they may desire to meet.
New Building Site,
President Hutchins stated that the
city of Paris has presented the Union
a building lot favorably located, the.
value of which is approximately $100,-
000. A movement has been started to
secure funds for the erection on this
lot of a commodious structure, which
will house the offices of the Union and
furnish accommodations for Ameri-
can students in Paris.
"More than 50 American colleges
and universities have -indicated their
intentions to continue their member-
ship in the reorganized Union," said
President Hutchins. "It is expected
Lane hall. bommittees from both the
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W.,C. A., under the
general diiectoin of Erwin Goodwil-
lie, '20, president of the Y. M. C. A.,
are now phoning all houses in town
to determine the amount of money
each can put in,' so that a fair idea
of the work to be done may be sub-
mitted at the two meetings.
Merchants are now being approach-
ed to find out how much of a percent-
age they will deduct from the prices
of clothing purchased to outfit the
children', and a very gratifying re-
sponse has been met with so far.
Plans for Small Rouses
University houses which, on ac-
count of their small .size and the fact
that they are not closely olgahized,
will be unable to adopt x~ child for a
day and clothe it, have offered, in the
case of the eight houses visited, to
furnish dolls, painted cards, and bas-
kets for the hospital celebrations. All
presents and decorations left over from
the fraternity and sorority parties
will gladly be received by Miss Huida
Bancroft, Y. W. C. A. scretary, for
use in the hospitals.
The Y. W. C. A. committee appointed
to take care of the work among soror-
ities and University houses will con-
sist of Florabel Ellis, '20, Josephine
Holmes, '21, Margaret Barlow, '21,
Frances Graves, 21, and Marjorie Van
Norman, '20. ,-
Washington, Dec. 10.-The Repub-
lican national committee today select-
ed Chicago and Tuesday, June 8, as the
place and time for the national con-
vention at which the party's 1920 can-
didate for President will be nomin-
ated. St. Louis made a stubborn fight
for the convention.
The cminittee also authorized the
creation of two new departments of
party organization to deal with poli-
cies and general party welfare. The
members, including men and women
representing labor, capital, the farm-
ers and others will go to work at
once sorting out subjects to be dealt
with in the 1920 platform.
The plan of Will H. Hayes the na-
tional chairman, for limitation of in-
di idual campaign contributions to
$1,000 formally was approved.
Maneuvering of the friends of var-.
ios candidates was in evidence but
the only result appearing on the sur-
ace was a statement by Senator James
E. Watson, of Indiana, that he was
not seeking the nomination.
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 10.-Fresh Japan-
ese troops are being sent into Sibe-
ria, official despatches from Vladivos-
tok received here today said. Two
transports now are unloading at Vla-
divostok and others are reported to be
en route.
The dispatches did not mak clear
whether the\ new forces were rein-
forcements or replacements. Japan's
original force in the allied assistance
of Czecho-Slovak troops'who are mak-
ing their way from Russia to their
native land, was approximately 30,-
000 men. The United States sent, in
8,000 men and the European allies
lesser .forces.
Dean Cooley of the engineering col-
lege, was the principal speaker at a
smoker held under the auspices of the
student branc of the American So-
ciety of Mechanical Engineers. Waldo
McKee, president of the senior engi-
neers, opened the meeting. R. S. Haw-
ley of the engineering college, also
Ilidependenits Should Hail Names to,
Union Athletic Commit. -
tic. ,
"It will be the duty every man
in the Universty to talk Michigan and
to secure the names of promising high
4school athletes in their home towns
during this Christmas vacation," said
Russell Barnes, '20, in regrd to the
plan being fomulate by the athletic
committee of the Interfraternity coun-
cil t relieve the dearth 'of material
for Vrsity teams.
Plans Annonced
The Interfraternity council is the
only organiza ion which has taken up
this work and'the following meg have
been appointed as the committee in
charge: Alan W. Boyd, '21L, chair-
man; H. Leslie Popp, '20, secretary;.
Walter s. Riess, '1L, treasurer; Carl
Johnson, '20; David Landis, '20 Rus-
sell Barnes, '20, and Robert Cook,
r'20E. N
The plan of the committee is to have
fraternity men give the names of pro-
spective students tas.secretary wlh
will be appointed for the purpose by'
each fraternity. Independents shuld
mail such names to the Union athletic
committee. Letters will pe sent to
these athletes and to alumni 'as well
urging them to use their influence in
encouraging these prep school ath-
letes to come to Michian.1
Secretaries Meet at Union
In order that the work may be fully
explained to the'fraternity secretaries,
there has been a meeting called for
4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the
Union. The work will be further ex-
plained to the Interfraternity councilt
delegates at a special meetings at 7:30
o'clock Tuesday evening ii the Union.
The object of the council i to put
the matter of securing the University's'
share of athletic material on a busi-
ness-like basis.
With the. Christmas recess but a
week away, the Interfraternity coun-'
cil has announced the completion of
a plan which devolves upon every
student of the University a certain
responsibility in connection with the
athletic situation here .
The plan is an organized method for
obtaining material for Michigan Var-
sity teams. It is a concentrated ef-
fort on the part of the representative
fraternities of the campus to do their
share in helping the situation, yet
it also calls upon non-fraternity men,,
to co-operate.
It is a plan to .urge promising.'ath-
letes to come to Michigan next year.
The time is opportune for such a plan
to be put into oiration. During
Christmas, the student body will be
in direct touch with the material in
their home town and will thus have
a chance to bring the best athletes
of their section of the country here.
It is up to every Michigan student to
read the announcement of the Inter-
fraternity council, and to do his little
bit in accordance with the plan out-
Classical Club Plans Organization
Prof. J. R. Brumm, of the rhetoric
department, addressed - a meeting oft
the Classical club held Wednesday
evening in Room A, Alumnae hall.
The club formulated plans for a cam-
paign which will endeavor to organize
the classical clubs of the various uni-
Speeches by Major Denby and Prof.
I. Leo Sharfman will featur~e the All-
Economics smoker to be held at 7:30
o'clock tonight n-'the Union. Prof.
David Friday, of the economics de-
partmant, who was also scheduled to
speak will be unable to appear'as he
has been called to Washington to ad-
vise officials in the present coal di-
lemma. , .
Major Denby, who has been brought
by the Commerce club to deliver the
chief address of the evening, is can-
didate for Republican nomination for
the 1%0 Michigan governship, and a
member of the Detroit Board of Corn-
merce. During the recent world war,
he served as an officer in the United
States Marine forces. He was in great
demand throughout the state as a
speaker during the war loan cam-
The smoker is open to all students
interested in business administration,
as well as members of the economie s
faculty. .
C(ommiitteemen May Solicit Students
Not on Own List During
Final Drive
Lacking 900 in the dive to secure
2,0 life memiberships, the' Ution cain-
paign committee starts upon the last
day of the campaign. Today marks
the grand clean up, when committee-
men are privileged to solicit any su-
dent encountered upon the campus.
Indications point toward the cam-
paign going well over the ;top, ap-
proximately 700 subscriptions being
received Wednesday against 450 for
Tuesday, and Donald1 orter, '21, gen-
eial chairman of the drive, expects
the figures of the last day to sur-
pass all others, inasmuch as commit-
teemen will not be restricted to a
small list .ef 'names.
1,100 Mark Reached
The figure of.1,100 was given out
late lat -night, when returns 'were
still coming in, and when every re-
port is in tomorrow night, officials ex-
pect the goal to have been reached.
Committeemen are having little diffi-
culty in getting students to sign up,
the students appare ly being desir-
ous of aiding the Union.
The best record is expected Thurs-
day as returns will be much more
complete then. In all 3,775 students
will have been visited by the commit-
teemen in n effort to sell the life
"Although Indications point toward
the drive going over the top," stated
Donald Porter, geieral chairman of
the membership committee, "it is not
absolutely assured, and every man
wil have to do his best to accomplish
this feat. The only way that we can
convince the alumni that the stu-
dents appreciate the building, is to
over-subscribe in this campaign, and
if this is done, ready cash will soon
be forthcoming for the completion of
the building."
Team 17 Leads.
Team 17, captained by Pierce Me-
Louth, '21E, leads the competition for
the steak dinner with a total of 133
life memberships, and/Maynard New-
ton, '22, head of team 13, comes seond
with 96 subscriptions. Third place is
taken by Earl Juers, '21, leader of
team seven, with 91 signers, and Rich-
ard Khuen, '21, occupies fourth posi-
tion with 86 life memberships.
Charles Danto, '21, leads the indi-
vidual salesmen wi-th '36 subscriptions
to his credit, and B. E. Schumacher,'
'22, comes second, having signed up
25 students. Arthur .Muldoon, '22,
takes third place with 20. sales.
Shipments of Fuel from P1b
Monday; Walkout 14
Five Weeks
(By Associated Pre
Indianapolis, Dec. 10.-TI
ers' strike is ended.
With but one dissenting
general committee of the U
Workers. of America in se
this afternoon voted to ace
dent Wilson's proposal for
return to work pending ft
ment of the wage controve
commission to be appointed
Will Retut to We
Telegrams were sent out
the 4,000 locals of the unio
ing the men to return to we
Operators tonight predict
sumption of operation, Fr
shipments of. coal from the
A' H s 0 E C C E P T E l
Today's action ends a
coal industry of more thai
duration and one whi9h w
rcc'?ing in its effects tha
in the history of the cou
result of the strike the',
fast approaching a comple
of industry and wiliespre
Radicals Oppose
The decision of the r
after many hours of deb
the fadical element in th
t ade incendiary speeches
ators and others intereste
tlement of the strike and
threatened to defeat a s
this time.,The conservative
by Acting President Joh
and Secretary-Treasurer C
control of the situation I
and succeeded in putting
tically all opposition by
question came to a vote.
Washington, Dec. .10.-
by government officials of
and relief at the settleme:
tion-wide strike of minv
pled tonight with warn
American people that ear
of the drastic restrictions
sumption of coal must no
ed.. Fuel Admingtrator
clared that immediate ren
ulations of soft coal -ons
not to be considered until
ditions are restored, but
as practcal resections
(scinded or modified.
Preliminary Meas
As a preliminary to bi
normal conditions it wa
coal mined will be allow
billed except that the! ti
export embargo will cont
White Hourse officials Ii
steps would be taken im
carry out the provisions
ident's proposal relating
tion of wages and workin
in the bituminous field
mission of three. It wf
that the president alread,
cally decided on the thr
to be chosen.
Operators from all the
minous fields of the count
been gathered here awal
ment at Indianapolis issui
ment tonight:
Operators Pleat
"We are pleased that
have voted to return to w
ry col-
ge, the
hat all
a cer-
red from the Uni-
ania, stating that
, signed by 4,000
ent administration
.shington and ask-
o something fo a
tudent council as
the student body
er- to Washington
rty support of the
e present crisis.
wishes students to
ot only privileged
gs but are invited
all organiza-
contracted for
o contarct for
M. A. C. Studen
Students atI
the shortening
one hour to 55
the last aftern
ts Ask Shorter Periods
M. A. C. are agitating
of class hours fronI
minutes, in order that
Ann class esma ymAet