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March 11, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-11

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F F T~ iiAi ~iL

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Fifty-Fourth Year.

_ -.
Edited and managed by students of the University or
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of student Publications.
Pufblished levery t rning except Monday during the
regular University year, sand every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited' in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subcriptians during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44



Jane Farrant
C2laire Sherman
stan Wallace
Marjorie Borrada
Evelyn Phillips
HaT rvey Fralnk
Bud Low.
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olso
Mnrjorle Rosmar
Elizabeth Carpe
Mrge Batt .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. .City Editor
se . . AssociateEditor
.. .Associate Editor
* . . .. Sports Editor
* . . Associate Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
n . . . Women's Editor
in . . Associate Women's Editor
BusineSs Staff
ater . Business.1anager
. . Ass't Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

Be Right
NEW YORK, March 10.--The new scheme to
give veterans of this wair bonuses ranging from
$3,500 to $4,500 seems to me the worst kind of
bad economic housekeeping. And the proposal,
favored by the President, to give ex-servicemen
special ratings in competitive civil service ex-
aminations also seems to me a curiously shbby
approach to the problem of demobilization.
We have only one gift in our power worth
giving the returning soldier, That is the gift
of a secure country. By that, I mean a coun-
try in which not only the ex-serviceman is
economically secure, but one in which there
is also security for his uncles and his cousins
and his aunts. Yes, and his sons.
Is Great Britain to have a Beveridge Plan,
while we have a soldiers' bonus?
The homesteads are all given out, the "forty
acres and a mule" are gone. But these earlier
national gifts to our veterans had a higher than
money value. They were gifts of a way of
life, gifts of social security, in the form which
social security took in simpler days.
The sum of $3,500 is no substitute for the
gift of security. It is a mere shot in the arm,
temporary and inappropriate. Some of the cur-
rent schemes for bonuses and other extraordin-
ary outlays for veterans call for expenditures
of as high as 20 billions of dollars. When the
social-security report of the National Resources
Planning Board was handed in, more than a year
ago, it was pooh-poohed as extravagant on the
ground that it might call for outlays of as much
as two billions a year. Some of the proposed
schemes for veterans' bonuses call for spending
enough money to finance social security, includ-
ing health care, universal retirement pensions
and unemployment insurance, on a broad basis,
for the entire nation, for as long as ten years.
T HE question is whether the veteran wants
$4,500, or whether he wants a country mi
which it is safe to live, safe not only for himself,
but for his relatives, his children and his friends;
a country in which men don't need bonuses to
temper their fears for the future.
To give the veteran ten additional credit
points on every civil service examination is, at
best, a shabby substitute for real security.
We are looking for the "forty acres and a mule"
or their equivalent somewhere on the public
payrolls. But what we really need is a sound
economy, one in which we hire the best ap-
plicant for every public job, but in which no
one can starve, or go without work.
I am not debating the morality of soldiers'
bonuses, for the soldiers are entitled to more
than we are ever likely to give them. I call at-
tention to their shabbiness and inappropriate-
ness. Bonuses beg the questidn. The ex-serv-
iceman is not in trouble because he needs $4,500.
He is in trouble because he needs security.
The answer would seem to be, not the creation
of special rights for ex-servicemen, but the cre-
ation of decent minimums for everybody. This
would seem an especially appropriate answer to
follow a total war.
It seems to me the veteran will make a bkd
bargain if he settles for a hatful of dollars in
an insecure country, rather than for a jo in a
secure country. Ie fought to make America
safe. A safe America would be a precise and
appropriate reward for his efforts, far more
meaningful than an irrelevant lump-sum pay-
ment for time spent in battle.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndlicate)

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Clothes Given Now Will
Aid Norwegian People
W HEN we consider that the best Norwegian
clothing stores now only advertise that they
"turn" and repair clothes, when we consider that
most Norwegian boots now have wooden soles,
we cannot help but give generously to the cam-
pus drive to collect old clothes and shoes for the
Norwegian people.
University students in Norway have refused
e rtain professors, have gone. on strike, have
been arrested, have been deported to Germany .
Norwegian sailors played a primary role in the
relief of England in the earlier days of the
war, Norwegian pilots have shot down 150
German planes. The Norwegian people have
continued to fight and defy the Germans-
and have suffered accordingly.
By giving all we can to this drhve we can help
assure these valiant people that one lay their
suffering will come to an end.
The objection has been raised that the Nazis
will take whatever clothing we send to Norway
pt the present time. It will be stored in this
country or in England until the war is over
when it can be rushed to the relief of the Nor-
wegian people.
-Barbara lHerrinton

WASHINGTON, March 10.-A situation has
existed inside the North American Avation plan
at Dallas, Texas, which has caused the Army to
make a careful inspection. The North American
company, in its anxiety to push out planes in a
hurry, is reported to have relaxed its standards
at the Dallas plant. As a result, there has been
a battle between the company and plane inspec-
tors, with the latter determined to keep defective
planes from reaching the Army.
S So far, according to the Army investigators,
no defective planes have reached the men
flying at the front.
However, one chief inspector employed by the
North American company resigned in disgust
after registering vigorous protests.
The inspector is Verne T. Irons of Irving,
Texas, who, after ten years' flying experience
with TWA and the four-engine pilot-training
school at Albequerque,joined the North American
plant at Dallas in August, 1942. In December,
1942, he was given the title of superintendent of
B flight tests and chief test pilot.
Wrong Rivets Used.
"On airplane No. 4," Irons stated, "several
thousand rivets of the wrong type were used in
the main center section of the airplane, through
lack of competent inspection. This was not dis-
covered until the center section was practically
complete. Every time this condition was men-
tioned to the top supervisory and management
officials, they would immediately inform me to
shut l and say nothing.
"The company's policy, as fostered by the
management, has been 'push them out of the
door and deliver regardless of their condition.'
For several weeks, I would return to the as-
seinbly line a list of the most common defects
in an effort to correct this situation. 'Tlhe
management always gave me the answer that
they were building the planes and it was up
to me to fly them."
Irons stated that, finally, last December, he
was called into a meeting of the factory man-
"At this meeting," le continued, "I was
abruptly informed that I had failed miserably
and that, effective the same date, my position
was being filled by a far more capable man but,
since I was one of the finest pilots in the coun-
try, they requested that I continue on with no
cut in salary, which makes me the highest-paid
pilot actively flying a B-24 in the Dallas division
of North American Aviation."
In making his affidavit, Iroiis stated: "his
statement is not made for the purpose of satis-
fying any grudge or dislike of its management."
BigI3,siness Is Mora
A t Iauilt Than Umiois
TYPICAL of those people of this country who
always attack unions rather than big business
is a reader of the Detroit News, who writes in a
letter to the Editor:
"Why not lookc into the matter of men loafing
in the factories? The newspapers are strong
enough to do sornething about it. There is much
talk about needing 1,000,000 women workers,
ALb REALLY WORKED, there would be enough
workers, and the women could say at home. They
have a big job right there, and we need them
Perhaps this reader has never heard about
Big Business' pet game called "Hoarding Work-
ers." Does the reader know that many men in

plants are not permitted to work as long as
they want, because if they do the companies'
qgota will be filled too soon? And when the
quota is filled, the money stops rolling in from
the government, and so Big Business loses.
Furthermore, many men in war plants, es-
pecially in the shipyards on the East Coast are
being laid off. Why? Because the plant is
filling its quota too quickly.
The unions can do nothing. Their job is to
protect workers, not to stop them from work-
And so, dear reader, stop being prejudiced tot-
ward Big Business, and open your eyes. Big
Business doesn't want to lose any money you
know, it is out to gain more. -Aggie Miller

(ontinued from Pa ge 2)
long tickets arc available. The
prices for season tickets, including
the Present 10% tax, $880, $7.70 ad
$6,.60 will cotinue thrugh the
month of Marc. Prices for single
concerts are $2.75, $2.20, $1 .i5 and
On April 1, tile new Federal tax
law which increases the tax fr om
10% to 20% will become effective.
Thereafter the prices for season tick-
ets will be $9.60, $8.40 and $7.20 and
for single concerts $3.00, $2.40, $l.80
and $1.20.
All orders received prior to March
17 will be riled and filled in sequence
in advance and will be mailed ut
about April 1, emittances should
be made payable to the University
Musical Society and mailed to
Charles A. sink, President, Burton
Memorial Tower.
Oratorical Association Lect u rp
Course: The revised, schedule for the
remaining lectures on the 1943-44
series is as follows: March 16-Pierre
Clemenceau, grandson of France's
World War I Premier and member of
the French National Committee,
speaks on "France--Today and To-
morrow;" March 23-Burton Holmes,
dean of travel lecturers, presents his
motion picture lecture, "The Beauti-
ful Italy We Knew;" March 27-Max
Werner, noted military analyst and
author, speaks on "The Reconstruc-
tion of Europe."
Season ticket coupons originally
issued for the Madame Koo lecture
will admit to the Clemenceau lecture,
and coupons issued for the Lochner
lecture will admit to the Werner lec-
ture. The Hill Auditorium box office
will be open March 15 and 16 for the
sale of single admission tickets.
University Lecture: Dr. Edwin J.
Cohn, Professor of Biological Chem-
istry, Harvard University, will lec-
ture on theisubject, "The Functions
and Properties of the Plasma Pro-
teins," under the auspices of the
Medical School and the Section on
Sanitary and Medical Sciences of the
Michigan Academy, on Friday, March
17, at 3:50 p.m. in the Kellogg Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
SDr. John ,1, Mott will speak on
"Journeys Among the.Clees of
Friend and Foe" at Rackam Hall at
3:00 p.m., Sunday, March 19. This
lecture is open to the public.
Dr. George Shepherd, adviser of
the New Life Movement in China,
will speak before Companies A and
D and the public on Wednesday,
March 22, 1944, at 4:00 p.m. upon
"Chiang Kai-Shek: Statesman."
Academic Notices
Stndeuts, College of Literature,
Sciencr ad the A :Elrta ection ards
filed aftr tile end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean Wal-
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for June, August and October
1944: A list of candidates has been
posted 'on the bulletin board of the
School of Education, Rm. 1431 U.E.S.
Any prospective candidate whose
name does not appear on this list
should call at the office of the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S.

ScholarshipsColliege of Litera-
ture, Science and, the Arts: Students
who wish to apply for scholarships in
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Artfs, should obtain applica-
tion blanks in the office of Asst, Dean
L. S. Woodburne, 1208 Angell Hall,
and return to this office no later
than March 21.
Bronson-Thornas Annual German
Language Award offered juniors and
seniors in German. The 'ontest vill
be held from 2 to 5 o'clock Fridayr,
March 24. The award, in the amount
of $38, will be presented to the stu-
dent writing the best essay dealing
with some phase in the development

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"I just can't live with a man who's always saying that in twenty
years he's made 4 i0,i00 decisions and always been right-my
husband is a baseball umpire, you know! '

of German literature from 1750-1900.v
Students who wish to compete andv
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so inmediate-
ly in Rm. 204 University 1-all.
I othe - Iilduer Annual German f
Language Award offered students in p
Courses 31, 32, 35 and 36. The con- p
test, a translation test (German- E
English and English-German), car- a
ries two stipends of $20 and $30 and o
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday,
March 24. Students who wish to
compete and who have not yet hand-
edi in their~ applications shouild do so
immediately in 204 University Hall. i
Applied Mathematics Seminar will
meet Monday, March 13, at 4 p.m. in
Professor Churchill's office, 319 WestF
Engineering.- An hour fors f~tur"et
meetings will be chosen then.
Mathematics 121, Theory of Prob-
ability, will meet Monday at 2 o'clock
in 3011 Angell Hall.
A. I. Cupeland
- -----
} lMs1
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Ar -
chaeology, Newberry Hall. The At-
thur G. Cummer Memorial Cllectint
of Arms. March 5-19. Week days, I
9-5; 7:30-9:30. Sundays,. 3-5.
Wesley Foundation: St. Patrick'st
Day party tonight at 8:30 o'clock forI
all Methodist students arnd service-
men and their friends.
Roger Williams Guild: Truth or
Consequences party tonight at. 8:30
p.m. in the Guild House.s
ichigan Youth fo'r eocatc
Action: There will be aeM.Y.TDA.
execut ive board meeting 2:00 p..,
today at the Union (roi numbe
will be posted on the union bulletin
board). All members of Michigan
Youth Af Dencratic Action are in-
University of Michigan Section of1
the American Chemical Society: The
next meeting will be held March 17,
1944 at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 151 of the]
Chemistry Building. Dr. G. Frederick<
Smith of the University of Illinoist
will speak on "Solution of roblemss
in Small Scale Manufacture of Rea-
gent and Process Chemicals." The
public is cordially invited.
Phi Eta Sigma: Initiation will be
held this coming Sunday, March 12,'
at the League. The program willp
start at 12:30 p.m. with the initiation
followed by the tiraditional banquet.
During the banquet, election of offi-w
cers for the coming year will be held.'
The present officers would like to
interview all candidates for the posi-'
tions. Men interested in holding of-
fices are asked to report'at 11:45 a.m.;
in the League.
T he Women's Research Club will
meet Monday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Rackham Building. Speakers'
and their subjects will be: Dr. Ollie
U. Backus, "Experiments in the Syn-
thesis of Clinical Methods into a Pro-
gram of Rehabilitation:" Mrs. Lila
Pargment, "Th ic Russian Theatre."
Faculty Members: A showing of
the motion picture film, "Military
Training," prepared by the Signal
Corps, U.S.A. to illutstratte teaching
methods approved in Army mflitary
training, has been arranged for mem-
bers of the various faculties at 4:15
p.m Wednesday, March 15, in the
Rackham amphitheatre, The show-
ing is Cinder the auspices of the
Deans' Conference, with thxe oper-

will be open to the general public
without charge.
Sgt. Richard lewell, Co,. C, ASTP,
will be heard in a recital at 8:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, March 14, in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Building. His
program of compositions for the
piano will include works of Mozart,
Bach, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin
and Brahms, in addition to a group
of modern pieces. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Committees for Spanish Play: All
members of the committees for bus-
ness, publicity and production are
equxes ted to meet Monday, March
13, at 7:00 p.m. in Rm. 408 of te
Romance Languages Building. Any-
one interested in working on the
technical aspects of the production
s invited to attend this meeting.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
F'oundation: Student Class at 9:30
a.mn, With Professor K Ienneth HIace,
eader. The sbject frdiscussion
will be "The Search for a World Com-
nunity." This is the third chapter in
the book "From Victory to Peace" by
Paul Hutchinson. Morning worship
service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "On the
March." Wesleyan Guild meeting at
5:00 p.m. Members of the Activities
Committee of the United Ministry to
k esettlers will present a program on
' agawa." Supper° and fellowship
-r° :fllowing the meeti-g.
F"ilrst CogriIegattiotnl Chu~ch: Mn-
ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr. Diectr,
student work, Rev. H. L. Pickerill.
Director of music, Wilson Sawyer.
Services of public worship at 10:45
a.m. Dr. Parr will speak on the third
of the "Parables of Life," the subject
being, "The Parable of the Lost
Things." At 5:15 the Congregational-
Disciples Guild will meet for cost
supper. Discussion by students, "My
Philosophy of Life."
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr.
Lemon will preach on "A Man of
Westminster Student Guild: Mr.
Herbert Twining will speak on "Buil-
ding a Christian Home-Bringing Up
the Children," at 5 o'clock. There
Will be supper and a fellowhip hor
following at 6 pm. Al interested
students are cordially invited.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 11:00 a.m., Morning worship.
The Rev. J. Leslie French will be
guest speaker. 5:00 p.m. Guild Sun-
day evening hour. Disciple students
will join with Congregational stu-
dents at the Congregational Church.
The program committee will lead a
discussion on "My Philosphiy of
Life." A cost supper will be served at
5:15 p.m. The discussion will follow
at 5:45 p.m. The program will con-
clude in time for servicemen to reach
quarters before seven o'clock,
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Service Sunday at 11:00,
with sermon by the Rev. R. W. Hahn,
Director of Student Welfare Work of
the Evangelical Lttheran Church
'(Mo. Synod).
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday
night meeting at 5:00. Rev. C. H.
Loucks will lead a discussion based
on the book "Prayer" by Buttrick.
A lunch will be served after the meet-
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St., Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8:00. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30. Subject: "Sub-

By Lichlty

Propaganda in American Newspapers Today
Makes Goebbels Look Like Tinhorn Amateur

THIRE are times when Joe Goebbels and his
whole organization look like tinhorn amateurs
in the propaganda racket as compared to the
polished "news trends" dealt out by the majority
of large American newspapers.
Take the Barkley resignation story, for ex-
ample. It should now be evident, as it was point-{
ed out recently on this page, that the Kentucky
senator's main purpose in resigning was design-
ed to pick up support from the more conservative
quarters, both Republican and Democratic alike,
who are on the up grade in Kentucky.
Yet no sooner does Barkley announce his
resignation, than this powerful segment of the
*rness, which has been waiting for the oppor-
tunity, leaps in, booms Barkley for President,
best dressed man on campus and all around
good fellow, In the very same edition with
the story of his resignation appear Barkley
presidential boom predictions, all from the
same old "informed quarters" which in Wash-
ington these days have about as much authen-
ticity as stories by a $wedish traveller just
returnmed from Germany have on the inter-
national scene.
Listen to the urbane, dignified, "fair-play"
New York Times' account of the Barkley resig-
nation: (This is in the third paragraph of the
lead news story.)
"The break, coming as it did with Congress in
an ugly mood over the message( the President's)
set off a general uprising in the Senate and the
House which had been smoldering for months,
and brought into sharp focus a state of open
warfare between the executive and legislative
FR O M this tasty bit, the reader rcan only sur-
raisethat there is complete lack of accord

the generous coverage on Eddie Rickenbacker's
latest speech in Thursday's Detroit Times,
another of those Hcarst papers.
In this speech Rickenbacker charged that there
is a "definite trend to belittle and discredit
Congress" in order to "build up executive power."
Then in his accustomed fashion Captain Eddie
called for the election of a President "who be-
lieves in states' rights and who will think in
terms of America first in order that America
will last."
Read that again. Does that "America first"
have a familiar ring to you? It certainly does.
It gives you absolutely free of charge, an indi-
cation of where the forces of reaction stand,
and how well they are mobilized for this next
election.t-Jennie Fitch


By Crockett Johnson

T H E E you are' T h
train is abvuf to g o'
- I
this tab isn't going our way either.
SMy Fairy Godifafher

Okay, okay. Sit down frst
and then telt me about it.
8+ut, Pop-
- '.
That one is-But it's fyl. . How I
a thatmaginary pir.e know ..
where we're going,-arnaby? .. .


New . .What- Say! Hw did we
ever get rid of, I meanr where
is what's-his-name? The Man
Who Knew O'Malley?. . He said
he was going to Washington- j
Mr. Bender?

When we met Mr. O'Malley, my.
Fairy Godfather, Mr. Bender ran
and jumped over a fence and-
Barnaby! - - ~
, Naxt station,
Mmm.tI bet he will, toos. /

You didn't give himeAunt lI Emma's
address. You-don't know it. So-

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