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March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

… I a} u- CL, a- U) U) 0) ci) 49 I (0M m <0a mJ- U :z a I" 0m 0 U 4m) 0 I@m 0 -p cU 0 0 0 C VON c') 0 k.- '. CL L 0 C 0~ 4-I ~0 0 0 c 0 LI) c.. N0 o P4 a C)+ 41 Q 41 I .) 4- cd C~) C to k4 4 -4 4. e a' °4 aS a ) 84-) > C 4d d ..4 r c . a p ~4 o { CdC .5 C) Q bC) rnC - > Oo2 ~45) .14~5 . 0n >)4 ) C vC o? o 44.4 C < to 4-1 c3 'C.) C) 4 -4 ~4 4 W ( -4 Wr - C) .4- C 4- q Vt0 40 W 44)4.) 45 4.41 44 (3) q)3 cd4)) P4AC ;.4 ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridci , 1'. . arch 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAII V Brown, Henderson Swing Out Tonight r r i I t L., I Y i l ,,, 1 1 1 'd 7 /" . I L.l f"\ I L. T I I Feet Serve Music Masters Give Out Tonight As the Best Men, Overrun by B Pin Brigades, Seek Les Brown-Sweet and Novel- Marks '44 V-BalI High Spot Les Brown, with his sensational band, and Fletcher Henderson, "the colored king of swing," with his ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…Page Thirty, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, Mor'ch -3,1944 Friday, arch 3, 19,44 THE ICI I C H I GAN ESA I LY P e °hr,.:TI WEr-CHIYAN D ILY FrdoSMl 'h 3f194 ,.iay,.: a..h3..144.T FM..,r'" 7 °+! lLASSIF1ED ADVERTISING WANTED-A man to pick me up MASSAGE AND BATH. Health- No Foolin' ~much Ado About Nuttin' Or the Pointed Pen Dulls Members of VaoniteeI and take me to V-Ball, I'm all, ready and have been stood up. Am blond, beautiful and dyin...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY it r I R R V I Y I 11rr I I I V! -.R \ yr s r v, -r Tf-IF MICI-ICAN DAILY Fiday, March 1944 Frida,,Mrh3 94TEMCIA AL a tion Brecthless osFDR Flips Coin Fourth Term Decision, Still Remains Doubtful Voodoo Magic. Loading Charged Figuring in Our Political Scene Cabinet Quits As Roosevelt l (z-. Reelected By Astonished Nat By MONROE FINK WASHINGTON, D.C...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

…f' Page Twenty-Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridov. March 3 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Nazis Routed In Kpmnsvkr Basin Battle Soviet Communique States German Manpower Reaches Negative 4,000,000 Figure By PERCY McBEEBEE Disassoc. Press Correspondent (Special to The Daily) PSIAKTROUMOQNOVSKUVOS, March 3.-Red forces, sweeping through the Kpmnsvkr Basin to- ward the key city of Minskipitsk, Soviet rail center held by the ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…i , _________________ H MT Cb .. . , ,' v - :3- 1 : ° ,:%a F s . ,. ,yd: tr .:. . _ ' it Rr,".v, /:. :'o . .. . . } 9Y , ,_., .r. . -h. 0 U) _S- d3 L) I, OF 0 -e m1 CD U) -r. -'- mD U, -,- -,. CD U) - O V) 0 O 'O Ca -,. i~ ~0 -o 0. "' w 0' CD 0 CD CD c c*0 +'0CLG 0 G P cn 0 U) 'CDU CD 01 _ ____C4 Q a0 C n' C+ C. -CD0 O (D0 CD I iv 1D 0 t co cn < 0 K C n D 0o O D V : C CD w SP M S m CD 0W 3 i i U) 4-i CDU)~D ~:S ~iW a* 0 ~ 0...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

…Ol) O CL _J U w T. m u a LL.I 0114 0 0Q Nm Ni ItC 0 U QI a) ~ ,~ -~ *~ ~P2~ 4: a) ~ 0 ~.. 0 ~ o ' 0 Cu ;-' *~.0 ~ I ~ c~ ~ ~h4 ~ Cu 0 0) .5c 0 *- 0 0 H, U1.) 0-; 44 k( A o. )~ bo 114 4- " -/n u M 0C w0Cu C ,dC -+ ObU 5 ' Q rrs +' cd ) iv , c 0 . 0 bn 0 c3 , "+ . btu'v1" ) "4- Q Z by O ' -Z0a) t Q b534 V 04 C2 4W .p ' H -b a) a) a) a) a) bfa) e$-4a) to ZV ~Q) v O m W v '020 Z/QCu C bp b CDt (ID (9 p4 a) 02 E ' _J .. .r , _ "v - ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 8

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3 1944 Frdav p ttcac 3 P . 1944 -P THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEMCGADALFrdyMac3,14 rrI t lutylIVIU,4, .r I Q44 THF M%-ICRI yA%1'% il Y1 V-BALL STAFF CO-EDITORS Stan Wallace, Jennie Fitch BUSINESS MANAGER Elizabeth Carpenter CIRCULATION Celia Elson CONTRIBUTORS Ray Dixon, Marj Borradaile, Claire Sherman, Jane Farrant, Dcna Guimaraes, Mary Strauss, Doris Peterson Vwtforv Ball1 has After the ball is over, Alter t...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 9

…!' Pcine Twenty-Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3,1944: THE MICHIGAN DAILY { # V 4.. #TT41 iar .#v{A! i ."..r "......r. .. v. .. ... .. .. _. _. .. _.f. A Woman Marine Works Coeds Help Keep the Wild Ducks Tame THE TALK OF THE" C4MPL Daring Facts Are, Revealed I To Wise Public For 'some time past, the USO has been holding regular Friday evening dancing classes. At the risk of having their toes mashed...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 10

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, j944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY D-.. Te.. -gin.-HMCHGN ALYFda.Mrh3194FiaMrh3194TEMCGA DAL a Wastebasket Reveals Secret Calendar for Of How the Irish Skunked Us Spooning under The following story was resur- rected from The Daily files (the wastebasket) after the last Notre Dame football game. As yet, we have not been able to discover the author of this masterpiece of sports reportin...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 11

…Poge7wenty-Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fhdoy, Morch_ 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pd '.. x FP Vx'S.f'F4-V r Te x M.iCHIGANex DAxLYr Frrsd...... 3.,f194FkVM rh3 94TH MCHIA D IL _FL _ _ GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty True Story Tells Havoc, ' } "At! It's a pleasure to give all I got without having to fill out a return for doing it!"- INVEST IN VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS & STAMPS Ing You'll find a captivating 100% white wo...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 12

… Pnna TwPlva y THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 33, m1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Elyse fidvises Frustrnted emales- wiw Iw wwll- Iw IliWllwllwllll I X1111 II I IIIIwwllblll lllwrwll Ywww l Ili wwll I I11Ylllwlll wwll wwwwlwwwlwll®IIIIIIp11P 1 11w Illlwll w THE TALK. OF CAMPUS Who Will Win The BaGlor Knows fll, Tells It fill, To Lovesick Coeds a Dear Elyse, FOR PROFESSIONAL reasons I' had to interview a very charm- i...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 13

…age Twenty THE MICHIGAN RAIL Fr-ivMac3,14 1rdvMac3.1 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r ~ge Twenty - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridav March 3 1944 rridnv Mnrch ~ 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY F .i i t 1. %j y, l Y iV i yi i A, 1 ./.. 1 F': Ensian Life D1aimed To Be Corn' Variety Male Editor Reveals Jam Packed Life Saga Lived In Thrilling Four Months By ALFRED SRERE Do not let anyone tell you that fe on the 'Ensian is not pleasant. and mares eat oats, and does ...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 14

… Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 Friday, March 3, i 944 F049y, March. 3, 1:944 THE :MICHIGAN DAILY PQeForee H MCIGNDAL ria, ach3 94 ria, ac 3 94 HEMRIGMfi j I Dear Diary: A Man, That's. Bostula Ostenpheffer Reveals All What I Need--Any Man! The Sad Saga of a Blind Date; Don't We All Know It Well! 1944 Edition Details - Economics 51 -Murder Three Weeks Before V-Ball Dear Diary: Why doesn't he call? The tickets will be gon...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 15

…Page Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY '"I! -t Is There Isolationism in Leap Year? ,.._ hL Coeds Submit To Chemist's Brews I U -1 Coed Tells Her Plans InUnnigManhunt maPW ,.I J", You can't find a better problem than a woman, no matter where1 you are, so yesterday several chem- istry students went to work on the subject, and her is their lab- oratory report: CHEMISTRY OF MI...…

March 03, 1944 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 16

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 3, 1944 Friday, March 3, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday,, March 3>1944 Friday.. March 3. 1944 THF MICRIGAM DAIlY IRIL. Ir1l-"I 11Vl\ \ Wine, You Fellows Had Better Be Nice, Or Else Acacia: Alice Ashcraft, Detroit; Jean Holforty, '45; Janet Johns- ton, '44; Georgianna Sager, '47; Mildred Weeks, '47. Alpha, Tau Omega: Peggy Ber- ry; Lorna Fleming; Dorothy Kit- tredge. Beta Theta Pi: Thea...…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… i ' it43t l'aitli Weather Snow and Colder VOL. LIV No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Loses 68 Bombers in Raid on Berlin Legislators Are Bound over to Circuit Court for Trial Over 850 Ships Used Maj. HemansI Reveals Leak In Grand Jury Sigler Indicates Star Witness Was Advised Of Inquiry Proceedings LANSING, March 6.-()-Seven- teen members and former members of the Michigan Legislature and five...…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…r r: v - f tt L. I C Tfi i G A N 1 {.,1.1'. : 1.-r ,. y. -ti - .1.1 i :11:. v~ fi -l ~ jc -i Local Accident Causes Death Physicians at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital reported that Carl Gross, 25, 0 Pexter, died at 9:45 a.m. yesterday of injuries suffered when his car collided Saturday with a truck driven by Oscar B. Wilcox of Tecumseh. The accident occurred on Parker Road, about eight miles west of Ann Arbor. The Gross car was traveling s...…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

… TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAGE ThRiUE Thinclads Engage in NAAU, Illinois Meets During Va ication Individuals Star in Newv York; Squad Tops Illini Ufer, Hume Twins Are Standouts at Garden; Swanson, Hirsch Contribute to Saturday Win J - Departs ftr Army By BILL LAMBERT Although most university activi- ties enjoyed a between-semester va- cation, the Wolverine track squad was busily engaged in competition, which is shown b...…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

… i .i LI 1 T ..ESDY..h1i._ 1s 7.a ' , 1q 44 ° G Fifty-Fourth Year SRather BeRight BySAMUEL GRAFTON GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty AU sIC r I t.: St , i A c MlL~M~T Us Edited and man gec by student. o the University of Michigan under the authity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every mnori iing except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tues day during1the summer ...…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…=15" , :44UR 7, x-S '47 1 1 ; ; i9 1i ..';i : E' \ ' X2'l il -.- .... * * ..PA .. _ _ w JGP Will Present Musicaxl Comedy Rpril 2 7, 28,29 Senior Women To Be Guests Opening Night Tryouts for Dramatic, Singing, Dancing Parts TQ 'Be Held This Week; Stage Hands Needed Junior coeds will supplement their war work with a new Junior Girls Play, the first in two years, to be presented Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, April 27, 28 and 29, i...…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1944 RELIGION-WAR: Counselors and Leaders of 29 Miehigan Colleges To Convene McNary's Successor Religious counselors and leaders from 29 colleges and universities in Michigan will convene in Lane Hall a week from Saturday, March 18, for a conference on "Religion in the Wartime College." Sponsored by the War Emergency Council of the Christian Association and the Conference of College Teach- ers and Mini...…

March 08, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… M . t'it 4MW 4ll Weather Snow Flurries VOL. LIV No. 87 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Major Hemans Says' Life Is Threatened Prepared Statement Tells of Offer Of Enough Money for Life in Exile By The Associated Press LANSING, March 7.-Maj. Charles F. Hemans, confessed pay-off man in the distribution of graft to members of the Michigan Legislature, charged today in a prepared statement to the press that "m...…

March 08, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…?' TWCv THE"L MiiicIk ih " iily adlui " ; - i ~44 40,000 EnglishCoal Miners Walk Out in Wage Argument 00 Fits Idle As Ministers Seek Solution 35,000 Tons of Coal Lost Daily as Other Fields Face Slowdown LONDON, March 7.-Forty thous- and coal miners and 60 pits were idle as a walkout in Monmouthshire and South Wales fields expanded tonight. Minister of Fuel Gwilm Lloyd George was expected to treat the sit- uation as an emergency at a me...…

March 08, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… AY, MARCH 8, 1944 r' E m I cHTI AN 1r) AITIN.- t a.a. .* a.F4 . a ii .u iii i a1 ii d V A 11 .L d'S 11J 1 __..._.. Track Team Pointing Toward Conference Championship Coaches Meet In Chicago To Discuss Plans CHICAGO, March 7.-()-Big Ten football coaches, some of whom are advocating unlimited spring and summer drills, will meet in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Directors of athletics also will con- vene to select the site and dates for th...…

March 08, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

… iu' 1i.;I ~J. ~, 1S44 .Ti f iy..orlY ear Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under thg authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year. and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associaled Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of anll news dispa...…

March 08, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 5

… CPSJ J .l LiJ ' 1 . 1. : 1w n IFS4, . - .. . .. - '33 -l: 13vx 3d V I ----------- -- Tickets for Comedy' I I I 'Tom Sawyer' 'ToBe Put on Sale Monday Women's Glee Club To Present Musical, Written and Produced by Wilson Sawyer, In Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, March 15-18 Tickets for "Tom Sawyer," a musi- cal comedy which will be presented by the Women's Glee Club at 8:30' p.m. Wednesday, March 15, through March 18, will go on s...…

March 08, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

…E six THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCIT 8, 1941 SIX WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1944 Co. D To Give May Musical 'Rumor Has It' Coed Participation Planned; Cast of 80 Required by Comedy For the first time in six years coeds will have an opportunity to take part in an original campus musical com- edy when Co. D presents "Rumor Has It," scheduled for production in May. There will be a meeting of all girls interested at 2 p.m. Saturday' in the USO ...…

March 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… Y trot ilaIt Weather Cloudy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Yank Air Armada Rocks German Ca pital Co. C's Men To Invade Girl's Campus By Army Orde: Situation Complicatior By Anti-Love Decree To Prevent Romance' "Bidin' Our Time," Co. C's origin musical comedy, will be presented 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in ti Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The action of the play takes pla at Puellae College, a girls' sch...…

March 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…tu lit I~W~N D Ai - Thtruun4y~, 1 '.IA4 i Ma4 d o ntDaniels Admits Attemting To Get REA Head To ResigB With Discontinuation of Contract -: rx., .w.r.u. DERROIT, March 8.-(IP)-Fitollow- ( a mst three Eniployos, swmied1,if ?TERIA FIGHTER: ing a dispute in which a plant pro- tection man was reported injured in the aircraft building of the Ford Motor Company's Rouge plant today, the company warned the United Au- tomobile Workers (CIO) that i...…

March 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHICAN DAILY )oherty Names Squad for Big Ten Track Meet Saturday Wolverines Are Heavy Favorites To Retain Indoor Cinder Crown <!> Six of 12 Individual Titles Within Grasp Of Wolverine Stars Defends '440 Title By BILL MULLENDORE Track Coach Ken Doherty yester- day announced the personnel of the Michigan cinder squad which will invade the Chicago Field House Sat- urday to defend its Western Confer- ence indoor track title. The ...…

March 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…7jj " .EA lLYi' ..n.xx ua .,ti1a:, 4x".h1rti4. i ,za'; alN' # Fityiurt Yeaily Fi fty-Fourth Year CONSENSUS OF OPINION NIL: Foreign Policies, Leadership and Bureaucracies Of Present Crisis Perplex American People ______lGRIN AND BEAR IT I By Lichty d, 1 ,, 1 .1 / v ' - - =' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under tl authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning excep...…

March 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

… ______________________THE iCIGAN AILY L \ L Noma a , Figure Skating Club To Give Ice Gaieties' Ypsilanti Private, Coeds To Be In Several Comedy, Novelty I Band Will Play Acts at Coliseum Sunday University coeds Nancy Upson, '44, and Marion Hrebek, '44, will be among the top performers in "Ice Gaieties of 1944," second annual skating carnival of the Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club at 8 p.m. Sunday at the Michigan Coliseum. The Army will be...…

March 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN RAILY Clothing Drive For Norway Is Underway Women's War Council Aids in 'U' Campaign To Help Nazi Victims Shoes and old clothing for Norwe- gian relief are being collected at the Undergraduate Office of the League under the sponsorship of the Wo- men's War Council and students are requested to give generously to this drive. Started in cooperation with the American Relief for Norway, Inc., the campaign seeks to provide badly neede...…

March 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…, , ; tK4r 4aitg Weare VOL. LIV No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jap Hold in Admiralties Nears Collapse; Russian Drive Threatens Black Sea Ports {. _._ 4) Reds Capture Strongpoints In Northwest New Soviet Offensive Forces Germans Back Toward South Poland By The Associated Press LONDON, March 9.-Moscow an- nounced tonight that a new Soviet offensive had pounded a 105-mile gap through German li...…

March 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL FRidAb , IIMACiI 1, 1944 Ford Fires 10 Men for Rioting as Union Officials Lo ok On Solution to Rubber Problem Is Found in South America V+ By VALERIE ANDREWS "-,nough rubber could be grown in South America, combined with the synthetic, to prevent any future shortages, and there would not be the present difficulty of being cut off from our main source," Prof. Carl La Rue of the botany department, who has just returned-fr...…

March 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… TH1E M1IIIIA DIJ~LY j7lt j ,F- Tj7 _. ._. _ ... . 1 I Initial Ba-al Returning Veterans Swell Ranks of Fisher's Squad 1 Don Lund, Bruce ,Blanchard, Elmer Swanson, Chuck Ketterer Among Those To Play Again Mic Pract-iAe Cal 0 05Candidates ational AAU Swimming Meet To e Held HereMarch_31, April 1 lAN. By BILL MULLENDORE Even 'though spring is definitely not in the air, 85 prospective mem- bers of Michigan's 1944 baseball squad have been w...…

March 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…MICHIAN DAILY FIDAY, MARVU 10, 19 Fifty.Fourth Year 1MEDIEVAL QUADRIVIUM: .lutchinis, Adler Campatign4gitstProgressive Education, Advocate eturn to Religious Dogma GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty I A'. NA II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- ...…

March 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 89) • Page Image 5

…:1944 THE iMICH(GAN_ DAILY rA ME .:.. ....: ... . ... s m s a s . r a s } e a _ _ . - . . ..._ , . m , _ . . . . .. . JGP Tryouts To Close Today Junior Women May Audition During Afternoon at League Last chance for junior coeds to try out for a part in Junior Girls Play will be between 2 and 5 p.m. today in the League, according to Mary Ann Jones, '45A, in charge of the produc- tion. The play, first in two years, is scheduled for...…

March 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

…T- MII,,, UiWiU Tfl. .. - . a . .F a A L1 \_ L L .2. JL*.r - llL9. Y lVii1.1+11aA. J.IIa l'J !Y F Two Chaplains, Students Th Talk At Conference Catholic, Protestant, Jewish Religions Will Be Represented Two chaplains, representatives of the Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths, and students will address re- ligious leaders and educators at a College University Conference on "Religion in the War-Time College" on Saturday and Sunday, Marc...…

March 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… .1 A' ALt 4 aiI- "weather W~arm er VOL. LIV No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1944 Ireland Spurns Request To Expel German A; Russian Forces Smash German Ukraine Del PRICE FIVE CENTS gents; enses v Nazis Flee Key Points, Reds State Uman Salient Taken; 14 German Divisions, Tank Force Repulsed By The Associated Press LONDON, March, 11, Saturday.- Moscow announced yesterday that the Red Army had opened a third great offensiv...…

March 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…?~,Gi~ T~O Ai i C ft i C- Lzt A ii~AiiX ~A~4ir ~L~ROH 1 _____________________ = Army Chaplain Will Speak at State Parley Lt. Ayers and Others To Discuss Religion in Tihe Wartime College Lt. Jule Ayers, chaplain in the Ar-' my Air Corps, will one of the prin- cipal speakers of the state conference on "Religion in the War-Time Col- lege" when he speaks at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 18, at Lane Hall. A graduate of the University and of Unio...…

March 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

… ,lAIARCItIfy ;1944 THE MICIG1AN fDAILY PAGE TITREE PAGE ThREE Thinclads Defend Indoor Big Ten Title Tonight in Chicago Michigan Favored To Win Conference Crown Doherty Hopes for Special Event Records; Ufer, Hume Twins Are Expected To Excel l ., s Wolverine High Jump Entrant at Chicago (Continued from Page 1) favorite in the highs, and a constant threat to Bob Hinkle of Illinois in the lows. Sheldon Kavieff and Bob Cas- pari, both ...…

March 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…F F T~ iiAi ~iL .4 rb l i kJ 1 .111.- ,i.\ 1,111 " v' K J..{. L'~1T Fifty-Fourth Year. _ -. Edited and managed by students of the University or Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of student Publications. Pufblished levery t rning except Monday during the regular University year, sand every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entit...…

March 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

… _________________________ i~if ~II4h N DMLY Michibomber CarnivalT a Be Presented at 8:80p. m. Today Barbour-Waterman Gyms To 'TomSawy Be Seneof ampias Clowning pron rT er' 'Ice Gaieties Freshmen Name Frolic Patrons Games, Stage Show, Danc ig Novelties To Highlight Affair Students and servicemen will en- tertain and be entertained with a stage show, games of skill and chance, dancing, skits and many novelty stunts at the Michibomb...…

March 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…P~AGESX THE MICHIGAN DAILY sATURDAY, MARCh 11,1 944 GERMAN SUPREMACY: Nazi Ideas Not New, Father Walsh Reveals "There is nothing new in the Nazi's whole conception of geo-poitiks. It goes back over 100 years and the Na- zis simply have a new version of the Prussian desire for world domina- tion," Father Edmund A. Walsh, who conducted a four hour symposium yesterday before the student body of the Judge Advocate General's School, said. Fa...…

March 12, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…li I ip l'! i 1 ir t r 4 i seather VOL. LIV No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 12. 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Reds Seize Berislav in Spectacular Push Wolverines Capture Big Ten Confe Record Point Total Tallied By T hindads Swanson, Boib Hume Win Two Events Each To Build Up Score By BILL LAMBERT Special to The Daily Michigan's powerhouse track team copped six individual titles and tied for another to amass a record team total o...…

March 12, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…~?A~~E TWO _ _ _.Mi _C. _ h __ _ --" - -- w'3ui t : ,1 Zr% ,tCtl i ,; 1:i-t ______________________________________________ I TROOPS GOOD AMBASSADORS: Teheran Native La ads Yank Army rna Meetig Center Director SI: To Be Held by Will Welcome Fifty-Thr State Academy New Studeuts IForeign S ee Newly -Arrived itudents Enroll in U' ly BARBAR.A I RRINTON to express the fine activities of this "A common expression throughout institution." Nor...…

March 12, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE- MICHIGAN DAILY . _ I _______________________________________ p ________________________________________ I Church Groups To Hold Weekly Meetiigs Today. DiseusSions, Talks, Suppers, Open House Planned for Evening "My Philosophy of Life" will be the topic of a new series of student discussions starting 'at 5:45 p.m. to- day at the Congregational-Disciples Guild meeting with a cost supper preceding at 5:15 Open house will be held at 3...…

March 12, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAiLY s~Am ;, Fifty-Fourth.Year SCIENCE VS. RELIGION: Hyma Explains Hutchins' GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty View .. Eli -W =i',-I pwr. II, OR M~ h f5T~N Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer sess...…

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