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June 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal y -. T. __.___... __._ _ VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, 1MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, tTUNE 6, tgoo. No. a8o. f BALL OSSER W IN walked, and the bases were cholced. On W N a ground ball to bathers, Hamilton scored, Enzenroth failing to touch hitn THE R L ST ATTLE on the throw in, Maloney catme its on Foutntain's error, but the next two mnt - were out antI the sidle was retired. After Michigan Team Played Fast Ball that Notre Danme never cat...…

June 05, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…* he Michi _ ______y VOL. XIX. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, SAI A'P C I ii k iN , iKx. No. 179. DOWNPOUR STOPS NOTRE DAME GAME Hososier Contest is Prevented a Second Time by Wet Weather; Last (lame of Year Today. Antl the Fates still pursted her. or te secoitd'time, the game etweet Mi ingari and Nore IDane had to he caleil off. 'Tie drenching downpour, wihiclt ceased hlts a short timts: eore the thme for Fridays game, floodesi the grunsind, dsitie th...…

June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D.lI \\\ \10,1()k,\1III1 l I , rN RIII)1Y, t. NE 1900) NO, [78. VOL. XIX. SEASON ENDS WITH <<1o FRI ' NF 101 'A !GAY LEY SPEAKS YTn mT1" T% 7 ,:r, ,v T ,rrin NO1TIRI DAME GiAMES~ With One Victory Each, Both Varsity and Catholics Promise, [lard Fight to Win Series. oragrnI kxind-up~j of a1 vorious'000 lee Notre l 1)w 11 tho~~i :afternoo Ilwll \ool am rIin th tebt victrie " ein by 01 1011111 11oesan as11 a 01 re 11ult h 1ot1h ...…

June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 13NN11 31 OR, MIC3HIGAN, 'TIHURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. NO. 177. Voi,. XIX. DEPAUJL DEFEATED IN TIGHIT CONTEST Eleven Innings Are Necessary for Varsity to Down Chicago- ans in a Listless Game. Wod1110(1 aten.Aterl(11 310 te Catih ,)tics Mar scor in hTile lellh, Ithe \\ .vcrinio managed to shove 11' 0twoa taliesa1rssa 4dwon 1:lto 3. Micign hd ll ors o ace s '1to1 s 511181prferrd 1tolof, aditer11 t i inte third. 1111d(m ...…

June 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN .\ARBO)R, MIfCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 5909. No. 176. VARSITY LOOKS FOR EASY GAME TODAY De Paul Baseball Aggregation Not Feared by Sully's Cohorts After Experience in East. Captat ilt '-ti tits chamitpoship ag- iir~gaionof a11tossss -ho so ably rcsntotl\liltt assaginst the east irnteasIalsisalektwll tke te hlde( alal leI ) aimisitt ~steamsithis aftrnoon.iTSits-.isothe isit atppt~erce of ts tIae 1 ol blico...…

June 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… The M ichigan Dally VOL. XIX. ANN AR 19)R, \tICI I ICaN, TtI?,SI)AY, JU1N 1-.r, r909 NO. 17. LITTLE CHANCE OF ATHRLETIC REFORM Athletic Association Adminis- tration Seems Opposed to Pre- senting Revised Constitution. Despiiethe J tatiaofi faiaria g action on i ilta tlepo de visionl ofthieitrate d1 loi t oadbrni 7 ttoahacsinte gym ea ppitell byi Haria Hil, thn rident f thaass citin, Le dra np for approval iiil I le 1 1 '1 1 Stt the ifil] ...…

June 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Ic iCgan D aily VoL XVII. ANN 1 1it) N 151 hI ttANr.\Nt Iw:[NI+"1):11. Ni . 5,10)07. No. iSo. ATHLETES GIVEN VARSITY INSIGNIA Twenty-Two "fl's" Awarded in Baseball and Track---Baseball Captain Elected Tonight 11lii t bsbal an iht rac ing a ica ' m 5n5 ti- ti- enirtttiin sli CheterTaf t-ap ), eore A l leyii 1\limPterstm, i fn . fiddigi 55le, jon W )cs an atn \ lpicture I t ii it I iiiii taken It ies<it WillIII' heldn this fi-ming . at...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…({'rgall VoT,. XVII. TEAM WAS TREATED RIGHT IN THE EAST Michigan Men Were Better Ta- ken Care of Than the Eastern Teanms-Rowe Is New Captain. lx iie(. c ' ii i ee}Ii itro to l IId pict i oi l i lt, i Ii Iii 11111'11 g iii1 rcl11 tril I i l h ~ ~ tlI me-oi fit, 11)(111 r1 hu ll i t i h t iii ii (111 'h(iii ti lo" tI-vt 111) ilt l- cati odl l ,tl t lw i tcaL, it h ll(1 rle riealc. ()m-dr ii l oil~lil ti oc it iiby ia p p I lil ili I idilw v 111...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…he MRI)( Nichigr , I-\anY, Daily Vei)r.. \TT. No, 1-8. ILLINOIS TAKES l( I I;~.Ni2K S {;IN:NTjjjSI "\"II( 0:20Z1INt NI IN MICHJIG~IAN IS SECOND Strong Wind Helps Break Rec- ords in Dashes and Hurdles-- Chicago Is Second. III, NV(-IN 111 N. IlIIIINNIIo 17: 13: 1 i 11tr11 0 11111 I 111111lJ :N tr D nw 1. ltc rt3lec - l ti a I ui I N) r itt" 1 u frm te LV11sy t he sm -e- VII I N a elhain fte 11 ic ilIN Agi- culinral 11CIN INNeN Aiwnig he ...…

June 01, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…T r-~ T~ _. V t- r- ,c; .--, '-, .. f v °s J. u Y^ _ - r ' _ J r^ ' r f. n .. - ...5 ~' . "t j f :/, f' r .f 'I: ^ ; i~ -, . _ .-, v 7 ' r^ . y r ,- _ I f r-^ -. f = r. -- r, - _.- - - I. (^ ; _ ,. 7 ' - _ -% r- r -- f - - ~--.0 - - - -, -- -~ - - .- - --, - - - - z _ - - -.7- - ~ 0 2~0 - - -.~ - - - - - - ' ., -_ .. r y ,r v _ _ : J- - .-.. .-+ J., J. . s .." :« -- - Rl 'J ^': ... ti _ _ C C U' .... s f J f jq .v y w ~ J , tv? . ...…

June 07, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIiE \IGTHURSDAY, JUNE 7,1906. JoL. XVI. NO. uflo JOHNNY GARRELS LOSES HIS CONFERENCE RECORD Managing Committee of Conference Decides That Garres Tied Rec- ord in Hurdles. ohnny Garres, te general opinion to1 the conti117 notwithtanding did not break titeconfer entee cotd illtieiigi ihurdies. Such i tie tardy deisiott of the conferencee mal-llglllg cottmmittee re- ceved at th. Atletic. Assoitiot yes- terdlay ...…

June 06, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michitiia ANN ARBORIVIMICHIGASN, i\+:\ I l <ISI)A\Y. LjVIs . i t ~ioo.[5) ;TOL. XVI. NO. 179. ATHLETES H4aD GOOD TIME AT CONFERENCE hero unttil stutldenly his cheeks begao to lose their color. 't'hen hie quietly droptped the stubh attn 1sought solace elsewhere. ARRANGEMENTS MADE - isd>ih FOR SENIOR RECEPTION!itaiwill ic. " to ' 's Vistl'ti REDUCED COMMENCE- t IIit c [wl- I "BOA'is ~tlt sC Iti aedtl tl t ei role cof I . Some Eve...…

June 05, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…: ' The Michigan Daily CtOL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 190o6. No. 178. UNIVERSITY -SENATE TAKES IMPORTANT STEP Decides To Reserve Seats For immed= late Relatives of Seniors. For Oraduatijig Exercises. The commeiiceiment eecse( il year will see a neiw ca-totrsiiagttrated. each senior wilt--he given one ticket to he used by a mtemlbei ot his tamilys. Tis plan has liena desiiedc for a ltng time, hat the uantS cisity tacutty...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The M a a JToy. XVI. AN AR-BOR, MATi iIGA , iA\Y, \xi 3y. 3 )0(o . Ni). I77. M %ROONS DEFEAT VAR- STY IN TEN-INNING GAME Michigan Loses ExtraInning Fight With Chicago--Errors Responsi- ble For the Defeat. torthle secondtti ime 1his vye iCi h- ip cashed yeterday a trnoon ,i Fe l feld with Stag'. '-- V iartoccnit ml lie ltst cntest litigo -te '' ont i ol s"T iei n et enth111 111 imii Walertadilarliii wii reit 111110ciiion th l abant forthe...…

June 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S.--I["DX[AY.JUNE 2 1906. d'QL. XVI. Nit. 1 76. CAP NIGHT A GREAT StlN 'L'" tl'' I N PA E. ROUlS ING CELEBRATION The senior- receptioni Will he heldon ME ETING OF TI-Ihrg o asrseritaier cotittee Enthusiasm flanifest Every- NWcompT~EtI11 osed-i-f imensfrom,1dl IdeIsrtmetnts. where-A Short But (Good Pro- N _WOR_ STIRCILB Ilcrecion ill be toIssitsto students gram Provided and New Fea- Fast eeing a verve...…

June 01, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,;OL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE i, 190o6. NO. 1 75. PRELIMINARIES FOR whlo are making the trip in tke pes- CAP NIGHT AND ATHLETIC MEETBEGI TODYailttipatlioln of seeing ike varsity CELEBRATION COMBINED tmiChiiago. CireaiysaIlaige nnmber ofitickets have beeniod n ti Western Intercollegiate Starts This likely iliat lie itinie liii will ac- Burning of the Freshman Caps Will Afternoon-Many Rooters To comnty ilie...…

June 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV YOST'S TEAM FOR 1906. Football Boys Under Captain Nor. cross Expected to flake Clean Sweep of Schedule. .Athleticsxx arc' down andi owiifor lthk )ca , ii' tl, lx ii isx'iiareii lra' be-lx' t'ne Nva-Iv all he l xxmut iwill b wxil ht tlti xon ly men of Ilsx ea'i sa aggegi on wltxixx' lxx l nii ti teariip th , ihi i l iii p1 Tom li ii lxiii ixwil lil deut ,N lknwn.If Tom goe both alfbck I~ iiiti x ili e vcan aii mliibe ...…

June 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. "MOLLY" ELECTED CAPTAIN R. M. Wendell Chosen Captain of Next Year's Baseball Team-Ten M's Were (liven Out. Ycs'tcrimm mit -rttimia Mich sbl tosses :tsi~nhlc a ietscidtciandii mimil imiit titi tnl im h tl, a ea ict t. it impst eeited aii ttailtifor neic wilil b ile lad r of th itt ittt- lmiii( . \dd iiimNll*- 7coolhei \im li tatnmshmuld agaittsecure thiepean- "lioll" asbeen membr cof thm ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1lEDNESD...…

June 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…-: ^ "lam . r r. . T. J, _. .r. ,, ;' ' 1 _ r . _.. ,=, ,. .-.. r, r; r .-.. i ... .-. i r. s. 7 r !. ._.. * i .. '!. °f. i t' 7 . Jam, .-. i -,1', J ; .., r ... _ i. ,J _ "r. _... ... . 0 rTI _ _ i L -' ^ C , 00 Q - J C37 Pat 0 -. r. m w CC r l 7u 't r _ r 77 S '. ' , f 2 0 . .. . . ^ V l0 :. a 77- I . n . . v . z , f ti0 J ' I . J 1. , . / Jr ( f * h _ /- _ + j / 1 'f. ..r /, r ,l / ^" , f, JV r~ P+,f Fv r- . . E 70 J . ~. 1. v ti ~. , ' _ (...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan gDa ily VOL. XV DISAPPOINTING FINISH. Baseball Team Wound Up the Sea- son With Defeat-Final Score 7 to 5. Perhaps thelessisaid out ester- dil',;baebal late iwith (hcago. the better. Certainely tone of the fans isho witneissedl that hert-retditgispetaei Will care to lute it rcalldi to their uietituriesby lie todetild acunitt. foihjliga's ntctwtidinulp tthe sa sontit the desredelaileef glor. Te le hat Witstrereettig the varst ati tl...…

June 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Miichigan Daily VOL. XV OFF FOR CHICAGO TODAY. Coach Fitzpatrick and Te~nm Ieav e' Ov-er 11. C. at 7:58 Boys in M-igh Spirits.I 111k' tst P ott MWIIW AN, FRIII)AV (' A :T () l\11. I111' I ", 1C..1\ IN TlNisIS IF COMEDIES TONIGHT. lDouble Btill at School of Music- f niversity I, en in the Kole of IBurglars. No. 175. 'FuRY. U II sing ihe-cusom iualisgursted at the- leginitig ofthle twar. the Japanese 1) 1'( l lt illn i o f u-svitry o er lls ...…

June 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Voi.. XV \X K(P lIvIA .''I5SIY N . rrn Noi.17.. TEAM LEAVES FRIDAY. MODERN COMEDIES. Twny-w Ale eWsIs 0V ill lie Taken to ITo BelProdueed by IElocutionlassn' Confnerene Ifleet Pairyl Does 1 56 01 School otflnusic Univ ersity Feet in [1Hammeir "trow. tuldents in the Cast ail" N c~lt-l l~l\ - lr w l; lt1 ti~ct " 1), 'l Il( . (II l r t t i" t j lc I c I , II I iii11 icr\ c'tc1t(tt1111 wI trlt'lit~ vIL 1(_ l c +l- \ 1 1 \1 W I l~...…

June 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…IEl . I f s The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1904. No. 181 CO"IUNICATION. Report on Michiganensian Finances- Good Showing Made and Suc- cessful Settlement of all Obligations Assured. To the Editor of the Michigan Daily: I herewith submit a report of the financial condition of the 1904 Michi- ganensian as it is at the present date. I have also prepared a statement showing the estimated surplus. This surpl...…

June 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1904. No. 180 WOLV[RINES IN DIE AND TIU[ MJ1r[R SESSION NEW CONERENCE RULE ICNIGAN SPIRIT Ludington, Whitmore Lake and Mt. This Year's Term Will be the Best Athletes May not Compete in Summer Final Celebration Planned for Satur- Clemens Want Michigan Team Ever-Sixty-nine Professors will Without Consent of University day Night to Commemorate Mich- for Early Training-Prospects Conduc...…

June 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan.Daily VOL. XIV. WANT TO STrAY "OHE1. Senior Athletes Do Not Care to GoI St. Lous and Trip Has Therefore Been Abandoned-Athletes, Re-' instated~ by A- A. U. Now thmt the joy-t excitement o eastoned by m cfigan's clean cut vi torry , the Conerence aa been S ceeded by calm cntentment, the net event to claim the attention of t track enthusiasts ia. the Univrsil meet at St. Louis. This occurs dou tog commencement week. It was t intent...…

June 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JUNE, 5, 1904. No. 178 AWAITING R[PORTS. N[W fMANAING [DITOR. P' C '1G~ NWuNS MIT[T. A Fine System of Reporting Results- lC1 I A J. Stanley Baley Unanimously Elected Many Anxious Moments ________ For Ensuinrg Year by Editor for the Crowd. i al Board Yesterday. -- INTERCO[[[GIAT[ C"A"PIONSIP WON BY TRACY T[AM ^_ The Daily hoc seen conritated i At thr Saturday dinner of the Mich- on their ropo...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1904. No. 177r GREAT DAY AT CHICAGO. Western Athletes Gatser at Marshall Field for Conference Meet-Mich- igan will Have to Work for Victory. Today Michigan's track athletes wilt compete against the best men in the West at the Conference meet at Mar- shall Field, Chicago, the greatest event tf the season in college tracts athletics. On the face of things i looks as though it ...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michig a Dily VOL XIV . ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JUNE E8 1901 No. 176 frICI1I6AN VS. THEE WES. (iIRLS' (i[[[ CLUBI. AHLE ATC ELECTION. j Wolverine Track Team Meets Pick of Admirable Concert Last evening- Largest aumber of Ballots ever Cast! Western Athletes at the Con- Small Number Present-Lack -Many Girs ttend-Close Con ference-Team Leaves this of College Songs on Pro- eta For the Offices. Morning. gram-Dancing in-- Barbour Gym Yese:...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Mlcigan al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. No. 175 ME[THODISTS NEXT. [ILECTION TODAY. S[NIOR REICEPION. SHARP CRITICISM. Northwestern will Cross Bats With Student. Members of the Board of Con All Departments will Unite to MakeI Mrs. Fiske Makes Caustic Comment Michigan at Ferry Field Saturday trot to Be Chosen at 4:00 This This Year's Affair a Success Concerning Appreciation of Drama -Last Game for Majority of After...…

June 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan aiy 174 VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MIH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1904 No. ATHLE TIC [LECTION. MICHIGAN MEN WON. BASEBALL TEAM RETURNS. MEMORIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY ____ SENATE ON WILLIAM HEN- Inte etrnItercIl iteTn The memb~ers of the hasrirall sqard RY PETTEE. Hot Fight Among the Candidates- IntheWseniiecrigaeTn ils Tourrnarment at thicago , Mtichi- reirere trrr oday nirght soerrwhat, ill Election Thursday in University -a' ereenaie gear...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…THE us of l DAILY. 'VOL. XI1T. ANN~ ARBOR. Id.. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1903 No. 181 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Bakeslee Suspended. _ THIS YEAR'S "M' MEN. eA-gain Hossard hiesie has comei if L Bitot ondAim-SeiorsNow iender the lani othe aculty' and beenSMcia e o t opt nAh Its Ht~oryand mulaedioByNow upendeel for a year. Air. IBlakesee etic nio t t D eti th Eligible-Being Euae y i tin year correspendelt of the lDe- ltcUina eri-Would Other Colleges. tiit...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…XL'u.ANN AillUOII. MICIL.WE] NE_'SI)AY. JUNE ,S1903 No. s.Io AN ITERSTIN RP Stewq'tt in Five FLit SQUAO IMPROVING.S I eal r Fl dcs Trip. t D llsiss-}r i ,i t As 'ish:t Ail- ck Isisr Sitit ria11 h LndBagsdae.WOW a h s WVkFas., Ti ______ i L ' ss i _______i-- I reI ''s- ,lei ts 555 .,s' 5?:ii ies - siesiii' 9iimi 't t O s. .tisi lt I stjis 'sit'acIi d© lap i ",n ' iii-: .Iit \'s's't s ci t s «'s Ii ' ll ' sit is i ,, 1" tisits it ai 'ts at.' a I...…

June 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…v OL.Z XIII. ANN .ARBOR. MICH., TUESDALY. JUGN E 2,11903 c>. 379 TALUABLE PUBLICATION. tilu01oflot101(lils ellirely oil IliJE#CAST AND (WEST COMPARED, 17oPiacice ITst rhay. ________Ilt lcl~ i i l -li Iion1(0. _________alo'lty woe 1ill111 tiiuadldid 1too I'e vInw iM1';j 0(...(1111 1) t: 1" "Hulrepoit forl la ii(-e -y-etrlI-on- s I(- T 8 Fr lrn s11e 0ofthse "Uiversity >LtoI1.t<iiio. 1tWlIIl iieiO4siii to tcmparison Shows That Easterners (")1117 ...…

June 05, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…c ! 7, ,.., .... 1. tJ Y C /, J w V 3 C n (v .". j r " Y 111 ow b-0 O-W 00 ~ ,J r: '~ O r +y H .'t' . . i h+ t t't w , O r . r. f. 77 r i i _ r . V i f' f' l r--1 a , 'f. 1- ... 't: - J- - : ' ._. ,- r t- ; _ ' 'J. %. f 'f. "I. _ _ . .W ^' \. 1- .J ..... _ . ,; ,. J- , . N a C V C - r-- !-w /' _. f _ .. r '.. _ ,f' 1,. 't. _ j fy F' _ -f t J -'. -" _ ! 7: / r V y 1, . G t.: " C f (- .- *.. " : ? . .-. + '..- f. "- ,1 ' .-- r- .-J 1i . .. - \. ...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…,.t V 1 ' AWt I)A I ANN AItBk,')11, AlICH.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1002 IRIST YIR WEEKS ELECTED CAI No,. Zi' PTAIN liio-a10 1 .Cornell at 'lol(-t The p00 a,]bo ltio 1ra ~0111 ~ l 1, k Yr OsMon to "1 ' ' 7) ' DR, BARROWS IS DEAD AitY Xt PpWi i }yit Pr,f esslonal Reception Assured 7 ~ ''a+ i 1I~lv cclm , 1 1 ,r 111 ii7 < ic H s 1l'ti " 1 ' I 'I 1 ) 1 (, lIIll' ' : " 1 1 1 ' l : l . 1 ' 1 4, I i ' ' 1 : 1 t 1:1 1 t 1 ((t' 1 i 1' l a 1 1 I 1 1 f ;1 1,...…

June 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 186) • Page Image 1

… j ( i i Y 1 lur I VO.XI. .ANN ARBOR, MICH., THIURSDJAY, JUNE 6 1901 No. 186 .Our Special Line of.... THE PENNANT IN SIGHT Torn Conlon a Benedict COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Foreign and Domestic Michigan's Title to ttie Western Chaos- too:t eveningat Miltood Ii honia, Program of Commencement Wfee:- pionsleto Will Be Undioputed if Colon .0 OlI ..b:11(1 It()-e ~o1eo. Prof.Aler BHart WiltlD FABRICS .tonywtlofc i h aotc letB e Shte Defeats Chicaos if...…

June 05, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 185) • Page Image 1

…Jh 3 ( , ® I ,- ' \ r Af VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICILi, WEDNES[)AY. JUNE 5 1901 No. 185 .Oar Special Line of.... TAKEN OFF THE TEAM Senior Lits and Engineers Decide en CAUGHT CLIMBING THE POLE Foregn nd on~etic ' Class Memorial roreignand Domstic iVarsity Right Fielder Davies Re- auii t~ rsdn lkse fteFehii imoved By Board of Coitroi- Il( .ete it Cyad 'neil r setakan leei0i the r For F A B RI Cs~ Thought to be a lit- i i. I t a lle'n ot> (ia Ii...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Oar Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING: has arrved and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as sortmnent in the cit}-, _ of D Ir 4 ANN ARBOR MICli., TUESDAY, JUNE 4 1901 MICHIGAN'S VICTORIES FOR THE YEAR 4:) Wona limit 'vwitlli vii iv t' ivof iivav Ivij-o i "3 WaII isliti' vIttI,'vIi'I 'oncst' (i vnivei. i- Wo Woisvtorii' vii iviv I 'tr"le-:t' ix' iii' u l llol C W o n x I . v' v v t. i vi g...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…' 'I I I j { ? 4 DAY, JUNE 2. 1901 No.1>,> VOL. XI. AN N ARBiOR, Mica., SUN ..Our Special Line of. Eoreign and Domes FABRICS FOR SPRING has aiiied and i ar ranged for inspection. WVe have the lrget1s. soinent iii the it.11' G. IH. WILD C lob E. Washington Si Appelton's l~edical Books A MtL~I Itt WILDER'S PHARMACY x' JOLLX'S x~ \'FOUTAIN FOlIt THE RIGHT DRINKS~ Strawberry Crash l~c QUARRY'S CAMPUSI DRUGi SroR Enclose An Engraved Card With...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. i , .j I i >> - .. ; . ... i _- ... r r I ('-" i ANN ARBOR, IMIC.., SATUR)DAY, JUNE 1, 1901 No. 182 .Our Special Line of.... TODAY'S GAME IMPORTANT Comedy Club Plays in Angell Hall MICHIGAN LOOKS STRONG Foreign and Domestic! Cianspi18onship oDepeods Upon Wiscon. Alelt trill rvitrr'eute its Seirt er--; Tbe Wolverines Are Picked as Win- siwas-nssAsec Wl ilerv n. wotCto ners of Western Trark Meet- EAB RICS liitnn- be Felt-No House ...…

June 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 187) • Page Image 1

…'. i. t . . .. _. wabeo-f 'l>of "' GAB YOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1900. No. 187. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received or line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suiale and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Tro...…

June 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 186) • Page Image 1

…DC~ o Ilk> all 40 tu 11 VOL. X. ANN AltBOR, MICH. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1900. No. 186. r Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trousering...…

June 05, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 185) • Page Image 1

… r. t O VOL. X. ANN ARIBOR, 31ICH. TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1900. No. 185. Sprin~g Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. bt includes everything in staples that are suitahle and de- sirahle for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in qaity and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Sit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to cal...…

June 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…be Nor 94 Palm4P VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, NICH. SATURDAY, JUNE 2,1900. No. 183. Spring Announcement O. H: WILD &c CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of 'Top Coats, Suit- logs, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invit...…

June 01, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 182) • Page Image 1

… AKN T" Int> mldlllv*- VOL. X. ANN AR{BOR, MICR. FRIDAY, .JUNE 1, 1900. No. 182. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing fol ranges in nov- elties, in (ualiy and syle to sil the most exacting taste, consisting of 'fop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We inv...…

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