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June 03, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-06-03

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The Michig a Dily



No. 176

Wolverine Track Team Meets Pick of Admirable Concert Last evening- Largest aumber of Ballots ever Cast!
Western Athletes at the Con- Small Number Present-Lack -Many Girs ttend-Close Con
ference-Team Leaves this of College Songs on Pro- eta For the Offices.
Morning. gram-Dancing in--
Barbour Gym Yese:rday afternoon h anual
The twenty men on whom Michigan - -(-.i11o1te l u leon ttnt mmesoo
has pinnedl her hopeo for vietory in A very small adience turnd ot h 1i: toti11boar1 of conirol wshed
the -Conference omeet. Saturday le-ve lst 00011i11"tosgret the Gfl-sGlee lt titt'10 O)ottt
for Chicago this norning at 8:4)-t
o'clock. The quad consists of fhe cuib o the advent of their irsi co- ti3 r it. idel o, rod 8. Nor:,
fotowin" mnon- Cat Feltsgg--IHamio rerifor this ot-"t- --r Tiel- to a, -L. -ol i,-ti Pal 1L Iillei
Haol, tRose Poerry iaoieStnt, Nc i, t a n a l 1consp1(itous ty is Oil- t o 1t ins-a s a itt-t-t-nt- tttwtst't
ltostock , otttwiii l-oi Itoalo , ai 1es 1c)- Ttost swisot itt- i t1o-wevr t-ri' t ttt- n uhot I-Itt
tDnlap,Miluer Hrelal, eleli H ath eeroogl prcatv i h i1 rue s~c~lyafrtei
Reeler, Nrcoss and Withey Seoe 01 ht ilti ttrcotoc tiilt~ 1 01i1 i l
01chineseovchennadcerthet th1at01111ilicitio g] or itIttie eery ilikt- t5 lye
since e the e v eChicaottendual imeei w ad e t to rd, ntt o-iiaded mny c A ot10 ilAiewe lri
weeks ago Keeter tho Dtrofttboy ttt tr 'aiiw s m titn ao ii t - -tot o-bcele t i tdttt i ttti-i 'tl("l-.
hisa ricovered ihs titi'mnand is rtnnng 11)110k 00ri o titreent its binttg '1 t t OXI itit t ianIter* fottitt 1)
as strong 00s le was ini he winte. ettis Atrte tmiutsicl progrant to-
Stewart wilt e let at home On ac s otver te reindller ot the evo-
counit otilnss he has beein tiasle uh 001a 11sfnt in daicing Ian011 itroott Fuat 1 000 111 VIIitI-St
011e train since ilie Cicago meet gilee11io:o 00 d i h ci i
T'roaieir Fiipai ck iid Maager Baittd oiertrritioud ny tae thelaormtfsi nif.Hoitto onndnelodIti Ittitttt ttt0 hei
wilt accomnpaioythe squitIad beti clistoth iio loectiois redtered. 1111n sidthat t ittmc li tt
Michigan hedqartrs in Chicao -n-0t-ltv to cih iir o ')1 tittttt -to i f r- It
wil he establishedt at t1k Chicaig 101ar ly enogh cotlige snstt give"to-oil tpitro-ramtl i t te H lt h I btt tlltots c
BeoochiHotel. Managei Baird wishies Athoiuttgh -all the 111uiobei s wee tdot )110 10mtri-ltO'tisit ittit andti hos
oll oiiiitenid 1o go to tetao e nroao c atit reottetodi thte prosirani wtir l ld tttttitnte (tst ilgthirIo Ots a
tot sign thloslist f 1101101at 01 eyor'- lav hol- more popuat hl-th teie teltwensot ut,1111
not s stanid so tha theispeiao rait o I fl o ittof toe failiar legeto - thetolotitot t is itey r uofot ey
$7-4 10ay bt secrI i tt --acs nc ts -gist-u Asa-sii cori oth ounglti 't--lec 1tifo t uden11 nte) us r of 010
lattst bhotahoiotttine eoethe , .110011reli s" tilt 010111a'0115510 n 11 ro1s-10 ttt-ii-toitt ontrolrtttftt At tt itI as01 n
wh-lich lditis goodttfor Ceit 10111 coo y 11111'r '"gtiar numberttohto si ls io1ttn cottmtteitt
ing at 1.-'8 tods} 11teghIsotng. Literary Section.
ail)plit' teces icl',Xpttc ts-lkpa t I i ti t rt-g lim N1 ls las thrit ii 1111).1- - - - --.. :11
eleioliit s tHattiis51Ir-t i 111sitsore tin. itot Sttoiits schaimdth t stit
Wsitli heit tltsot-i)er-iai 1101'nce bitheit'swtneuass antisriitt Engine ii ooSetnion.
icigh anss lhanel oaIrrtyir , il'. ht- ift itt oir d-1ed's li's Ptronithas a Itt)'[ S. Norms).5.-- - --.11
Spaulit nga coiy ae cn~ rby fltcntrat101which- at pearot to ad- tt It Oiitit- - - - -
til] tolichugait' tots 1 1th''' t 1 til' Itoeittdiult I ,uiuiAiuditwo wil It ItcIt7 i
'haiI W oi'erinewaooregtits it-'- t i __________________nA additit tionttttthetduetLawtSection
Michigar n p ph asnsvtiiyot-lttit o wthMstteero sngtwtth r -e- C. tC tit .. tlt). i'ttt ..t t.,.t.o .-t it
noie t y , b the ony. vet1i slt a ,u rr rrlct ieu 1110 h b ol gsiit 15 crediti offl tt sin-ttt.A.tlt.. t-. ftt... 'to~I7
wiilegestis N ar as s intttoued i nwi dtilts lintithe le tttt b upI to thet.N.8 i it--
nnl emnt: hi nctatin ty. l t dto cita- Iit'o prt fctittto 'hi115heAshnoteltirttid-Uttitt tit
Hior heste :ast s ntwthiit n hctt inistirvening. t tll" o11d) o praise i P u H.M le..........
linf aician 'sapoentsfatiog i f 0000 hertfor amrabletiwosh.t Tht w .s E FOCH ARDEN... . ".. 2
hardito seely wh t evmentthl ey110wil itttairesist ufathiatbatlttlit 100001000rA
4-llM ico i ef reas atonderulti tt c l'i 10a51itigalnW.til (it'1111I.ii (I Ctaol'e, Fand -i At- ito-t i l-ler Itt- t-
ye qarhterle h ot hatrt ith i,, elttecsa ls li uts tt io tto)tedsmo tl- ittubrsot ftoil BCrd
the e lW yat hae o fitavnas (tefitt kinut 1 he the hal Iit'll oas dersu whotofdo--- t n111 -trolof1- tl5frt nun
intmeiiia Carriiiaiisswith theond. tceis lyttiateIdlt ir et dnail stti'sIt ii 111111rt
'w'httnI/laity owilt houlthe tatiil 'ti s ttttt (ieii 5tatles atal thebo i ngi N. 'uuuttt.stttttI o i t 111 1
ningucombnationheeh.ait's 0 ato tri-eta ht'setiwiductedt bytlt-tstit'Ashton, it colU-t let o t tmnile
antIlethes unoit ilhtanune stail'ey ihl o r ,o I lit liaveni-ueappae d foriti
theys r eve(,asitso uero cthe inothe i nneru lai'Istutvinuir gu t y w sue iveni il ui -i- t
Noihestrnd gameron atiuira e a suit ablt- shock1:lauiti wi--i sli "IEie NtO1C1H1 -ttRi DEN."11111
especially _when _themenhavern_ the ntig doinsgiatbout tut) bopr ttimiisieslt.iiluis]t'-t toti ioi
440 oce bfore httufternonIthiitr tutuon rm nomitutilhadredntIitt u1-- 1111510 Arden~loit ll be 11 1 t
yeroweLOAertbestFORcoMge nhir wtay Oi itt oto hy on lrda h tlt-rn,ri1110i
Mh W s, a eNCeam senterd nd t iti 'ht 'eens trlii o ipp t o iloro tsa0/ls i-is-:i ttn
se t tittw i ist httus prss ais Ashe crh , ta FI iday'2 ,lint a 1toS ipl m.,tt s
Seitaiis qardt llt t eis n eosito ruy 111 talt'11iiu-t hi1hi t s ( roln t aut I Il' t issttt 1110
trinuls i isit them brig ui i tay toofvtne innerithean.tltubshe ifseiHarveyblnito i Aiofut I tuot A itt
cThe sDuililroahave atoesbuuartthe Astabes chirs t bel eent goiugn n et o hit t 11 ttisuo111 -
even Th se ate ar nbaen Toheery o$5 ea h lcoi g o th e mho s eiwat a M r Aisi lii Iwo t syi ltlthe oomitt a
histey 'Ibis i he h sfon t e th trats Aatunistoati. olvou li-ofUttttot tt tiuti to
andto sitwulets ilb onerrior ahve ten aogasnheo erbmittee pova o fiuin- trs ilt~ ii ot iittt s"t
secu r, iv d ov rthlil a he M theri vsitbthrhd iuAitempywh ere ar ers Ash ran'u ofu Itlti andt tttln I litl-
Aal oantreatIaahru frth lo outhr aniy ivul tn toeoftuoluvogottliti sitI h 1111ini
Nrthn ete-ill bameeon Satuo rym all stroo pi'ceofrit agnyfcapt wtha t the h DetIrouit, Cental I 1111111 oot attis
100100 in New Ysrs, enusytani ion heaismofle hat.cleta feweetiuarI Harve0ylt iis00 t isa tacmsht
Nebeeyf~ea ae ayluttt oe hatidobeif ft min aturiinte and ofse1aumusic il) gndti oou il arh
titoComhia, NThraVi'it 'isnO'hfanlet a ta itrputsight- he~ttr ttiituutorn
WestVirgnia Ontriosout anI wet to illen tridaen emiut againe st erti iss Hi- yito sui l'lt'a rstd i-re
of ToHasnfhousne" buveneMseifrn. Ahh- 01,r thAsh. on tM.ntot AutmusfollowsiW011
Illios n anall Mi hsn- xpno thiu ngt n bt] prudd le oresinrspa fhvn hmso o
incudin t.eksou ldiJfron m Ci ,ofeigthm a ucdrty, for nnie Le, hii p Ray..l.l, noch At,-
andthascalrCiyrow atscuanhs sain, l . wet1ougmn ae eths f .ve osoaina
Mf nnes ti, No r riatoyfaes fbies Avgianecon.1t a ain- pesInoec, oe hpiesgif
mecredoed tiivhsit:cotehNeseawhea, Fan-Ash-anusdpiradho.The
saun, Cipuiaoanbeeenae fryualstret. Teete on httew- nig ovty prcativ ad
Thisrte(ilsivupon higntheCricate stn toce4dmsso 2ens

Plan only, the provisions of owhich .are THE UNIVERSITY YEAR BOO0K +
in hotef stated helow: 1
The reduced rate takes the fom of
a full fare ticket to Ann Arhor, antI r On Sale at uIInshng's, Schleede's, Sheehan's arnd Wanr-s. .
a tickoet at tine-thirdl fare bfor return.-1
Ech purchaser of a ticket to Ann Ar- ~ PRICE $1.50.
borshuldseurefrm te ailoa tMAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED
(Continued on gage three,) 44+.4++++++ ++

Proftesr r ctt, in Discussing Mrs.
Fiske's Inarviem, Places Blame
fur Poor Attendance on
the Theatre.
Whetn t-efato)that SMrs, IFise haul
caedtheo 100u11y lst night antI hadi
ti-'oioioocroteoila01s0110 becase f
oto smltlititendanceit at the theatre
bcamelnottttwn, it stirredullsquqite a
flrr (C oxtenet And ie d qaes-
tin ; i i rbor'sartkioftheatre
0 0, - .01iagainibrughbl tithe
frot. it 1,110 01'stils 000 given illhu
PrII 511' o(u01 citmed t voicee
ou ciori etimt Iwhen he 1told
a P il" bl..rertat qite proaly
ho tiutto tyao ii the act that the
ier cs-is stchi a crudue, odirty
ba 01' l iice I act" said he,
'toapi ;eindlulcement to get
1101p inside ofit anditthat ciiitaia! That
is th intio iuchaf ughiness, it is an
inipooiottto i slo oiy Self respecting
tsitionet-o-to totu at thautrainduring
the lunog o-ils If owe ciulohave a
ti-ettnt- homebiiikeitotheatre the ron
sit, Is-ot)ldi he-diffeent it would e
rere 10) o rytlt'effect at any
Michnigoan Vitirisus in Boh Singles
and 0ubes a1 Chicgo-Ioma
Pair was Easy,
liis-Itt u-sn lthe 'sWestrn Intei--
cogtoI -titis chamiontitlship tfr theo
ill t eos otti too i-tir yeseraylug
witttooltiinn t tdubtsest le thicuago-
tornme ttiiiom bIowa Thu siges
It!o, :tttttiga-oti'lotttoill the prious
hunt and111 e11 It-etts)Baley anl
Inett f tIoainiitreeutsy sets,
0-, 0 tf- -3.lTe suioss of itte Mich-
0)111 toix1seli ltiots ini this tuuina-
11111 I ano-0s11 to-u vauabotle.trphy
as a e0lot itfered fr compuleitin fr
th;-~ ight yoars, ow bec toomnes the
l-Otuc~t -it lsstssiituiof Msichigainu
Th.. v- itg 'ti 8:20 lte 1107 n
gin litotuwa Itohold ustr ir t bnuttt
and1 ;;Itt oi ot51OstoortByA
itt o ium1er11hav' ,iilotttir tit i-
loi ott la ttitteni asuithere'uoiseery
iit ~ to1011a101irousing suiieso The
\Vlt WtAtuHere..--Tastmastr
"A c of os t orit".ac ...
-Si...... rIF. C Wilson
"Ournertot -tFriendslilac Stph.)"
-bl.... .... ,Iab Weeks
-...... .Dbbittut"'Hammond
'Piof J. 3.Davis
-... .. .. .. . . ean Cuo ley
Theu-menu is as fotllos:
(tOn Cldi Chisels)
I the Supb
I 'o~ogur Mits, Murrisun, 0/lcker)
Br-totidBulheauds, Soph Sauce
Nail Ptnch
Phiysis 1I
illet iof ig Iotil luesh Gons
IarIto-u urged Pitatoueo
Joeu Parikers Triplt B
Segars Cffn Nails
tPhysics 11.
Thoise whit havoniat as yet signified
ohir intentiiitt aflatenudng blue an-
ut.lt tiay doisoutoduuay lug iaotiying one
if Ihte ctmiiuii tt-i' beoreuitoon '1The
ctommi ttee aiitie VWagnutr, Mills, Moori-
sont, atidBectker
Owuing toi toe fact that Snior invi-
taIti l op Irbtaly arm-te tduay or
totmorov, the treasurer will le at the

witdtow ,aI thuowetst: ontrancetuf Udi-
versty Halltodutay from 1 tii 12 to ro-
ceivet tolass dues.'

1 ." ." ." " f .T ". " ". f " " ." .".." .* ." ." ." .* _* .4"4' C * 4" I " 4 "4' "! ! 4 'i 4 '4 s- r .'.;. + i, vv. i va

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