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March 07, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-07

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Snow and Colder



U.S. Loses


Bombers in Raid on Berlin

Legislators Are Bound over to Circuit Court for Trial

Over 850
Ships Used

Maj. HemansI
Reveals Leak
In Grand Jury
Sigler Indicates Star
Witness Was Advised
Of Inquiry Proceedings
LANSING, March 6.-()-Seven-
teen members and former members
of the Michigan Legislature and five
officials of finance and small loan
companies were bound over to the
Ingham County Circuit Court today
for trial on charges conspiring to cor-
rupt the legislature through the pay-
ment of bribes.
Special Prosecutor Kim Sigler,
assailing the legislative defendants
as men who would "sell their lousy
souls for a few paltry dollars,"
placed in the record testimony of
his star witness, Maj. Charles F.
Hemans, that through a -"leak" of
grand jury secrets Hemans had
been advised of the proceedings of
the inquiry which led up to issu-
ance of the conspiracy warrant.
At no time was the source of the
"leak" mentioned, and Sigler said he
explored the subject to the extent
he did "just so that some persons
would realize that we know what was
going on."
Hemans, who related sensational
stories of having bribed legislators,
said he had been promised immun-
ity from prosecution on subjects
about which he testified.
Hemans concluded his appearance
on the witness stand today with test-
imony that four of the respondents
had visited him in Washington be-
fore and after the warrant was is-
sued, asking him what "was to be
done" about the charges. He named
them as Hancod , Amacht, Nowak
and Wilkowski, and testified that in
a "round-about sort of way" he had
been kept apprised of what Judge
Carr's grand jury was doing, al-
though all persons connected with a
grand jury are sworn to secrecy,'
Gen. Aurand
To alk atJA
Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aurand, com-
manding officer of the Sixth Service
Commai.d, will address the 14th and
15th Officer Classes and the 4th OC
class of the Judge Advocate General's
School at their commencement ex-
ercises on March 14.
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
Law School, will also speak at the
graduation ceremonies.
The review parade will be held
in the Law Quadrangle on March 13
at which time the 80 men in the 4th
OC class will receive their commis-
sions from Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cra-
mer, Army Judge Advocate General.
The parade will be reviewed by Gen.
Cramer and Brig. Gen. Thomas A.
Green, assistant Judge Advocate
The 15th Officer class has been
on campus for 11 weeks. The 14th
Officer class and the 4th OC class
have been here for 17 weeks. This
will be the largest graduation exer-
cise in the history of the JAG school.
A total of 130 men will be graduated.
There will be 175 new men regis-
tered March 18 and 19. Thirty-five
of these will be in the 16th officer's
class and will take the eight-week
program and 140 will be in the 6th
OC class and take the 17-week pro-

Daily Columnists Needed
Students interested in becoming a
columnist for The Daily should bring
two sample columns to The Daily
editorial director, Student Publica-
tions Building, by Thursday.

Fire Jap Planes on Tinian Island

Enrollment Drops for
Seventh War Semester


In Raid

Nazis Lose at Least
123 Planes in Fight;
RAF Continues Blast

Attacking N.S. Navy carrier-based planes set J ap planes ablaze on the Tinian island airstrip during
the February 23 raid on the Mariannas. Heavy smoke rises from targets.

Tickets Are
On Sale for
Co. C's Show
'Bidin' Our Time' Will
Be Presented Here
On Thursday, Friday
Tickets went on sale yesterday for
Co. C's original musical comedy,
"Bidin' Our Time," which will. be pre-
sented at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday and.
Friday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The Theatre box office in the
League will be open from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. during the rest of the week in
order to sell tickets for the show.
Proceeds from the two perform-
ances will go to, the Army Emergency
Relief Fund. Coeds will be given late
permission to attend the show.
Cpl. Charles Weisberg and' Jean
Finlayson will play the lead comedy
roles, those of the Colonel and the
dean of women. Also taking leading
parts will be Pfc. George Schoot as
adjutant and Geraldine Hoff Doyle
as a college student.
A group of soldiers are selected for
ASTP and by accident are sent to an
all-girl college. When they are sent
to the school, the dean of women,
fearing that the students will fall in
love with the soldiers, gets the col-
onel to issue an anti-love regulation.
The complications that result from
this regulation are revealed in the
songs and dialogue that follows. Pfc.
Schoot is pursued by Miss Doyle. As
a result of Miss Doyle's discovery of
certain facts, the dean of women is
forced to ask the colonel to do away
with the regulations forbidding the
falling in love of the personnel of the
Books and lyrics for the show were
written by Cpl. Hy Wolotsky with
original music composed by Cpl. Troy
Bartlett. Eight songs have been writ-
ten for the occasion ranging from
sweet to swing.
Among the songs which have al-
ready been introduced on campus are
"Pin Up Boy," "So Little Time," and
"You Keep My Heart Awake."
Dispatch Says
Finns Answer
LONDON, Tuesday, March 7.-(IP)
-A Reuters dispatch from Stock-
holm today said usually reliable
quarters had confirmed that the
Finns had communicated their an-
swer to the Russian armistice terms
to Moscow and that the Finns ex-
pected a reply later today or tomor-

Americans Under Gen. Stilwell
Launch Attack in North Burma

South Pacific Veterans Score Success
200-Mile Surprise March on Japanese


By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, March 6.-Ameri-
can infantry units, in action for
the first time on the Asiatic contin-
ent, have opened an attack in north-
ern Burma under the direction of Lt.
Wen. Joseph W. Stilwell who swore
he would get even with the Japanese
for the "hell of a beating" they gave
him, two years ago.
Veterans of the jungles of Guadal-
canalrand the Southwest Pacific,
scoring their first success in the drive
to open a short cut to China's Bur-
ma Road, have marched 200 miles
through the thick bush and struck
the enemy a surprise blow from the
rear, a communique from Stilwell's
headquarters announced.
Using an American adaptation of
the roadblock-a tactic used by the
Japanese in Burma two years ago
and a trick which Stilwell never for-
got-the Americans planted them-

selves squarely across the Japanese
line of retreat from Maingkwan,
chief village of the Hukawng valley.
About 2,000 of the enemy were be-
lieved cut off by the American col-
umn which marched 117 miles from
their railhead in northeast India,
then struck eastward, then south-
ward and eastward again and came
out on the Walawbum Trail.
Gen. Stilwell's Chinese troops, who
have,been pushing the Japanese back
steadily for nearly two months in the
Hukawng Valley, pressed in from the
north, taking Maingkwan, while the
Americans took Walawbum.
The Americans were about 70 miles
northwest of Mytikyina, the northern
'end of the railroad from Mandalay,
'and 110 miles west of the Salween
River which, in general, forms the
present fighting front in southwest

Almost 4,900 civilian students at-
tended classes yesterday as the Uni-
versity opened its seventh war-time
semester, showing an 11 per cent de-
crease from the fall term enrollment.
Figures released by the Registrar's
Office, which are not yet complete
because some students have still not
Red Troops
Break Through
Nazi Lifeline
Soviets Sever Last
Important Rail Outlet
In Southern Russia
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Tuesday, March 7.-
Red Army troops of the first Uk-
rainian front-battling their way
through the northwestern hinge of
the Germans' Dnieper Bend salient
-have captured Volochisk and cut
the Odessa-Lwow railway line along
an 18-mile stretch, Moscow announc-
ed early today.
Severance of the important doub-
le-tracked railway by Marshal Gre-
gory K. Zhukov's troops yesterday
cost the Nazis their last important
rail outlet in southern Russia.
It came in the third day of the new
Russian push and the broadcast mid-
night Soviet communique . supple-
ment declared that "Soviet troops,
by outflanking maneuvers, are cut-
ting off the Germans' retreat."
The war bulletin, recorded here by
the Soviet monitor, further declared
that the Germans "are suffering hea-
vy losses in manpower and material."
Asserting that Marshal Zhukov's
forces consisted of 35 infantry divi-
sions and eight tank corps plus a
"vast number" of other motorized
formations, the German radio con-
luded that the size of the Soviet ef-
fort "goes to show that in this sec-
tor the Russians definitely hope to
fight the decisive battle."
Russian troops were declared to
have ,made an 11-mile gain to the
west in old southern Poland and have
now pushed their way to positions
some 60 miles north of the Rumen-
ian frontier.
Army-Navy To
Hold College
Program Tests
Students who plan to take the
third qualifying test for the Army-
Navy college program are requested
to secure and complete the neces-
sary admission-identification forms
before Friday at the Office of the
Dean of Students.
The examination, which will be
given at 9 a.m. Wednesday, March
15, in the main auditorium of the
Rackham Building, will be used as a
basis for admitting University en-
rolled students to the Army A-12
and the Navy V-21 specialized train-
ing program.
Applicants who have been certified
as eligible to take the test should
present their admission-identifica-
tion cards at 8:45 a.m. on March 15
at the Rackham Auditorium. Each
student should bring two soft or
medium-soft lead pencils and an
eraser. No slide rules, calculators,
or other similar items may be used.
Students who took this test on
April 2 or Nov. 9, 1943, and who
are still eligible to apply for the col-
lege programs are required to take
the March 15 test if they wish to be
considered again.
John Stalnaker, national director
of the Army-Navy Qualifying Test
for Civilians, has released the fol-
lowing statement:
"Colonel Hixson, authorized War

Department representative, stated
today that the Army intends to make
use of the 15th of March test, as
planned, but will take a smaller
quota of men 18 and over. The Navy

registered, show that over two thirds
of the civilians are women.
These totals do not include 2,239
Army trainees, 1,030 in the V-12 Navy1
program and 211 in V-12 Marine
program which brings the total
University enrollment up to about
8,400 students.
Of the 3,311 women who will be
on campus this semester, 2,195 are
enrolled in the literary school and
23 in the engineering school. There{
are 463 men in the literary school
and 521 training to be engineers.
Other schools in the University,
show small decreases from last sem-
ester, with the exception of the med-
ical, forestry and nursing schools
which increased their enrollment by
a slight margin.
A five-day orientation program
was held for approximately 300 fresh-
men and transfer. students last week
under the direction of -Beverly Wit-
tan, '46, chief advisor for the women,
and Robert,, Eockler, '46, who was
head of men's orientation. Prof.
Philip Bursley was the faculty ad-j
U'Red, Cro,1s*s.,
Drive Opens
$3,500 Quota Set in
Campus Campaign
The University Red Cross Drive,
for- which a quota of $3,500 has been
set by national headquarters, will
begin today, according to Marjorie
Hall, chairman of the campus drive.
"A special effort must be made to
put this drive over because we are
getting a late start. The national
campaign began March 1, but vaca-
tion forced us to wait until now
to begin the campus drive," Miss
Hall stressed.
All the quotas for the drive, which
will last the entire month of March,
have been considerably increased,
Charles R. Henderson, chairman of
the Ann Arbor drive, explained in
a letter to the University. The quota
for Washtenaw County has been set
at $92,500, of which $61,500 must be
raised in Ann Arbor itself. Because
of this increase, the University is
expected to contribute $1,000 more
than it did last year.
"If we are to meet our quota, every
woman on campus must enroll as a
member of the Red Cross. The mem-
.bership fee is only $1," Miss Hall
Plans are being made to solicit the
men on campus through dormitories,
co-ops, fraternities, the Army and
the Navy. The quota for University
men has been set at $1,500.
According to John Clippert, '45E,
Union chairman of campus affairs,
booths will be set up on campus at
a later date and captains will be
chosen to carry on the campaign in
each house. Clippert said that the
Army, which started its drive between
semesters, has already collected a
substantial amount.

By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 6.-More than
850 American heavy bombers bat-
tled their way through avenues of
enemy fighters and flak today to
pour probably more than 2,000 tons
of bombs on battered Berlin and to-
night carried more destruction into
occupied Europe.
British bombers roared across the
channel' in a steady procession which
coastal observers estimated lasted 20
The historic daylight attack by
"divisions" of Flying Fortresses and
Liberators cost the Americans a rec-
ord 68 bombers, but at the same time
cost the German air force at least 123
sorely-needed planes and turned sec-
tions of the Nazi capital into what
one American flyer described as
"Dante's inferno."
The American armada traveled the
most dangerous aerial highway . in
Europe to penetrate 600 miles to IBer-
lin and good weather allowed the Na-
zis to sendhup'rgreat swarms of de-
fending fighters from all sides.
The violent fighting that resulted
not only took the largest toll of Am-
erican'planes ever lostin a single op-
eration by the U. S. strategic air
firces, but also saw the hundreds -of
Allied. escorting fighters get their
biggest bag of enemy planes ever
shot down in a single day, 83.
The "Berlin_ radio, while declaring
that damage done to the capital was
negligible, acknowledged that the
battle in the air was of great inten-
A broadcast report by Internation-
al Information Bureau, German 'pro-
paganda agency, claimed 129 Ameri-
can bombers were downed. Berlin as-
serted that almost three-fourths of
the attacking fleet was either de-
stroyed or damaged before it reached
the target. The extent of tonight's
continuance of the round-the-clock
operations by the RAF was not im-
mediately known.
New Lecturers
Are Announced
Replacing speakers originally list-
ed on the Oratorical Association Lec-
ture Course, Pierre Clemenceau,
grandson of France's World War I
premier, and Max Werner, military
analyst and news correspondent, will
speak here March 16 and Marcht 27.
Clemenceau, at present a member
of the French National Committee
in Washington, will talk on the sub-
ject "France-Today and Tomorrow."
He is taking the place of Madame
Wellington Koo, scheduled to appear
here tomorrow night, whose lecture
has been cancelled because of her
special duties in London.
Werner replaces Louis Lochner,
who was to have talked Jan. 13.
Author of "The Military Strength of
the Powers" and "The Great Offen-
sive", he will lecture on "The Recon-
struction of Europe."
Tickets issued for the Lochner and
Wellington Koo lectres will be accep-
ted for the substitute programs.


Action on Anizio
Beachhead Is
Costly to Nazis
ITALY, March 6.-( P)-Bodies of
German soldiers "piled'up like cord-
wood" on the Anzio beachhead-24,-
000 have been killed, wounded or
captured in the fighting here-repre-
sent a serious dislocation of Nazi
plans for opposing an Allied invasion
from Great Britain, it was disclosed
authoritatively today.
Crack divisions, including the Her-
mann Goering, which had been ear-
marked for immediate transfer to the
French "invasion coast" have suffer-
ed bloody losses in three abortive at-
tempts to drive British and American
troops into the sea.
24,000 casualties have been suffer-
ed by Field Marshal Albert Kessel-
ring's forces in this area, it was dis-
TheGermans, it was learned, had
expected to hold the rugged Italian
front hinged on Cassino with second
grade troops while their best units
helped fight off the threatened in-
vasion from Britain. The Goering
division already was entrained for
France when the Allied landing be-
low Rome forced the Nazis to alter
their plans hurriedly.

World News
in Brief
By The Associated Press
Taxpayers Are Consoled
WASHINGTON, March 6.- Some
30,000,000 of the nation's 50,000,000
individual income taxpayers received
word of consolation from Congress
today that the current epidemic of
digit fever may be the last they will
suffer. Ways and Means Chairman
Doughton (Dem., N.C.) disclosed that
the tax-formulating body is working
on a plan under which persons with
incomes up to $5,000 won't have to
file returns after this year.
Secret Weapon Is Unveiled
ITALY, March 6.-Allied officers
are unraveling the mystery of Hit-
ler's new "secret weapon" -the
miniature tank operated by remote
control and designed to roll into
enemy lines and then blow up,
To Answer Questions
WASHINGTON, March 6.-A Sen-
ate agriculture sub-committee with-
held action on contempt proceedings
against Jonathan Daniels today
pending a session tomorrow at which
the confidential aide to President
Roosevelt is scheduled to reply to
questions he refused to answer last

Appointm'ents Are Anncunced
Fo. Es aDailyPositions

Three women were named to top
positions on The Daily and the 'En-
sian for the coming semester at a
recent meeting of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Jane Farrant, '44, of Grand Rap-
ids, was appointed managing editor
of The Daily, Betty Peat, '44, of De-
troit, is the new editor of the 'Ensian
and Elizabeth Carpenter, '45, of
Scarsdale, N.Y., was named business
manager of The Daily.
A member of Alpha Phi, Miss Far-
rant has worked on The Daily for
five semesters. Miss Peat is a mem-
ber of Alpha Gamma Delta and Miss

for six semesters. Wallace, president
of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, is a
member of Sphinx, junior honorary
society, president of Hillel Founda-
tion and a member of the Victory
Ball dance committee.
Miss Phillips is president of Adelia
Cheever House, while Miss torradaile
had been active in Assembly, inde-
pendent women's organization. Miss
Batt is affiliated with Alpha Epsilon
Phi sorority.
Newly appointed business manager
of the 'Ensian is Janet Gray, '44, of
Aruba, N.W.I. Miss Gray is a mem-
ber of Kappa Delta sorority.
Norma Johnson, '46, of Detroit,

Ruthven Calls for Enlightened Post-War Education Program

President Alexander G. Ruthven
called for the development of a "real-

an effective program of adult edu-
c.ation the bringine of more for-

is prepared each year as a complete
statement of the operations of the

that this increase will "require an
enlarged teaching staff and the

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