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June 08, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-06-08

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heMichigan Dail
Ludington, Whitmore Lake and Mt. This Year's Term Will be the Best Athletes May not Compete in Summer Final Celebration Planned for Satur-
Clemens Want Michigan Team Ever-Sixty-nine Professors will Without Consent of University day Night to Commemorate Mich-
for Early Training-Prospects Conduct the Works. -Prof. Pattengill's State- igan's Success for the Year-
Bright for this Fall's Team. ment. Band and Glee Clubs to
- The coming summer session of the Turn Out.
Prospects for a fourth champion- University of Michigan promises to The following communication has
ship football team this fall could not be the most succesful in its history. been received from Prof. A. H. Pat- If the desire of a few of the ener-
be brighter. From all indications an- The announcement which has been tengill, chairman of the athletic getic students are realized and if every
other year of Yost will mean another issued, is more comprehensive than board of control. loyal Michigan man who has hay col-
year of undisputed superiority in the any of its predessors have been, coot- To the Editor: lege spirit whatever, will turn out,
West, as the great coach will have prising at it does, a detailed state- The new rule No. 13, adopted by one of the largest celebrationsever
the majority of last year's team to ment of the courses offered in all the the conference at its recent session held on the campus will probably
work with. The positions played last departments There are many courses June 4 is of great importance to all come off on Sahurday ngiht. The ob-
year by Gregory, Redden, Graver, Mad- in law, medicine and engineering to men interested in intercollegiate ath- ject is to give a real song feast to he
dock and Gooding will be hard to fill, say nothing of the long list of liter- letics, as it goes into effect at once. taken part in by every club of the
but this is not nearly as tough a prop- ary courses. The work in physical Particular attention should be gtv- University.
osition as that faced by Yost last fall training for the summer will be di- en to the point that no man is here-
when he had only four veterans to rected by Mr. Clayton Teetzel an old after eligible to represent the Univer- The wonderfol success of the sing-
rely upon. Michigan athlete who has had much sity in any athletic contest who takes lg meeting held last week alter the
As a nuclevs for the 1904 team, experience in matters of this kmid. part this summer in baseball football retir ,s of the conference meet had
there are Captain Heston, Norcross, This summer work is in charge of or track athletics without having pre- te m av himpnyetk
Schulte, Curtis, Ton Hammond and a teaching corps of sixy-nine profes- viously obtaned from tthe Board oft u the movement which many think
- Inshottld not e allowed to i. The
Longman of last year's champions. Insors and instructors. This faculty Control written permission. expression of opinion as regards this
addition there are any number of list has gradually increased with the l have no official copy of the rule is to the effect that never before has
promising men among last year's increase in summer attendance and at hand but as I have not seen any s
scrubs who may make good this fall, the relations between the smer ses- full report of it in the paper, I as aMichigan spirit shown itself in such
Added to them is "Little Eva" Turn- sion and the regular session are be- you to print in the Daily the followingas
er, the ex-Dartmouth tackle who came coining closer all the time. The num- statementt which is substantially cor- One of the onlookers, a man who
here with a reputation as one of the ber of regularly enrolled University rect. has visited all thee large colleges of
best offensive players in the East. students who takie work ili the sum- RULE XIII. the middle west this spring, remarked
Tarner has been playing center field mer school is ever incr asing and it A student shall be ineligible to rep- to a friend: "'that's the finest dem-
on the baseball team. in thii posi- does not seem that the present session resent his college in athletic contests, onstration of college spirit I have ever
tinehas shtwnhimtseli taly willtifrdtny exception tt this rite. who engages in such contests as arep- seen. There is something so content-
fastn r as tgtan amsitu aastalbely Sti rdn sessto ttistay resentative of any athletic organiza- ed and yet real and earnest about it
gat addibtig tit the sh be oltttSummer sessio announce ientsitay ion not connected with his college, that it causes those cold chills of en-
great addition to the scatr. . be obtained in SaCetry Wade's of- whether in term time or vacation, ex- tuis osotu ybc.
As usual the bresheman class will fee. The summer work begins earlier cept by special written permissionthiasm to shoot up my ack."
be depended upon t. furnish atl im- and closes earlier this year thatn last previously obtained of the proper ath- It was suggested that another such
posing array o big men. 0ng the dates being June 27 and August 4. let c authorities. singing meeting be held on next Sat-
them may be k ri t Californ ' fThis change will certainly be appre Occasional games during vacation urday night and at that time the true
who is said to be a cr ick footbI playo ati by the -sttlett ttlyn teams which have no permanent lovers of the yellow and the blue will
er as well as a g iad quat I r miler. tiy ratization, are tit prthihitei, pro- come together for the last time this
vided written permission has been.1
Rose, the young ie n who za" nan' itt wcritend furmt t prasieen year. All the musical clubs will he
re It sectredl and further provided that
lichganm conf.tm, , the prwess of ABLE PRODUCTION OF "ROSE such permission be granted for one out and the hand will be ready with a
California athletes, expects t don the team only, during any single vacation large number of favorite selections.
moleskins next fail. With liia weight MAIDEN." and it is expressly understood, that no This final roundup of the songsters
and strength he should be a str.uutg tpermission will be given to play on a will take place in front of the Medical
line an. Rose had consiterable foot- professional or semi-professsional building and about another huge bon
ball experience in California, where te cantata "os' Maidtt tnder t-m. fire. This timo lthere will be no con-
he played full back onm his high school tme dirtctus if Prmftssr dmwland Is the adninistratio of this rule feretce meet, it is true, to celebrate
teamwas given a very successful priseuta- it is expressly understood that a semi- but there will be all the events of the
As yet training quarters for early lion last evening in Frieze Memorial professional team is a team, any one last year to cmnmemsorate As a usual
prctice have tnut bet-n sueete. Luid- Hal. A chorus of fifty well trained or more of whose members receives thing he men who win the honors for
ingtun, Whitmtre Late usnd Mt. Clemi- voices assisted the best soloists of the renumeritmn for his services, and Michigan have no share in the cole-
enrs areundrcttsttrain. tutuhth hase school of music. A large audience at- that it does not devolve on the athle- bratins, due t peculiar circum-
their advantages. Ludington is cooler tended the performance. tic authority to prove receipt of mon- stances. The teams are generally out
than Whitmore butt it is of course, a The part of the queen of the Flower ey by any member of a team; but com- of the city when the students cele-
greater expense to get to the Lake Fairies was sung by Miss Farlin. The emon reports maybe taken as the basis brate.
Michigan town. The baths at ML other sulm parts were stung hty Mssit action This event will be the final and
Clemens cannot be excelled. The Lud- Hunt, Mr. Fred Killeen, and Mr. Wood- Very Respectfully, therefore the largest of the year.
ington inhabitants realize the value of ward. Each of the soloists appeared A. H. PATTENGILL, Michigan has made a wonderful rec-
the Michigan team for advertising pur- in finest vice. Mr. F. Killetn eslec- Chairman Attletic tiard if ord this last year and every student
pose are trying to get them back for ially drew a large measure of appre- Control, is proud, and only waiting to show
this fall's training. ciative applause for the admirable ren- others this fact. The football team
About the same amount of time will (itim mf his sri. Cended a glorious season; the track
be spent in early preparations this Mr. Howland directed the chorus. teaminindurandoutmor meetsswept
year as last. Yost and the early birds Upon him developed the labor of drill- Senior Committee Reports that Michi- a clean swath; the baseball squad ac-
will get busy about two weeks before ing this chorus for this performance quitted itself with credit; the tennis
college opens and the'restwill straggle and for its work last night great -ig urpLsgenrHfnd team could not be beaten. Many new
in gradually. In accordance with the credit is due him. Every voice was -Big Surplus on Hand
inr wasdor. ls have been tformedl at Michigan
plan begun last year, Assistant Coach unier his control and the tone shad- to encourage spirit, and they have
Cole will remain in Ann Arbor and ing was excellent. To the Editor of the Michigan Daily: all had a successful year. Everyone
take care of the men who show up The college year is drawing to a has cause to be happy and one grand
here before the opening of college. SCHOLARSHIP OFFERED. close and those interested' in the af- final demonstration of real Michigan
fairs of the 1904 Michiganensian are spirit before the many students leave
ENGINEER MASS MEETINGs their alma mater for their various
The Michigan Law Review offers a n ub anticipating some reprt r the summer s what all are
From the student investigation como- w
The announcement of an engineer- scholarship of $200 to the unmergrad- demanding.
ing mass meeting in University Hall uate student who obtains the largest mittee ppointed sometime ag found it very
has been greeted with nmuch enthusi- nunuers mitntw suibsribers t the Teeunitehsfui tvr
asm by all men of the engineering de- Review befure October lI5. The schol- diffimcul tsocollect all the data desired E. B. CHANDLER, '58.
partment and especially those of the arship will not be paid unless the win- lthug tie an tnoumblr hv o s_.
three upper classes. Prof. Greene ner secures nmore thn 0 new sub- been spared in an eneavor to dom so
wasoneppfrtheasss popular men in~rhecrs ttaethmsstn of50 ets-The business manager has given to Many graduates of the University
was one of" the most popular roan in scribers but a commission of 50 cents the committee a signed agreement to of Michigan will be grieved to learn
the University and all his old associ- for each subscription will be paid. All the' commite ed stgdagement n tim of thigan f E. B. Chandler, which
ates, both as students and fellow fac- communications should be addresed to publish an itemiedl statement in the occurred in Chicago, Monday morning.
ulty members are anxious to establish James H. Brewster, Editor, Michigan a before the close of the college Mr. Chandler was a graduate of the
a memorial for him in Michigan which Law Review, Ann Arbor It is the committee's belief that the class of '58 and one ofthe most regu-
will symbolize his immense influence suetbd eevsadsol e lar attendants of the class exercises
for clean,- square manliness while stuent hbdy deerves and should de- lratnat ftl ls xrie
D ean , snir inepartme NOTICE. mand that exact figures be given of held in Ann Arbor each year. He was
Dean of the engineering department the receits and exenditures to date one of three brothers who came from
The memorial tablet has been de- aneoreteips petresitoae Romeo, Mich., and, although he never
sgebyM.Kahn of Detroit and will Senior lt invitations will e on nl of the prospective receipt and ex-
signed by Mr. Kttw penditures of the books. If the bush- lived in Detroit, he had many friends
cost from five to six hundred dollars. sale at the ticket office in University there. After graduation he took up
Everyone is planning to be on hand hall from 1 to 4 p. m. daily. (Continued on page 2.) electrical work, and for many years

with a contribution and if interest in__ was superintendent of the telegraph
the meeting is any indication of the of the Chicago fire department.
amount of the receipts a liberal suo Mr. Chandler was secretary of the
will be raised. class of '58 and expected to be in Ann
Professors Cooley, Davis and Car- A RM I C HIG A N E N SIA N Arbor on the twenty-second of this
hart will address the meeting and as month, when a bronze tablet will be
this is the first time Dean Cooley has erected to Dr. Tappan under the Tap-
spoken before the department as a pan oak, which his class had named,
whole, the engineers all expect to be IS THE BEST POSSIBLE COLLEGE On May 29 he wrote to the president
on hand to hear him. of t,.e class that he was not feeling
MICHIGANENSIAN CUTS. well and that he might not be able
SV V E N I m to bepretsent. This was his last com-
I will cut omt Senior cuts for tomunication. The deceased was a mem-
cents each and block them forl cents TAKE ONE HOME WITH YOU ler of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity,
each Al cus hae ben eft ithme.The funeral will take place in Chica-
each All cuts have been L eft with me. go Wednesday.
0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler,. ___________________________-.oWdedy

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