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June 05, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-06-05

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.Oar Special Line of.... TAKEN OFF THE TEAM Senior Lits and Engineers Decide en CAUGHT CLIMBING THE POLE
Foregn nd on~etic ' Class Memorial
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F A B RI Cs~ Thought to be a lit- i i. I t a lle'n ot> (ia Ii'itit lnoon CassiaHols in s ('nAirpo
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All Kinds on Engraving Done,

c l ii ti h lliii lii tiitti ii ittrlga a a ofilee.iiAsiii H t'l' ntutu' I u i lli'ii 1n~
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at'ati- it lijuntiitlir.1 'm iiticl ele 1 their5ca o [ (utf11ieiron e cant11 S Pae 410a i -

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