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November 26, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-26

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Galens Plans Annual Bucket Drivee Foreign Student Tour)


Galens medical honorary society
is planning its 32nd Annual Bucket
Drives Dec. 5 and 6.
Buckets will be concentrated on
the campus area Dec. 5, following
an absence of two years. Student
Government Council had prohib-
ited the drive from involving the
students in the hopes that the
Campus Chest might succeed.
Campus Chest was discontinued
last spring due to insufficient col-I
Money from the Galens Drive
goes to support the society's work-
shop on the ninth floor of Univer-
sity Hospital. It also provides the
funds foi an annual Christmas
party at which Santa Claus, treats
and individual gifts are presented
to the hospitalized children.
Workshop Utilized
Throughout the year. the work-
shop is utilized for schooling in
the mornings, and is supervised
by a full-timekspecial educationj
teacher. Text books of all typesk
are available and each child's
schooling is coordinated with his
home school.
Consequently, every child is in-
sured of missing no time from
school while confined in the hos-
pital. For those children too sick
to go to the workshop, teachers go
to the wards and rooms.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor
of Memphis, Tenn. announce the
engagement of their daughter Ann
to Walker S. Uhlhorn, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walker S. Uhlhorn.
Miss Taylor, a member of Alpha
Delta Pi social sorority, is a junior
in the education school. Mr. Uhl-
horn graduated last June from
the United States Naval Academy
at Annapolis.
He is currently serving as an
ensign in the Navy and is sta-
tioned at San Diego, Calif.

yEThe third annual tour, organ- see the New Year's Eve Ballet and
The International Center is ized "especially for the interna- "as yet indefinite" plans to at-
sponsoring a trip to Washington, tional student." will take place tend a Carnegie Hall concert and
D.C., and New York during Christ- between Dec. 26 and Jan. 3. she some television shows.
mas vacation. Helen Tjotis. Cen- said. Any student interested in join-
ter program assistant and tOur The group will travel by train, ing the group may obtain addi-
director, announced recently, and the tour will provide students tional information by contacting
with the opportunity to "see more Miss Tjotis at the International
' V p in the six day tour than they Center.
Viet roup would on their own. and at a
minimum of expense., Miss Tjotis
To A ppeari Three days will be spent in CwCn iii and SCe
Washington, with tours of histori-
cal points of interest being coin hie sction
N ext Spring planned by the Foreign Student
Service Council of Greater Wash-FC
World famous General Platoff ington, she explained.
Don Cossak Chorus and Dancers, Included on the itinerary. she
directed and conducted by Nicho- continued, are a "Welcome to I at
Beame r-Erla ng er las Kostrukoff, will appear this Washington" breakfast: trips to
The engagement of their daugh- School Auditorium, it has been gress, and Lfamous memorials.
ter, Anita Louise, to John Joseph announced, a special tour of the White House, C
Erlanger has been announced by Membership of the chorus has to include the n e i g h b o r i n g
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. Beamer always comprised the best of tal- Pageant Pageant for Peace in
of Grand Rapids. ent of White Russian emigrees. which trees from every country lFifth
Miss Beamer is a senior in the The chorus has toured all five in the world have been planted;
nursing school. continents and-have visited a total and a tour of Capitol Hill Daiuy- a.m. to 9 p.m.
The bridgegroom elect is the son of 67 countries. The tour will conclude with a Sunday-10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
of Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Erlanger Debut in Vienna three day-stay in New York 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
of Rochester, N.Y. and Sarasota, Debut of the Chorus was made where, she said, the students will
Fla. A graduate of the University, in Vienna; their debut in this tour Manhattan, including China ----!- ------
he was a member of Lambda Chi country was at San Francisco's Town, Wall Street and Central
Alpha social fraternity. World Fair in 1939. Park, with the sponsorship of the HEAVENLY
The ceremony will take place The chorus is named for the Greater Service Council of New
Dec.'27. famous Cossak General Platoff, a York.
popular hero who achieved re- Also planned are an evening at
known after helping turn back the Metropolitan Opera House to
var ha C0 kNapoleon's invading army in hisj
O artha Al m eh nMbesofin1812. H n rr
MlrhmCmbersof the ensemble Honorary Society
mrecently became American citis Elects
I1,JL InldIIeIJ zens. Initiates, Ee t

U - = - -- -'
BRAIDING LANYARDS-Two children in University Hospital are
busy cutting and measuring plastic gimp which is used to make
lanyards and bracelets. The material and instruction is available
through the money raised in the annual Galens' Christmas bucket
drive. The drive will be held Dec. 5 and 6, with concentration on
the campus on the first day of the drive and downtown Ann Arbor
the following day.



... $1.98 and up


During the afternoon, the work- The marriage will take place
shop is the scene of varied activity. Dec. 20.
Children between eight and 14
years old have access to kilns for
pottery and clay working, po Jo rd an B e ats
saws, drills and lathes for wood-
working under close supervision of , a s i
a trained shop teacher. In V oile
In Vollyball I

Record Department
Stote Street at North University

Money Buys Materials
Money also goes to buy leather
for leather crafts, paints, books,
toys, games, phonographs, records,
yarn for weaving and metal for
metal working. ""
Galens' goal this year is $7,500,'
Morton Cox, '60M, publicity direc-
tor of the drive said. Any contri-
bution, no matter how small, will,
be greatly appreciated. More than

Jordan became the "A" division
winners in the finals of the Wom-
en's Athletic Association volleyball
tournament held recently, defeat-
ing Martha Cook by a score of
24-14. Elliott won the "B" division
title, with a narrow win over
Thronson, 24-23.
On Wednesday, Elliott chal-

In the basketball tournament
last week, Chi Omega lost to
Alpha Omicron Pi byeatscore of
8-7, Sigma Kappa beat Kappa
Kappa Gammaby a 21-19 count
and Little defeated Hunt lIby a
12-6 score.
Other Cage Scores
Also, Alpha Xi Delta won 13-7
over Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa
Alpha Theta beat Alpha Epsilon
Phi, 12-6, and Stockwell II was
victorious over Couzens by a 27-21


Appeared in Carnegie Hall
The chorus and dancers ap- Sigma Alpha Eta, national hon-
peared in Carnegie Hall in New orary for students in the field of
York City and have performed in speech correction and audiology,
Chicago, San Francisco and Los held an initiation of new mem-
Angeles. They have a varied pro- bers.
gram including the work of Tchai- Newly installed key members
kowsky, Arclangelsky and Mous- are: Barbara Bank. Suzanne Cor-
sagorsky. nell and Arline Pollack.
Tickets for their program will The officers for the year are:
1go on sale this month at campus President, Joan Beris, Vice-Presi-
music and book stores and in Ann dent, Doris August, Corresponding
Arbor and Ypsilanti downtown Secretary, Sharon Weisbach, Re-a
districts. They will also be on sale cording Secretary, Barbara Ber-I
in the Ann Arbor High School man and Treasurer, Sylvia Wen-
Box Office Feb. 28 and March 1. drow,

Dearest -

Use Daily Classifieds!

5,000 children will receive Galens lenged Martha Cook in an elimina-
support in the coming year, Cox tion contest which saw Cook vic-
reported. . torious by a 31-9 score.


'--i (Eu UwAhe~uhorof "Rally Roun~d the Flag, Boyst '"and,
- "Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")



In this column we take up fashions for college men, which means
of course, the Ivy Look. Today's Ivy Look clothes have made a
great stride forward. Not only do they have thin lapels, three but-
tons, narrow trousers, and a minimum of shoulder padding, but
-now hear thisl-this year they are actually covered with ivy!
This new development, while attractive beyond the singing
of it, nevertheless gives rise to certain hazards. For instance,
people keep trying to plant you on Arbor Day. Indeed, this is
precisely what happened to two SAE's of my acquaintance,
Walter R. Gurlash and Fred Rasp. Before they could protest,
they were snatched up, planted, limed, and watered, and today
they support a hammock in Cut and Shoot, Vermont.

David Dvbinsky, President
MEMO TO: The Editor
FROM: Gus Tyler, Director, ILGWU Training
It occurs to me that there are some in your
student body who would be actively interested
in a j ob-and a challenge-that others of their
generation have accepted and turned into a re-
warding way of life.
The International Ladies' Garment Workers'
Union conducts its own "West Point," to pre-
pare young men and women for careers in labor
leadership. The one-year course combines
classroom and field work. Those who complete
the course are assigned to a full time job with
the union.
With the job comes the challenge-to provide
the kind of dedicated and ethical leadership
that will make theAmerican labor movement
the creative social force it seeks to be.
The Training Institute is now in its ninth
year. 125 of its graduates now hold union
office in the ILGWU. Virtually all started as
organizers--to learn the labor movement at
the grass roots. While some continue at this
mission as their first and enduring love,
others branch out to take on responsibilities
as business agents, local union managers, edu-
cational and political directors, area super-
visors, time study experts, etc.
There is nothing soft or cushy about any of
these jobs. But then we are not looking for
young people who want the easy plush life. We
want those who will enjoy the sting of chal-
lenge in the three-dimensional world of flesh
and blood people confronted with raw existence.
To these, we open the doors of the Institute.
Write before April 15: ILGWU Training Insti-
tute, 1710 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.

In other WAA activity, the Fig--
ure Skating Club held its initial
skating meeting last Tuesday.
Student still interested in becom-
ing members of the club may do
so by contacting club manager Sue
Lorimer, '61A&D.
Receive Skating Privileges
Members of the club will have
the advantage of skating at the
Coliseum, which will be open only
to club members on Tuesday
Instructing the club will be
Mary Francis Greschke, 1947 re-
gional ice skating champion and
a professional for the Ann Arbor
Ice Skating Club.
During the year, the Skating
Club plans to initiate social skat-
ing at Burns Park and to put on
shows during the half-time at
ey games.
Asked To Perform
The Ann Arbor Skating Club
has invited the club to put on a
special number in their annual
show. The University club's season
extends from November through
The WAA Ski Club held its first
meeting last Thursday. Those stu-
dents who wish to become mem-
bers of the organization but who
were unable to attend the organi-
zational meeting may still do so
by meeting next Thursday at 7:30
p.m. in the small lounge of the
Womens Athletic Building. Begin-
ning ski positions and exercises
will be illustrated.
No Graduate Student Coffee Hour on
Nov. 26.
Lutheran Student Assoc., Thanks-
giving Matins Service, Nov. 26, 7:10
a.n., Lutheran Student Chapel, Hil
St. at S. Forest Ave. Breakfast follow-
Lutheran Student Assoc., Thanksgiv-
ing Day Service, Nov. 27, 9:30 a.m.
Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at
S. Forest Ave.

Gift Boxed
Towel Sets

Christmas Gift Time


Aren't you a doll! I was so touched
by your "no-special-reason" gift,
I'm afraid I got a bit weepy. Thank
goodness you and Jimmy weren't
! around to scoff at my "sentimen-
tality". .. but I do wish you were
Flambeau perfume ... I can't tell
you how thrilled I am with that
beautiful bottle from France ... I
mast have been sitting here admir-
ing it for at least half an hour-
leave it to Faberge to do up their
packages in such chic French
And it's such a heavenly fra-.
grance-,lust seems to sparkle! It's
absolutely perfect for my new red
chiffon-but I'll bet you knew that.
Really, I'm so pleased and excited
I squeak; you've got me sounding
Just like you!
Whatever did you do without to
buy me such a fabulous present?
Or - perish the thought - is it a
bribe? Do forgive my horribly sus-
picious nature, but in case you sent
this with the idea of borrowing it
when you come home for your holi-
day, you'll have to be a very good
girl! See what having such an ele-
gant possession does to my usually
,generous nature?
Speaking of your com nb home,
we can hardly wait. Dad will meet
your plane and you'd better be
hungry (ha!). See you soon-and
meanwhile, love from us all...

Regular $4.95

Regular $3.50




Prices are born here - Raised elsewhere

211 E. Washington

NO 2-5894

Open Monday and Friday Nite 'til 9 P.M.

'PopL eep fi C 1, w .
Let us now discuss shirts. Again this year the campus favorite
is the good old Oxford with button-down collar and barrel
cuffs. This is without doubt an admirable garment, but let me
ask you a question: if you don't wear anything but Oxfords,
what do you do with all the cuff links people have been giving
you for your hirthday since you were twelve years old?
Well sir, some fellows have their wrists pierced, but what E.
Mackenzie Sigafoos, a Chi Psi of my acquaintance, did was to
take a dozen pairs of his handsome gold monogrammed cuff
links and string them together in a charm bracelet for his girl,
Jo-Carol Isobar.
(It turned out, ineidentally, to be a mistake. In short order
so many admirers accrued to Jo-Carol on account of her gor-
geous bracelet that she grew tired of plain old E. Mackenzie,
and one night when she was seated on a bench in Lovers Lane
throwing sticks for E. Mackenzie to retrieve, she suddenly,
cruelly, without warning, told him they were through.
"I am hearthroken," said E. Mackenzie, heartbroken. "But
if go ytu must, give me back my charm bracelet."
"No, I will keep it," said Jo-Carol
"What for?" said E. Mackenzie. "You can't wear it. The
initials on the cuff links are all mine-E.M.S."
11a, ha, the joke is on you," said Jo-Carol, "Yesterday I was
voted Miss Chinese IRestaurant of 1958."
"So?" said E. Mackenzie.
"o," replied Jo-Carol, "E.M.S. does not stand for E. Mac-
kenzie Sigafoos. It stands for Eat More Subgumn
A broken man, E. Mackenzie today squeezes out a meagre
living as a pendulum in Cleveland. Jo-Carol was killed in a
tong,, %ar.)
But I di-ress. We were t alking about well-dressed men, and the
one essential for ev ry well-dressed man-and every well-dressed



Out -After Thanksgiving



SAN DLE R OF BOSTON'S DRIFTER ... the aristocrat of
moccasins. A genuine moccasin, handsewn* ... completely cradling
your foot in one smooth, unbroken piece of soft upper leather.

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