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April 26, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-26

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See Page .4F
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom FeAIR,


Commttee M

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city editor .. . editorial director ... advertising manager . .. associate business manager
Taub, Daily Staff

Richard Taub, '59, was named
Editor of The Daily st night by
the Board in Contro of Student
At the same time,, the Board
announced the. appointment of
Stephen Topol, '59; as Daily Busi-
Taub, a junior in English hon-
ors, will succeed Peter . Eckstein,
'58, as editor. He will stress "con-
tinued emphasis on academic
areas" while editor, Taub said,
"with more thorough reporting
and writing."
Martens, Hecht Named
Topol will succeed Robert Ward,
'58E, as business manager. Richard
Martens, '59E, will be advertising
manager and Carol Hecht, '59,
will be . associate business man-
Other newly-named senior busi-
World News



LONDon (.) - Prime Minister
Harold MacMillan said yesterday
Britain will continue nuclear tests
"unless and until international
agreements make them unneces-
He said the Conservative gov-
ernment's policy as the Foreign
Office and Admiralty served no-
tice the British are ready to begin
their third round of H-bomb tests.
Their third round of H-bomb
tests. Shipping was warned to
stay out of a 38,000-square-mile
area around Christmas Island in
the south Pacific.
LJUBLJANA, Yugoslavia )-A
high ranking Yugoslav Commu-
nist politburo member disclosed
last night Soviet boss Nikita
Khrushchev has been principal
target of the rash of strong criti-
cism here for Moscow's policies.
An Italian communist newspa-
per editor mentioned that anti-
Yugoslav accusations detailed by
Vice President Alexander Ranko-
vie in a bitter speech to the Yugo-
slav Communist Congress here
Wednesday did not appear in the
Soviet theoretical journal Kom-
munist when it listed Tito's sins
against world communism.
JAKARTA, Indonesia (R) - In-
donesian government forces are
12 miles from the rebel capital of
Rsk++sm.~p in C rn,1 Smatra-

Panel Calls
:,Court Blasts
Many of the recent attacks on
the Supreme Court were debunked
as jolitical maneuvering at a dis-
cussion of the high court held in
conjunction with the 16th Annual
Conferenceof Political Scientists'.
The delegates emphasized that
there are two, ways of looking at
the Court. One way is to take a
consistent attitude on the basic
prerogatives of the Court whether
or not one agrees with the philos-
ophy of the Court at a given time.
May Demand Curbing
The other approach is to demand
a curbing of the Supreme Court's
power when one disagrees with
the prevailing philosophy of the
Court' and advocate a "strong"
court when one approves.
Prof. Oliver Williams of Michi-
gan State University told the group
that many criticisms of the Court
and proposed Court reforms were
aimed primarily as "harassment"
of the Court rather than as a
serious proposal,
Compares Bills
He compared some of the bills
introduced to Congress for chang-
ing the character of the Court
to bills which are passed by Con-
gress in spite of the foreknowledge
that it will be voted by the Presi-
,ent and that the veto cannot be
Prof. Williams explained that
many court decisions adversely
affected many groups. These
groups_ fight the Court in any way
they can. He told the group har-
assment was the main method of
attempting to influence future
court decisions.
This can be done by public crit-
icism through the newspapers, or
it can be done by introducing
various motions to Congress.
Menez Reads

David Tarr, '59; will be Features-
Magazine Editor. The Personnel
Director will be Dale Cantor, '59.
Beata Jorgenson, '59, will head
the Activities Staff as Associate
City Editor, according to the Board
announcement, while Jean Wil-
loughby, '59; will assist Kraft as
Associate Editorial Director. Brooke
Tompkins, '59, will assist Tarr as
Associate Features Editor and
Elizabeth Erskine, '59, will assist
Cantor as Associate Personnel
David Arnold, '59E, was named
Photography Editor.
Home Towns Diverse,
Editorial staff appointees come
from home towns as widespread
as -Taub's Great Neck, N.Y. and
Tompkin's Pacific Palisades, Cal.
Taub, Editor for the next year, is
a member of Sphinx, junior men's
honorary and Phi Eta Sigma,
freshman men's academic honor-
ary. He was once an Angell'
Weicher, who as City Editor will {
be responsible for the mechanics
of putting out The Daily for the
next year, is also in English
honors. He is a resident of Chicago
and 20 years old. Weicher trans-,
ferred to the University from Col-
gate University of Hamilton, N.Y.
Weicher will replace Vernon,
Nahrgang, '5$, as City Editor. '
Kraft English Major
Kraft, 20 years old, is a resident
of Detroit. Majoring in English,1
he is a member of professional
journalism fraternity Sigma Delta
As new Editorial Director Kraft
will replace James Elsman, Jr., '58.1
Tarr's post combines duties cur-
rently supervised by both Carol7
Prins, '58, Magazine Editor andI
William Haney, '58, Features Edi-l

tor. Tarr is a 20-year-old resident
of Pontiac and a political science
major. He is also a- member of
Sigma Delta Chi.
Majoring in 'Poll Scr
Miss Cantor, 20 years old, is
majoring in political science. She
lives in Chicago.
The Personnel Director the past
year has been Donna Hanson, '58.
Miss Jorgenson, an English ma-
jor from Royal Oak, Mich., is re-
See BOARD, page 5
Drop Case
Against SGC
The case of Andre Barroso, '61L,
against SGC was dismissed in
Municipal Court yesterday because
the presiding judge found no cause
of action, on the grounds that
there was no certainty that SGC
was responsible for the SBX dur-
ing the period that Barroso's
transactions took place.
According to Arthur E. Car-
penter, the attorney for tie de-
fense substituting for Arnold W.
Tammen, the regular SGC lawyer
in this case, it was revealed that
the Michigan Union operated the
SBX during the time in question.
As the trial progressed, it was
also revealed that Ira Bernstein,
'59, manager of the SBX at that
time, remembered Barroso because
he brought in 26 books to sell and
Barroso had filled out the slips
for the books in red pencil.
Bernstein said he was sure Bar-
roso knew the policies' of SBX
when he came to sell the books.
Barroso even cashed a check he
later received for six of the books,
Bernstein said.

Senate Vote
Stops First
labor Move
Knowland Offers
Second Measure
ate voted 53-37 yesterday against
the first of a series of labor law
measures offered by Sen. William
F. Knowland (R-Calif.)
By its vote, the Senate signaled
it was not ready to act on any
broad program of labor legislation.
Sen. Knowland, the Senate Re-
publican leader, promptly called
up another measure for a second
test of sentiment.
This was designed to protect
members of local unions against
the establishment, by national or
international labor. organizations,
of long term trusteeships over the
local's affairs.
TenRepubicans voted with 43
Democrats ;in, defeating Sen.
Knowland's 'first proposal, which
was designed to require secret bal-
lot elections of union officers and
to limit their terms to a maximum
of four years.
One Democrat, Sen. Frank S.
Lausche of, Ohio, voted with Sen.
Knowland and 35 other Republi-
cans on the first test.
Sen. Knowland offered his pro-
posals as amendments to a bill to
regulate pension-welfare plans.
Calling his amendments a bill
of rights for labor, he said now is
the time for action. Later in the
session, he said, tlie Senate will
be too busy (with other matters to
consider labor legislation.
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Tex-
as, the Democratic leader, led op-
position to broadening the pen-
sion-welfare bill into a general
labor measure. He and Democrat-
ic leaders of the Labor Committee
assured the Senate that general
labor legislation would get a hear-
U.S. May Ask
Arctic Zone
United States may ask the United
Nations Security Council shortly
to take steps toward creating a
disarmament inspection zone in
the arctic.
Russia recently complained
there is danger of an accidetal
clash between Soviet and United
States air forces in that region,
Action toward setting up an in-
spection zone is understood to
have been recommended by this
country to its NATO allies.
The practical effect 'of a suc-
cessful appeal to the Security
Council would be to revive ne-
gotations between the Soviet
Union and key Western powers.

The parade is ended but the campus shivers on.
The weather cast a marrow-chilling blanket of wind about the
estimated 25,000 spectators at yesterday's Michigras parade. Despite
the temperature, however, a goodly number of coeds in sparse costumes
rode the floats down the long' windy parade route.
One student, immersed like a goldfish in a tank of water, received
groans of sympathy from the onlookers as she spun and splashed in
her frigid environment.
The parade failed to start promptly at 3:00 p.m., as scheduled.
According to walkie-talkie reports the first float got under way about
3:30 n.m. A snectator near the indges' booth asked when the narade #


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