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September 26, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-26

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01 r Argigau Da|ily
Sixty-Ninth Year

'"Whey Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must'be noted in all reprints.

Sigma Kappa's Letters
Show Unchanging Position

"-Five Years, Eight Months and Two Days -Five
Years, Eight Months and Three Days--"
., r
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4 x-
a ( ~ A' ,>

Stone Refreshing
In Folk, Concert.
IT IS TRULY refreshing to see and listen to a folk artist such as Elly
Stone whose performance at Hillel last night was nothing short
of remarkable. It is doubly refreshing nowadays when every would-be
actor and refugee from the "art song" and German lieder who can
strum three chords on a guitar is masquerading as a folk singer.
Elly Stone cannot be placed in that category. She is indeed an
artist, one who combines the elements of first-rate showmanship with
a good voice and sdme very adept guitar technique. It was with the
use of showmanship that she was able to put across two or three se-
lections last night that were musically threadbare and which could
not have stood up by themselves. It was Elly Stone the musician who


THE EXCHANGE of letters between Sigma
Kappa National Sorority, the University's
administration and Student Government.
Council should be required reading for those
interested in the character of words and those
who write them.
On October 10, 1956 SGC sent a statement
to the National Council of Sigma Kappa, issu-
ing "an official invitation to all interested par-
ties to present all pertinent information which
they desire."
Sigma Kappa replied on November 30, 1956
with a statement which charged in part: "The
Student Government Council is inquiring into
the reasons for Sigma Kappa decisions made
with respect to our own internal affairs in
areas other than the University of Michigan
NOW, nearly two years after SGC found
Sigma Kappa in violation of University
regulations and gave them until this summer's
national Convention to prove that they were
no longer discriminatory, Sigma Kappa sent
a letter to Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis saying:
"National Sigma Kappa shall abide by the
University or college rules and regulations now
governing the respective campuses on which
it has a chapter, reserving the right to regu-
late Its internal affairs privately, in accord-
ance with the university or college rules and
regulations, provided that such rules and regu-
lations must not be in violation of the Consti-
tution and By-laws of Sigma Kappa as set
forth in A ticle II, Section IA."
Inb effect, Sigma Kappa says nothing new,
but the way it says it is rather interesting. In
activating on a campus, a sorority as a matter
of course must agree to abide 'by the institu-
tion's rules.-
But National Sigma Kappa reserves "the
right to regulate its internal affairs privately,"
a right reserved and thus held more important
than abiding by University rules. Without the
clause beginning with "reserving" and ending
with "regulations," the letter reads, "National
Normal' Housin,
A"NORMAL" housing situation appears to be
one wherethere is enough space for every-
one. This Year the University dormitories, de-
scribed as "normal" by officials, do not fulfill
this definition. The women's residence halls,
will have vacancies within the next week, even
though Jordan Hall is closed for repairs and
Tyler, Prescott and Fredrick Houses have been
re-converted to men's living units. *
However, the quadrangles, with 65 surplus
men, on the first day of classes were over-
crowded. This is'the situation, and even Hard-
ing would have to stretch a definition to call
it "normalcy."
For the residence halls, however, it is a
marked improvem(nnt. Last year women's dor-
mitories housed 325 beyond their capacity.
Men's residences have eliminated all tem-
porary doubles and triples from their corridors.
For such a system, where overcrowding has
been the rule since World War II, only 65 men
without rooms can be called "normal" with a

Sigma Kappa shall abide by the University or
college rules now governing the respective
campuses on which it has a chapter, provided
that such rules and regulations must not be
in violation of the Constitution and By-laws
of Sigma Kappa as set forth in Article II,
Section IA."
Exactly what provisions are in that part of
the secret Sigma Kappa Constitution is some-
thing meaningless to everyone here except
Sigma Kappas and Dean of Women Deborah
AND NOW for the third letter; the one from
Mr. Lewis to Student Government Council
(see Page 2). The key phrase is that "The Of-
fice of the Dean of Women, in consultation
with other Administrative officials, has
checked the Constitution . . . and is now pre-
pared to certify to the Student Government
Council that Sigma Kappa meets the require-
ments as stated in our published Regulations."
However, the certification is nothing new,
for the Sigma Kappa constitution was sub-
mitted to the Dean's office when the sorority
reactivated on this campus and the Con-
stitution was certified to have no bias clause.
THE IMPORTANT question is what Sigma
Kappa national does as a matter of its own
"internal affairs." The suspension of the two
chapters (Sigma Kappa has 68) pledging Ne-
groes and the National's refusal to explain its.
action, beyond repeating "internal affairs,"
led SGC, two years ago, to conclude that al-
though-Sigma Kappa's constitution may not
'contain a bias clause, it nevertheless acted in
a discriminatory manner and therefore vio-
lated University regulations.
The resolution passed at the National Con-
vention only reiterates Sigma Kappa's previous
stand, and still fails to show that the sorority
is not In violation of University regulations..
Apparently, in two years, only letters, not posi-
tions have changed.
Editorial Director
g Not So Normal
For a dormitory system which until this
year needed much additional space, the con-
struction of Mary Markley women's residence
seems a panacea.- Now, however, it appears,
to have been a mistake. An entire women's(
dorm is shut for repairs, a section of Markley is
not yet finished, and there are still vacancies
in the women's dormitory system.
TIS "ERROR" would be easily corrected,
of course, if another 300 people had sought
University housing. Then both systems would
be overcrowded and pleas and petitions for.
new dorms would be heard from all sources,
Markley, despite its effects on women's
housing this year, is a step in the right direc-
tion. Dormitory overcrowding, along with high
apartment rents, has been accepted as "nor-
mal" in Ann Arbor for many years. Only 65
people with no rooms is almost enough to pro-
claim a day of commemoration.

. M

:Adams'OusterAids Democrats

enchanted her audience with
John Jacob Niles' dramatic ballad
"Lass from the Low Countree,"
and the poignant "Autumn.
Leaves" which she sang in the ori-
ginal French.
As for repertory, Miss Stone
takes us in time all the way from
the 15th century to the present
day; in space, she travels quickly
from Israel to the British Isles,
through Italy and France, across
the Pyrenees into Spain, then
through Poland and Germany,
ending up in our own United
States. Categorically speaking,
she covered a broad expanse of
folk idioms: the impassioned re-
ligious chant, the spirited ditty,
the love song, the Negro spiritual.
In all she sang in seven different
languages which included French,
Spanish, Italian, German, He-
brew and Yiddish. In fact, one of
the most popularly received num-
bers of the evening was a comical
ditty sung in three languages si-
multaneously. Her ability to com-
municate the color and sipirt of
a song through the controlled use
of dramatic' effects was enough,
to dispel the language barrier.
FOR HER second encore, Miss
Stone invited the audience to par-
ticipate in the singing of two folk
songs. The response was excellent.
Both the Israeli chant, "Tumbah-
Tumbah" and the old favorite,
"Kisses Sweeter than Wine" were
performed exceptionally well.
Whatever other talents she may
possess, Elly Stone is certainly
capable of holding an audience,
and with. a rapport that is gen-
uine, She is not hesitant to make
use of the grossest comedy or the
most refined sarcasm in an ef-
fort to convey the deepest mean-
ing of a song, nor is she reluctant
to stray far from the beaten path
in her choice of material. There
are any number of tired old fav-
orites she could have brought out
but one is quite pleased that she
didn't. More folk artists should
be encouraged to examine the fine
store of material which remote
cultures have to offer.
The overwhelming turnout for
the concert, an attendance which
is unprecedented in Hillel's his-
tory, is indicative of the growing
interest in folk music on campus,
an interest which has been on the
increase during the past two
years. The master of ceremonies
at last night's program remarked
that, gHillelpresented Miss Stone
as a mere experiment, hardly ex-
pecting to attract such a great
number of students.
Not only is it rewarding to see
people abandoning their radios
and hi-fi sets to listen to live,
quality music, but it is equally re-
warding to see folk music moving
out of the so-called "chi-chi"
night spots where exorbitant.
prices prevent it from reaching
the vast audiences that are its
--Al Young

WASHINGTON -The departure
of Sherman Adams from the
White House raises fresh problems
for the Republicans and settles
The decision to "let Sherm go"
was dictated by the Congressional
Republicah pros because of the
recent Democratic victories in
Maine. But it now looks, even to
some of the realistic Republicans,
to have been an extraordinarily
amateurish and damaging per-
Though still denying that Adams
did anything wrong in his rela-
tionship with Bernard Goldfine,
the Administration in effect has
admitted that "cronyism" h'as
reached into the Eisenhower White
House. When the Republicans were
unable to prove unlawful conduct
by Truman White House associates
they found that this very charge
of "cronyism-" - which they in-
vented-would do just about as
well for partisan purposes.
* * *
was a two-bit affair at most, just
as were most of those in the Tru-
man era. And in any retreat in
any so-called scandal, the ad-
ministration involved is inevitably
seen by the public to be confessing
some kind of wrongdoing.
It is thus wise to act at once
against an accused official or not
at all-to cut one's political losses
instantly or resolutely to ride out
the storm.

To have dismissed Adams
months ago would have been at
least logical, however harsh. This
could have been presented as dra-
matic proof of the Administration's
devotion to the concept of the
"hound's tooth."
It could have been suggested that
Adams was the innocent blut still
necessary victim of a demonstra-
tion of a rare and lofty ideal of
public service, of the immensely
high standards, of an administra-
tion almost, but not quite, too
good to be true.
BUT WHAT is now plainly ad-
mitted instead is that he is a
victim simply of the Maine elec-
tion returns - and the fear of
other, coming returns.
Thus the Administration has
managed to get the worst of both
worlds. And all because of Re-
publican defeats in Maine that.
most probably would have come if
there never had been a Sherman
This belated sacrifice is ex-
tremely unlikely, moreover, to save
a single Republican House or
Senatorial seat. Indeed, there is
good authority for the statement
that the White House agreed to it
mainly to avoid giving post-elec-
tion alibis to Republican Congres-
sional candidates who are panick-
ing in the face of November.
* * *
HERE ARE some of the un-
planned results:

1) President Eisenhower himself,
because of Adams' uniquely high
place, is clearly injured by the
ouster. The President is, weakened
in his official functions-many of
which he had long left to Adams--
and also in his political influence.
For it is now officially acknowl-
edged that=the President's closest
associate has become a Republican
liability. This lcan only speak less
than highly of the President's own
assets to the campaign.
2) Another of those who "made"
General Eisenhower politically has
gone under. Adams' influence was
high in the 1952 New Hampshire
primary that made an Eisenhower
candidacy botA% possible and cer-
Former Senator James H. Duff'
of Pennsylvania was unseated in
1956 after having been starved for
patronage by the White 'House.
Former Senator Henry Cabot
Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts, the
third member of this old trium-
virate of Eisenhower kingmakers,
is out of politics as our Ambassador
to the United Nations.
3) Finally, the Republican party
is now committed at the top to a
refusal to face and cure its real
and general weaknesses in the.
campaign. The policy of blaming,
it all on "Sherm"-and blaming it,
on him very late in the game-is
-as great a gift as the Democrats
have yet had.
(Copyright, 1958, by
United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official, publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITT X-form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 ,p.m. :Friday
General Notices
School of Business Adminsratio.
Faculty meeting at 3 p.m., Friday, Sep-
tember 26, Room 170 B.A.
Closed Social Events (for members
and invited guests only) sponsored b
student organizations must be regis-
tered in the Office of Student Affairs.
Application forms may be secured in
the Office of Student Affairs. Requests
for approval must be submitted to that
office no later than noon of the Tues-
day before the event is scheduled. A
list of approved social events will be
published in the Daily Official Bulle,
tin on Thursday of each week.
In planning social programs for the
semester, social chairmen are remind-
ed that the calendar' is closed seven
days prior to the beginning of final
examinatalons. For the present semes-
ter, examinations begin 1-19-59.
Summary of action taken at meet-'
ing of Student Government Council, 4
September 24,;'19$8.
Approved minutes meeting of May
27, 1958.
Received notification of resignation,
of Roy Lave from Board in Review.
Received official notification ,of reso-
lution adopted by National Sigma
Kappa together with letter from Vice-
President James A. Lewis relating 'to
the statement.
Approved committee to make ree-
ommendations on action to be taken.
by the Council regarding the status of
Sigma appa; the committee was re-
quested to. report to the Council as
soon as possible. Appointments to the
committee: Barbara- Maier, Chairman,
Scott Chrysler, Mary Tower, Richard
Taub, Maynard Goldman.
Announced petitioning has opened
for Council vacancy, to close Monday.
Sept. 29; interviews, Sept. 30. Bob
Ashton and Fred Merrill were appoint-
ed to serve on the Interviewing:Com-
mittee with the Executive Committee.
Reviewed and accepted- report of fol-
lowing action approved since the May
27 meeting by the interim ;committee,
Office of StudentAffairs, or Executive
Summer activities sponsored by stu-
dent organizations, India Student As.
sociation, documentary films, July 19,
Aug. 16, 17; International Student As-
sociation, July 18, Lowell Thomas film
showing; July 22, discussion, Middle
East crises; August 2 outdoor dance,
Tennis. Courts, WAA.
Change in calendaring Lantern
Night from Nov. 7 to Nov. 3.
Fall Film series, Gothie Film Society.,
12 Monday night showings in Rackham
Substitutions in National Student
Association delegation due to cancella-
Approved by Council vote during
summer: Renewal of American Casual-
ty Company Policy No. SMD 797 to ex-
pire Sept, 10, 1960 with premium
Distribution of M-Handbooks to
freshmen and transfer students by
mail with cooperation of Office of Ad-
missions, SOC to assume mailing costs
unless some financial aid canbe ab-
tained from the University.
Activities requiring approval of sx-
ecutive Committee prior to this meet-
ing: September 25, Hillel oundatioi
Elly Stone, folksinger, program, Hillel
Foundation, 8 p.m.: September 28,
Young Republicans, Senator Javits on
World Peace, Rackham, 8t3O p.m.; Sep-
tember 27, Assembly Association,. F+
Aproved following petitions: Wol-
verine Club, to sponsor send-off Pe
Rally, Oct. 3 at 3 p.m.,- Yost' Field
House; India Student Association
Gandhi Day, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m. Rackham
Amphitheater; Homecoming Dance,
I-M Building, -Oct. 2.
Announced National Student Asso-
ciation Tours project, available for
delegation to an interested student
Received Income Statement, July 1,
1957-June 30, 1958.
Received report from Course Evalua-
tion Committee. Directed the Course
Evaluation Committee to report their
plans and alternatives; in particular,

to study the possibility of expanding
and improving the course descriptions
of the various college catalogs as an
alternative to publishing a course
evaluation booklet; the report to be
made as ,soon as possible.
Approved November 11, 12 and March
10, 11 as the dates for Campus Elec-
tions this., year.
Approved information St at em eit
concerning requirements for 'calendar.
ing and approval of activities spon-
sored by student organizations.
Granted recognition to Christian Re-
formed Student Fellowshp. :-This rec.
ognition is temporary for one year un-
der procedure adopted May 27, 1958.
Approved Ron Oregg, Ann Poniger,
Jo Hardee for recommendation to Vice-
President Lewis -- one to be' selected
as student representative on the Com-
mittee on University Lectures.
Rules Governing Participation in Non-
Athletic, Extracurricular Activities,
Any regularly enrolled student 'is eli-
gible to participate in non-athletic
extracurricular activities' provided' he
i's not on academic discipline.
Itesponsibility: Responsibility for ob-
*P-- m - o - o' eifmbiit...+atmn. + ,.:





U.S. Should Drop Chiang

Sorority Letter Falls Short of Showing Good Faith


T'HEPRESIDENT, on his return from New-
port, is faced with a crisis in our relations
with Chiang's government in Formosa. The Red
Chinese blockade of Quemoy is effective, and
there is no reason to think that it can be broken
except by a war against the mainland. This war
would have to be waged by the United States.
The President is under increasingly frantic
pressure from Formosa, and from some people
in Washington, to let Chiang% air force, begin
the war which we would then have to finish.
In resisting the pressure to go to war, it will
be difficult, perhaps impossible, for the Presi-
dent to avoid a decision which means in effect
that he has recovered American control of Unit-
ed States foreign policy. For he will have to
prevent Chiang from attacking the mainland
and, having done that, he will have to insist on
our right to negotiate for a cease-fire to be fol-
lowed by the withdrawal of the Nationalist
The troops can be saved but not the offshore
islands, and this country will have done all
that is it is obligated to do for Formosa if it
extricates one-third of Chiang's army from the
trap they are in.
Moreover, it is a question whether the under-
standing agreed to by Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles at the time the Formosa treaty
was ratified by the Senate gives the President
the moral right to do any more.
There is no doubt that the withdrawal of the
Nationalist troops will mean that Chiang has
been defeated in the offshore islands, and that
all hope of his return by invading the main-

to us. The withdrawal and salvaging of Chiang's
troops will be less bad than a war which would
be enormously, difficult to localize and, if it
involved nuclear weapons, would have catas-
trophic effects on our whole position in Asia.
For the people of Asia have no forgotten that
the first time that nuclear weapons were used
in war it was by the United States against an
Asian people. It is unthinkable that President
Eisenhower should repeat that tragedy.
The evacuation of Chiang's troops will be
less bad also in its effect than letting these
troops be besieged and starved while we stand
by and make ineffectual attempts to run the
ALL THE choices are horrid. The grim truth
is that Mr. Dulles has been caught in a
trap which could have been avoided by insisting
that Chiang withdraw his troops before this
bombardment began, There is no pretty and
agreeable way to get out of such- a trap.
The best way out is to act with the magnan-
imity and self-assurance of a great power, to
disentangle ourselves from Chiang, and then
to astonish the world by a show of realism and
common sense about the future of Formosa. It
is said that all the smaller nations will aban-
don us if we do not let Chiang lead us into
war. It is said that to refuse to be led into war
is appeasement which will encourage a bigger
war of aggression.
But as against this, it can be said that our
entanglement with Chiang is regarded in most
of the world as sinister, and as a sign of nliti.

Daily Staff Writer
NATIONAL Sigma Kappa has
resolved to obey the rules of
each campus where it has chapters,
according to the, letter from the
sorority to Student Government
Were the sorority coming onto
campus now this would merely be
a written statement of what is
assumed when any group is recog-
nized: that they will obey the
University's rules. There was no
reason to question their intentions.
But in 1954 the Cornell chapter
of Sigma Kappa pledged a Negro,
then a junior, and was suspended.
The chapter at Tufts University
pledged two Negroes, both fresh-
men, and was first suspended and
later expelled.
SGC now had reason to question
Sigma Kappa's attitudes. The
Council considered the possibility
other reasons had caused the sus-
pensions, such . as the alleged
financial weakness at Tufts and
the supposedly independent no-
tions at Cornell referred to at the
time by local Sigma Kappa presi-
dent Barbara Busch. They decided
the likelihood that other of the 68
chapters might have similar weak-
nesses and hadn't been suspended,
plusthe National's refusal to elab-
orate on the reasons for the sus-
pensions, made it likely the pledg-
ings of Negro girls had caused the

rority was not guilty in the first
place voted for this resolution; five
of those who voted the sorority
guilty opposed the two-year period
as too lax.
The sorority convened this sum-
mer and resolved, as was reported
at Wednesday's SGC meeting, To
"abide by the University or college
rules and regulations now govern-
ing the respective campuses on
which it has a chapter." That is
all that could have been asked four
years ago when Sigma Kappa
came on campus but is far from
satisfactory now.
For as SGC pointed out when
giving the group until this month
to remove its discriminatory policy
shown in the Tufts and Cornell
suspensions, any acts in good
faith must be strong enough to
overcome the bad faith shown by
those actions.
Sigma Kappa remain open to ques-
tion due to the resolution reserving
for the sorority "the right to
regulate its internal affairs pri-
vately, in accordance with the uni-
versity or college rules and regula.
In a 1956 letter to Dean of Wom-
en Dorothy Brooks of Cornell the
same Margaret Taggart who wrote
the letter to SGC this fall refered
to the suspension of Cornell Sigma
Kappa as "entirely a matter of
internal management."
Andi a Pf p fn rM n

action keep from not violating the
literal meaning of the summer
convention's resolution.
MENTION at the Council meet-
ing Wednesday and later in The
Daily of the term "committee"
brought a widespread impression
that consideration of Sigma Kap-
pa's status had somehow been put
off, or hushed up.
This is quite unrealistic - it
would be next to impossible to
draw up concrete alternative
courses of action on the floor of
the 18-member council. But with
the committee report before them,
SGC will have a common basis for

Moreover, there is as wide a
variance of opinion on the com-
mittee as on the council itself.
Scott Chrysler voted Sigma Kapla
innocent, voted to allow the two-
year period of grace and just last
May voted against a proposal rec-
ommending to the Regents that
"no further financial aid" be given
groups with bias clauses.-
Maynard Goldman, on the other
hand, voted for the sorority being
guilty and against giving the
period of grace.
Richard Taub, Bobbie Maier and
Mary Tower were not on the Coun-
cil two years ago, but in the .vote
last May Taub and Miss Maier
voted "aye," Miss Tower "nay."


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Senimore Says ..

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