The Michitiia
ANN ARBORIVIMICHIGASN, i\+:\ I l <ISI)A\Y. LjVIs . i t ~ioo.[5)
NO. 179.
hero unttil stutldenly his cheeks begao to
lose their color. 't'hen hie quietly droptped
the stubh attn 1sought solace elsewhere.
to ' 's Vistl'ti REDUCED COMMENCE-
t IIit c
I "BOA'is ~tlt sC Iti aedtl tl t ei
role cof
I .
Some Events That Were Not on the
Regular Program of the Big
Track Meet.
The tiletes whoti made the trip to
t essinferettce tis Netrtill tot soon
forget tie affair, ntestosily becutse of te
glory witi whicit they stcceed itt cv-
erintg tieitseies sandclMichigan, bhttt e-
causeosf the goosi titto[e stdTiere
swss a lot atfifuntconestedstiistthte
tas<tof winninttg tssswesttt ishaitio-
ship,for fromthe time sitheslosleft Ansi
Arbor untitl toysrturneitdto sxci~tteett
and imerrimeter t ot i lacits.
Asurrsettt awoitedstosi men[hoos d i d
tot hknosw t tsistoer ircowttCaltes
Birhdos arssisrianged sfor asomossttisa
tions. It twtstatimost leasant sisess
ihemseves inthe newtotIlite Iorisne
its lHigland PaC.Th11itsis tltwhich
hatssonlyir t oottls 1hentcomipiletsdi istone
of tfite mst tsiton ttis ( ttsiCitye uloe
signtedifor Vtnertepools [tickls
'['le hotsl 1ac[too akI ic iai and
the atlietes esokaati agelsss['of5'stheirs loit
catiosn tsshate oaIltite aquticiisprts
Oniteenci ts this gisgiamsitsats little
duilsng stryitweotsets RwssasdsC(o
its whiicht osdisosisrid ot1-lt fee
[isb lienstchsled1 swit I.bake M\iciganti
waste. 'Flit psologueto tithis litle oasi
coltwissctod ts i Pth ilsiloptilts in
the Pennsylvani mett his riest
"'Spiser' ducokedi tos ieedy sto-mitelo
frsomssRattle Cieek isRsowsiwasied a
tienitly forvengeassnce snishensis tiott
psrtntity sitseo Itositediit
"'Seepy" I )tsii(Gotils its sccera
others sitwh i i ida yprt ofthle [times
iy takinig 5a coir seit nai'gstits. Wit
saistsattiwshichtse'ntaunchisedit istains
ceremonsie'ssintebtie [lak ai e.I
wsansi esitsi scene wheni tut eiirlittl
craft siteot awaypfriotiiits mingstti and
poited its oslse tsrithe itseast list
tnrttssieiss tswatki ss j rre listswiser
Stseat ttesiostudsntit ito[ith[e
's ists it is l 'lthe or ileht lt i
[ot exactly' strike 'biiii JohnnyiipGirritss.
Joniny's aptistsis iiiti s svryhelhfl
condiliitnts te saIs, aniid le iswitul
stoak [it titha osl iotflle i'ha
ins s'fiiiiifiu'is garn'5'iiseod iwit liii li
antu seredon srstal avln "hsi
alittle toi uisint fit sits siJosi tut
ass lie castis eeo iwhttheiprt; t
witiress hadsijlst si tiwn inif[snts of
ocisicin ttthis iii its
Johnntiy list a ii listti iliss of ii
totsap~pieciates Iis prows'is.s Tha t oe
is 1?ii ary. Pary w. s pr t sIsItI
surrtiisdi- t I hisiss wheni e ii ii
saheasd of arlintlti c as
trosw ii intesdiscs siert. IPstsihadi
eoie34, hlt Juir scoslilsut get tt
patter leon cisi[3ifiets Ahe icsohirl
arounissifistr ts' lat tsi e 'situ set tit
sisustflynPrr i is oe sitd
sartedl for ts' sressit in-1'. "hat'
it tlats it" lie tlled whiethi eih
was still "itear.Iews riilt ' it
sas [le t[row sits iwiionthe eve
delso(f railey sisisut hisi al i gar. i
''Bill" ail iens asvig tilt ll clust'fr
te fhnas1couts [5d sit soo sitss shis psrt
of [li e[testt s ovriieaperel sio-
ig us reaul-looikig Havasitstuatu le
as if it hadtelritginasll bienis toicigrs.
Malaoney wsatfesihuhlike Oa cnquestrig
ass exp[restsirigiufur 'a short time isis
msediaitely ifstrteismest. Io imitifol
te tasks if carrying[thesvector s'shils.i
Ii its el s th[iiisw is[not t[lielighte'st, andi
whensito[ithIis hutdz a de h
weuighti of tsesditsus aidthe [tsshotte
sturdyip ttanag5ertbeganito iititns:ttiself
''Clii"Sltt isins sshle esiosurelofi
tll tesqdsti eyiOessNltits set lits palled
suit ascigaisr t[isctupatisilmoe isoresite i
mlest. "It t's h rdilinstis to sitt still andi
swatchsiitano s the mnloutie lakie xiiii
'Mitsr dittnseriatse ictioiis, the tesim
dided, partiofitheten 5visiting[lie
Wshite(Cititwile thlie ts sot tookitheit
trees [ts[tetie r amusemeniiti.
'['li ne zvousssitt sssoi lacdit [lie
Michtutun(Ce'tral's 't ii1:> andsev ery
mantilp[utI in is appearasncsies
trill tihe lust esr, ithilt't' less'tmeiti
iters o oslthe ti ae itoti sit' oitiit
forwardsiitoiiits irepettou etya.
Capail \C11ellanou[ithe)0 f [o
'Taft, stili slit IP sitersotinI, iioelKel-
is>'. Du[nsieX'Whleeler, ItoNeffsesinid t1sesi
dell. ThelieaIs isiis metoltisRenstscliler'i
at 2:30 lt tist [ori [Ito offisiial [icture.
'lie [ti0y ca[tasit willprobasl belilt ec sstedi
at te samisihet
NOfIiC 10 Si "uIfiS.
Se'niis swhio sirestoicostinueiistheirt
sbcitost'Iiill(, IDailty[fitr[next seari
shouldisenOds [meiis it'sltpo i stal is oe ad-
dre rihrIsisbe ittcatttioniorerthai t
till ciiis opie[s [fsoaperimpiyobsosicursdi Ths
Dasiltystill coninl manyiiil'nets'feastres
rsitu yiiiliobeterthai vr.T i
shouldibe ttinded losit(isles. (thures
C. F. Win[steadi case of IDails.
rHas Been Made Entirely Repre-
ontative This Year C-i. cher's
Orchestra Engaged1.
by 11 it i ii cptiii
cN-tloil 'is iii is "t e
It s crv i i tmi lt(i'1 that
sn tt c~ss f al doi p
tliii sits Itiusip)tclil
hc iimtt
'iiitite a l
T( t cc ' 'fla
lVc1i i i's
it tt iCt -fle
4 h il i rci tllii
\V tl~t ldil 1 citi
sol ti iletois t 't lt'Si
ist ' ill ie sit a.s' 1 l
eiiofths pus Railroads Have Granted Special Rate
of One and One-Third Fare Cor
<st ttyreflct- Returning Alumni.
t'sk'''cl-pa ut ; ois oatedth onmiili t
td la'Ii rka m atexrisels i Otere i i seureai luui
prgrms tli, Tllsr telay Ibe secuisdfrisis lloinJts
VV'nr ro ams sey Ueatiare Maylad, isltict of
eey n is stll riiiinn ii N'suthiirns'i i r ii a inid
;e It> he i- lnlam, Illinii \lislii ifan, sntaso
:.toe, tlte oin- (souh ,tad est-of T iiit s lusts 5
lotlld recc i c a:
}lc reception
e -, ollle time of
he profit; to cr )
e ident that ca>
,d hard and ord
.lcce and it cr( 1
Ml"' \ ill a)- ec
, nioll mad ' lrr
c()I 111 I.- fro) 11 '
NI satil l i('Viii ht <iilt
AIV t'ct1111tdaty?")OR~AM hut &Ii
iii to lisa~csit thatii therei i s no
Im- dnp 'aI} w tic ets ihesld,
20ot iktS ari seii 11o mar wil h
ever wad- i sosirtsiisiiint ir um
ii tod ts. e Hm th hary sitnc
itll isisee.a d pelmn r eo
ifte al fts icss a tevd
cvcr efor, ithe iiln ilti iiiha ti iin
c>i"c j tlt,.
W d iiaIiiIt ,
1 1I1i St'
trorl th fc lc it; , su-icrer.
i II ' I I I fle I 'its'i iil ts
('lie' IC) l ie's. 'c)7,ti scis tc
inf ir xi car, trice ('hisrles
\'si costusit 41iirnsisssii 5 ' th iii i t a
(cas of B l stssm sak in'cluisi South
W ok, t lts sisl ebrIs s k a, itsissoiii Col-i
se 's',\,p siisis" T[le \s' siiis aid
iak ;Shut, o evr \ l l n ix-
iii iii itsliition iinain i patu lar i
efors to[i r'ich cs'ss'mi'i'who i expec[t s
r elitu it Juni sis wei ol is Ai tviits
Iis tiate iwil (yerite s h
ill Iais stIllbits aid i i m (sit b(sli
Inu a[stiicae wl e 61 uo
litpiato ythtutickt ag nt ai th
luitstoileat r, hc etiista
-theii p rsit ctist A nA brA
she eii s t c rn~ Ii t w e "
Phs crifi''iat''ismus s ecured'its anstd,
in'oslit e i t un t rii i ,slit st be sine
r the sinvll dtn gn a lcau
o on isas titl st's' iis' an' W hen' ' dis i
tioe's fits' are for nisni can b
'ititd, sitternruts' in"uth w sc i 'iartiics Ii
ts tis n tketit all s t his aleIt ti o'r3
1cate, sillera's ar'h ;;an'sdi acord's
A jusntt ickettofile firt
"tisi 55ii 5555555lutirbot"
':>e c s's I ''i t e tr stll i
iue t sttilts un Z2
N"O"lo il ca ae l
isis s'' s- 'ts wilts e all
:Tntla'e of 5the 14mil ti i:
I i I l' w
.''t fiif he Nriii96S's
tc t ~ tlo,<,tlc r~l 4c 5nt's
1 liteitis
1 V. it. ki sitiitttit 'o.} ~ seas ric'
'Stutrdlay t 4ii s hi ciii \sris, if ie
hit's fist'Alpena,'s 'lusia h 'u ' iee _is'r
Roesnhits actedo a 5[position tus
manaulsger' ofabnk
Scetit'flutist " Yioiut lifets'," inohi' Is's' tif ttu atcutmussu tuti'i' sitlist t "Gci 'ittit/uur, .S'atrdfayi, Isue 16.
...,. ..
--- - -------------------- --------
[NI 0R S : AT ONCE. EDITION LIMITED. If Present Sales Continue