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October 26, 1958 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-26

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rumpet Virtuoso Jacoby
o Appear at Varsity Night

Musket Dancers Hold Rehearsals

Don Jacoby, trumpet virtuoso,
will be featured at the University's
Bands' 20th annual Varsity Night
at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Audi-
Jacoby, who started his profes-
sional career when he was nine
years old, has appeared as soloist
with the New York University
Symphony Band and has made
many tours in the East.
The University Bands have pre-
sented Varsity Night as an annualĀ°
fall event for the past two dec-
ades. The program includes the"
Fortnite Date
Set Tryouts
Assembly Association's Fortnite
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 241
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
according to Grace Johnston, pro-
gram and patrons chairman. I
Preliminary eliminations for the
contest will be held at 7 p.m. Nov.
16 and 17 in the Student Activities
Building. Each independent wo-
men's housing unit can choose one
night to participate and no cos-
tumes or properties will be re-
The central committee for the
event includes Thelma McCorkle,
'59Ed., general chairman; Eliza-
beth Boggs, '59N, skits chairman;
Jean Trishman, '59N, finance and
awards chairman; Barbara Lane-
hart, '59Ed., publicity chairman
and Miss Johnston.

display of student talent and a
variety of selections by the Uni-
versity Marching Band.
Masters of Ceremonies for the
evening will be John Schubeck,
'57, and Robert Trost, Grad.
Schubeck is currently associated
with a Detroit radio station.
Included in the program for
Varsity Night are James Edmonds
and Walt Baker, who will play a
piano duet. Both are Oberlin
College graduates and are work-
ing on their doctorates in the mu-
sic school. Edward Gagnier, form-
er member of the University gym-
nastics team will present an "all
new" tumbling and juggling act.
Gregory and Cherie will be a
novelty musical act using unusual
instruments, such as a vacuum
cleaner, auto pump and the there-
The German Band and Choir,
composed primarily of students in
the music school, will be directed
during their program by Joun
Christie, Grad. "Deutsche Kapelle{
mit Chor" will play the songs
"Schitzelbank," "Die Lichtenstein-
er Polke," "Studentensteder Ver-
sammlang," and a student song
Other student acts include an,
impersonation of Victor Borge by
Wil Hildebrondt, '61E; songs from
"South Pacific" by Carol Wer-
ner, '62SM; Warren Jawanski,
'TOSM, singing "Around the World
in 80 Days"; Ban Steiner '62, in a
monologue from "Teahouse of the
August Moon" and Rick Mason,
'59, baritne, singing "Glore Road."
The C-Farars, a male quartet
from the music school will sing
"Blue Moon" and "Sh-boom."

-Daily-Peter Anderson
PRACTICE SESSION-The dance chorus of Musket practices for this year's production of Rodgers
and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma." "The rehearsals seem to indicate an excellent production when
Musket opens on Dec. 8," student director Stephanie Freedman said.

League Announces Tours
To Europe Under NSA Plan

The University service commit-1
tee of the League is arranging to
sell National Student AssociationM
Tours to Europe for next summer,;

Fraternities List Fall Pledge Classes

(Continued from Page 2)
Archie W. Allen, '62; James F.
Allen, '62E; Lloyd T. Asbury, '62;
( Tom J. Barber, '62E; Stanford O.
Bardwell, Jr., '62; Colin W. Camp-
bell, '62; Robert Charles Cham-
bers, '82E; Thomas M. Donigan,
'61; Ewing Bryant, '62E; Lynn M.
Hoghaug, '62.
Thomas A. Latta, '62; John.
Mair III, '61E; Blair J. McRae,
'62E; Douglas O. Meyer. '61; An-
drew L. O'Conner Il, '62; Stuart
F. Patch, '62E; Nicholas S. Sekles,
'62; John B. Studebaker, '62;
Owen C. Sutherland, '61E; John
A. Webster, '61E; Edmund U.
White III, '62; Emmanuel T. Wil-
liams, '62.
Russell S. Charter, '62; David S.
Christy, '62; Hugo A. Di Giulio,
'62; Bruce W. Medbury, '62; James
H. Peterson, '62; John C. Runbury,
'59; Loren K. Swanson, '62.
Robert J. Brennan, '61; Doug-
las M. Esper, '61; Edward C.
Forbes, '62A&D; Richard E. John-
son, '62E; James C. Kearney, '62E;
James E. Knox, '62E; Gregg H.
Page, '62; Paul C. Sprenger, '62;
Gary L. Verplank, '62E; Jon H.
Waits, '02; Joseph C. Woofter, '62.
Marshall A. Berman, '62E; How-
ard S. Blechman, '62A&D; David
8. Bloomgarden, '60; Henry J.
Cohen, '60BusAd.; Leonard J. Dia-
mond, '62; Arthur M. Englestein,
'60; Daniel H. Friedman, '62; Jay
Goldberg, '62.

Frederick M. Goldsmith, '61;
Peter S. Levitt, '62; Harvey Mo-
loch, '62; Bernard E. Schatz, '62;
Richard L. Schreiber, '61; Arnold'
F. Serlin, '62A&D; Jerry S. Shus-
ter, '61E.
Corroll E. Moore, '62; Roger W,
Moorhus, '62; James M. Passage,
'62E; Lawrence M. Potter, '61E;
Paul F. Radoczy, '60E; Gerald E.
Ross, '63E; Ernest N. Rysso, '61E;
Richard A. Swanson, '61E; Charles
S. Tappan, '62E.
Terrence L. Bowersox, '61; John
J. Burns, '61; Marvin F. Deising,
'62E; John B. Ferguson, '62; Paul
F. Goerke, '62; Roger E. Herold,
'61E; William J. Jackson, '60NR;
Roger W. Kolvoord, '61E; Daniel
F. Leskinen, '61E.
Richard R. Allen, '62E; Jerry
B. Andeen, '62; Michael J. Balgley,
'62; Charles J. Barr, '62E; Ronald
G. Bauer, '60NR; Gerald W. Berg-
ler, '61E; Richard A. Bond, '62NR;
Clard E. Brooks, '62E; Dallas G.
Denery, '61E; Frank H. Ferris,
'61; Willam J. Harris, '61E.
Richard L. Hassell, '62E; Robert
P. Heichelbech, '62A&D; William
Kelly, '62: Lawrence J. Kramer,
'61E; William J. Kretlow, '62E;
Richard A. Lloyd, '62E; Dennis M.
McGinn, '61; Michael V. Marston,
Robert A. Paulson, '62A&D;
Ronald C. Reinsch. '61; Wallace
A. Scotten, '62; William P. Vockel,
'62E; Kenneth D. Ware, '61E.
Richard Black, '61A&D; Rich-

ard J. DeVries, '61; Clark W. Ful-
ton, '62E; Robert S. Giles, '62;
Andrew D. Hasley, '61E; Max W.
Legatski, 61E; David McCrory,
'61; Michael McKenzie, '62NR;
Dale L. Simons, '62; Paul R. Sulli-
van, '62E.
Paul M. Brenton, '60E; Arlan
L. Conrad, '61E; Kenton C. Ensor,
'TIE: Patrick J. Myler, '61E; Paul
J. Wiers, '61E.
Richard P. Granse, '62; Richard
W. Hazzard, '61SM; Stephen K.
Parrott, '62; Joel H. Prescott. '62E;
Otto 0. Reyes. '62A&D; Frederick
I. Webb, '62E.
Paul C. Carder, '62; Donald T.
Gellman, '62; Mark O. Gladstein,
'62; David Gralnek, '62; William
R. Hart, '62: Richard M. Helz-
berg, '62; Jules J. Isaacson. '62;
Osman F. Jacobson, '62; Michael
J.- Kaplan, '62; Michael A. Land-
wirth, '62,
Stanley A. Lewy, '62E: Clifford
S. Marks. '62: Michael D. Melet,
'62; Norman Moscow, '62; Rich-
ard E. Pollinger, '61; Arthur L.
Rosenbaum, '62; Richard E. Ros-
enbaum, '62; Bradley W. Schwartz,
William J. Blanton, '62E: Ar-
thur C. Carey, '61; Don R. Cebul-
ski, '62E; James E. Dudgeon, '62E;
Thomas P. Fetters, '62: Wallace
G. Harper, '60; Larry W. Mazey,
'62; Jhon F. Miller, '62E: Laurie
C. Oesterle, '62; John K. Podgor-
ski, '62.

according to Sharon Miller, '6OEd.
Miss Miller explained that NSA,
a non-profit organization com-
posed of 345 American colleges
and universities, was able to offer
relatively inexpensive tours.
The tour schedules are flexible
enough, she said, so that the trav-
elers are given "a considerable
amount of free time."
There are two kinds of tours
offered, Miss Miller continued.
One of these kinds is called a
"general interest" tour. These are
tours of various areas of Europe.
There are for example, tours
called- "tri-nation" tours, Central
Europe tours, tours of southern
Europe and "Drive-your-own-
Volkswagon" tours.
The other type of tour is called
"Special Interest" tours. These
are designed for students who
have special interests which they
wish to pursue in Europe.
For example there is a "music
and art tour," which visits many
of the European music and art
summer festivals. There is a tour
which visits Israel and southern
Europe and one which visits Po-
land and Western Europe. There
is also a "Deluxe Red Carpet
Tour," which according to Miss
Miller offers a "luxury tour at the
lowest possible cost for such a

There will be a meeting 4 p.m.
Friday at the International Cen-
ter for all students working on
committees for the Monte Carlo
Ball, according to Marilyn Nath-
an, '59.
The dance will be held Nov. 21,
climaxing activities scheduled for
International Week, she said.
Miss Nathan explained the pur-
pose of the meetings held each
Friday as a method of "discussing
what each committee has accom-
plished and integrating the plans
for the dance."







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