-2-! -
ain style of car anda will visit a
every surmer of his life to see
on the door is: polished~ till it
during the Univer-
led to the use for
it or maot otherwise
shed therein.
al news
Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second1
.rd .street.
cords, if signed, the sig-
,but as an evidence of
bed in The Daily at the
led to The Daily office.
consideration. No mnan-
.incloses postage.
rse the sentiments Lx-
~.... aagng Editor
hone 2414 or xo16
.... Business Manager
'hone 96o or 27'38
..........Asst. Managing Editor
.City Ecaitor
......Sports Editor
*................. Womeli's Editor
........... .... elegraph Wditor
IT. Hardy teeth
.~Advertising Manager
..Issue Manager
.Office Manager
.. . . . . ....... Publication Manager
. ........ Circulation Manager
......... ..Subscription Manager
.... .... .. ..Guillotine Editor
.~....... Music Edsitor
.Literary Editor
... Exchange Editor
Campaign Editor
..,..." ..... ..Efficiency Editor
coas II. Adams Brewster Camnpbel
orge Brophy John I. D'akin
It is this sort of tradition that cannot be justi-
fied. It is this sort that makes life a dull, colorless,'
uninteresting vagary. It is this sort that promotes
failures because of careers pre-natally ordained.
Again Rockefeller is protesting payment bf ex-.
cessive tax asesens Yes, we would, too. Pos-
session of millions is no longer an indication of
wealth these days of old H. C. L., etc.
Have you bought .your Student Directory? ft's
one means of getting acquainted with the campus.,
Don't cease to be a Michigan man when you go
home for the Christmas vacation. '
" Are your letters these days stamped with R~ed
Cross Christmas seals?
*Get your railroad ticket NOW. Avoid the rush.
The Guillotine' '
Calender at
(Oct. z6. 1919)
'Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson y
(Eastern Standlard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6 :zo a.j
in., and hourly to 9 :I0 p. mn.
Jackson Limited and Exipress Car"- :48
a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (E~x-;
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars Eat Bound-6:os a. mn.. 9 :o5 a.
mn. and every tiwo hours to 9:o5 p. in., 10:50.;
P. mn. To. Ypsilanti only, z 1:4 p. in., 1 :10
a. mn., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bownd-.7:48 a...im. and
iz:zo a. in.
Those who desire their hats clean-'
ed and reblocked for. going home will.
please leave them at. our shop as
soon as possible so we can 'have them
out on time. We do Velour and Borsa-
lino hats so they retain their' original
fineness of texture and pliability; they
are easily ruined by cheap hat clean-
ers. We do ,only high class hat. work.
Factory :Hat S~tore, 617 Packard St.
Phone, 1792.-Adv.
The Michigan
Easily the best eve eiin -7 et
They sat upon~ the. garden' stil-
The youthlet and the maid;
"The stars above are not so bright.
As'you," he softly said.
Dorothy-,. Monfort
i Minnie Muskatt
Robert C. Angell
.Robert D. Sage
n Thomas J. Whinery
D." P. Joyce
Robt. Somerville
n Arthur L. Glazer
F. M. Heath
cation concerning news for
eissue editor, wrho has full
wreek are as follows :
; Thomas H. Adams,
oodruff, Wednesday
ursday night.
BER 17, 1919.
She lifted uip her little hand
Towards Luna's .golden light;
"The moon.. above is not so full
As you my dear. tonight."
weting of the ,Daily staff and
today in the reportorial roams.
mneet at 4:30 o'clock.
at least within the experience
enrolled in the .University, the
has introduced the question of .
-they be paid in f ull, at half
aot at all.
in'd has 'been taken but there
reason as yet offered why the
half rates should not 6e con-
,al objections to this procedure
certain landladies who allege
f conducting their businesses
iy reduction in rents during the
are unoccupied. Happily, the
Ann Arbor landladies are too
is 'to take this stand. But for
,v exceptions, it might b~e well
the not' negligible increase in
r -which is supposedly taking
sts. At least, so we were told
ie year.
iow that the cost of "storing"
id' other, possessions during the
han off-set by~ the full rent for
Lrsc, ludicrous.-The difference
and an unoccupied room should
ual the difference between full
-t'hat s, if the rent being paid
the "wear and .tear" on the
together with heat~, light, and
,,eat items as to reduce profits
y they; are sufficiently great to
xhen there is a. prbspect of
d for 17 days.
pays full room rent during .his
3twice as~ much as hie reason-
ri-Puch -Bowl
Come early anO Avoid the Cold
The last allotment of miiddy blouses and bloom-
ers have arrived.-W--Women's column, ye Daily.
Some- of the Gentlemen Addicted to Golf Stocking
':~ AMainNeed Mfore Than "That
A Mainstreet store advertises : "A bo~x of Arrow
chocolates should be in every., stocking." Wouldn't
that make everyone bow legged?
Sir Dancelot./
Leap Year Stuff
"Ting a ling.".
"Alpha Oof House."
"May I speak to Joe Busch?"
"H'lo Joe. This is Carmen."
"Say, Joe, what suit are you going to wear to the
dawnce tonight ? "
"Why-"why-the blue one I. guess. Why?"
?Iwas just going to start fixing up my coniplex-
ion and thought I'd better find out. Thanks aw-
"TPing a ling."
Dear Louis :-
I nominate for the Spanish Athletic association
the man who tries to smoke a cigarette under the
shower?~ How about it?
Lord Helpus.
A Knight of the Bath as it were.
Our Daily Novelette
"Ye Gods, look 'at Andy. Does he paint ?"
"Naw, he's been dancing in a dark corner with.
will be suspended until
A comiplimentary assemblyr will
be given for all pupils who have
attended hia . classes, and to all
those. who': have taken single les-
sons. Also any one who is in-
terestd 'in joining the Dlancing
Class is invited to attend the as-
sembly. The professor will give
a demonstration of the latest
steps in dancing.
The SW
For Satisfactc
We have a large stock of the finest cand
our box canidies are made and packed in
kitchen. Our display of
Gift 1/oxes
> .
lions of
Some Man
Warner, advertises "I have crowned mil-
contains the most attractive boxes shown in the
--Free Press.
The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Why the Widow Chased the Editor Downy the
Main Street
Upon learning that 'his store was burning, Charles
Morton, Phillipsburg merchant, dropped dead from
heart failure yesterday.. The loss was slight.-EM-
mira News.
Rare Joke in Enty-rology Class
The class was convulsed by Professor ---s
anecdote' of the comical experience of Swassinger,,
the Swedish lepidopterist, who made a drawing of
the hypoygium of' Apanteles ,quadripustalata 'only
to find .that he'd been 'using the wrong kind of spec-.
imen o' pseudopyrellia erythocephala. Haw Haw!
Charlotte Corday.
Small' boxes of modest design to rich and
elaiborate silk boxed, at price's ranging from
$1.50 t0 $15.00
Your selection should be made at once before the
best ones are gone-' Nothing will be more appre-
ciated by your friends than a box of our choco-
lates. We pack for mailing when so desired..-
gas never been nor ever wil be, en-
ed from the minds of men. By it,
s are not alloxwed to die and custom
tand .present in a certain unity that
a goal of completion. It is through
beneficient things live, and worthy
~nn behind us~ endure.
a 'hampering of progress in certain
ition, 'caused by the too religious ob-
er-zealous devotees. There is nothing
than the man who is a slave to tradi-
'ery act and attitude savors of ances-
Can you not tell 'the men who has
er a traditional roof in a traditional
)uses companions 'by the pre-estahr-
desirability, he buys clothes because
Wheezes 'of Yester-Y ear
"links leads a hair raising life 'out west."
"Zatso. Cattle punching ?"
"Naw, rabbit farming."
'(Haw Havw)
j: 11
Aim. Arbor
Heard on the Campucs
"Are they still going to call it the J-hop ?"
"Sure, it" comes in leap year."
Fam~ous Closing Lines.
"Blood will tell," ruminated Pezz as he applied
the styptic pencil to the mantled chin.