ide c
Tree at Community House
rd of directors of the Com-
deration met Thursday and
have a Christmas tree for
unity house this year. Mrs.
head of the Community
d there will be- Christmas
for the members.
jtm + NUL I 7 |iIU WKII
Girls interested in dressing dolls or CHARES DURING VACATION
making hand painted tray cards for; COARGES WRIER
Y. W. C. A. Christmas activities willT _B-
please call at Newberry .hall for dolls
's Che
for Xmas, 1 to
);ug Store, 117
or other materials.
The announcement regarding time'
of meeting for' representatives ofI
women's organizations who 4 are to
dress a child at Christmas was incor-
rect. The women will meet at the
same tine and place as the men, 5
o'clock Friday afternoon in Lane hall.
Senior. society will meet at 7:30
o'clock Monday evening at Martha,
Cook building.
All lyrics for the Junior Girls' play,
must be submitted by Monday, Dec. 15.
to Kathdine Schermerhorn, -21.
Any girls interested in playing the
biano for dancing classes should ap-
ply at the office in Barbour gymna-
The board of representatives of the
Women's league -will meet at 9 o'clock
Saturday morning in Barbou' gym-.
Allgirls who have signed up for
swimming and find they cannot take
it should report to the instructor so
their names cat be taken from the
All girls expecting to remain
here during vacation, are asked to
sign up at Barbour gymnasium so that
the Women's ,league can reach them
as there will be no Daily to announce
any activities. They dre requested to
leave their name. address, and tele-
hone number either in the bluebook
in the league rooms or in tlhewohe left
with Louise Potter, '16, in Dean Myra
B. Jordan's office.
Positions Open Duxing Vaoatlon
Applicants for positions during the
Christmas holidays at the, University
"Y" employment bureau have exceed-
ed the positions available, and the
"Y" requests that all persons having
work for this period should notify,
it at once.
Woman's Editor,
The Michigan Daily:
The house spoken of by the "Sen-
ior,' in Wednesday's Daily, rooms 14
students. The average price per stu-
dent, in that house is a fraction over
$2.50 a week. [ should think any stu-
dent would be thankful to pay $5, to
be away 17 days from an. "nfair,
merceiary landlady," and yet have his
clothe and books safely kept and
room eld for his return, by that same
lady. But, no! it is the.landlady who
should do the self denying.
A "student expects'to, pay double for
shoes, clothing, movies; ice creams,
and all luxuries, but objects to, the
landlady changing her prices or rules,
from what they were 10 years ago.
Where is the justice? The expense of
,running any home has gone up 50 per
cent, at least. Why not is Ann Ar-
I fail to know of a rooming place of
the size mentioned,, which can be heat-
ed as students require, at the low price
of "$12 a month," this season. Per-
haps such ladies need the vacation
rent to help pay the expenses of other
months. They surely get small pay
ofr their labor, after considering the
wear and tear of house and furnish-
ings, their taxes or house rent, which
items were not considered by the
The students here, pay less than the
working people in our cities, and yet
no one would expect a woman to de-
duct from a working lad's room rent,
'if he left for a short vacation. One
woman, here, reduced 'the rent for a
student who seemed needy, lower than
s ie could possibly afford. He in return
spent several evenings each Oeek at
'the movies and spent money freely
for cigarettes.
It .is time the landladies of this city
formed - an organization, made strict
rules, and stood for their rights.
Store, 117 S. Main St.-Adv.
Patronize the Daily Advertisers.
For Christmas-from " Dad. - First
payment on a MULTI'LBX HAM-
Webb, Student Representative. Phone
The ,Name
. P. Eschelbach
has always stood
-for the BEST in
202 E. Huron'Street
Son Co.
Two.Complete Bi
All The Leading Books for the Holidays
Books to Suit Ev
Two Weeks
A Few of the Fall's Leading Books:
Wright. The Re-Creation of Brian Kent..... ...............
McCutcheon.. Sherry ........................
Diver. The Strong Hours...... .....................
Montgomery. -Rainbow Valley...........................
Maugham. The Moon and Sixpense
.Ashford. The Young Visitors............................
DeMorgan. The Old Madhouse .............
Morley. The Haunted Bookshop
Rinehart. Dangerous Days ...... ................
Rolland. Colas Breugnon..............................
Marshall. Sir Harry .....
;'Richards. Joan of Arc...
Andrews. Joy in the Mornin.........
ill (ftutz). The Search.... ............................
Worts. Peter the Brazen ..............
Richmond. Red and Black ... .....
rBailey. The Tin Soldier...... .......
Sinclair. Burned Bridges ......... ................
Williamson. The Lion's Mouse............... ......
Locke. Far-Away Stories ...............................
Mundy. The Ivory Trail -...
Dawson. The Test of Scarlet. . ....
IHueston. Leave It to Poris
Burt. The Branding Iron ...........
O'ppenheim. ThefBox with Broken Seals ..............
Curwood. The River's End ................. .......
Christopher and Columbus................
White. El Supremo........... .....................
Ibanez. Mare Nostrumn...... .. ..........
Gibbons. New Map of Asia............ ...........
Turner. Ireland and England ...... ..
Roosevelt's Letters to his Children ........
Thayer's Roosevelt. .......... .......................
Muir. Expansion of Europe ....\ ......
Beveridge. Life of John Marshall, vol. 3 and'4-.
Whitlock. Belgium, 2 vols...................
Faris. OldRoads Out of Philadelphia...................
Hallay. The Spell of Alsace..
Bell. The Spell of China ..-...............
Winter. The Russian Empire......................
Winter. Poland of T1oday ..............'........... .. ....
Burr. Alaska... .... ............................... ..
Parker. An American Idyll.............................
McMaster. , The U. S. in the World War...................
Bradford. Portraits of American Women.................. .
Cram. Walled Towns ........
Grenfell. A Labrador Doctor ..............................
Shaw. Heartbreak House, etc.
Bubble Books, eachf ....................................
Volland Series, each .. ....
Burgess Series (Bedtfine Stories), each.. .........
Burgess. Mother West Wind's Stories, ea.ch.................
Peter Rabbit Series, each ... . -
Frank Baum's Oz Books, each'..
When Mother Lets Us Series ... ...............
Bible Stories...... .. .................Ca
Stevenson. Child's Garden of Verses .. 50c to
Chatterbox........ ...... .................... ..
JessieWilcoxSmith. Mother Goose........... .......
Boy Scout Year-Book ............................
The Business Man's Calendar ...........................
The Calendar of Friendship ............................
The Calendar of Sunshine................................
The Calendar of Cheer .... ...........................
The New Michigan Calendar.
Fine Selection of Christmas Cards.
Special prices on fine stationery, pocket-books, lea
goods, ink stands. Calendars of all styles.
It is time now to pick out the presents
that you will take or send home.
Leave Cop,1
puarrys and
The Delta
EVERSHARE? PENCIiS. Every man needs
pocket; every woman one for her handbag..
one 'for his
..... ..r.
!TEbD-Place to live, for'my wife
d myself-furnished housekeep-
g aprtment or living room and
droom. Rubin Sleight. Tel. 264-W.
4 S. State. Michigan Public Util-
es Commission.
TED - After Xmas vacation, by
nior-room in modern home with
or few students. Near Campus.
Idress Daily, Box C. D..
JTED-Immediately, furnace man
' use of room. Best conditions.
11 Mrs. Schumaker, 2236-J, 609
"M" BOOKS. You know 'how people prize such College
Souvenirs. Especially if they contain a few good prints.
THERMOS BOTTLES for the lunch basket or the baby
-all sizes and'all prices in stock.
KODAKS make a happy Christmas and record the Christmas'
joys. We have a full stock.
HOT WATER BOTTLES.: Not only beautiful to look at
but with them goes comfort, especially for aged or sick
people. Ours cannot leak and will not crack. $1.50 up.
TOILET WATERS. Some of the high class toilet waters
will give delight for, many days.
SAFETY-RAZORS. Everready $1.00 up. Gem $1.00
up. Gillette $5.00 up. Autostrop $5.00 up. Twinplex
stroppers for Gillette $5.00.
FLASH LIGHTS. Who couldn't use one of those handy
things? All sizes from the little pocket size up.
Drop in and look over the best selected stock
the middle west.
Special discount to libraries and
All orders by mail 'receive caref
"( f
cially WANTED-Single room near Campus,
th to to }nove in before' Dec. 20. Write
eddes Daily, care Box A. C.
-. -0 WANTED - Peacoat, in good condi-
* 10od tion. Size 36. State price wanted.
good Box X. Y. Z., Daily.
WANTED-A suite of rooms near
idian I campus. Fpr University students.
nh by Phone 373-M. William Bonham.
WHITMAN'S CANDIES. Immediate happiness for
body. Beautiful packages from half pound to
pounds. We pack for shipment.
Everything in Books, Stationery
Office Supplies
324 South State'St.
Ea. & So. University Ave-
-Suite of t1
rooms, three
est of condi-
711 Packard St.