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December 14, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-14

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.: .._

Second Eleven


First Eleven
End-Higgins, Penn. State '
Tackle-West, Colgate.
Guard-Alexander, Syracuse.
Center-Weaver, Center College.
Guard-Youngstrom, Dartmouth.
Tackle-Henry, Wash and Jeff.
End-H. Miller, Pennsylvania.
Quarter-,McMillin, Center College.
Halfback-Casey, Harvard.
Halfback-Harley, Ohio State.
Fullback-Rodgers, West Virginia.

Third Eleven

Weston ,Wisconsin..
I4gwerson, Illinois.
Denfleld, Annapolis.
Bailey, West Virginia,
Depler, Illinois.
Grimm, Washington.
Dumoe, Lafayette.
Strubing, Princeton.
Trimble, Princeton.
Oes, Minnesota.
Braden, Yale.


Blaik, West Point.
Slater, Iowa.
Clark, Harvard.
Callahan, Yale.
Pixley, Ohio State.
Cody, Vanderbilt College.
Roberts, Center.
Boynton, Williams.
Steers, Oregon.
Gillo, Colgate.
Aobertson, Dartmouth.





A cross-country run between teams
to be selected from the six freshman
gym classes, will be one of the fea-
tures of the gym wtork planned for the
second semester. The presenttrain-
ing in fundamental athletics which is
being given to the men is intended to
arouse some enthusiasm for track and
cross-country work.
The great majority of freshman do
not know how to run or to jutp prop-
erly, according to Dr. G. A. May. In
high school, only the most promising
athletes are given any attention by
the coach, and naturally the others do
not learn the correct methods.
The last two weeks has been de-
voted to apparatus work for develop-
ing the arms and chest. This will be
continued until about the first of Feb-
ruary, whea a course of instruction in
shadow--boing will be introduced.




ted by Grimm, of
nd Steers, of

Associated Press).,
c, Dec. 13. - The progress
otball by the smaller col-
e country during the sea-
sed is demonstrated by the
five .of -the elevenplayers
alter Camp's All-Aferican
9 from institutions with a
ollment of less than 1,000.
inter' College of Danville,
has less than 200 students,
one honored with the nam-
players for the first com-
ing three teams the East
ill all but one place on the
ren, Ohio State, of the Mid-
sing the one exception. The
Far West are better rep-
the second team, while the
minates in the third com-
)f th? so-called ybig insti-
,he Last but two are recog-
e first team with Miller, of
La, at one end and Casey
at halfback. Players from
eton and Navy are found
nd team, while the Army's
on forms part of the third

and Jefferson, w have nien who have
practically dominated this position for
two or three years, and in one, West,
a long disfance punter of both a dry
and wet ball, as well as a field goa
kicker from placement. Henry's de-
fense has been so-good as to practi-
cally force the attack to give him a
wide berth, and tis endurance is phe-
"The two guards, AlexaNder of Sy-
racuse and Youngstrom of Dartmouth,
are the greatest pair of defensive
guards that have ever been seen on
the gridiron, Alexander particularly
against running plays, and Young-
strom the terror of the opponents
when forced to kick. This man block-
ed so many kicks this season that
every punter who played against him
feared him and learne to take plenty
of room when Youngstrom appeared in
the line and even then found upon
occasion that the kicks must be hur-
leaver Is Best Center
Weaverof Center College, is one of
the best-built men. for the position
of center that has ever played in the
middle of the line. He is lighter in
ectual pounds than the usual type of
center but that weight is so placed
that a pivot man he can play either
in the line or as roving center, and in
fact combine the two, for he will take
a play on or outside tackle even when

he is playing in the line. He is a
good, steady passer and opens holes
i the qualifica- and drives forward, utilizing every
layers selected pound of his weight. He is also very
Walter, Camp alert at jumping and spoiling short
forward passes over the middle of the
ds, Higgins of line. Weaver is the best converter of
ler of Pennsyl- touchdowns into goals, having missed
of remarkable but one goal out of 47 tries, an invalv
the field and uable asset in a close game.
f them strong "McMillin, of Center, gets th4 quar-
3ffting through terback berth for his all-round util--
an adept on re- ity, 'speed and hard-hitting aggressive-
Circling these ness. He works' his team up to the
nigh impossible limit of their possibilities and when he
tackles, West, had to make the, fight against West
of Washingtoni Virginia, who had just beaten Prince-

ton 25 to 0,. he showed the greatest
headwork in his use of plays and with
a spore 6 to 0 against him so handled
his men as to win in the end 14 to 6.
Harley and Casey Halves>
"Iut the trio behind him woud be
the .envy of any team-Casey of Har-
vard, Harley of Ohio Site and Rodg-
ers of West Virginia. Casey tied the
Princeton game, coming stronger and
faster whe his -team wa's practically
beaten and in the last few minutes
of the game, after bringing his team
within scoring distance, he then re-
ceived the forward ass that yielded
the tying "points! _file won the Ydale
game, for he not only received the
forward pass but by quick head and
foot work he secured the other 18
yards necessary after he aught the
ball, winding his way through the Yale
backs. He .is a good forward passer,
a very fast (uan with the bal and par-
ticularly elusive in his turning and
twisting, Harley of Ohio State is a
fitting mate for Casey and a star drop
kicker, while we have In our takle,
West of Colgate, an ideal Oman for the
long place kicks. Harley is also one
of the hardest men in the countpy to
stop when once started on a run.
. "We complete the trip with Rodgers
of West Virginia, the hard-hitting
backfield man who is even more adept
at throwing the pass than any man
who has played this season. He can
throw all kinds of passes aid make
them connect. ~In his running game
he hits fiercely on and outside of tac-
kle and even when grasped goes
twirling- twisting on. But above all
this he is a field\ general who. has
struck the highest spot in combina-
tion of running and forward passing
plays, as instanced when. in the
Princeton game he so used his plays
and team as to run pp no less than 19
points on Princeton in the first period,
which consisted of only 12 minutes'
play! By simiar plays he brought
about a touchdown on Center in four
Two Possible Quarters
"This team vould also be provided
with two generals hnd would start its
game with Rodgers giving the sig-
nals from the fullback position. If
anything happened to Rodgers the
generalship would then devolverupon
McMillin, a man quite competent to
handle it The advantage of having
the fullback give the signals is very
great in this game where the direc-
tion of the attack in the use of the
forward pass depends considerably in
-sizing up the secondary defense of the
opponents. Rodgers is an expert in
this respect and by this means we
should keep McMillin always fresh for
his own work and runs."
"It is imperative that all freshmen
who have missed gym classes, without
excuse, make these up before the
Christmas holidays," said Dr. G. A.
May yesterday
Students returning after the vaca-
tion with some absences in gym
against them will find it inconvenient
to make them up, as they will deed
most of their spare time in prepara-
tion for the final examinations in Feb-
Dr. May stated that the six gym
classes of this year are the most suc-
cessful he has ever had while he has
been at this University, more than
1,400 men having been enrolled.

An outline of the plan for the inter-
class and interfraternity basketball
series, which will include three lea-
gues, has been made by the Intramur-
al athletic department. "These series
will be started right after the Christ-
mas holidays, with one week for prac-
The. Interclass league will not be
opened untie the second semester, and
will e preceded by three preliminary
races. Time for practice will be giv-
en the teams in the three preliminary
leagues from Jan. 5 to the end of that
week. On the Monday following, Jan.
12, jhe three, fraternity, departmental,
and society, will be started. Because
the fraternities are much better organ-
ized than the other two classes, all

Rebuilt -Multiplex Hammond
writers, $50.00 upwards. O. D.
rill, 17 Nickels Arcade.=Adv.


Fine line of M and Numeral pipes at
Tuttle -,s
Nunnally 's
Maynard St.

entries for this league must be
the Athletic office by Dec. 19.
fraternity or house club on the
pus is eligible for competition.
others are given until Jan. 10.
Department Series New
In the departmental league;

in to


.1111 I AI IA
f:., r

Xmas Photograph sare now in order

Lconomics Pr o-
Bowling igAt tini
A novelty has appeared on the cE
pus in the form of a bqwling lea
which has been established by the p
fessors in the Economic departm(
The contestants, who are all but tl
from tht faculty of this departm(
meet each Monday evening at
Union bowling alley to play
a tournament which they have ina
With the hearty approval of bowl
that has been exhibited in the E
nomics department, we wonder if
inter-faculty bowling league would
be an interesting diversion for
professors in the various depi
ments. Should such a league ma
rialize the Economics profess
would be willing to compete, wa4
statement issued by that departm(
Pay your sunscription to the Da
Things cooked as you like then
1 'Minute Service for Brpakfast
MENU includes
Bread and Butter
TeaCoffee, Milk
Potatoes, Dessert
Soup-Cream of Chicken
Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken,
Cranberry Sauce .......60c
English Beef Pot Roast.....3-
Roast Lamb, Apple Jelly....40
Roast Leg of Veal, Celery
Roast Sirloin of Beef ......35c
Mashed Potatoes
Combination Salad
Deep Cocoanut Cream Pie
We serve Regular Meals
Sunday Night


. In the two
e, and Henry,

_ ...., ,

Products Are Made From
Scientifically Pasteurized
fnuHiotenuuunititi ililitiitittiim ui n ftiiii lidgstillii liti

from all classes can play together in
their different departments, for exam-
ple the engineers will be divided into
civil, mechanical and chemical, and ao
forth. The men on these teams can
come from' any class as long as they
are members of the department which
they represent. This method of divi-
sion will be used in all the schools of
the campus, the lits into fdrestry, busi-
ness ad., straight lit, pre-medic, pre-
law, and graduate. In the Medical,
Dental, and Law schools, where dlvi-
sion into departments is impossible,
teams will be from the upper and low-
er clasamen.
In the society league, any campus
organization is eligible. Michigamus
Sphinx, Barristers, Michigan Daily,
Gargoyle, Chimes, and all sectional
clubs. w
. Rules of Play.
Straight elimination rulei will gov-
ern the play in these leagues. *As
soon as a team loses a game it drops
out of the race. No man can play
on all three leagues, but he can be in
two of the. three. All Varsity letter
men in basketball are excluded from
competition, but reserve men and let-
ter men in othersports will be al-
lowed to play.
In the second semester, after ,the
conclusion of these games, the regu-
lar interclass series will take place.
In, this league, a team mustlose two
games before it drops out of play.
Final Class Series
This method will overcome two of
the most obvious faults of the class
basketball 'games of previous years.
The men will all be in good condi-
tion, as they have Just finished playa
in one or two of the above mentioned
series, and the classes will be repre-
sented by the best material at their
command.' Formerly, the manager
was forced to depend upon his per-
sonal knowledge of the ability of the
men that he chose to play. By this
new system -the men will be chosen
for him in actual competition, and the
teams will be better and play better
basketball. In view of this fact the
officials expect the best interclass se-
ries in the history of the Intramural
Those ,who desire their hats clean-
ed and reblocked for going home will
please leave them at our shop as
.soon as possible so we can have themy
out on time. We do Velour and Borsa-
lino hats so they retain their original
fineness of texture and pliability; thoy
are easily ruined by cheap hat clean-
ers. _We do only high class hat work.
Factory Hat Store, 617' Packard St.
Phone 1792.-Adv.
Gilberts and Webers Chocolates in
any size for Xmas at CUSHING'S






Seniors, make appointments how


Supplies for all Winter Sports

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Sport Shop


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Silk Neckwear
Knit Neckwear
Night Robes
Hats and Caps
Silk Shirts



* Lieut. Howard Speaks to. Naval Men
j- Lieut. R. H. Howard, U. S. N., was
a the principal ,,speaker at the monthly
dinner of, the Michigan Naval Militia,
E held at the Union last night. The meet-
: ing was of an informal nature and,
E those present were entertained by
Lieutenant Howard's experiences dur-
ing the war on a mother-ship to a
submarine flotilla. PIlans were dis-
cussed for the permanent organization
and 24 members signed up for the
Rifle club. Lieutenant Howard was a
member of the class of '17.
= 1I. C. Smith, Corona and second-
hand typewriters. 0. D. Morrill, 17
111li' Nickels Arcade.-Adv.

That is what a prominent studnt told us the other day.
It was quite evident from his appearance that bowling had bene-
fited him greatly.
Health must be earned. Good health and a good physique are an
asset to any man.
Think It over..,
Come In and watch the crowd tonight.
"We try to treat you Right"

"Since I Began to Bowl
I Sleep Like a Top"


4dhams & Co.

Street at the Arcade

nm "

FI~T T r\rn


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