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December 18, 1919 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-18

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sI I .

Births, deaths, and marriages have
fforded the annual round of excuses
hat come tumbling into the offices
>f attendance committees, ideans, and
>rofessors at, the holidays.
Only one "grandmother" has been
esorted to so far, and. the dean
bought that anyone with the audacity
o try such a time-worn plea deserved
;he vacation. One freshman petkiiad-
d the dean that his presence as best
nan at the wedding of his brother, was
>ssential; while another was suddenly
>fflicted with a new and incureable
lisease, about which the doctors .of
he University could discover nothing,
nd relief could only be afforded by an
mmediate trip home, where the doctor
lad discovered a ,remedy.
Seeks Pals of Trenches
An opportunity to take'the third de-
ree in Masonry made another §tu-
ent's presence at Buffalo an Immed-
ate necessity, while at the same time
L dignified seniorn was doing the Dan-
el Webster act in behalf ,of the "bud-

a "1

blow out in 'Frisco the first of this
The alleviation of the coal shortage
blasted the hopes of many, as did the
announcement that school 'would be
disaissed on Friday instead of Satur-
day, the deans wisely delaying the fin-
al word in such cases until the time
of departure was imminent. 4
T Quotes Professor Porta
Theprize to date, however, goes to
tie freshman who stated as a reason
for absence, "The juxtaposition of the
several major planets in regard to the
solar unit, which, according to Profes-
sor Porta, would undoubtedly result in
severe electrical 'lines Qf magnetic
force, causing terrific'disturbances on
this ;hem;sphre,-and--a- Dean, I
haven't seen my girl for three months
and I thought that maybe--?"
All Aboard Tear~
AL s .,C
Yp' C eckers!
Do you play checkers? If you do,
you are invited to attend the fifth an-
nual tournament of the Michigan State
Checker association, which will on-
vene at Ypsilanti oi Jan. 1, 1920.
MNCr.T W.X. Yeatman, instructorIn wood
work in the' engineering shops, and
president o. the association, states
that he has mailed several hundred
invitations to checker players in. Ann
Arbor and vicinity, but that if any
player of this game hns not' received
an invitation, -he is cordially invited
Youthful romance, so fascinating
and yet so serious at the age of 16, is'
pictured with all its humorand pa tho.
n "Puppy Love,' featuing. Lila "Lee
today only at the Majestic
As the daughter of a hod .carrier
lyvho has .suddenly .inherited' wealth,
MAiss Lee is torn ruthles;ly awa s tron
her sweetheart and sent to a t*,
overrun' With old ;maids. ' 'here ad-
mirers soon'surrounl her but as tjhe'
c'urse of true love is, never "smoth
she has a series of misunderstandings
with 'the idol- of er heart. In despair
she propose to the weightiest of her
ndmirers that they elope. The old
maids spoil ihese matrimonial dreams
a*nd when the conclusion comes .he
Is, till unmarried but has suceed
in making up with her favorite.-
Congeniality is noticeably absent
betwee ,the -island .astarways In.
Nqrma Talmadgg's " he IaIg of Con-
quest" today at the Arcade. One of
the srvivors is Ithe young wife of
more than middle-aged but pleasure-
loving Van ' Surdam and the other i
apparently a mere stoker.
The former was forced by her moth-
er to marry Van Surdam for his
imoney after the older woman had fail-
ed to win him herself, and as a result
of this loveless marriage she has an
intense dislike and mistrust for men
in general. The stoker has a similar
feeling toward woman-kind, 'for just
as he was about to be married his
sweetheart ran off with another man,.
and in drowning his sorrow he had
sunk from being a promising young
marine arhitec't to' the estate of a
stevedore. When the two do, begin to
have confidence in each oter, Van
Surdam appears and for a while it
seems as if, each will have to'go baIt
to his old life.'

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
In reading the communication con-
cerning a University skating rink
which, appeared in Tuesday's Daily,
I feel that the writer has discussed
a vital need in Michigan athletics
which has long been felt wanting.
With the advent of winter weather
comes'a diminution in University ath-
letics save for the sports of the more
indoor variety, bowling, swimming,
and billiards,-basketball being ex-
cepted. No opportunity is given the
student red blooded enough to seek
the outdoor life these brisk winter
days to use to advantage the outlying
hilly country or the frozen waterways
of the Huron and Barton pond.
I believe I am voicing the sentiment
of a number when I state that I feel
that Michigan should have a hockey
team. Surely out of the large enroll-
ment this year theretis a wealth of
material from which to mould a win-
ning &ggregatjon. With the water
facilities at hand a rink is easily ob-
tainable provided the proper funds
necessaiy for its maintenance may be
The statement has been made that
Ferry'fleld is too well drained to pro-
vide a favorable site for an artificial
rink, but failing this location, surely
the proper . authorities might use to
advantage eithera portion of the river
of else Barton pond in the construction
of proper skating facilities for the stu-
dent body.
Perhaps it would be impossible to
place Michigan upon a par with Dart-
mouth or Wisconsin in regard to its
winter sports, yet-I believe that if,
proper pressure were brought to bear,
hockey and skating would play a more
prominent part in the athletics of the


rents Prefer


Our spats are of the lat
most approved colors anc
most perfect fitting spats (
bcause the patterns have
ed and they are' made
which is an absolutely necessary feature
spats that can be fitted successfully to a
be adjusted to either high or low heel
high shoes and light or heavy soles.
The buckle constructioi
however, is entirely differ
of other spats having bt
Would be pleased tohave you corn
strate the fitting qualities of our spats.'

A uIIDnrn'- Arthur Hafn-



Investigation among the bookstores
and reading rooms of Ann Arbor
shows that both students in the Uni-
versity and townspeople read the pop-
ular fiction in preference to the bet-
ter educational literature.
The Saturday Evening Post leads in
sale, while Life, the American, Eveiy-
body's, and Hearst's are not far behind.
Women' students read widely the Lad-
ies' Home Journal, the men read Out-
ing, Popular Science Monthly, and the
Outlook for general information. 'The
Literary Digest and Review of Reviews
,re read widely by both for informa-
tion on current events.
Bookstores report a greater sale of
magazines than of books, but in con-
trast to the magazine sale, the books
read by students are of the cultural
type, while the getieral public reads
popular .books as well as magazines.




'Ta lrnadge
-IN -
;Isle Of Conquest,,
latest--and many think best-production
(Return Date)





Shuter Directs Grand Rapids Play
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of 'lRed.
Feather" and -of the Union- opera, left
early this week for Grand. )apids,
where he has been engaged to direct a
production of "Pinafore." He will be
.gone for about four weeks, when he
will return to conduct the tryouts for
.the coming opera. He then intends to
make a short business strip to New
York, returning about the last of Feb-
ruary to produce the opera.,
The Randall' Studio wishes to an-
nounce 'that Miss Mary Huberts van
Decise, '22, .won the prize of $25 for
.the best ad submitted in the Studio's
advertising contest. ..The ad will be
published in the first issue of the new
Buffet saxophone, B flat. Tenor
low pitch, silver plated satin finish,
almost new. Will sellcheap if taken
at once. 500 E. William St., or Phone
want Mac Diamids Candies for Xmas

College Exchanges
Pennsylvania-Students who do not
go home for the holidays but remain
at the University of Pennsylvania will
have no cause for homesickness on
Christmas day. Provost and Mrs.
Smith will entertain such students at
a Christmas dinner on that day in
Houston hall. There will be an or-
chestra, rousing Pennsylvania songs,
and toasts. Each country and state in
the Union represented will be called
on for a toast.
Oklahoma-Training for the inter-
class 'series, of basketball games is to
commence .soon. Eight classes,'fresh-
man, sophomore. 'junior, and senior.
laws, medics, pharmics and engineers
will compete in the tournament and
each will play at least three games.
lhrvard-The fuel supply pt Har-
vard university is adenuate. The in-
spector of the grounds and buildinqs
rnorted that there was sufficient coal
on hand for two months. .In the fall
the university replaced 16,000 tons of
coal with oil.
Cornell-Much agitation has been
aroused at: Cornell concerning plans
for Junior week. It has been decided
that the expense of Junior week on the
pre-war scale is exorbitant. Many
fraternities have found it a financial
impossibility to hold house parties. It
is 'felt that Junior week is too splen-
did an institution to be endangered by
Y-artha Washington Candies fresh
every Friday.' Tice's, 117 S. Main St.
L. C. Smith, Corona, Multiplex Ham-
mond and other high grade second
haird typewriters. 0. D. Morrill, 17
Nickels Arcade.-Adv.
For Campus news read the Mich-
igan Daily.-Adv.


rural swains.


"Hearts and F


The Jack Dempsey of the movies comes through
wallop that will tickle every rib.

Paramount's new star in a role c
to employ the methods of a modern


The star's sister, Natalie, plays the part of her sister in this production
Tomorrow and Saturday
Paw~uive LFred cerick
IN -

See it before, you
SFriday Afterr



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