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November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…DEATH BY AUTO Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom it 0A CLOUDY, COLDER See Page 4 VOL. LXIX, No. 61 Continue Strikes Against Airlines Reveal End to National Walkout, Federal Court Orders Halt Others By The Associated Press Airlines blocked one strike by court order yesterday, averted a second possible walkoff and sued to halt one already effective as Thanksgiving holiday travel snowballed. The Air Line Pilots Association said it wo'...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…,;, xTI E M IC H IG A N' D A IL Y W ELD__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. NOJ ARCHAEOLOGY: Clark Discusses Africa Joint Judic Tells Decision on Disciplinary Action By GILBERT WINER o "Africa has yielded us the most knowledge of paleolithic man and his culture, and the purpose of Af- rican prehistory is to interpret the evidence we find in terms of social and economic life." Prof. J. Des- mond Clark said yesterday. Speakin...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

….DNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 195$ THE MICHIGAN DAILY RST IN TWO YEARS: Engagements Announced NEW YORK-WASHINGTON: Galens Plans Annual Bucket Drivee Foreign Student Tour) PAGE planned Galens medical honorary society is planning its 32nd Annual Bucket Drives Dec. 5 and 6. Buckets will be concentrated on the campus area Dec. 5, following an absence of two years. Student Government Council had prohib- ited the drive from involving the students in the ...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…"Fortissimo -Pianiss imo -Fortissimo - Sixty-Ninth Year ETf ITl AND MANAtL. Un STUDENTS OF THE UNTVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vhen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MiCi. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff u itcrs or the editors. This must be ino/cd in all reprints. Bassett's Work H...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 5

…lit laKt THF. milcmGAN UATTIV iig'h lPTUW A M1AIIf'UTl A i Uflb £1 Five Charge DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. N Bones ,About It "U' Chemist Gets Grant FIRST-SEMESTER U.S. Policy 'Unrealistic' 1J. t . . ..-...-..,.--- In a recent article in the Mich- igan Journalist, five University faculty members agreed that the U.S. policy concerning Quemoy and Matsu was not only imprac- tical and dangerous. but was un- realistic, and that if the i...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 6

…yk To Captain rid Team in 1959'SP LMER 'M' QUARTERBACK: 'an Pelt Sparks Winnipeg Cup Bid n By JIM BENAGHFormer Wolverine Jim Van Pelt, passes, booted eight of 13 field ; iadian football fans will have who almost was cut from the Win- goal attempts, kicked 26 extra! eyes focused on a surprising nipeg roster, is the pass-master points and rushed for a 4.6-yd. chigan quarterback this Sat- and ace kicker in the limelight average. In 13 g hean ter...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 7

…i 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA Reserve 'Trotter Center Ed Burton Praises Chamberlain's Performance By FRED KATZ The 7' former Kansas A: Wilt "The Stilt" Chamberlain. American left the clowning whose Harlem Globetrotter team- Meadowlark Lemon. preferringA mates call "The Dipper," last occupy his leisure court time gi night showed a packed Ann Arbor ing lessons on how to stuff a High School gymnasium audience orange-colored hoop umpteen di why...…

November 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 61) • Page Image 8

…THE 3ICIIIGAN DAILY FOUR GAMES IN FIVE DAYS: Icers To Have Busy Vacation -Daily-Peter Anderson SECOND-PLACE FINISH-Nino Marion, one of the mainstays of the Michigan gymnastics squad, executes a difficult stunt in his free exercise routine which won him second-place honors in last night's intra-squad meet. Richard Montpetit placed first with a total of 85 points, while Marion had 82. Gymnasts Improve in Intra-S quad Meet; Freshman Trampolinis...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Illinis .. .. .16 Ohio State... 7, Purdue .. . .29 Army. .. PI tt bu33 r t .14 Indiana.... 12 Miami (0.).. 7 i Oklahoma . . 40 S. Methodist . 20 Ga. Tech... -6 Kansas State. 6 Slippery Micb.State.. 0 Wisconsin . . , , 7i, CONQUESTS IN SPACE RACE See Page C r , 4 lk Lwbn Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom Daity .. 7 RALN, COOLER I r :rre rai.DMJlF, 17iLCiANZf', - .-- firm' ~ T JbAV nf7C'w"flRFR 2.195 FIVE CENTS El GHT...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE MTCHIGAN DAILY SUND- 'U' ALUMNA TO APPEAR IN CAST: 'Anne Frank To Open Locally By JEAN HARTWIG Prof. William J. Haistead of the Thursday, when the stage pro- speech department, who directed duction of "The Diary of Anne Miss McFarland as Beatrice in Frank" comes to Ann Arbor, a Shakespeare's "Much AdohAbout familiar face will return to the N yothindpy" remembers her as. University after a successful career equally talented at playng co...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…TAE MICWIGA1 DAILY rumpet Virtuoso Jacoby o Appear at Varsity Night Musket Dancers Hold Rehearsals Don Jacoby, trumpet virtuoso, will be featured at the University's Bands' 20th annual Varsity Night at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Audi- torium. Jacoby, who started his profes- sional career when he was nine years old, has appeared as soloist with the New York University Symphony Band and has made many tours in the East. The University Bands have...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…iir £irki gun Bailg Sixt y-Ninth Year EDruED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTs OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PuBucATIONs STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. & ANN ARBOR, MicH. * Pbone IO 2-3241 len Qp~nonsAre Fre Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writeri or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE New W...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLAMIS PERSIA NOT ARAB: Nasser Blamed for Confusion over Iran's Identity Institute To Hold Panel On 'U's Religious Plans U.S. Companies To Dispi Opportunities for Emploi I By KATHLEEN MOORE Much of the blame for confu- sion over Persian identity can be placed on Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser who is try- ing unsuccessfully to "agitate" political conditions in Iran, Prof. Hossein Raffaty Afshar said dur- ing his v...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…TM I4 olverines Manage inois Shuts Out MSU; Iowa Tops NU;' SU, Wisconsin Tie; Purdue, Indiana Win To Hold Off Gophers, 20-19 PORT-WHYS ... byAl/pe, e By The Associated Press AMPAIGN-Illinois turned a e and a pass interception fourth-period touchdowns day and handed Michigan its first shutout in 40 games, 16-0, before a homecoming crowd of 68,811. Until the final period, it ap- peared as though the Illini's first- period field goal by ...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pitt Ties Army, 14-14; Tifers Rebound 20-7 ........ _.- MCI IIOM _.... IIIII MMMM M II IM MMMM MM DAL -ML- -MEL- By The Associated Press PJTTSBURGH - The Army football team, rated first in the national rankings and the na- tion's leader on offense. turned into a stubborn defensive squad yesterday and barely escaped with a 14-14 tie against a fired-up Pittsburgh team rated second only to the Cadets in the east. Pitt, t...…

October 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…Ann Arbor by NOight: City Full of Ligi DIM-But not silent. Doors ajar, the Rackhamn Building extends a welcome tb fans of the S Quartet, As the musicians present a concert inside the, spacious auditoriumn, busness goes n a in other roomus throughout the building, Lights burn long into the nigh~t as late-.studying gEl students pore over books, LEAGUE DIMS -- Spotlights illuminate the front of the League and Burton Tower in the background, The...…

September 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…SIGMA KAPPA'S LETTERS EVALUATED G- Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom tIi See Page 4 I, SIX P ANN hJARBR. MICHTIGAN.FRIDAY,. SEPTEMBER 26,15.8~ 4e - V A I VOL. LXlx, No. U$La, a . _ 1- - U.S. Seeks Formosan Cease-Fire Britam, France Join In Support of Policy UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P) - Britain and France joined yester- day in supporting efforts of the United States to get a cease-fire as a first step toward resolving the Formos...…

September 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. SIGMA KAPPA: Lewis Writes to Council 1. Dear Maynard: ing by resolution as action of the The proper University officials Conference, "National Sigma Kap- have been as gravely concerned as pa shall abide by the University or the Student Government Council College rules and regulations now wil the status of Sigma Kappa governing the respective campuses Sorority on this campus. Events on which it has a chapter, rese...…

September 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…LIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Je ents To Name Lund Tiger Coach TO Return To Michigan (Continued from Page 1) Wolveri nes Polish Offense;..'...... Columbia ToneSeptr USC Arrives in Dearborn t] h ra2 Goes After Clincher today series of the season, was unable to be reached for comment. However, he did tell The Daily last spring that he was very in- terested in the jo, if offered to him. "I have been very happy in my 10 year...…

September 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…01 r Argigau Da|ily Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 '"Whey Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must'be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1958 NIGHT EDI...…

September 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r Iasi (Continued from Page 4) Discipline also includes the term "Needs Counseling" as used by the School of Music and the School of Education. b) Part-time and special student carrying less than twelve hours. Activities: The eligibility require- ments must be met by students par- ticipating in such- activities as are listed below. The list is not exhaustive' but is intend...…

September 26, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY FVA~n Glub-Glub's Fav'orable, LOUISVILLE, Ky., UPF) -- Two college professors who did research on baby babbling say sounds that resemble "I'ma ma" mean discomfort. "It's an unhappy utterance,", Dr. Ray Bixler said. "A cry of distress," Dr. Harold Yeager added. It means Mother should come running. A change may be in order, or it's dinnertime. "Baba, dada, gaga, dididid and glub-glub are happy sounds," they added. They beleve...…

July 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…DEFENSE CHANGES BADLY NEEDED - See Page 2 i:jl r Sirp 4b A6F AL :43 a t 'W"IW 19 e * Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom SUNNY, WAR rnwrm rs " r r o r VOL LXVIH. No.. 238 ANN ABOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1958 FIVE CENTS F'OU$ PAGES Rebels, Civilians1 Fight in Lebanon Fighting Remote from U.S. Troops; New President May Not Be Named BEIRUT .(A) -- Lebanesp rebels and pro-government civilians clashed in a sharp, three-h...…

July 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 "I'll Be Glad To Come! - And I'll Set The Date, Make Up The Guest List, Select The Program, Choose The Menu, Pick Out The Music .. . iii i i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Mid-East Discussion, Column, Draw Comment Editorials printed in The Michiga...…

July 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pirates Take Fourth Straight; I!IRIIIAER Yankees~ X/IiI~w~ nI InQn . PITTSBURGH () -- Curt Ray- don blanked the second-place San Francisco Giants last night on 4 hits as the Pittsburgh Pirates won their -fourth straight game 10-0. Bob Skinner led the Pirates 16-hit attack with 3 hits, including a tremendous home run to the right field roof.' Skinner's blast came in the sec- ond inning and was only the fifth homer to reach o...…

July 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MCIGAN DAILY F REVIEWS EVENTS: IA West's Prestige Declining Daily in Middle East 'U' To Present Recitals, Teachers' Lecture, Film I' 4i 8~qyt Szzd frz cr LcObI© l IIT LLLL ?3 tdtzd Aze6 .Tlered 1l %07 ~~l~d ~rsw/ ?ia~ 1 .7 zlPro -*tasselr ea& ied i'zom a.. Qf T95"'Th?-zsser ettmes oeooevfi 3r~4 f~~79?hd~ lg8z)-&~gtz foxd 4rzfr liew ~bZeu I,3 75F1Yxsseraeeptarrd1s r ortzz Gamzzk zisezcAa eerno Al~gSI ass(esr4) Prtonis Seez 'ng''.sii ea...…

June 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… M1ACKEY: ANOTHER TRUST QUESTION See Page 2 Y L Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 41OF AN L -M A, - F"M m I-M AN m *414ppol " t I]v CLOUDY, COOL LXVUI, No. 3S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1958 FIVE CENTS FOUR Pi FIECET FOUR P nmmunists Riot kt U.S. Embass 'Yankee-Go-Home' Demonstration By Russians Noisy but Harmless MOSCOW (IP)-More than 1,000 screaming, banner-waving Rus- ns staged a rowdy "Yankee go home" demonst...…

June 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…G1je Shihdgn &tiIy Sixty-Eighth Year EDrITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Tr'uth will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This nus t be noted in all reprints. ISDAY, JUNE 26, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSA...…

June 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…______THE MICHIGAN DAILY acKay Wins Again, but U.S. imbledon Hopes Diminish !BLEDON, England (UP)- Jnited States tennis force thing but steady even in a 7-5, Mrs. Knode figured in the big- tt to a mere corporal's guard 6-1, 6-4 triumph over Bill Kear- gest upset of the day when she n yesterday in a rain short- ney, of Australia, was beaten by Christiane Mercelis program that left Barry The best American performance of Belgium, 6-3, 7-5. ay, o...…

April 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…OUNDATTON TRIP 'ROVIDES IMPACT See Page .4F Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom FeAIR, I, No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1958 FIVE CENTS COOL Commttee M fens De ar me r anizati Pla JOHN WEICHER' MICHAEL KRAFT , RICHARD MARTENS CAROL HECHT city editor .. . editorial director ... advertising manager . .. associate business manager Taub, Daily Staff Richard Taub, '59, was named Editor of The Daily st night by the Board i...…

April 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THMuICMGAN DAILY A 1 IF'47FTV.Y DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Organization Notices 0 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. technicians. Besides available...…

April 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…BATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P 1 Pik! 7! !',, - - - . - arass.. a KbAk A wilumE G MSU Defeat Bruce Bennett r Michigan-Michigan State Rivalry Hot Again with Snider Suspension S Wolverines, 4-2 in Big Ten Opener Perranoski Limits 'M' To Four Hits I 'I 'OUTSTANDING COACH': Hickmans' Sudden Death Surprises 'M' Coaches The Michigan-Michigan State rivalry flares anew today and the current score will be settled on the...…

April 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…A'. i Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.* Phone NO 2-3241 "Don't Get Hysterical - I'm Watching All The Time" _'- ,Mw.a ''' ym -"". "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t ...…

April 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

… iI FOR RENT APARTMENT for four girls close to campus. Completely furnished choice. Phone NO 2-6252 evenings. )C249 BRAND NEW apts. Unfurnished. BRAND NEW APTS. Unfurnished. Ground floor. Modern. Children wel- come. Phone HU 2-0665. )C238 1 BLOCK from campus. 2 room fur- nished Apt. Immediately. NO 2-1443. )C237 FOR ALL the conveniences of home see this apartment to be sublet for the summer. Phone NO 3-3307. Si Coleman or Arnie Slutzky. )C233...…

March 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…CHANGING CONTEXT OF 'U' ATHLETICS See Page 4 Sir 43 YU Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom . LXVIII, No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1958 A 1me Record Set in irst * * * 1 ' 'To Start $2 Mi With Q -Daily-Fred Merrill BREAKING A RECORD-These students contributed to an all-time record first-day vote of more than 4,000 according to estimiates by Elections Director Roger Mahey. Voting continues today with ...…

March 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…_THE MICHIGAN DAILY By NAN MARKEL The Atomic Energy Commis- sion's "Atoms for Peace" exhibit will be on display at the University Exhibit Museum Friday through April 13. In simple do-it-yourself terms, the exhibit has been prepared to acquaint the public with up to date developments in the field of nuclear energy, Museum Director Irving G. Reimann said. Set 'Chain Reaction" By pushing a button, the spec- tator will be able to set off a chain ...…

March 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Yale Squad Features Trio of Standout Swimmers r.,. Jecko Tops Ivy League Champions By DICK MINTZ Yale, perennial Eastern swim power, looms as the chief chal- lenger to Michigan's NCAA title hopes, in the championship meet to be held this weekend at the Varsity Pool. Yale captured eight of sixteen first places in the Eastern Inter- collegiate...…

March 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…Me mirchgatt Bally Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This wust be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1958 NIGHT EDITO...…

March 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 127) • Page Image 5

… Why not try same of our delicious BARBECUE RIBS OR CHICKEN Call us to reserve your order RALPH'S MARKET (formerly Freeman's) 709g Packard NO 8-3175 Just two doors from the} Blue Front~ )J143 Complete Household Maintenance PAINTS -VARNISH ENAMELS -- WALL PAPERS RENTAL TOOLS Call NO 2-4350 DRIVE-IN PARKING LOT Anderson Paint Co. ' 300 East Washington Physicians' Glasses Prescriptions Filled Framtes Repaired and ,Repliaced 2'11 East Liberty ...…

March 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 127) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -yard Initiates gal Fund Drive vard college recently started imni committee in Ann Ar- help raise $82,500,600 for raduate education ih the hree years. Harvard program is the effort in the school's 320- ifstory to build up its edu- al resources. The local com- is to take the lead in get-. ipport from other Harvard A living in the Ann Arbor- nti area. A total of $20,100 g sought locally. . C. Theodore Larsen of the ecture ...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…WEST'S INDONESIAN POLICY DISCUSSED See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t tly JPIMLAF e° 00 "" b " WINDY, WARMER VIII, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 FIVE CENTS -1s ommittee Charges 4rimrnal Violations Lawyer Cannot Explain $75,000 Deposited in Bank Two Years Ago WASHINGTON (41)-A House committee chairman said yesterday eral Communications Commissioner Richard A. Mack and others >lved...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY d Circuit Television System A&D Plans Expansion Of Program Department of city planning in architecture school is expected. to expand to a full five year course, according to Prof. John W. Hyde of the planning department. At the present time, students may choose planning as an option in their senior year and graduate with a degree in city planning. The new proposal would make it a full course of study in order to ,train the...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 TIE MICHIGAN DAILY VALE! WENSAFBRAY2,15RTEMCIANDIYPG ,. r.:.. art JCommet BY JIM BAAD Michigan Seeks To Extend Dual Meet Streak to Seven ost Il' Swimmers Toda V Basketball'-What's Happened? W MHMICHIGAN'S basketball team tumbling deep into the Big Ten cellar after starting the season in championship style, the questions are beginning to fly. Why the collapse? Why didn't the team take up where last year's...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…e t' 01 4r ~tgn aily Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "This Will Keep Out Foreign Salesmen" Men Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" CHORAL UNION SERIES Obernkirchen Choir Performs Brightly AMONG THE LARGE NUMBER of childen's choirs blossoming around the world, the Obernk...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 5

…THE MWICIGAN ,DA dist Wesleyan Guild Holds ip Groups, Talks, Retreats i flL ('CLASSIFIED A. or: --Daily-David Arnold ELIGIOUS TOPICS - Members of the Methodist n Guild meet, for informal group conferences. 'N' BOWS. By MARY STATON Reviving student interest in Christianity and providing furth- er supplement to the social and infodrmal values of Christian edu- cation are objectives of the Wes- leyan Guild, said club president John Lucas,...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5ROOTS DIPLOMACY' te To Honor International Students )w's International IStu- to b held in Lansing, ribed by Governor G Villiams as an expression e roots diplomacy." ty student Bastiampil- {? inuel, Grad., who will esponse to the governor's eech, explained he is to thank the governor r> portunity for good con- Student Day provides. ig Out Conditions el ,an engineering stu--. a Ceylon, says he will t the conditions under' ei...…

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