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March 12, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-12

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~?A~~E TWO

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Teheran Native La ads Yank Army

rna Meetig Center Director SI:
To Be Held by Will Welcome Fifty-Thr
State Academy New Studeuts IForeign S

ee Newly -Arrived
itudents Enroll in U'

ly BARBAR.A I RRINTON to express the fine activities of this
"A common expression throughout institution."
North Africa is 'Hi, Yank,' usually "Teheran," he said, "is both a mo-
followed by a request for American dern and an ancient city. It is a gar-
.u s den city with trees on both sides of
chewing gum," George Petrossian, the avenues, hot but not tropical and
who arrived at the University recent- the nights are cool. The king of Iran
ly from Teheran, said in an inter- is very popular. He is a modern king,
view yesterday. intelligent, democratic and fond of
sports. The queen, who is about 22,
Before aming to the United States is the youngest and most beautiful
Petroassian visited such cities as Cai- queen in the world and is greatly lov-
ro, Casablanca, Algiers and Bagdad. ed by the people."
"American films and magazines He said the universities are very
are aso very popular," he ckon- good and teach the most modern
tied, "and most of the people like subjects. "Sports now have an im-
Americans. We like them because portant place in the national cul-
they are erey tsi oweee and notsel- ture and women now have equal
fish:: their policy towardother rights with men and are working in
stations. For myself," he 'said, "per- government offices."
haps I'll become a citizen of this Bagdad," he said, "is westernized.
coutry later. I think it Is foolish but not to the extent that Iran is.
come ta citizen." The old culture is still felt there."
coe ctien"He said .that in Jerusalem the
. He said "the American servicemen churches are the first thing that one
in all cities are, both physically and notices. "The buildings are of white
mentally, the .best ambassadors that stone. Palestine is a westernized
a nation could have in a foreign country in every field. The two .pop-
country. They are well disciplined ulations .there now get along very
and work very hard. I think Ameri- well together."
cans should be proud to have such "The population in Cairo was
asn army. surprised about the conference
"Something that has astonished there," he said. "But they were
even the native population is the glad that their capitol was chosen
Red Cross. Words are not adequate for it. All of them like Americans


i e

very much," he continued, "and
there are American built cars,
tramways, taxis, American maga-
zines and papers, though it is the
heart of the Arab speaking world."
"Throughout North Africa and the
Near East," he concluded, "Ameri-
can curiosity is still dominating the
scene. American travel agencies con-
duct tours to such places as the pyra-
mids, monuments and the old sec-
tions of the cities. The feeling of all
populations toward Americans is
very friendly and Americans are in
turn always friendly to them. Eg-
lish is spoken enough so that an
English traveler will have little dif-
ficulty. And to the 'Hi, Yank' greet-
ing to servicemen, the native is sure
to receive .the famous American
Graduation. . .
(Continued from Page 1)
members of the 15th Officer Class
and 79 members of the 4th Officer
Candidate Class. This is the largest
graduating class in the history of the
Included in the 14th Officers Class
are one major, eight captains, eight
first lieutenants and 10 second lieu-
tenants. In addition to Col. George
H. Hafer, top ranking graduate, there
are two majors, eight captains, 10
first lieutenants and four second
lieutenants in the 15th Officers Class.
All the members of the graduating
classes will attend a farewell ban-
quet at the Allenel Hotel tomorrow
at which Gen. Cramer will be the
principal speaker. Other visiting of-
ficers and members of the Staff and
Faculty will be present.
Col. Hafer is toastmaster and Capt.
W. Palmer Van Arsdale is general
chairman. Great secrecy surrounds
preparation for the entertainment
but it hasbeen learned that skits in
gridiron style are on tap.
Milk Stker . . .
(continued irom Page 1)
lay by the National War Labor Board
in acting on demand by "inside woirk-
ers" for overtime pay for work in ex-
ces of 40 hours a week.
A meeting aimed at restoring de-
liveries broke up in confusion this
afternoon when strikers drowned out
with a wave of booing all "back-to-
work" suggestions, including those
from their own union officers.
Russell L. Ballard, local 83 presi-
dent, was one of those who told the
menthey should return to work. He
insisted the strike was unauthorized
and estimated about 3,500 men had
walked off their jobs.
Ensian Tryouts To flueet
All staff members and persons in-
terested in trying out for the 'Ensian
Business Staff are requested to come
to the meeting at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Student Publications Build-

3 eiiitnu i U irmrs1I3 students on campus, which will be
Scholars from all over the state held at 7:30 p.m. today at the Center.
will convene here Friday and Sat- Following his welcome and greet-
urday for the 49th annual meeting ing Dean Joseph F. Bursley and Dean
of the Michigan Academy of Science Byrl Bacher will talk to the students
Arts and Letters. about the adjustment to university
More than 200 papers will be pre- life.
sented in the 17 different sectional Robert Klinger, assistant counselor
programs representing various fields to foreign students, will discuss such
of learning during the two-day con- things as immigration rules, ration-'
ference. All addresses and section ing and draft regulations, and Miss
meetings will be open to the public. Sarah Grollman will explain the
The Academy is officially affili- I Center's English language service.
ated with the American Association George Hall, assistant to the di-
for the Advancement of Science and rector of the International Center,
represents the Association in the twill outline the recreational program
state.at the Center and Miss Harriet Port-
Two outstanding speakers will come er will talk about the social program.
to Ann Arbor for the Academy. TheI Miss Lily Rabel will explain the In-
all-academy lecturer will be Henri ternational Center News Bulletin.
Seyrig, formerly director of antiqui- The usual snack and social hour
ties in Syria and Lebanon. He will will fallowv the program.
speak at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the - f-------____-h pgram
Rackham Ampitheatre on "Palmyra ~~-
and the Ancient Caravan Trade."
Now on the staff of the New York
Bureau of the French Committee of
National Liberation.
The other prominent out-state
speaker will be Dr. EdwinJ. Cohn,
professor of biological chemistry at
Harvard University. He will speak
at 3:50 p.m. Friday in the auditorium
of the W. K. Kellogg Building on
"The Properties and Functions of the
Plasma Proteins."


Conference Features
Two Guest Speakers,
. ' ll1Y 'N1 'S f '1t

Dr. Esson M. Gale. director of the
International Center, will open the
program to welcome the new foreign

11 0




Fifty- three newly-arrivedhforeign
students .have enrolled at the Uni-
versity this semester, it was an-
nounced yesterday, including 14 from
Turkey, seven from China, eight from
Canada, 14 from Latin America and
one from Iran.
Ten officers of the Turkish Army
and Navy are included in the Turk-
ish group. This is the third contin-
gent of officers ' sent by their gov-
ernment to study engineering at the
University since 1940. The other
Turkish students are civilian grad-,
uates of Roberts College, Istanbul.
All of them have been traveling more
than three months in order to arrive
in time for the new semester.
George Petrossan, whose home is
in Teheran, is the first Iranian stu-
dent to come to Ann Arbor in several
The seven Chinese make up the
largest group of students to arrive
from China since the closing of the
Burma Road two years ago. Last
semester four Chinese succeeded in

leaving war-encircled China and
they were the first group to arrive
here since 1942.
For the first time in several years,
all 20 of the Latin American repub-
lics are represented by students on
;he campus. Included in this group
are 15 students on special scholar-
ships who will study in the School of
Forestry and Conservation.
Gov Kelly Proposes
More Adult Education
Mt.PLEASANT, March 11.-( P)-
"Nothing means more to the democ-
racy of tomorrow than the education
of youth today," Gov. Harry F. Kelly
today told state educators and col-
lege personnel attending the Annual
Guidance Conference, at Central
Michigan College.
The governor proposed an appro-
priation of $250,000 for use in adult
education to round out Michigan's
program combatting war influences.

Pictures Are Due April 1i
The deadline for senior pictures of
June graduates is April first. Bring
yours to the Ensian Editorial office
in the Student Publications Building.

Or NE if You Prer

Stide Supplies for All Departments

Ii;I;/ i;! ;iPl

Lipsticks are unique--
adding luscious texture
to your lips-brightening your
Make-Up with 'unforgettable'
beauty-Make your selection
from twelve fashionable
shades-displayed at
our Cosmetic Counter.

s oeI4 o$ O0
(2 1and



$J50 p a


On Ste at the Head of North University


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (in-
crease of l0c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. .n
crease of 25c for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
PUBLISHING business needs good
typist for varied clerical work. Ex-
cellent future for right person. Call
7205 for interview.
ROOM AND BOARD to woman stu-
dent in return for help in doctor's
home close to campus. Call 9815.
SOUTHEAST section, 2 single rooms
with connecting shower and lava-
tory in private home. Phone 5128.
ROOM in private home for. graduate
or employed woman. Garage avail-
able. Convenient to bus. 3958.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
ALTERATIONS on ladies' garments.
Phone 22678. Alta Graves, 402 Ob-
servatory Street, opposite Stock-
WANTED: To buy girl's bicycle. Call
SERVICEMAN'S wallet lost. Keep
money. Return identification of
Tom Gattle to G. 0. Gutekunst,
306 Packard.
GREEN Schaeffer pencil, lost on
campus before finals. Reward.
Phone 2-4547.
LOST-Watch lost between May-
flower Restaurant and the Grey-
hound Bus Station. Name on back.
Nurse's watch.
LOST-Gold and black Parker 51
pencil between North Hall and
West Quad. Reward. Return to;
LOST- Black and grey lifetime
Sheaffer with N. J. Westra en-
graved on silver band- between
Nat. Science and Stockwell. Senti-
mental reasons only,.not much good
for writing A bluebooks. Reward.-
ran I1flr 7I

322 S.

State a t







F irst Show
at 1 o'clock

N. University

ala liii, a,, IaIl,

Bob Graham,

M r.



1 !Ir. ' ..1 / rs. zrtr a r t r r r l
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4. ..
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\ Qflh IlIFI I



t )

e Margaret O'Bri
The great emotion PT Also-
picture of our time!r PET SMITH
P-"A A



Directed by
Produced by
BrilLiant supporting cast. Henry
Tr avers, Robert Walker, Dame
May Whinty, Elsa Basserman,
Van Johnson, Albert Basser-
man, C. Aubrey Smith, Victor





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