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March 09, 1944 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-09

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Clothing Drive
For Norway
Is Underway
Women's War Council
Aids in 'U' Campaign
To Help Nazi Victims
Shoes and old clothing for Norwe-
gian relief are being collected at the
Undergraduate Office of the League
under the sponsorship of the Wo-
men's War Council and students are
requested to give generously to this
Started in cooperation with the
American Relief for Norway, Inc., the
campaign seeks to provide badly
needed clothing for the victims of
Nazi occupation in Norway. Gar-
ments of every size and shape and
old shoes that have been repaired
will do much to alleviate suffering
either at the present time or after
the war.
A recent letter from the Norwegian
Government's Relief Committee stat-
ed that all reports from Norway
emphasize the appalling shortage of
clothing and shoes at present, and
even if it should be impossible to
organize shipments of clothing and
shoes to Norway during the war, the
needs of these articles will be tre-
mendous when the war is over."
Mrs. Charles E. Koella, Ann Arbor
chairman of American Relief for Nor-
way, said in relation to the drive, "In
the long drawn out struggle, heavy
with sacrifice, which the Norwegian
people in occupied Norway are car-
rying on against the enemy, it means
very much to them to know that
their contributions to the war are
being appreciated and that friends
are following their fate with hearts
that beat warmly. The assurance
that active preparations are made
for the future to relieve their des-
perate situation contributes essen-
tially to the ability of the Norwegians
on the home front to keep up under
the present heavy strain." :
Invasion Date Predicted
LONDON, March 8-VP)-Jean Pa-
quis, commentator on the German-
controlled Paris radio, said tonight:
"This is the last week. of three
years of patient waiting. Next Wed-
nesday, unless Churchill changes his
plans, the Anglo-Americans will have
landed in the west. The great Anglo-
American offensive will have begun."
Stewart Gets Medal
LAND, March 8.--P-)-Maj. James
Stewart, former Hollywood film star
who now commands a Liberator
squadron, has been awarded the air
medal for five combat missions.
Altogether Stewart now has eight
missions to his credit.

Four Women Hold Top Daily, 'Ensian Positions for Current Semester

Coeds Needed
For Musical
Co. D Urges Women
To Attend Try-Outs
Coeds with and without acting ex-
perience are being sought for Co. D's
original musical comedy, "Rumor
Has It," which will be presented in
A meeting will be held at 2 p.m.
tomorrow in the USO ballroom for all
coeds interested in taking part in the
show or in doing backstage work.
Since the musical comedy organi-
zation on campus folded up 6 years
ago, there has been no opportunity
for coeds to participate in anything
of this sort.
"It is particularly important that
women interested in taking part in
the show should attend the meeting
tomorrow as details as to the time,
place and requirements of the try-
outs for feminine roles which will be-
gin Monday will be given at that
time," Pfc. Arty Fischer, director of
the show, said yesterday.
Persons wlio have any knowledge,
of backstage work are particularly
needed for the.-show. Coeds who are
interested in learning about make-
up, wardrobe, lighting, and set de-
signing and construction work will
have an opportunity.
According to the author, the show
is a take-off on a college campus sim-
ilar to Michigan. It will not be a
typical army show.

New Managing editor of The Daily New business manager of The Daily

Now heads the war-time 'Ensian

New business manager of 'Ensian
-Daily Photos by Katie Tripp

Experts Regard Nazi Use of Gas Possible

Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, March 8.-If the
Nazis choose to use poison gas, Amer-
ican military men think it may be
employed first against any Allied at-
tempt to land invasion forces in west-
ern Europe.
In general, the War Departments
at Washington and London incline
to the belief that the Germans will
not try again the weapon they used
in World War I, this view being pre-
dicted apparently on the belief that
the Allies are equipped to beat the
enemy at his own game.
But there are experts in gas war-
fare who look upon the chance for
use of toxic gases as at least 50-50.
Their thought is this:
Hitler May Use Gas
With the war going against him,
Hitler might, in desperation, decide
on gas, particularly to aid in repelling
First, he may reason, correctly or
incorrectly, that if he uses lethal gas
only against troops, the Allies would
Shook's Destroyer Hit in
Kavieng Bombardn ent
A destroyer commanded by Lt.
Cmdr. Kenneth Shook, former exe-
cutive officer of the Navy V-12 unit
here, took a minor hit during the
naval bombardment of the Japanese
base .at Kavieng, New Ireland, in the
South Pacific recently.
According to a United Press dis-
patch; the only casualty was the
crew's pet pig, which was burned
when thrown to the deck.

react in turning it only against Nazi
troops. He would do this because he
knows that with his depleted air
force he would be hurt worse than
the Allies in gas warfare against
civilian populations.
Secondly, from a purely military
standpoint the concentrations of
personnel necessary for invasion
would make better targets than
would occur in any other tactical
Odds Against Japan
Should Japan decide to use gas,
the odds against her would be great-
er than against Germany. Gas
would be of more use to us against
the concrete-and-steel fortifications
encountered on the enemy's island
outposts than it would be to the
Japanese for defensive purposes.
The gas question appears to be
one for Germany and Japan to an-
swer. President Roosevelt has warn-
ed the Axis that if they use it, the
Allies are prepared to do the same.
One indication of just how exten-
sive is this preparation is disclosed
in a report on a new 4.2 inch mortar.
The mortar presently is used for
white phosphorus shells and high ex-
Waitt Makes Report
Brigadier General Alden H. Waitt
of the Chemical Warfare Service,
writing in the Infantry Journal, re-
ports that a single phosphorus shell
fired by this mortar, when it bursts,
covers ,an area about 40 yards in
diameter, setting fires and causing
personnel casualties.
The .secret of the 4.2 mortar is in
its rifling. Instead of the smooth-
bore hollow tube of the old Stokes
mortar, the 4.2 is rifled like a field
gun. This increases accuracy tre-
mendously and steps up the range
Effort To Oust
Slattery Fails
Daniels Will Not Be
Cited for Contempt
WASHINGTON, March 8--)--A
Senate Agriculture Sub-Committee
declined today to back up its coun-
sel's demand for access to White
House files on efforts to out Harry E.
Slattery as Rural Electrification ad-
The decision not to press for the
White House records was announced
after the committee had abandoned
formally its plan to cite Jonathan
Daniels, Presidential assistant, for
contempt. The Daniels case was
dropped after the White House aide,
with President Roosevelt's approval,
answered committee questions yes-
terday on his efforts to persuade
Slattery to resign. Previously he had
declined to talk about matters which
he said concerned his confidential
relations with the chief executive.
See PICTURE, p. 2

from the original 1,200 to 4,001 yards.
As to possibilities of the mortar for
firing gas shells, General Waitt
A chemical company firing at the
maximum rate can place nearly two

tons of a non-persistent chemical
agent such as phosgene on the target
in two minutes. This is enough gas
to put completely out of action every
unprotected man in an area of a
quarter of a million square yards."

Religious Heads
Are Invited to
Local Meeting
Leaders from State's
Colleges Will Attend
Lane Hall Conference
Religious leaders in 29 college
towns of Michigan have been invited
to attend a conference on "Religion
in the Wartime College" to be held
Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and
19, in Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the War Emergency
Council of the Christian Assocation
and the Conference of College Teach-
ers and Ministers of Religion, the
conference will deal with all phases
of religious problems.
Among the subjects to be discussed
are "Our Men in the Wartime Col-
lege," "The Situations Which Chal-
lenge Leadership," "Post-War Edu-
cation as a Religious Opportunity"
and "Group Religious Leadership To-
Principal speakers of the confer-
ence include Chaplain Jule Ayers, a
graduate of the University and Union
Theological Seminary, the Rev. Ralph
Hyslop of the Congregational Chris-
tian Board of Education, Boston,
Mass., and Miss Dorothy Powell, Un-
iversity of Chicago.
Panel discussions will be carried
on by faculty members of the Uni-
versity, as well as other colleges in
the state, religious leaders, and stu-
Principal speaker for the confer-
ence Sunday will be Dr. John R.
Mott, former head of the World Stu-
dent Christian Federation, and one
of the outstanding figures in the in-
ternational YMCA. His talk on
"Journeys Among the Students and
Colleges of Friend and Foe" will'be
given at the Rackham Building in
celebration of the hundreth year an-
niversary of the YMCA.
305, Michigan Union. Try-outs for
new members.
The Advertisement Committee for
the Freshman Frolic will meet in the
League at 4:30 this afternoon.
House Presidents: There will be a
meeting of all presidents at 5: p.m.
today in the grand Rapids Room at
the League. Each house must have
a representative.
The Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit
will start.today at theHillel Founda-
tion from 1 to 5 p.m. Wear washable
blbuse or smock.
Coming Events
Ruth Berge, organist, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sunday,
March 12, in Hill Auditorium. She is
a studept of Palmer Christian.
Miss Berge's program will include
compositions by Hach, Franck, De-
Lamarter, Jepson and SowerbY and
will be open to the general public
without charge.



(Continued from Page 4);
20, to applicants for positions in the'
Toledo school system for the year
Anyone interested may get further
information at 201 Mason Hall. 3
Professor Norman Cameron, Ph.D.,
M.D. of the Psychology Department
of the University of Wisconsin will
speak Tuesday, March 14, at 4:15
p.m. in the amphitheatre of the'
Rackham Building. His subject will
be "Contemporary Trends in the Psy-
chology of Abnormal Behavior." Dr.
Cameron has done important work
in both psychology and psychiatry so
what he has to say concerning the
psychology of the abnormal is unus-
ually significant. Anyone interested
in psychology or psychiatry is urged
to attend. 7
Academic Notices
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, March 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Dictionaries may be used.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean Wal-
Graduate Students in English ex-
pecting to take the Qualifying Exam-
ination or the Foreign Language ex-
amination: These examinations will
not be given on Monday evening as
stated in the Announcement, but will
be given on Friday afternoon, March
10, in 3223 Angell Hall.
Foreign Language-3:00-4:00.
Qualifying Examination - 4:00-
6:00. Only students with health ser-
vice excuse or equally valid reason
will be permitted to take the examin-
ations at any other than the pre-
scribed time.
Kothe - Hildner Annual German
Language Award offered students in
Courses 31, 32, 35 and 36. The con-
test, a translation. test (German-
English and English-German), car-
ries two stipends of $20 and $30 and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday,

March 24. Students who wish to
compete and who have not yet hand-
ed in their applications should do so
immediately in 204 University Hall.
Bronson-Thomas Annual German
Language Award offered juniors and
seniors in German. The contest will
be held from 2 to 5 o'clock Friday,
March 24. The award, in the amount
of $38, will be presented to the stu-
dent writing the best ,essay dealing
with some phase in the development
of German literature from 1750-1900.
Students who wish to compete and
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediate-
ly in Rm. 204 University Hall.
General Zoology for Forestry Stu-
dents (Zoology 4) meets on Friday
for Recitation and Laboratory from
1:00-5:00 in 2103 Natural Science
Political Science 272, Administra-
tive Management, formerly restricted
to graduate students, is now open to
upper classmen in ihe College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, and'
other schools of the University. The
course is given for 3 hours credit on
Thursdays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Those
interested register now.
Mathematics 175, Theory of the
Potential Function, will meet TuThS
at 9 o'clock in 3001 Angell Hall,
instead of as announced.
Business Administration 123-Tab-
ulating Machine Practice 1: The first
organizational meeting of the class
is to be held on Friday, March 10 at
3:00 p.m. in Rm. 108 Rackham Build-
ing. All students who are unable to
report at that time should contact
Alan D. Meecham before Friday af-
ternoon in 106 Rackham Building.
Office hours daily 8-12 and 1:30-
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Ar-
chaeology, Newberry Hall. The Ar-
thur G. Cummer Memorial Collection
of Arms. March 5-19. Week days,
9-5; 7:30-9:30. Sundays, 3-5.
Events Today
The Record Concert at the Grad-
uate School this evening will consist
of an all Brahms program. Varia-
tions on a Theme of Haydn, Double

Faculty Women's Club:
mental Group, 8 o'clock this
Mrs. Claude Eggertsen, 1103


Phi Sigma: The first initiation
meeting of the current year will be
held tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the
mony will be followed at 8:15 by a
Rackham amphitheatre. The cere-
public lecture "The Grand Canyon-
Its Own Textbook of Biology"by Mr.
Orlo E. Childs of the Geology De-
Booth Committee for J.G.P.: All
old and new girls interested in work-
ing on this committee should meet in
the League today at 5:00. The room
will be posted on the bulletin board.
Varsity Glee Club: Important re-
hearsal tonight, 7:30 o'clock, Rm.

Concerto in A Minor and the Con-
certo No. 2 in B Flat Major will be
heard. Servicemen are cordially in-
vited to join the graduate students
for these concerts.
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American student friends of foreign

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