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March 10, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-10

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FRidAb , IIMACiI 1, 1944

Ford Fires 10 Men for Rioting as Union Officials Lo

ok On

Solution to Rubber Problem
Is Found in South America


"-,nough rubber could be grown in
South America, combined with the
synthetic, to prevent any future
shortages, and there would not be
the present difficulty of being cut
off from our main source," Prof. Carl
La Rue of the botany department,
who has just returned-from Wash-
ington where he served s principal
rubber technologist, said yesterday.
"There is no reason," he continued,
"why just as good a quality of rubber
cannot be produced in the Western
Hemisphere as in the present large
rubber plantations of Java, Sumatra
and Malaya."
"It appears that synthetic rubber
will not take the place of natural
rubber completely-at least, not un-
til it has been improved a great
deal," he added. "If we don't want
to run the risk again of being cut
off from our supply, obviously we will
have to take an interest in the de-
velopment of rubber in the Western
Hemisphere," he said.
In reference to his recent research
work in Washington; he explained
that "this is why' the U.S. Depart-
Ment of Agriculture has been inter-
ested in promoting the planting of
rubber in South and Central Ameri-
ca by studying the possibilities and
by furnishing technical advisors in

Today through Saturday

each of the possible rubber-growing
In 1940-41 the government sent
four parties into 15 countries of
South and Central America to explore
the possibilities of rubber farms and
to ascertain the extent of resources.
"There is sufficient land there to
grow a large amount of hubber," he
explained, "but it is questionable if
there is enough labor to run planta-
tions on such a large scale as in the
Eastern Hemisphere."
"I feel these industries should be
definitely encouraged," he added, "to
give us protection against any future
shortages of rubber, similar to the
present one."
"While rubber plantations in the
East have the advantage of the
cheapest labor in the world," he ex-
plained, "there are still a number of
advantages for rubber farms in the
West. For instance Western plant-
ings will be propagated only from se-
lected high-yielding strains of budded
rubber trees, only a small percentage
of Eastern rubber being produced
from budded rubber."
"Another advantage," he contin-
ued, "is that a great deal of rubber
in the East is grown on large plan-
tations with high capitalization while
in the West most of the developments
will be on small farms which can be
made with very small capital invest-
"Still another factor is that im-
Wediately after the war we will prob-
ably need all the rubber we can get
-from any source-natural or syn-
thetic-for a number of years," he
explained. "And, of course, there is
the important factor of having a
source of rubber from which we will
not be cut off."
"The actual competition between
Eastern and Western rubber will
probably come after the first drain
following the war on all resources of
rubber," he said, "and no one can
predict what will happen then."
Prof. La Rue spent six months
in Washington editing the reports
for publication of the four explora-
tion parties the government spon-
sored to South and Central America.
Spanish Play
To Be Given
Latin Ame'ican Cast
To Star in Comedy
La Sociedad Hispanica will present
the Spanish comedy," "Sueno de Una
Noche de Agosto" by Martinez Sierra,
April 19, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Angela Pons will star as Rosario, a
modern, romantic young lady; Fran-
cisco Villegas as El Aparecido, well-
known novelist; Emill Peter as Ro-
sario's grandmother; Raul Olivera,
Armando Travieso, and Carlos Soares
as Rosario's three brothers, Pepe,
Emilio and Mario; June Willard as
Maria Pepa, their aged maid; Ann
Terbrueggen as Irene, the novelist's
secretary; Byron Mitchell as his ser-
vant; Betsey Hartsuch as a glamor-
ous stage beauty, and Juan Diaz-
Lewis as the fatuous, middle-aged
The cast represents a cross section
of Latin America and a varied range
of dramatic experience. Angela Pons.
who has lived in Cuba, was featured
in radio productions from Station
WSNY in Schenectady, N.Y. Fran-
cisco Villegas has had considerable
experience in dramatics both in
Costa Rica, his native country, and
in California.
Representing the Law School are
Raul Olivera of Cuba, Armando Tra-
vieso of Venezuela and Juan Diaz-
Lewis of Panama. Carlos Soares is a
native of Brazil. Emily Peter and
Betsey Hartsuch are the presiden
and secretary, respectively, of La
Sociedad Hispanica. Ann Terbrueg
gen played a prominent part in th

Spanish play presented two years
ago. University Play Production i
represented by Byron Mitchell, who
has starred in major roles here in
Ann Arbor. June Willard, also of the
University dramatics group, was pre-
viously a member of the Smith Col-
lege Dramatics Society.

UAW President
Says Stoppage
' Unjustified'
10 Also Suspended for
Acting in Wednesday's
Rouge Plant Disorder
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, March 9.-While high
officials of the union looked on, the
Ford Motor Company today dis-
charged ten men for participating in
a Rouge plant disturbance in which
a plant protection man was beaten
and a labor relations office damaged.
Suspensions were meted out to
ten others accused of being among
the 250 employes involved in the dis-
The disciplinary action came on
the heels of a sharply worded letter
in which R. J. Thomas, president,
called up officials of UAW Local 600,
the Ford local, for "drastic and effec-
tive action" in connection with yes-
terday's disturbance and an unauth-
orized work stoppage Tuesday which
he called "unjustified" and a viola-
tion of "the union's constitution and
no-strike pledge."
It was the first occasion on which
Thomas had cracked down on wild-
cat strikers since the union's in-
ternational executive board adopt-
ed a new, strict policy for curbing
unauthorized stoppages.
The company announced that sixi
plant committeemen of the union
were among the ten discharged and
that five committeemen were in the1
group of ten "suspended pending
further investigation."
"The company will continue to
bend over backward to observe to
the word the union-company son-c
tract," a spokesman said, "but it
will no longer tolerate rank hood-
lumism disguised as unionism."
Present with Thomas when the
disciplinary action was taken were
Richard T. Leonard, national Ford
director of the UAW; Joseph Twy-
man, president of Local 600, and
Earl Bowers, aircraft building chair-
The brief work stoppage in the
coreroom resulted from a dispute over
production standards. The stand-
ards, Thomas said, had been agreed
upon by the company and the union.
Thomas last week made public a
new policy adopted by the UAW-
CIO International Executive Board
for dealing with unauthorized work
stoppages and strikes in violation
of the union constitution and war-
time no-strike pledge. Where nec-
essary,nhe said, local unions would
be deprived of their charters and
reorganized, to enforce the union
New Alumnus
Features Coeds
March 18 Issue To Put
Accent on War Work
How the University's coeds are aid-
ing the war will be the theme of the
special alumnae edition of the Michi-
gan Alumnus to be published March
Devoted to a portrayal of the year's
work being done by recent graduates
Sof the University and to the activi-
Sties of women now on campus, this
edition will be highlighted by more
than 40 photographs.
Editor of the special number is
Mrs. Seymour B. Conger, executive
secretary of the Alumnae Council.)
Mrs. Conger stated that the edition
is an innovation because it will be the

- first time since the building of the
League that the Alumnae have had
an issue devoted to them.
t The work on campus of the under-
graduates is described in an article
- by Jean Gaffney, '46, while Helen
e Bower, of the Detroit Free Press edi-
s torial staff, tells of alumnae writers,
s a number of whom have turned out
A special cover for the edition was
designed by Charles A. Barker of Ann
- Arbor. Articles by Dean Alice Lloyd,
- Regent Vera B. Baits and Mrs. Ar-
thur Vandenberg are also included.

After a 12-mile hike some of the
men in the Judge AdvocateGeneral's
School who were on maneuvers yes-
terday afternoon offered to push the
truck which had followed the group
as an ambulance for the last half
mile to save gas.
One training plane which happen-
ed to be in the area swooped down
when it saw the men marching and
flew along the column for a ways.

Airmen Given Blirdshot for Hunting


Padgett Retrial
To6 Be April It

Heard by+

Slayer To Be
Circuit Court

Gilbert E. Hutchinson (left) and Glenn G. Garrison, technicians
at the Remington Arms Company's Bridgeport plant, inspect new .45
calibre ammunition loaded with birdshot. It is given airmen for
emergency hunting.

Rev. Walsh To
Address JAG
School Today
R'ev. Edmund A. Walsh, Regent of
the School of Foreign Service at
Georgetown University, Wash., D.C.,
will address the student body of the
Judge Advocate General School on
"International Law" at 11 a.m. to-
day in Hutchins Hall.
Rev. Walsh has been active in the
Army educational program concern-
ing the forces behind the war and
has been a feature lecturer at the
Command and General Staff School
at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., the Army
War College at Wash., D.C., as well
as at several other service schools.
He organized the school for foreign
service in 1919, the first of its kind
in the country, and soon gained wide
recognition' with his annual lectures
on Russia and Communism and as a
leading student and interpreter of
After the first World War, he was
director of a Papal Relief Mission to
Russia where he studied the. revolu-
tion and its effects.
All Dogs in Washtenaw
County To Be Quarantined

rrny Fills Union Blood
Bank Quota for March
March quota for the Union
Blood Bank, scheduled yesterday
and today, was filled with ease
through the cooperation of units
of the 3651st SU, Bill Wood,
chairman of the Union War Ac-
tivities Committee, said yesterday.
Wood gave credit for the success
of this month's blood bank to Lt.
Katherine James of the WAC, who
made arrangements with Capt.
George Spence of Co. A for 100
donors. A platoon of 50 men was
taken to the blood bank yesterday
and another platoon is being tak-'
en today.
Lt. James also signed up 84
men for thesApril blood bank.
Violin Recital
To Be Given
Wassily Besekirsky, professor of
violin in the School of Music, will
present a 25 minute program of eight
musical compositions, famous violin
solos by European composers, at 2:30
p.m. today over station WKAR, East
Prof. Besekirsky had miany years

Retrial of William H. Padgett, whos
has served seven years in prison on a
murder conviction, was set for Aprilc
11 in circuit court here, Washtencw
County Prosecutor Francis W. Kam-
mans announced yesterday.,
The 50-year-old Padgett, convictedC
for the slaying of Clifford Stang, Annx
Arbor policeman, March 21, 1935, has
been awaiting trial in county jail
since Nov. 4, when he was brought
from Southern Michigan Prison at
Thtee previous retrials were post-
poned because of the inability of
witnesses to appear at the hearing or
Padgett's attorney to find time to
defend his client.
Phyllis Gugino
Wins Psition
I nS ymn phony
Prof. William D. Revelli recently
received word that Phyllis L. Gugino,
'43SM, of Fredonia, N.Y., has been
successfully auditioned and accepted
by Leopold Stokowski for a position
in the New York City Symphony.,
Miss Ougino, who played in the
University Band for three years, held
afirst chair in the clarinet section. She
was also president of the band last
year when she graduated with a BM
in music education.
Alpha Chi Sigma
Ai11noinces Officers
Alpha Chi Sigma, national profes-
sional chemical fraternity, has an-
nounced its new officers for the com-
ing semester.
Master alchemist is Scott Styles;
vice- master alchemist, Richard
Mock; recorder, Paul Smith; report-
er, Robert Foreman; master of cer-
emonies, Ray Glauz, and treasurer,
Douglas Campbell.
Initiation for four new members
was held ,in February. They are
Douglas Campbell, Bernard Williams,
Theodore Elferdink and Robert Lar-

The men accused the staff of the
Military Science and Tactics De-
partment, who were in charge of the
naneuvers, of planting the plane.
However, instead of making plans
vith the airport to have planes over-
head, the staff relied on the planes
which happened to be flying in the
area. When such a plane was sight-
ed it was treated as an enemy plane
and proper defence measures were
Dressed for Action
The men were dressed in field
uniforms. They carried 25 pound
field packs, gas masks and canteens
filled with water. Whenever on the
Route March they came to a logical
place for an air raid, the members
of the staff gave a signal and 'the
men put on their gas masks and wore
them for 15 to 20 minutes until the
staff gave the all-clear signal.
The purpose of yesterday's man-
euvers was to teach the men security
on the march. The 14th Officers
Class and the 4th and 5th OC classes
participated. The 15th Officers
Class went along with all the other
men in the school on a similar march
a week ago yesterday.
Smihlar To Combat
The practice was in the same kind
of march as the men would have
when approaching combat area.
An advance guard was sent out in
front. They made up the point. It
was their duty to find any enemy
in the area and give warning to the
men behind.
Last Training
As two of the classes who went
on the march will graduate on Tues-
day, this was the last training which
many of the men will get befote they
go overseas.
A critique of the march will be
given by one of the members of the
staff who went on it the next time
he has the men in class. He will ex-
plain to them what they did wrong
and how they can improve.

JAGs Feel Frisky on 12 Mile
Traimig March in Maneuvers

Is Proposed

Dogs in Washtenaw county will be of experience as a concert violinist,
under quarantine starting tomorrow. not only in Europe, but also touring
and all owners have been warned' over 70 cities in the United States,
either to confine their pets or keep before joining the University faculty.
them on leash. E - IS ANNOUNE_
Dr. Otto Engelke, Washtenaw PIANO RECITAL IS ANNOUNCED
county public health officer, an- Sgt. Richard W. Flewell of Duluth,
nounced yesterday that the measure Minn., who is a student here in the
would be enforced as a precaution ASTP, will give a piano recital at
against the marked increase of rabid 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, in the
dogs. Assembly Hall, Rackham Building.

City Council Seeks
'V' Gardeners' Opinion
Ann Arbor victory gardeners are
being asked this week to express their
opinions concerning a community
canning center, a project now under
consideration by the Public Works
Committee of the City Council.
The proposed cannery, which may
be located in Donovan School, would
function for the benefit of those who
wish to can fruits and vegetables on
payment of a nominal fee to c'over
cysts of operation and would be simi-
lar to one established in Battle Creek
last summer.
City Engineer George Sandenburgh
estimated the cost of equipment and
installation at approximately $6,000
and said that the cannery would
operate throughout the canning sea-
son, from the middle of July to Octo-
ber. He predicted, "The council will
consider the project very favorably
if public opinion wants the cannery."
Sandenburgh added that C. C.
Crawford, assistant superintendent
of public schools, would meet with
the Public'Works Committee Monday
to discuss possible classes for the
instruction of those who plan to use
the canning center.
The committee has been aided in
its plans by a report received from
the Battle Creek Canning Institute at
a January meeting sponsored by the
state Civilian Defense. Patrons of
the Battle Creek cannery were asked
to bring their own implements for
preparing fruits and vegetables for
canning and were given places at
work tables. Each patron's cans were
stamped with his own code number,
and he was required to sign a pledge
not to sell the product but to keep it
for his own use.

Argentine Girls Have Little Freedom

Extra Acts

"Students in Argentina's universi-
ties aren't very different from stu-
dents here, except that the girls have
no freedom and never go out without
a chaperon," Prof. Harold E. Wethey,
who recently returned from South
America, said yesterday.
Prof. Wethey, who is chairman of
the fine arts deuartment, was visiting
professor in the History of Art at the
University of Tucaman, Argentina,
from May to December and spent the
remainder of his time traveling
through Bolivia, Ecuador and Co-
"The main difference in stu-
dents there is that they take their
political responsibility seriously and
have always played a prominent
part in* their country's politics.
"There is a students' federation,
which is organized like a labor union.
In October this group called a gen-
eral protest strike against the new
government and refused to attend
classes," Prof. Wethey stated.
In contrast with the typical North
American campus, there is no social
life centered in the Latin American
university as most of the students
live at home. Dormitories, fraterni-
ties, school sports and dances are
almost unknown, according to Prof.
"Like the students here, they
don't study any more than they
have to," he said.
Prof. Wethey is the second man
from the United States ever to teach
in Argentina. The only other one
- - - - - -S

was a history professor from Minne-
"There were a great many women
in the classes. Where I taught, at the
School of Philosophy and Letters,
almost half the students were girls,"
he said.
No free election of subjects is per-
mitted, Prof. Wethey explained, as
everyone follows a prescribed course.
Another contrast is that the univer-
sities are split into small units, with
the sciences and mathematics separ-
ate from the humanities. The various
colleges are loosely organized and are
scattered all over the city.

Since December Prof. Wethey
toui-ed through Bivia, Columbia
and Ecuador, collecting material
on colonial at. This field is prac-
tically unknown and untouched,
he said.
He plans to publish several articles
on the subject and is especially inter-
ested in colonial architecture and
Prof. Wethey was in Bolivia at the
time of the revolution and witnessed
the surface reaction of street mobs.
During his trip he also gave lec-
tures at Buenos Aires and at the
Cultural Institute of Bogota.

,.. a . .






spccial Attraction
Hollywood's Newest Comedian
Late of "Riding High"
n the Mu.de ( Mystery

Continuous '
from 1 P.M.

AA'kA r~ tM/« arrJL1TRf

25c to 5 P.M.

i"BIDIN' 1




BAS1.; aspotr ato
as S lokHle

Books and Lyrics by Cpt. Hy Wolotsky
Original Music by Cpl. Troy Bartlett




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