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June 03, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-06-03

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The Michigan Daily
13NN11 31 OR, MIC3HIGAN, 'TIHURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. NO. 177.

Voi,. XIX.

Eleven Innings Are Necessary
for Varsity to Down Chicago-
ans in a Listless Game.
Wod1110(1 aten.Aterl(11 310 te Catih
,)tics Mar scor 1d.one in hTile lellh,
Ithe \\ .vcrinio managed to shove 11' 0twoa
taliesa1rssa 4dwon 1:lto 3.
Micign hd ll ors o ace s '1to1
s 511181prferrd 1tolof, aditer11
t i inte third. 1111d(m I teil 111-
111 un ill)( id surpr11 ed1the11 tiIm t
cathin u i n theeighh.1B1111n1th
ninth and tnth Michiga 1hadtcha1c1
to count the.8 1 1ining111runs , ot 1n111110,
11,, 1 8'.! (11111 811118the1g111 111111 1
on to the eleventh
ii that 1l.1ining, Scanlon,1 tilt1tirs110o11
111111111)1 1U nblidadIa ioit
Th tck tw m nsari 1c ' i l )8111
InlKi np's cla ht o 1et1o:1 e'
hint Th i~c ttan trukoutll(111 .re1
victos,1]tit 1 nro1 on111 th0 ent111 a
tic che1s1o1 a 1111 1 f roo1r\ , 11111
11811l 11slartcd .thle 11oings111111s1n88lin1,
111 tins ra1u a p rfc 1 n n
both,' .1118 18111 a111 18. 8.it l 881188 88811sa 1
Ii1c... lat81111111111rn1118witlat the second.i
lhil8 11111 halt88 111188 1138, 1118' .1to 11811
Sullivan a11111ttipa ,lit f lng y a
.1lose 1margin. 8 3181 88111'b 0111118 1in 1h1
1101 1811118oin 18 II lls ig
Il to118'11l18e11ft.81
1D1an11 ta1rt1d1 th('11game18 in the1'1'181 for
till 1inth lter th thli.cs180 had1 11 te'.at
ip the :co,o Dean hurt 11 hs181811.n1k013.and1
111a, 88111811t11118 . i. l l favor of (. '118 0010
1811l11.caugh.for...gt 1 1 0ad 0a
ti.ll' onlg.oan on.the.. 5 2wh2 1e0m0
to have the usual amount.of "0e1"2w1t0

Walc101, c.......
151nenroth, c......
SINV' . ... ..
15 a181 1 ). .. . . . .
1ar,81 . .. . .. .
*Lothrop ... ...


I 1oI
1T 2 O
O1 IT 2
O1 j1O10

Senate, Students and Council
Seek Plans for Model Rush;
Tamer Contest Desired.

1-a 21, l....
Scanlo1n, 1),
Wilbe11rt, ci'.
1111018, I.
l Ir , r .


'1,3881f1r80[)ea'1l in11111th1.
.13thc1113. I ..1 01 0 0 088 (80 01018 8

X111111111 11818111' 8;sl~lclc~ -
1.18,Kepf ' . Sl lts08181
It ll 8 1\ Ba r 4t; I.v I3 r
Iit8181111118c tf 0t,1118 2.

- 1;- I a
gu t --.1'
1t 1118118)

Nine Candidates for Bloard of Student
Publications Selected.
1118' 88 l11t11' of 'I'l(,8'l'l an
8111111111111ot)11111,11. _Iv n .' l '11
toe1 . willJameso8 1. 13\,8l1i,lo(8).
A38g1en11al1elcio. on to 8.the s 81
18118118' 181181h held Saturdayl.1v11.01-
.1g 118mo8' 0112,11 n too .10.i, 'n80181
siy I l, fo1th e 11 18,1,81 . of1,cho'188n1
Ofllhecurret c111le8181year 1818t81terms
,If8the1 present18 1 11111111 13 It 1, 118f7th
1or,1ak1s 'in1ted ' nd'' ar18
( O O .R II'' 111' 1,111 818111'
Tl 8188 t18881hlp1 er 18 I 5111a 111818
88818,818mp81181 ofr i 811181 13 3131111111

13 rash11w8111,seve8n1p111118a1181lags,r
It"' sugges'8'te 1188111in 1118t 1188s 111811 8e1811L
8.11 (' 1wit1h1Hags8 811ea8011on1e,,l1eaving
Coucil 111esd t 1te1fctyw1ere80 8
frshe 81 8811t1o81 ef8d t he f111111a111, ad t
18t o8118 1f8et1f118 lIst ear's,10811111311,I
'1818111a11.1ha 88 18y111)if tie 1f881s11en
18811111811sscheuled f 1r 3:30 ill1t1118
811188 8fo 11the 11111sh 1ne 1tfall, lbut 1w11e1
18,111's con11d1111e1 stud1t11en1i
188li 111810' i the camp1u1.s1to011e11the1two
('01 erclasics83118118'n11111118111la))ed11du11181
the1,firs '11811rk 1 1f the 111c1', o1l1 y111 111
11id hs a,8 it w1118 1111an8)111181111
Sonitio of.1311 affi, wth de131.13ent1(
Iuhan11181poss118i1118y11111a 1return111of
the1hir1ctting stunt 8'~l1l 1 18111
an i sem tatony imell sh1o88w1
t38 8888118111 o 11't1he 111 1811 to 1111110
1311 IS I;\ t?1 8(181(88 .1 11' 118 81T1O 818
31.88 111188118RI1101138108'OR1lMi1 1811
Tha ;Celle1It ll he butKlpart 811111
41 11 I.113 luboo' lasi
It1 mebr o h laswl prii
131118111e13edlarc11orally, nitd
MAJOR 1311_i'11?A 'l1.SC31111

11118 year's senior; n111181have'orc111
nofley to spenld at this 111110 of year
:han hav'e any of their predecessors, as
hey' havoelbroken all recodsin 11te pay
netat of thoir gradation1111feeb. So fa111
18r tigh111hundred0.1a'd.1i81115sen11111'
larsth llTre'asaurer'813188138.5.Btaketr
id if they' 0au1 pas tlhe dread11 orea of
the nest 18wo..e8k111g8ll11be 1.8 1 8,1111.
Detroit Man Discusses the Life ofc
the Employee.
31o881111IIIlftInl.I1of 1the8'Parke. 1111118
11088 beftoe8alrge 'at.dince' i18 111
W3ensday' afternoaon. 1311'.I118111111118
shoke of 8, te ecnmics11.811118 1 in811
11 llllemlt5 of8 a lag oern'(' (.111(311 1( ho
111d 11it 01fro . 11188' 1 .881181 * 1311 8/
%a(831111other1m1111188of1sociability1 (811 8
1l.8 emlye a310811 cnco111111111e1111' 11 the8
118' 180811118 o 111118a ood 111111i(1
80~t in11th1, bues~lrl . As 11111 111. o il]1
11'1tl11'eloyees11 are31e1.1.e111111(1(1o1
al,(8annual111o1113 111' 111(111 (81(181 18.1(
0- by the1811'8'1 lienlekpinsilh
81118'.i'sagl (1methods118'whihll *
8~~c in I1811n18 08118are climinal 1' i th
Nin empNoe embndaesie ectedor to
Ji1 o rn aliosinSoiety.in,
service 1o. 18' 118llol 11' ' .
t t 111it t .388of t\I . iato 81111and lit' ad
las,10011arneti.esflad ea

unior Dent President Declares
Olson Ineligible for Associate
Editorship of Michiganeisan.
Ito altercation. Ills8188 11tirr110t81t81101
of 1,3(1181 G. 13lson11t10the associate
editorsh1118f11)10 i13 Michiganensian
fro1 1118e1den1t dearet 881. OlsonI 8w81
lectedl 1.y1t1e 31111io1 118111class 818 their
re1r1sntatie 1onhe snior anual, de-
118111 13 13 l C. C y 31p1111finding
class' (18818181d 13a1115elected 0on the
The constitution)11.of te oard in1 c01-
.1 of1student 1publications115reads:1"The
1111,108 i for thtoposition81of 8ass8cia1e
editrs f.te icgaen.31113111san must111be
(8.ber in (1' 1 rgular 8san~dig of the
'IToe difficulthy1108s1in 1he8constrction
ant 10neo 11118i01111188. iDean floff of the
111,111dparten 158ystiat he kows
nohtg;Loutt 1, 1and Prof. Scott lof the
hoard(1i11011181o11 says8tat the bo~ard
;61 1810.111888 pssonthe 1quesltion 1of the
So 1118'matte r 8wil rst as it is [luntil
dw 1(11181 1181e08it Iop),sand )lson1,wilt
,-chin te o'lectt uti Ihe1 is ohiil'de-
Retiring President to be Hionored
by Academic Associates.
800111(11 mdSlalo 11111881'to Presi-
lIo 1Angl 13131181itob held 11i aour
'7118. 8111I litdlO 810111g1atI 7 1o1c10ck1
Th 'lao ~ dinner was8 8,1 ellere4. t hin
It the oa8.181811V1 ). t fthi1111 Sf0
01 tary as pr881!'lt I 85niersiy
It 18is l0ll Ixcetl ot hy25faculty'
'(iIIb 8 101will81'Ib Ita al sshtinviae
1118' hchalte:tisi the h1111 aresoh-
aw .It is .an expression of t11 he es-
11c i ich. Presidett An(Igel11110n18
110111181the8dinne1prope, foutr tr
ie 1 el of(81 the 118'cu01111 sil gle tasts
11.d 'tPro 8111181tglwill reply to them.
ohre wi.1111 to 1111ictlal nulmbers dur-
1113 the e(v1ning1, consistin1g of twenty
1008 (1111er he itrection )18of arle Kl-
1118'banqt. 11will 1)8 (1118of the last
1811(1 reo at esiden11t Anlgel dring the
preenashol year511, 311111prom~ises t
equa 11105 ets aqutinis rl
1.11,3,CO3NCE11'RTS NEXT FAIl,
At1 a1b11siness mee1t11013held by tie
(1101111088f1th1110arsity11])and, Wedes-
.11.5, it 8811. decidiedto 1hiave Inew blue
8111111.ry 8ca11e' 11e1t5y311' .1111h0a'U. of M.
i118i1318131oult1118 collar. Ctncerts ill
het tht1ddurin1g 111'e1110enig weeks of
0(1110ge0 1108 fal. ti was also decided
to1 cutthe111membetllrshipl of tie band dosno
to tnty-1f8v111en1,With $too balance
8(11 11a111, 1118e1311111fiances 3are8 i11ex-
coiletttshap111. The tfficrs elected for
te ensuing year were : President, W.
13. 1313htolr; 18111a8ge8, ff. Dale fSouter;
secretar8y a1111 treasurer1, E. Al. Carver;
13138ia, .,x.lMcKinney.

Before you go home. The supply will not last more than ten days longer.
Silk Cloth $1.75. Sheepskin $2.50

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