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June 26, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-06-26

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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nmmunists Riot
kt U.S. Embass
'Yankee-Go-Home' Demonstration
By Russians Noisy but Harmless
MOSCOW (IP)-More than 1,000 screaming, banner-waving Rus-
ns staged a rowdy "Yankee go home" demonstration outside the
acted States Embassy yesterday.
Previous demonstrations heavily damaged the West German and
nish embassies, but the United States Embassy emerged unscathed.
e only stone thrown went through an open window.
The crowd surged against 150 Soviet policemen forming a solid
e on the sidewalk in front of the embassy. It made no serious effort,
break through. The well-organized, well-controlled demonstration
? was in retaliation for Sunday's







. Soviet academician
ed Science

demonstration against the Soviet
U.N. headquarters in New York. A
group of Hungarians there were
protesting the executions of Imre
Nagy and other Hungarian lead-
Last week's demonstrations at
the Danish and German embassies
came quickly after publication in
Moscow of news about anti-Soviet
demonstrations in Copenhagen
and Bonn.
The Soviet press yesterday re-
ported the New York rioting. So
the United States Embassy was
prepared. Windows were boarded,
the first floor cleared and all Rus-
sian employees were given the day
March in Columns
Demonstrators marched up to
the 10-story building in columns.
They flaunted their b a n n e r s,
shouted and shook their fists.
Some of the Americans looked
out upstairs windows. The crowd
whistled. Some shouted catcalls.
Others took out mirrors and flash-
ed the sunlight into the Americans'
A few walked through the po-
lice line and wired 60 or so anti-
American placards on an iron
picket fence flanking the embassy,
Police Arrive
Two hours and 15 minutes after
the demonstrators marched up,
Soviet police cars arrived and or-
ders, to disperse blared from their
An hour later, they were still
dispersing the crowd, but the ban-
ners were furled and many dem-
onstrators had gone.
At the height of the demonstra-
tion, United States Ambassador
Llewellyn Thompson said that as
long as there was no violence he
planned no protest.

Second Stage
Of Vanguard
Rocket Quits
Scientists Seek Cause
Of Repeated Failure
A Vanguard rocket was launched
here early today but its "basket-
ball" satellite apparently plunged
into fiery extinction in the atmos-
Eighteen minutes after the
blastoff at 12:01 (EST), the Naval
Research Laboratory said the
second stage of the three-stage
rocket did not ignite.
"After attaining an altitude of
approximately 35 miles" said the
announcement, burnout of the
first stage occurred at the proper
"Second stage ignition did not
occur and as a result the vehicle
-The General Electric Co. an-
nounced early today it is devel-
oping a radically new rocket
engine capable of launching a
satellite weighing as much as 10
The company said the engine
will pour out from 500,000 to
one million pounds of thrust.
That much power was needed to
launch Russia's 1 -ton Sput-
nik III.
together with the third stage and
satellite did not achieve the de-
sired altitude and velocity.
"Records are now being exam-
ined to determine the cause of
Two earlier 20-inch, 211/2-pound
spheres met the same fate, drop-
ping back out of space when the
carrier rockets failed.
This was the sixth firing of the
intricate and tempermental three-
stage Vanguard. Only once has it
succeeded in its mission-when it
launched the little "Grapefruit"
moon last March 17.
The 72-foot Vanguard was far
behind schedule when it blasted
off. The delays used up more than
two and one-half hours.








U.S. Backs
UN Defense
Of Lebanese
Administration Said
Gravely Concerned


In I iltratioi.


Kremlin Threatens Gen



"Practical application" is the
ey to Soviet scientific studies,
iussian academician A. A. Dorod-
itsyn said yesterday.
Attending a mathematics col-
>quium as guests of the mathe-
matics department. Dorodenitsyn
nd two other Russian scientists
pent a week in Ann Arbor quiet-
y surveying the University.
Gearing their work to their
ountry's immediate needs, Rus-
an scientists concentrate their
fforts on technological and in-
ustrial advances, Dorodnitsyn
xplained. Research, while plenti-,
ul, is also in "applied" areas, he
aid, adding that there were, how-
ver, "quite a number" of mathe-
iaticians and others who con-
entrated on theory.
Different Amounts
The basic difference between
ussian and American scientific
:iucation, Dorodnitsyn said, lies
ot in quality but in quantity.
"Our science courses are obli-
atory," he said, "while here you
ave a free choice of what to
"I don't know which ,is better,"
e added, but went on to say he
lt Russian students received a
etter background. "Scientific in-
eests are difficult to forecast,"
e said. "You can't tell what will
e of use and what will not."
Boosts Independence
Dorodnitsyn rejected the opin-
in of some American observers
hat Russia's standardized curri-
ilum and formalized teaching
nd to stifle independent think-
"On the contrary, we stimulate
dependent work," he saia.
_ . andley
Free To Run
d W. Handley can run for the
,epublican nomination for the
nited States Senatedespite the
ate Constitution's clause against
ivernors seeking other office, the
idiana Supreme Court ruled yes-

WASHINGTON (-) - T h e
United States indirectly accused
Russia yesterday of trying to
block United Nations action to
d e f e n d the independence of
A State Department spokesman
said the American government is
backing the, UN and "proceeding
on the assumption that the UN
will succeed in maintaining the
integrity and the independence of
Administration officials were
reported deeply concerned over
the increasing gravity of the situ-
ation. Some say privately- that
unless the United Nations can
move quickly and effectively, the
government of President Camille
Chamoun may not be able *o
withstand the pressure of rebel
operations against it.
UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold, returning from a
personal mission to Lebanon,
seemed certain to get prompt
United States support for any new
step he recommends. So far the
United Nations has put into Leb-
anon an international observer
force of fewer than 100 men.
The C h a m o u n government
charged yesterday that Lebanese
government forces were shelled
from Syrian territory. United
States officials were initially
skeptical on this point.
They said Chamoun might be
trying to build a basis for asking
United States and British troop
help - something Washington
and London are reluctant to give.
The thinly veiled accusation
against Russia came from State
Department press officer Lincoln
"In the case of Korea," White
said, "they claimed that the
struggle was purely a civil war
and that United Nations action
there constituted aggression."

MOSCOW (P)--The Soviet Union
threatened last night to scuttle the
Geneva conference of nuclear ex-,
perts unless the United States will
say a universal ban on nuclear
weapons tests is needed.
The Geneva conference is set to
open next Tuesday. .
Washington reacted quickly.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
on learning of the Soviet move
called off a golf game and ar-
ranged to meet urgently with Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles.
New Cycle Begins
The Soviet shift on Geneva came
in the midst of a new cycle of
Soviet anti-Western outbursts on
such questions as Lebanon and the
Communist execution of Hungar-
ian ex-Premier Imre Nagy.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko handed United States
Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson a
note last night warning the United
States government that Soviet
nuclear experts would not attend
unless the Kremlin's conditions
were met.
The new development broke less
than a week before the nuclear
Fire Threat
Worries NY
NEW YORK {A'}--Uneasy patrols
ranged over the fuel-charged East
River yesterday after a flaming
ship collision which sank one ves-
sel and covered miles of water
with gasoline.
Two crewmen were lost in the
spectacular disaster which occur-
red when a Swedish freighter
plowed into an American tanker.
Thirty-seven other persons were
Manhattan Bridge, high above
the ships, caught fire briefly. The
burning tanker sank, loosing a
flood of volatile fuel over the
river's surface.
For hours all river traffic was
suspended. By noon, backed up
boats were permitted to creep
warily past the wreckage zone."

Armstrong Accuses Group
n Stormy House Session
WASHINGTON (P') - A House inquiry into alleged influence
peddling got back into high gear yesterday at a gavel-banging ses-
sion in which a former chairman of the Securities and Exchange
Commission accused the investigators of trying to muzzle him.
In turn, members of the House subcommittee on legislative over-
sight charged the witness - J. Sinclair Armstrong, now an assistant
secretary of the Navy - of evasion, filibustering and impertinence.
It was the committee's stormiest session since some meetings

* *

experts of eight East-West govern-
ments were to start the laborious
process of trying to work out
means for detecting nuclear explo-
sions in the event of a universal
ban on nuclear tests.
Follows Riots
I It came soon after a howling
mob of more than 1,000 Russians
demonstrated in front of the
American embassy in Moscow in
what was regarded here as part of
a general sudden stiffening of
Soviet policy toward the West.
The United States yesterday ac-
cused Russia of ordering the dem-

eva Meetng
onstrations against the United
States, Danish and West German
The State Department also
charged Russia's official news
agency Tass twisted the facts of
last Sunday's demonstration by
Hungarian refugees against the
Soviet United Nations Mission in
New York City,
A formal note handed the Krem-
lin before yesterday'sI disorders.
outside the Embassy appealed for
Soviet action to prevent such a
development. The demonstration
was held anyway.

Sohi Seeks
Police Help
On Borders
General Assembly
May Be Convened
To Deal with Reques
BEIRUT (P)-Lebanon asked th
United Nations yesterday to sef
off this country's land and se
frontier with armed force and sto
the pumping of Syrian and Egyp
tian war supplies to Lebanes
Premier Sami Solh handed I
Secretary General Dag Han
marskjold the request for a U
police force similar to that keepir
the peace on the Israel-Egyptia
border at Gaza.
A special session of the Ul
General Assembly may behcalle
to deal with the request.
Truce Broken
Only a few hours after the re
quests, dynamite blasts and heav
mortar, machine gun and rifle fb
shattered Beirut's unofficial truc
in three sections of the capital.
Rebels from behind their barr'
cades on the outskirts of the Bast
Moslem section opened fire dow
the long avenue leading to th~
city's main square, quick~ly chaslin
away all traffic and pedestrians.
Other firing and dynamite blast
came from the Christian quarter o
Ashrafiah, and from near the pos
Attack Expected
President Camille Clamour
whom the rebels seek to overthro'
in favor of a regime favorable, t
President Nasser of the Unite
Arab Republic-Syria and Egypt-
has predicted a concerted rebE
attack no later than today.
Reports from Tripoli said th
rebel chieftain, Rashid Karam
had issued an ultimatum for th
surrender of the Americap Pres
byterian Hospital. No American
are there.
Kamal Jublatt, powerful leade
of Druse tribesmen, said at hi
headquarters 16 miles southeast o
Beirut, that the would not perm:
UN ovservers access to the Syria
border in his territory.
'U Institute

Challenge Gifted Pupils
Panelist- Recommends

fthat led up to the firing of the
Bernard Schwartz, who steered
the inquiry into its present direc-
Yesterday's hearing bore main-
ly on whether President Dwight
D Eisenhower's chief assistant,
Sherman Adams, did more than
he should have for his old Boston
friend and benefactor Bernard
Adams and Goldfine all but got
lost in the shuffle, however, inf
high-pitched exchanges betweenX
Armstrong and committee mem-
bers. Chairman Oren Harris (D-i
Ark.) at one point whammed hisf
gavel down and dismissed Arm- 1
strong from the witness chair,
At a later point Armstrong, who
has had trouble with Congressr
before in the Dixon-Yates utility r
case, shouted at the committee:
"You're trying to muzzle me.",
He was, indeed, called by gavela
and otherwise to answer questions Y
more briefly and directly.

group's one-time chief counsel,
World News
By The Associated Press
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia --
Cambodian royal proclamation re-
ported yesterday troops from
neighboring South Viet Nam have
nvaded and occupied several
Cambodian border villages.
King Sauramarit urged the
United States to intervene as a
friend of both nations and to ask
South Viet .Nam to "stop perma-
nently these unjust annexionist
agreed last night to meet two
hours earlier than usual today in
an effort to step up the pace in
ts consideration of the House-
passed bill to grant statehood to
There were cautious predictions
from the bill's advocates that pas-
sage would come this week, pos-
sibly tomorrow, with no change

"America talks a lot about in-
dividual differences, but does
little about" them, at least until
recently, Dr. Miriam Goldberg of
Columbia University said yester-
day in a University-sponsored
panel discussion on the guidance
of superior secondary students.
The talented student, Ir. Gold-
berg said, should be challenged to
use his capabilities to the maxi-
mum. She explained this chal-
lenge should come partly from the
schools through effective guid-
ance and teaching programs.
Ray LaFrey, '"principal of the
Wayne Memorial High School,
added that there should be in-
creased understanding of the edu-
cational rights of gifted students.
Greater attention must be given
Sto the probable futures of these
students, he explained, in terms
of the next few decades.
To meet mediocrity with a. chal-
lenge, he continued, action should
be taken to boost teachers' atti-
tudes regarding teaching as a
profession rather than a mere job.
Clyde Vroman, director of ad-
missions, briefly 'discussed the
North Central Association pro-
gram which was designed to aid
the gifted child through a con-
centration of motivation. This
Liftell To Talk
On Religion

association, he said, will include
100 high schools and cooperative
associations throughout 19 states.
Prof. Lester Anderson of the
major concerns of the project: the
education school discussed the
,sharing of ideas, coordination and
careful evaluation.

Library To Initiate Changes Monday


Open stacks and check-out system similar to the one in effect at
the Undergraduate Library will be enacted at the University General
Library beginning Monday, Library Director Frederick H. Wagman said
Although initiated to facilitate use of the library, the action comes
as a direct result of cuts in the University budget, according to
The State Legislature cut the University's 1958-59 operating budget
$1,000,000 from the $31,000,000 appropriated last year. The $30,000,000
figure is nearly $8,000,000 short of what the University requested.
May Cut Hours
He said that neither the personnel nor book budgets are adequate
to library needs and in view of this there is a possibility that library
hours will be shortened next fall.
The library does not anticipate any gretat increase in ,the use of
stacks, according to Wagman. "Actually, the stacks have been opened
to all students on Sundays during the regular year," he said. "Open
stacks have come about rather gradually."
Library personnel, who will be located at the main north door, will
inspect all books, brief cases, large handbags and packages as patrons
leave the building. This will be the only means of exit except in
emergencies. Books will be charged at these exits also.
Doors Changed
The west basement door is no longer an entrance to the building
and the west first floor door has been converted to an entrance only.
Access to the stacks can be gained through entrances on the
second floor. The desk service formerly given from the second floor
corridor has been discontinued for all but the physically handicapped.

from the House bill. Coordination of all Universit
contract research programs is be
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. - Eight ing undertaken by a reorganize
atomic plant workers exposed ac- Engineering Research Institute.
cidentally to a radiation overdose ERI research has been concen
were walking about yesterday. trated largely in engineering an
But doctors kept all of them the physical sciences. The Insti
confined to hospital rooms. tute has been funneling project
Examination showed that five to faculty members and conduct
of the eight suffered some dam- ing research with its own full
age to the bone marrow. time staff.
The new organization, calle
the "University of Michigan Re
M cElroy Ends search Institute," will be an ad
ministrative agency for all Uni
versity contract research, hand
eprisal Fear ling the non-technical "paper
i work. It will not do research.
WASHINGTON (M -Secretary The changes were approved b
of Defense James P. McElroy put the Regents at their June meet
in writing yesterday an assurance ing.
that top Pentagon military and The contract research prograr
civilian leaders are free to testify includes work sponsored by in
before Congress without fear of dustrial companies, trade associa
reprisals. tions, individuals, and govern
The assurance, demanded by ment departments and agencies.
Chairman Richard B. Russell (D- Willow Run Laboratories ar
Ga.), of the Senate Armed Services now a separate research unit witt
Committee, apparently ended a a director and executive commit
feud between the two on that tee. Prof. Joseph A. Boyd, pres
question. ently associPte director of ERI
After Sec. McElroy's letter had will iAad Willow Run Labora
ltaov rl-alitara n 01 Mt.%a a - tnrin ~iArt P rr..nlc n-

he decision came just two days
>re the GOP state convention
ts here tomorrow with Gov
zdley expected to win the Sen-
nomination over State Sen. D',
sell Bontrager of Elkhart inj
only contest.
i its decision, the high cnourt

Franklin H. Littell will discuss
"Religion in Post-War Europe" at
4:15 p.m. today in Aud. A, Angell
Littell is currently representa-




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