The Michigan.Daily
Senior Athletes Do Not Care to GoI
St. Lous and Trip Has Therefore
Been Abandoned-Athletes, Re-'
instated~ by A- A. U.
Now thmt the joy-t excitement o
eastoned by m cfigan's clean cut vi
torry , the Conerence aa been S
ceeded by calm cntentment, the net
event to claim the attention of t
track enthusiasts ia. the Univrsil
meet at St. Louis. This occurs dou
tog commencement week. It was t
intention to send a representats
team from Michigan, ht the proec
bus been definitely abandoned.
The seniors on the victorious teat
Capt. Kellogg, Hall, Miller, Perry as
Brewer, naturally wish to spend the:
last week in college without interrul
Ion, among the scenes where the
have spent the past our'years. A
cordingly the men broke training a
tsr the conerence and without thei
it wold be manifestly impossible I
send a creditable team to the xpo:in sd rmcmecmn
these men have had a long hard one
son of training and are naturally at
xious to ctt themselves lose rum:
and enjoy the weeks estivities will
ost let or hindrance. In view of thei
action no team will be sent, but sum
of the men, notably Rse, will ute
the individual competitions.
Kellogg, Dvorak, IHah and Ha
will probtbly compete in the atllei
club games which will be helaSLosduigteatweknAust. elg n vrkwlatoK
Pete tot the Chicagu Athletic clot
while Hahn anti ali have allied thee
selves with the Milwaukee Ahleti
The Michigan athletes are still at
gry at the American Athletic uno
on account of their recent sispnstti
from its rantks. Te A. A. tJ. sost
repented its rash action anti the me:
are nuw reinstated. but have not yrie iigradhsascae
AthsrgnaLniscnutn hgames at St. toos, this act ma
have had some effect on the decisios
of Thet on not to attend. From prs
ent indications it lols as if the cot
lege mneet would be a rst.- Seers
ott the eastern teans, iclding Yae
which were boked for the trip, haye
reconsidered asd it now loks ver
much as if the best performers. eas
and west, will be missing lons thiaea
The officers of-the tUnivesity Dem
cratic club have been in ruimmunic
to wihteNtoaComtewith a view to securing 'tree trans
potdnfrDmcai tdnsnxfall if they desire to go bouto iiviii
Assurances have been received ts:t
such transportation will be securd
for all Democratic studens in duost
congressiotnal districts oi oubstful
stales, at least.
It will be necessary, however, fo
the students wishing to tae aivan-
tage of this offer to mail t oe thetr
names and home address Do Jas: H,
Nicholsj' 91t5. Hurin stret, Presi-
drent of the Democratic cub This pre-
caution is taken in iirder tha the itoi-
tics of the men who seni in their
namhes may be'investigated iring the
summer and none but bona-ide Deno
crats be given free transporation.
For the first time in sevial years,
thue whole engineering fllpartment
will assemble in Universif hal at
4:3-0 Wednesday afternoon. The meet-
ing is for the purpose of rdsing mon
ey for the Charles E. recie memor-
ial tablet. The tablet wa designed
by Mr. Kahn, ot Detroit, aidl will cost
from four to five hudrd dollar.
Dean Cooley and Pos. iavis and
Carhart will address the tudents.
The Southern club heldi a smoker
recently and elected the flowing of-
ficers: Pres., D. G. MrVan; Vice
Pres., H,H Freland; Sec K. S. K.
Wood; Treas., H. H. Fears,.
No. 179
AnotherBran -o teCmmril
to Will Soon be off for- Lansing-Prof. {Aerew M. Rebstock Elected- at Chi:I cr s h Cmeca
8ais'orotdb Cas" ag" aura ih-Pplr eartment Organized-The In.
- . Saes onoed b Clss. cags Satrda Nigt-Ppul1r slarne Course Under Dr.
- -Quarter Miler Chosen to Lead Glover, has New
The Senior laws are looking for- Michians Track Men -Lboratory.
I adto the annual :trip to Lansing,_ Next Year.
which will occur soon after the ex- The University will next fal have
asinations are over. At tiis time the mus tuists laborattry in exist-
c- thef State of Michigan confers upon thre Andrew M. ebstock was elected ancs'olit a laboratory.'Thlist
c- graduates o1 Michigan Univeruitly law caiai tMihpustaca eiuhtplace4 ill be u "room fitted with aili-
iet hdepartment, the fi right toeiracice law s fte in iliwiigsh inust'rchines,'-'subtracing devices,
5ithssae Thsyear some 20 -eet icli Ciao fccs-mltit liaius.itand division egiues,
y seir 'aswill take trala, ey ltheolyon vt
- h rpat ina eycoetd isvlea4 semecanial inven-
pleasant JenueoY is in store. for ti prtin sbiiukbttftte St iittand cads for comutitng figures
big class which will thus be-tot theealrtuwe stfrRyni and staistics.
-els ietgtheri. Sear.-The monooy for this laboratory was
The class this year voted to asal- leebutoch hatybeeu aeninmtiin uarlbtititiamiforiahetl- sy therregeytarsinrcc
Prof.. Henry iM. -ates to accompanyVri ta cte aOlte er-si-na o ohih resstre from thecim-
-it Prof. Bates went to Chicago after A'au,'mu eutiei sirt t isi witrid~hich demants high-
igradttatiun frum Michigan anti was poisi h ste tl nissalac :d ecl legec gradtates epersn
:ne uf the mnost biliatt practitisners he mainstay of the tam ii ts tih wrn ick Mihigan is nable out o
at the Chicago bar. He is -a cuomp - rit s ear.wenh.wnth hd gadattug class tspply men
c-lvely young man, of great frce and yaitd dash at the cnsilresl meet i a itttase fIi atpmiin f
ttinef year here has won the respsect sutlss ti e- i -ster-cit
and hood will of the stuients. The iPttsse;o ilitgtturtile i-ita'Os new inoirancsrse,he
ln aw students have recgnited in him nItilt wont as sitsiteiloreitligy5 ity ot isft its siwut in American uni
0 a- modern alert practitioner, who a tea- te sew cali~atn is a uemer o cetd0o t
~~~~~~~~rd ears ego lefti his alma mater and won Ite '05 etgitieetog 19clss. "ll" i sei~tshsctli u t rd
t icigmu ad ne leo tis ciismitrial umarke, which
marked success in the wrlil.rosilo -iesner o P-iumt ni seulre ii'nst.Atgell says is ue iof the
nawhich they exetto gs etg~ isicist poulsiar athletes i hui'-i is titu ittin facag
Y 1 g.Bagmot5rli idctosoachneit pactical exterienced mni his leach- di s IIlY. its business sentints and mthois,
iing has had an unusual valie.- - - lb isursaisett tirseas started tns
it t.Hte o iule fyears BUSS'TIMEIS. ear agii by ti.:ames W. Glver,
sas Michigan's rereseintative upon ___ who lriughtl his couirs of instruction
tthe conerence meet committee andduhlyiitiibsnurceofe.
isas chairman of that boidy. Be sac- fiasnts i"Hr gi-e Tday Ir.Cloiver has over 12 appli-
11sficed personal interests in etnuing iors and Dlndegrads Presccupied atosesori his pupils ani can fill but
1to Michigan to leach, and was ifu- Plans fr Cmmncment. 1hti ee Mlioin S. Kobite starts a a
enc(ned to do so out of loylyanid love glayo_$200 a year with the Con-
:or University life. evlv ieliscneC.Ms
'lisswieekit proing tnsifex ept i e LieIsaewthC$511Miyea
n. ~~~~~~~~iial activity on the canicis. Ea-Idiot, trssarswth$5 aya
. CANTATA TON IGHT. iaIiti bgiiiFridaty asil cniue villil'sesatusi'cmay,suitdlivr
___-__ it it Thursday ofsexi weslk. The-A~Pt rin hi-s oes tiith'e'iennsyva-
Th( dvne ae fsat stdrae it lasmen,.as-a i-tlt, re isnhrov snia Ibiual 01 Philadelphi.
.btare anesidietufeawits iiyathuesg te lst cev 'ays in teir eitea Tiese raduaeeo have lien taught a
proit laeiondienbsceantal,'TenjRuste ,fistolimaske s little effostgo s ta ue tyet ofitechnical training how
prodctin ofthecantta,"TheRlito etnste the nist iiflctltheories
nfMaides," which will be givensiniiFriee usiile, it and ontirhpiei onuswhichfire tsurasi's ress.'
Sususe acrrTalxbaltlight. bsfits" Iiisgat iheaitsusohy'le
:15. This catataais uder Ithe ir- ts naie n h ga atrp The "saisical laoratory" will sup-
n ass i uulh nt sgayml l t-to or- lust ti- isruton o-aual
a ctiosi tf tP'rof. Willianu Hwlandh 'nit ttsitlritstz .- theeel I his intructits. i ra
t olwtgtoulesii h trl Tie'seitotrs re avtilin hiutemsel vs t si-aitetlagsnlbisir
thee foltotwingssimtersiioftiae -Ivhi-l ante siure Ihat D. Cluves-u lu aalet--
ndeec 'aheiiclleescrer ti-i- -tifrm iwesernu lawyer tfferitg
Lewilsariiftie Shiul0 lui uune o tsneiig asr sn$11111 for lbs noretmtathimatial form-
syllhiucrat:atti. Asscittionss sontois belt'bri
-Leia Fiarlin Elieabeth Campbtell, sit iigtnemi ula: tby, which ertain insuance sts
StorsBlach Abot Aigal ly ndaiin Mstany amongutusg h itfet-
SirtsnWhBlane Abul bialFl toal mti ats'already locted.iflute FORESTRY CLUB MEETING.
tJlio ht tn isehlnso i-i Des mngya, hl ohr_ r
lb Davis I'race Swill tBessie Cuss eutiuiea.'h'oh-sa, - - ____
'li - lbi huilftOutui nsicue Kindeatorinsg tsosulveuthis suuemuuch oo- 'he Fresry clushell its fial
o : tquestin. A uttsuler ioflthose ahit e1ing Wehihnsay eveig in Wet
ylees,, GithPrryrs. hutaJus 1Pol-lipi uscl Iseach ae giutisi tittins hall.T'lbsmetigsas se of lbs
I xt dr anefauerhDasy nnxi yea. is(ts islafew ant' utill most men stin" o the entire yer,
Nora n ~~~~~~this auxiousis eat uaudeagerly scaisn hemmerIr hgl cths
Squire iPnch,sRettedFreuchisn i-adlb ebr aehgl si is
Nui aHtmlEsilur e arue D theu'horieonuthIlr''es tes a ay fun his- iasic-osvr-t hswork the clut has sons
Basciuck, Mrs. us. Jessie RedteddutJNy Itaotshmn ilu thus-hipe thlut them si t- and over its prspets for the coming
1rlncenGodieNeman Kthei tuni ms-st may be almtlayedlby the kinsd- yer.
Minogl, EmitlsP Nfseluana Llies, sue ufsomuesustben'esvlest schotuoluoard. i lMr.F. H. Capp spoen lumbr-
SDiuge PmilyPntsId, ItStiaoy Arangemes rot s-.insenceseninlg anMinneoa as carrieul on by
cFolnd Wotodwie, ararhiSith , are uProt'sinsrabtidly. Theis Che Weysthauser syniicate at Coqet,
-0I. Lews reen, lFred Daley, C. Dd ttheo esn ieu-l maageet is er- uinear Duluth. The accountutfnIthe meth
t ey Franuk,houissLeontard, Ruces Davsfcing plaststlb'tlitprumenudeattgodsthitsre enmoetwas full of inter-
-- Edlgel Horuer, Lamont Cllash ,Fran 'th tthern laiuse ioft his-fDal wek. esting and detaied information. The
t Higley, DOttZLnm eorCemige 1HoiwardsTaesseir lawv class hasudeciedutno sydicate appllidl last mummier lto the
bass. Minnie I,. Diavis, pianist. toi cntibutesl t- customary amoutulgvernment for a force of fresters to
e Thre argumnut is as fulow:The tlte funduexpeedh'ini-l idueoreting make an invstigaion of the onsi-
quieens sitthe Dioer' fairies, weary ohit s'caumus.5aidi stwill sut lanici- tlitmusthers' an dtrawtiii a repmort oni
I I susion - he tusniati.- them. This reort has not yet been
hisortirhe ri u~ ie the feature iii this wees is thus handetd n, ut Mr. Clapp, who wa
-Spring tolibestow spon her the m uass meig'ioguf i' igneeriig sts.oeouh netgtn at ffr
ofa love. He warns list against this, l-i ihehon nIieuyblestrs oif the nvstgaingiu lamyte otso--
- ut at last yed t d etete t ob ee nUiestyhletri ftei no httecm
-and while ohs sleeps, fransorms her tumnirnuw aturiuusi, toicusmisieey lute pay will decide to employ cnsnerva-
'nsli a ibeaufiul girl, She wanuderost' msmorialtiietiso it be, ret euive sethods "fn its isumbering As it .
- ]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ hraiugh lbs worl to findt his lve1 in honrsit the late Den Chres K. oeae o eylresae h
hut finally becones the wife of a for- Greene. Yesterday aierniu thes Ison ai.attsbe isl egetb
"sle. tir husbasd des ad ab str engineeriug class snit faculty haul the 16G cmi scintfic forestry methods.
rows so much ot her lss that thre tIc t ictures ~asson in frun iilte(,P,,esim Roth fead an interesting
tode.Te nuotte suy new builuig. The graihuaes were reporst telling of, is h n w h soyi hat has been ac-
clad in the cuslunuary cals anth giwis.couitdisohed 0~ ofstry during the last
where he fairies bewail thetsloss sf;
their queen. .%1x-mosthst the period since the form-
Program. -NOTICE . -no, the clu. He took tp first
Chrts"treen vale, antI vine-cad PeirlitivllutsAl- i nte sork9cithte government bureau,
mountain."viaton - ril r r. enl the rwsrkrn. the different states,
said at lbs ticket sffce in ihu rsty Iad then that ets in the university.
(Continued onopage three) 'halrim 1 1o541pI.-no. taiy. -e sns1 a tefm irte gift of the forestry
_____ - - --'tn lnd of the work that had been
-done there. About 35,000 trees have
_ be : t 'out' dof these nearly 90
KU AnTr- rT .K_ triving. Among other
A M I TC H I G A N] 1M N] S I A I-] !lt ig5tha the forestry department
J .i. L V\\ ,. h-9 c uso I-li.sod *his the addition to
the f 20 rtery, they purchased with
the$ tll.fratsd thedepartment.
IS THE BEST POSSIBLE COLLEGE Anotli r iraI f $200 has been made
ai - by aet year the library of the
- ___ -. department will be much better fitted
S O V V .E N- -.. than now to the needs of the students.
Professor Roth expressed his sails-
TAKE ONE" HOME WITH YOU "faa isisat int' estI maintained in for-
- - - - s .0' b.the club ad he hopes for a
~pro. pr ss opening again in the fall,