______________________THE iCIGAN AILY
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Noma a ,
Figure Skating
Club To Give
Ice Gaieties'
Ypsilanti Private, Coeds To Be
In Several Comedy, Novelty
Band Will Play
Acts at Coliseum Sunday
University coeds Nancy Upson, '44,
and Marion Hrebek, '44, will be
among the top performers in "Ice
Gaieties of 1944," second annual
skating carnival of the Ann Arbor
Figure Skating Club at 8 p.m. Sunday
at the Michigan Coliseum.
The Army will be represented by
Pvt. Wilhelm Junker, of Co. H of the
ASTP at Michigan State Teachers
College in Ypsilanti, who is among
the solo performers, and Lt. Melvin
Flegal of the University of Michi-
gan's Army Headquarters Corps, who
ranged the novelty and comedy acts.
has directed the production and ar-
Cast Includes over Hundired
Cast of the show includes over one
hundred skaters in group and pair
numbers, headed by chief soloists
Betty Jane Courtright and Mary
Frances Greschke, formerly of the
University, and Miss Upson. Miss
Courtright placed sixth in the na-
tional senior ice dancing competition
in New York City last year and sec-
and in the same class in the midwest-
ern contest, and Miss Greschke holds
the 1942 midwestern novice cham-
pionship and has passed the sixth
USFSA school figure test, the highest
test passed by any Ann Abor' skater.
Miss Greschke will gve a Russian ice
Miss Upson, who heads the Univer-
sity Figure Skating Club, is chiefly
an exhibitionist skater, having ap-
peared in Cleveland, Pittsburgh.
Washington, Windsor, Sault Ste. Ma-
rie, Detroit and Lake Placid. She also
holds several dancing and free-skt-
ing titles in the state of Michigan,
Miss 'Upson will give her "Top Hat
Rhythm" number.
Junior Skate Club To Arpneal r
Also participating in the show is
the Junior Figure Skating, Club,
which is directed by Ms Hrebek
Miss Hrebek, whose specialty is ice-
dancing, appears in a pair number
with Dr. Bradley M. Patten, of the
An unusual plan of the Club is a
demonstration of school flgures,
starting from the most elementary to
the figures used in' national comp-
More Trained
Nurses Needed
By Army, Navy
The Army and Navy need 10,000
more trained nurses by the end of'
this year, according to Dr Claude W.
Munger, member of, the National
Committee on Procurement' and As-
signment of the War Manpower-
The plan for national registration,
of nurses was abandoned in Decem-
her when the Army lowered by 17,000
its original estimate of needs; but,
there still is a large quota to be filled.
Dr. Munger explained further that
even if hospitals themselves are hard
hit by the loss of staff members,
nevertheless "it is a terribly impor-
tant military responsibility and the
nurses must be given up with goodt
The Michigan League Surgical]
Dressing Unit will be open for the-
second time this semester from 1;
p.m. to 5 p.m. today, according to
Harriet Fishel, '45, head of the
'Tom Sawyer'
Tunesat Dance
As a feature at the Michigan
League's weekly Friday and Satur-
day night dances, Bill Sawyer and
his band will preview songs from the
coming operetta, "Tom Sawyer."
Soloists from Company A and the
Woman's Glee Club will present the
tunes and melodies from the show,
which will open March 15 and play
through March 18.
The Ann Arbor performances will
be the world premier of the musical
comedy written and produced by
Wilson Sawyer, and the cast of more
than 100 persons will be augmentedI
by a 16-piece dance orchestra.
Tickets for "Tom Sawyer" will go
on sale at 10 p.m. Monday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box of-
fice, which will be open daily from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the week
7f the operetta.
Mary Ruth Actoh will portray
Huckleberry Finn ani Bobette Ring-
land will be Becky Thatcher. In ad-
dition, three soloists from the Com-
pany A choir will take parts.
TI'e first dress rehearsal for the
production will be held Sunday,
March 12, and will also be held on
the following days, up to the actual
performance. As the play is set in
the mid-19th century, the costumes
JGP Try-Outs
To Start Today
All Junior Women Are Eligible
For Participation in Function
Dramatic, singing and (lancing
parts in Junior Girls Play, coming
April 27, 28 and 2[ to the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, are open to junior
coeds who may try out from 2 to 5
p.m. today and tomorrow in the
Kalamazoo Room in the League, ac-
cording to Mary Ann Jones, '45, in
charge of the production.
Although juniors are given prefer-I
ence, women of other classes may
also try out.
The play is the junior class main
entertainment effort of the year, and
all junior coeds are urged by Miss
Jones to participate in some capacity,I
if not on the stage, behind the scenes
or in publicity.
Girls are needed as stage mana-
gers' assistants, prompters, makeup
artists, and to do work on properties,
costumes, tickets, programs and scen-
Stunts To Aid
Carnival Sirt
Mice,have finally been added to the
assorted Michibomber addities, as
coeds of the Alpha Phi sorority show-
ed their immunity to mice-fright and
agreed to sponsor mice races in a
booth at the Carnival, which will
be held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
Saturday in Bai'bour - Waterman
Further entertainment by campus
houses will include fortune-telling,
caricature-drawing, a baseball-throw,
dart-throwing, penny-pitching, arch-
ery and many games for prizes, as
well as dancing, skits and songs.
A special feature of the affair is
a telegraph company sponsored by
Collegiate Sorosis sorority, through
which a customer may contact any-
one in the buildings by sending a
message to him. ,
Coeds Offered
Qood Practice
In Child Care
Work with Children Proves
Interesting to Girls Assisting
With Recrootionol Leadership
Opportunity 'or extensive experi-
ence in recreational leadership of
children whose ages range from pre-
school to the teens is being offered to
women who register with the Child
Care Committee at the undergrad-
#uate office of the League, Lucy Chase
Wright, '44, chairman of the project
for Ann Arbor and Willow Run,
pointed out and emphasized the real
benefit to the large numberi of chil-
dren of this leadership.
"Working with the children is fun,
as well as interesting," according to
Dorothy Byce, '45, who has been lead-
ing a group of 50 Girl Scouts. Their
response and entLbusiastic reception
of all activities, she feels, indicates
that the leadership is in answer to a
crying need for organized recreation.
Parents Work
Most of the parents of the children
work, she explained, and they are to
a large extent left to their own de-
vices. Many of them have come from
small towns and rural areas and find
it difficult to adjust to the larger
community. This situation, she be-
lieves, presents the danger of poten-
tial delinquency, which problem can
best be avoided by the type of activ-
ity which is being casrried on by the
child care project.
Substitute for Regular Stall
Women working on the project
have assisted in the schools during
the recess periods, and have, on occa-
sion, substituted for the regular staff'.
The schools, whicl operate on a 12-
hour schedule and accommodate
some 2,000 children, are adequately
staffed, but no provision has been
made for substitution, other than the
volunteer aid, Miss Byce said.
Dusty Miller, '45 who has worked
largely with the nursery group and
in the Sunday school, emphasized
that the project provided a fertile
field for observation and contact with
supervisors who are well-versed in
child psychology.
Eight Eastern
Colleges Offer
Scholarships for freshmen, sopho-
mores, seniors and alumnae are now
being offered for the 1944-45 year by
eight of the eastern women's colleges:
Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holy-
oke, Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar, Welles-
ley and Katherine Gibbs.
Six of the colleges, Barnard, Bryn
Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Vas-
sar and Wellesley, are giving these
grants to incoming freshmen and,
sophomores. Their program, under
the guidance of Dean Virginia C.
Guildersleeve of Barnard College, of-
fers 21 new scholarships desiganed es-
pecially for those women coming
from states that do not usually send
many students to the, eastern col-
leges. This new plan has been ini-
tiated to benefit both the individual
by giving her a chance to attend one
of these colleges without so much
regard to expense and the schools
by giving them a broader represen-
Must Have Interviews
Candidates for these scholarships
must fill out questionnaires, furnish
school records and her scores in the
Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement
Tests as given in the College Board
examinations. All of the applicants
will have a personal interview with
a representative of the college.
In addition to the scholarships for
the incoming freshmen and sopho-
mores, Radcliffe College is also of-
fering two fellowships for graduating
seniors and alumnae. These fellow'-
ships amount to $500 each and are
for those women desiring to prepare
themselves for positions in personnel
administration. Supervised field work
and apprentice assignments in in-
dustrial business and governmental
organizations are a part of the
Katherine Gibbs Scholarships
-The Katherine Gibbs School will
offer two memorial scholarships for
graduating seniors consisting of full
tuition and a cash award of $300,
Applicants must' submit application
blanks and personal and academic
qualifications. The tuition awarded,
may be applied to any one' of ,the
four Gibbs Schools located in New
York, Boston, Providence and Chi-
Women in the- University interested
in applying for either one of the
Radcliffe or Gibbs scholarships should
apply in the Office of the Dean of
Miss Betsy Ross who received her
MA in 1941 at the University, is now
in Australia w ith thc Amieric n Red
Cross as a hospital recreation worker.
Until her appointmerit With the Red
Cross, Miss Ross was a national field
advisor for the Girl Scouts, Inc, New
York City.
Miss Join M. Baker Class of 1941,
arrived safely in Australia recently.
She is there as anAmerian Red
Cross staff assistant. Before her Red
Cross appointment, Miss iPaker was
aln electrical inspector at, th(' Ford
Motor Co. Highland Park.
Genevieve I. O'Leary of Elmira,
14.Y. was commissioned an Ensign
and sent to Communications School
at Mt. Holyoke College, South Had-
ley, Mass. She received her AB in
journalism in May, 1943.
Searlan 2 c Muriel Rose Hull of
Ann Arbor, has been assigned to duty
as a mall clerk at the Naval Training
Station, Sampson, N.Y. Miss Hull
received her BA in fine arts in May,
1943. She is a member of Alpha
Gamma Delta and Sigma Alpha Iota.
Apprentice Seaman Mary Ellen
Alt, formerly assigned to the office
of the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy De-
partment, is now attending Gunnery
School at the Navy Yards, Washing-
ton, D.C. She received her BA at
Michigan in 1941.
Elizabeth Fichtel, Class of 1933, of
Calumet has been promoted to the
rank of Second Lieutenant in the
Army Nurse Corps, as announced by
Maj.-Gen. H. S. Aurand, command-
ing general of the Sixth Service Com-
__ /ian?!n at Idap
Coeds Must Sign Up
To Informal Rush
All coeft wishing to participate in
informal rushing must register in
Miss McCormick's office at the
League before Monday, March 13,
Mary June Hastreiter, Panhellenic
president, announced yesterday.
Those who registered in the fall
need not pay the $1.50 registration
fee again, but new registrants must
pay. The informal rushing season
will start Monday, March 13.
Petitioning for Panhel
Ball , Night To Begin
Petitioning for positions of com-
mittees for the annual Panhellenic
Ball and Panhellenic Night will be
held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. next Mon-
day and Tuesday in the League,
Mary June Hastreiter, president of
Panhel., announced yesterday.
Panhellenic Night will be a substi-
tute for the annual banquet which
has been held in the spring.
will be in the
"old-fashioned" lines.
7 )eddings
xs and .
, ......
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Robb of
Princeton, ill., have announced the
engagement of .their daughter, Janet,
to' Lt. Russell L. Speirn, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick A. Speirn of De-
troi t.
Miss Robb is attending the Univer-
sity and is affiliated with Kappa
Kappa Gamma. Her fiance is a for-
mer student here and is a member of'
Sigma Chi, Pi Tau, Pi 'Sigma and
Scabbard and Blade. He is stationed%
at Fort Monmouth with the Signal,
The engagement of Miss Dorothy
DeVries, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin DeVries of Grand Rapids, to
"Bernard H. Siebers son of Mrs. A.
Siebers, has been announced.
The bride-elect has served on the
'WPAAcexecut ive board and as an ori-
entation advisor. She is on the war
activities committee at Martha Cook,
and is .c member of the Rifle Club.
Announcement of the engagement
of Miss Betty Grimes to Seaman E.
Peter Shellen, son of Mr. and Mrs.r
E. L. Shellens of Essex, Conn., was
made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Grimes of Ann Arbor.
Miss Grimes is a member of Sigma
Alpha Iota, musical sorority. Her,
fiance is a member of Quarterdeck,
naval architecture society.
Women Must Sign Up
For Club Basketball
Before 5 Tomorrow
All women interested in playing
club basketball should sign up before
5 p.m. tomorrow on the bulletin
board in Barbour Gym, according to
Phoebe Scott, '4 4Ed, manager of club
Games will be played at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Two all-
star, teams will be chosen from wo-
iien in club basketball to put on an
exhibition at the end of the season.
"Club basketball is for more ex-
perienced players, rather than for:
novices. But all women who would.
like - to play are urged to sign up,"
Miss Scott added.
Anyone desiring further informa-
tion should call Miss Scott at 2-4561.
Sen aGift
'to Your Sweetheart
Although merchandise is scarce, we do
have a fine supply of bracelets, lockets,
Wormen's War Wages Lag Far
Behind Minimum Hourly Rate
and rings on hand.
We're only too glad
to Serve you!
Weekly wages of women in war
industryh ave failed to meet rising
living costs, and in many factories
women are being paid less than the
40 per cent minimum hourly rate set
by law, according to a report released
recently by the division of women inC
industry and minimum wage of the!
New York State Department of La-
Women working in factories pro-
ducing for war products receive an
average $29.97 as their weekly pay.
Much of the' increase from the $17.46
level of 1939 is accounted for by the
overtime pay and increased hours
which heavy production schedules
have forced, the report revealed. It
pointed out that deductions for in-
come tax, war bonds and social secur-
ity reduced present 'take home pay'
figures even frther,
Underpayments for the- -first ten
months of 194,3 totalled $358,079, 056,
demonstrating the fixedness of thou-
sands of women's incomes. Many,
women working as waitresses, as
chambertaids, in Liundries and in
the retail trades are receiving as
Delta Gamma sorority recently
announced the election of officers
for the coming year. They are Patri-
cia Clark, president; Pam Watts,
vice-president; Elizabeth nieger, sec-
retary, arid 'Mary Ann Raymond,
Jean Aldridge; Patsy Brown, Eliza-
beth Needham, Beth Semon and
Katherine Tripp were recently ini-
little as 25, 30 and 35 cents an hour,
and the report stated. it is these wo-
men who have failed to benefit by.
the over-all wartime inerease in
wages and are Cmost alfl' cttAl by the
rise in the price level.
"In the metal and mnachiiieryin-
dustries directly---involved in war pro-
duction women's wages have more
than doubled, rising from $17.62 to
$35.42 in this period (1939-1943). In
the machinery industry, including
electrical machinery, their wages
have risen by 87 per cent, from $18.06
to $33.73.
The woineit got these increases be-
cause they worked longer hours and
overtime, however, and not because
the wage rates had been raised.
Thousands of women are working
fifty hours or more in war plants.
Girl Scouts To Hold
Senior Interviews
For New Positions
I order to imterview seniors for
Girl Scout professional positions,
Miss Evelyn Bakke of the Girls Scouts
National Headquarters will come to
Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. Monday.
'the interviews will take place in
the League and Will u(TntinuiC during
the morning of the Tuesday, March
It is not necessary to have been
a Girl Scout previously, but appli-
cants must have had some recrea-
tional training. Women who wish
to see Miss Bakke should contact
the Office of the Dean of Women,
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