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March 26, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-26

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Me mirchgatt Bally
Sixty-Eighth Year

'When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This wust be noted in all reprints.
Changing the Context
Of University Athletics
ONE SEGMENT of University athletic fans But by its nature, in the present context,
seem to recent Coach Bennie Oosterbaan. the job never can be done. It's interesting to
And, strangely enough, this is very much to his hear one athlete say, "Oosterbaan has one
credit. product to sell a potential athletic star and
For these people are those who wish Coach that's the University," or "Oosterbaan is one
Oosterbaan would go out and recruit athletes of the few coaches left in the big-time football
more actively, make bigger and better promises. who believes there is more to the game than
These are the people who get angry at the just winning." And then contrast that with,
University admissions office because standards "If only Oosterbaan were not so lazy, if he
will not be lowered to permit entrance of some only would go out and get some players-
great high school athlete. In short, these are promise them anything, but get them." "How
the fans who are so eager to win that any can Crisler tolerate Oosterbaan's sloppy re-
other values are clouded. They are the fans cruiting." Both these latter statements reflect
who are so eager to win that they forgot the to the men's credit, but also show just how
essential purposes of a University and who do distorted the system can become, despite the
not see any moral issue in breaking regulations. best intentions of its organizers. Athletics, like
And these people comprise a rather vocal Topsy, just seem to have grown, and now we
group. One often wonders just how the athletic are seeing frantic efforts to keep the growth
department has been able" to withstand the under control.
pressures the way it has. SEEN IN ITS PRESENT CONTEXT then,
A is clear that the University has been a little can be done about pressures to buy
leader in trying to control practices of an players and lower standards. Perhaps change
unethical nature in athletics. Under the leader- in context is necessary. Perhaps athletics have
ship of H. O. "Fritz" Crisler it was a major gotten too big
force behind the Big Ten aid plan which was There are other criticisms which might be
aimed at limiting a great many abuses. Thel
BigTenha als senfit to introduce rules leveled against the present big time athletics
Big Ten as aso seen teopractice ken setup. Right now the budget for the athletic
agastled-shirtig" p the practice of keing-department-both operating and capital-ex-
anltndulesfastthltes.kingan ceeds $2,000,000. Scholarships, once the aid
bility-abnd rules against athletes taking an plan covers freshman, sophomores, juinors and
excessive number of physical education "block seniors will total over two hundred thousand
courses," courses dealing with particular sports dollars. We have seen recently in Lansing what
the semester before his competition. a cut-back of approximately one million dol-
And yet, these rules had to be instituted lars could do to the University. It is difficult to
because pressures are so great to field a winning see why the University as a whole should not
team that many institutions and individu&ls benefit from the Athletic department's affluence
will stop at little just to accomplish this fact. in otherwise lean times. The maintenance of
the respectable student-faculty ratio, in fact,
DEPITE THE RULES, violations do take of a high caliber faculty, should be more im-
place and despite efforts to keep athletes portant to any great University than a new
clean at this University, athletics are not quite press box or a varsity swimming pool. (
as clean as they might be. It would seem, then, There is a Regents' regulation preventing
that regulations are not the way to solve once transfer of funds from the athletic department
and for all practcies of over-zealous fans, and to the rest of the University and vice-versa.
in some instances over-zealous coaches. Although in theory its aims may be laudable,
What is it in the nature of the Big Ten it does not seem terribly practical
Athletic program which makes these forces so Attempts to revise a system greatly always
great? Can the University develop a program meet with derision, because the changes seem
to effectively cope with this problem? so impractical; yet, sometimes these changes
In The Daily series which ran last week are necessary. For instance, there can be little
several University athletic administrators gave question that the Rose Bowl serves as an
their reasons for supporting athletics. incentive; it heightens greatly the desire to
Mr. Crisler said that athletics teach a respect win. Evidence can be pointed to three years ago,
for law and order. But apparently this part of when the University football team compiled a
the program has not been too effective if one seven and two record, quite a respectable one
observes the evidence. In fact, it does serve to at that, and yet, did not go to California. Fans
place in the path of the athlete some.very were irate.
great financial temptation to which he is not That the Big Ten withdraw from the Rose
always averse to succumb. Bowl is not an unreasonable request. It becomes
He said further that athletics teach poise. even more reasonable when the Pacific Coast
This is quite nice, but so do dancing classes. conference is in its present state of dissolution,
Prof. Plant cited the good feeling one gets from and thereby less attractive to university offi-
"exploiting an ability on a relatively high level cials. This certainly would reduce pressures to
to its greatest potential." This again is a fine win at any cost.
thing, but it should be pointed out that the
schools and colleges of the University also pro- THE NEXT SUGGESTION seems to be some-
vide this opportunity. what more impractical in the light of Uni-
This is not to say that athletics have no versity tradition to the contrary. This would be
value. There is some merit in all the points to withdraw from the Big Ten. The Big Ten
mentioned above. Although most of this value championship is certainly another one of those
seems to accrue to the few who do participate. things, which, even with no Rose Bowl, raises
t the desire to win too high. -
HERE IS STILL, however, a kind of excite-
which one should not try to And this solution need not lessen any healthy
discount. There is little like the thrill 'one gets pirit. Teams would still be striving for a good
watching. soebody lie im Pe. threing season, but a good season without the artificial
watching somebody like Jim Pace threading nnivshch owes.Thtammgt
his way through a bunch of would-be tacklers ienives which now exist. The team might
for a touchdown, of watching the effects of a be aiming for an undefeated record, but this is
neatly thrown block. And there's the same still different from aiming for an undefeated
thing to be said for doing this sort of activity season, conference title and the Rose Bowl.
on the intramural level. This still might not be the solution. Schools
But when the athletic budget-operating plus such as Notre Dame play independent sched-
capital-exceeds two million dollars a year, ules. And Notre Dame's whole reputation seems
when the pressures to win are so great, in to rest on athletics.
short, when the program becomes such a levia- That the University's athletic department

than, can it sill be justified? We think not. has cone a good jol-with some qualmcaon-
Analyzing the work of the athletic depart- of keeping the athletic program in proportion
ment to keep its program clean in the present nobody can deny. Butthere is still room for
context, the department is doing a good job. improvement, and we seriously doubt this will
There has been an effort to keep the program ever be achieved within the present system.
within moral bounds. -RICHARD TAUB
Education Remedies Examined

"If You Get It, Remember I Mentioned It"
V' 'r
l 2 v - ~

Quintet Provides
.Pleasant Interlude
THE UNIVERSITY Woodwind Quintet performed a program of pleas-
ant and enjoyable music in Rackham Lecture Hall last night. It was
a program void of any real thrills or display, but one that provided more
than sufficient musical reward.
The program opened with a suite entitled "Le Bourgeois gentil-
homme" by Bartos. This was an excellent opener, especially considering
the remainder of the program. The suite was basically light-hearted
with a series of movements which complemented each other nicely.
Special interest centered upon the first performance of "Three
Miniatures" by Clyde Thompson. This work was dedicated to the
Quintet. Mr. Thompson, also of the music school faculty, has written
three brief and interesting move-
ments which I hope we shall be
able to hear again soon. n .AAI Y
These three pieces seemed to
contain a good deal of fine writing OFFICIAL
for the instruments and made
good use of mild dissonance. Since BUILLETIN
the 'individual movements were
short, it would be difficult to say
much about the form, but they (Continued from Page 2)
held together quite well. First im-

Pearson's Confession Day

WASHINGTON - The Catholic
Church has a fine obligation
practised by members of its faith
which the rest of us non-Catholics
should follow - especially news-
papermen. It's the obligation of
confession. I want to follow it
now in regard to some mistakes
I have made.
Confession No. 1 pertains to
Louey Johnson, the former Secre-
tary of Defense. In reporting some
of the reasons why we were be-
hind Russia on missiles and satel-
lites, I stated that Johnson had
curtailed these two programs in
the interest of economy when he
was running the Defense Depart-
ment. This was 50 per cent in er-
ror, which I now want to correct.
** *
LOUEY, who conscientiously
tried to knock headstogether to
prevent Pentagon bickering, did
cut out the satellite program
started by his predecessor. How-
ever, he did not cut the far more
important missile program start-
ed January 10, 1946, when the Air
Corps let a contract to Convair to
build the MX-774. The project
was killed, not by Johnson but by
the then-Chief of Staff of the
Army, General Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, on July 1, 1947. The Army
was then in control of the Air
In fairness to Eisenhower. it
should be noted that he acted on
the advice of his military experts.
Confession No. 2 pertains to an-
other Johnson, Senator Lyndon B.,
of Texas. Recently, I reported
that he had acquired TV station
KTBC in Austin under a quickie

grant from the Federal Communi-
cations Commission right after
the freeze was taken off the
granting of TV licenses. While the
Johnson TV grant was included
among the so-called "quickie" li-
censes awarded in the rush of July,
1952, there was no competition
for it from any other applicant to
Austin, and the Johnson license
had been on file with the FCC
since March 14, 1952. The freeze
was taken off on July 1, 1952, and
the Johnson application was
granted July 11. Another appli-
cant in Austin got a UHF station
the same day. Johnson's was a
* * *
CONFESSION No. 3 pertains to
Major General Julius Klein of the
Illinois National Guard, who has
complained about certain reports
I have written regarding his lob-
bying re the return to Germany
of alien property seized by the
United States in the U.S. during
the war.
I find that I erroneously report-
ed that General Klein was found-
er of the Jewish War Veterans. He
was not. He was National Com-
mander of the Jewish War Veter-
ans, 1947-48, and has been chair-
man of their executive committee
since 1952. I regret the error.
I do not, however, regret re-
porting General Klein's lobbying
activities because I think the pub-
lic has a right to know about any
efforts regarding the return of
alien property, lobbying or other-
wise, which would result in in-
creasing our tax bill about $150,-

General Klein self-righteously
denies that he was hired to lobby
for the return of German proper-
ty, but it would be interesting to
know why Herman Abs, the big
German banker, is willing to pay
him $40,000 plus expenses. Klein
claims it's in order to get recog-
nition of an international code
whereby property will not be
seized by foreign governments.
However, he's registered with the
Justice Department as a foreign
agent, has made appearances be-
fore a congressional committee
and introduced his client to con-
gressmen, all in the interest of
creating a climate more favorable
to the return of German property.
* * *
KLEIN also claims that Herman
Abs is a poor victim of Hitler and
would have us believe that Abs
opposed Hitler. The fact is that
Abs was one of the top bankers
under Hitler,. a director of I. G.
Farben, a director of the Deutsch
Bank, and Senator Smathers of
Florida has put in the Congres-
sional Record proof that Abs was
a member of the German bankers
who participated in wresting away
Jewish-owned property under Hit-
General Klein doesn't like me
to mention his connection with
the Jewish War Veterans. But one
reason he is paid $40,000 by Her-
man Abs is because most Jews are
opposed to the return of German
property, therefore Klein's self-
advertised background in Jewish
veterans activities helps make his
lobbying efforts more effective.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

pressions of new works are likely
to be deceptive, but I did find these
pieces charming.
* * .
HINDEMITH'S Quintet, Op. 24,
No. 2, was the highlight of the
evening for me. This composer is
justly famous for his works for
nearly every known instrument
and combinations of instruments.
The opening movement, Play-
ful, put demands upon the ranges
of the instruments, especially the
bassoon, which Mr. Cooper handled
with ease.
There was almost a surrealistic
quality about the second, move-
ment, Waltz. A little of the jazz
idiom crept in for a moment and
throughout complicated rhythm
and extensive syncopation gave
this waltz a most eerie atmosphere.
The slow middle movement con-
tained much interesting harmony
and some very lovely lyric mel-
odies. The remaining two move-
ments also held many interesting
rhythmic pitfalls for both per-
formers and listeners.
* * *
FOLLOWING the intermission,
the Quintet performed Reicha's
Quintet in F, Op. 100, No. 1. As
with most of the program, this
work was most pleasant, light and
charming. The work possesses
many very lovely tunes. In the
Finale, which contained a melody
very reminiscent of the theme
from the "Freischuetz" overture,
Mr. Hauenstein executed a couple
of very fine virtouso passages for
the flute.
The group performed quite well
at all times, which makes it very
difficult to point out specific vir-
tues or faults. Faults there were;
and in a group of this sort it is
rather hard to avoid hearing them
when they occur, but they were
not numerous and the virtues out-
weighed them considerably.
-Robert Jobe
Associated Press News Analyst
Foster Dulles is out to teach
the Soviet Union that, if it hopes
to do any business at all on the
summit, it must show some con-
The secretary clings to the
theory that if any summit meeting
is held it will be in the nature of
a follow-through on the 1955
Geneva meeting, especially with,
regard to the future of Germany.
At that time the Soviet Union
agreed in principle to reunifica-
tion of Germany through elec-
tions, but ever since has sought
recognition of the East German
government's right to negotiate
with West Germany.
Dulles was careful at his news
conference not to close the door
on negotiations for a summit con-
ference. But everything he said
tended to discount any hope of
progress toward settlements.
He said that just by entering
into a conference the way things
stand now would mean the United
States would have to agree to sug-
gestions for an agenda which
would imply Western acceptance
of Soviet theses which actually are
completely unacceptable.
IT WOULD imply Western ac-
ceptance of the status quo for the
Eastern European satellite na-
It would imply recognition of
the East German puppets.
It would equate the Warsaw
Pact between the Soviet and the

captive states with the free alli-
ance of NATO.
It would extend the Security
Council veto idea to operations of
the U.N. General Assembly, such
as in the disarmament commis-
Indeed, the latest note from
Moscow indicates no tendency to-
ward conciliation, nor any real be-
lief in fetf~mm n+ It 1 k +ri eqi.u

Service. Al students whose second or
third shots are due around this time
are urged to take advantage of this spe-
cial clinic. Students are reminded that
it is not necessary to obtain their regu-
lar clinic cards, Proceed to Room 58 in
the basement where forms are available
and casjier's representatives are pres-
ent. The fee for infection is $1.00.
June Graduates may now order their
caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop on
North University.
There will be an International Cen-
ter Tea, sponsored by the International
Center and the International Students
Assoiation this Thurs., Mar. 27, from
4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International
The annual spring meeting of the
University Senate will be held Mon.,
Aprii 21, at 4:15 p.m. In Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Candidates tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on March 29 are requested to report to
Rm. 141 Bu. Adm. Bldg. at 8:45 a.m.
Medical College Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the May 11, 1958
administration of the Medical College
Admission Test are now available at
122 Rackham Bldg. Application blank
are due In Princeton N.J. 2 weeks be-
fore the test date.
Debate: "Resolved: That It s Justi-
fiable to Believe In God." Speakers:
James C. O'Neill, Assoc. Professor of
French; William P. Alston, Assoc. Prof.
of Philosophy; and Paul Henle, Profes-
sor of Philosophy. Wed., March 26. 7:15
p.m:, East Quad. Dining Rm. No. 2,
North Entrance. Sponsored by East
Quad Council.
Sociology Colloquium: Prof. Paul
Honigheim of Michigan State Univer-
sity, will talk on "Georg Simmel, His
Place in the History of Sociology," as
part of the centennial celebration of
Simmel's birth. March 26. 4:00 p.m. at
the E. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg.
William J. Mayo Lecture sponsored by
the Dept. of Surgery. Dr. Alfred Bla-
lock, Professor of Surgery, Johns Hop.
kins University and Surgeon-in-Chief,
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
speaking on: "Surgery of the Heart and
Great vessels." Wed., March 26, 8:30
p.m. in Rackham Amphintheatre.
The English Journal Club, Wed.,
March 26, 8:00 pm., E. Conference Rm.
Rackham. Mr. Glauco Cambon, lectur-
er, Department of English, will dis-
cuss graduate students and graduate
study in the United States and Europe.
All interested persons are cordially In-
Gallery Program: The Book Fair for
Children and Young People. Mezzanine
Floor, Rackham Bldg. Wed., March 26.
"Scenery Design and Books" by Mrs.
Richard Wilt at 4:15 p.m. and "North-
ern Michigan Backgrounds" by Mr.
Lewis Reimann at 7:00 p.m.
Gallery Program: The Book Fair for
Children and Young People. Mezza-
nine Floor, Rackham Bldg. Thurs., Mar.
27. "Cyrus Hunts the Cougar" by Mr.
Clark Hopkins at 4:15 p.m. "What Goes
into an Historical Book" by Mr. How-
ard Peckham and "Storytelling" by Mr.
Gus Leinbach at 7:00 p.m.
The Glidden Co. Lecture in Chemistry
Prof. C. Gardner Swain of the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, will
speak on "Detection of Transient In-
termediates in Polar Displacement Re-
actions," on Wed., Mar. 26, rat 4:10 p.m.
in Rm,.1040, Chem. Bldg.
The next meeting of the Geography
Journal Club will take place on Thurs.,
Mar. 27 at 8:00 p.m. in the E. Conf.
Room, Horace H. Rackham Bldg. The
guest speaker will be Dr. Robert J.
Goodman, Assoc. Prof. of Geography
at Wayne State University. Detroit,
who will speak on "Geography Through
Visual Presentation," The lecture will
be, illustrated by slides. Graduate stu-
dents in geography ther families and
friends, and students interested In
techniques of visual presentation are
cordially invited. Refreshments will
be served following the lecture.
.Political science Graduate Round
Table and American Society for Public
Administration: Social Seminar. "Is
Public Administration Disappearing?"
by Dwight Waldo, Prof. of Political
Science, Univ. of California. Thurs.,
Mar. 27, 8:00 p.m. Rackham Amphi-
es Concerts
IGuest Violoncellist: Henry Honneg

ger, Swiss violoncellist, will perform the
Six Suites for Violoncello of Johann
Sebastian Bach, in 2 recitals, to be
held in Aud. A, Angell Hall on March
26 and 27, Wed., and Thurs., at 4:15
p.m. Open to the general public.
Student Recital: Lenore Sherman,
violinist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music in Aud.
A, Angell Hall on Fri., Mar. 28 at 8:30
p.m. Miss Sherman studies violin with
Gilbert Ross, and her recital will be
open to the general public.




The Problem of Eligibility


A N ALLEGED WRONG in American educa-
tion was attacked once again the other
night-this time by University Prof. Emeritus
Harley H. Bartlett, who addressed the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Prof.
Bartlett argued that the American educational
system is in peril, and that it "fails to provide
in sufficient numbers the kind of leaders that
are needed if our democratic system is to
survive." He railed at the American educational
systems for turning out "too uniform and sub-
standard a product." He described how we
provide equal education for both geniuses and
fools, and thus our system is adapted to a
mediocre standard of capability. Prof. Bartlett
concluded that our goal should be to segregate
the gifted child from his not-so-gifted brothers.
The Professors remarks were far from revo-
lutionary, as he was first to admit. He was

number of "experts" who have criticized edu-
cation since the launching of Sputnik I (to
borrow a cliche). Like his numerous predeces-
sors, Prof. Bartlet overlooked most of the
questions involved in changing an educa-
tional system. His argument, and everyone
else's, is a simple syllogism: America's future
is in peril because of a lack of brainpower;
our educational system is responsible for the
shortage; therefore, we must change our edu-
cational system. Everyone agrees.
YET VERY FEW agree on other issues, which
perhaps are most basic: Would America
under a new educational system be the state it
has proclaimed to be for two centuries? Would
a rigid caste system result or would it not?
Where would the line be drawn between the
"superior" student and the "good" student?
YxT-1 7 if , nir ,. nhi n _ va r wril it b

To the Editor:
Bennett for "calling the shot"
on Minnesota's hockey coach, John
Marriucci, in a recent Daily! Since
I am a Canadian and played in
the WIHL I have watched the
hockey controversy develop with
great interest. There is an amazing
degree of misunderstanding in the
United States concerning the or-
ganization of hockey in Canada.
This is exemplified by the present
WIHL controversy and two recent
magazine reports, one in the
March, 10th issue of Sports Illus-
trated and the other in the March
issue of Fortune.
The pressure to "de-emphasize"
the Canadian Junior A-type player
in U.S. collegiate hockey has come
largely from the East, where there
is little or no recruiting of Cana-
dian players (this excludes Clark-
son and St. Lawrence universities)
and from Minnesota where Ameri-
can hockey players exist in great
numbers in the Twin-Cities area
and the so-called "iron range"
The best Canadian players, for
American college hockey, come
.- 4.1- f4 - 4 - T, i A 1 ^nr

in the spring of each year). This
team plays its home games in
Ottawa, Ontario and Hull, Quebec.
Today, giving you a figure of
20 as the total number of Junior
A teams all across Canada is likely
extravagant. The strongest Junior
A league in Canada is the one
governed by the Ontario Hockey
Association (Junior O.H.A.) which
includes Toronto and the smaller
cities reasonably nearby. Hence,
only a few of the thousands of
players across Canada ever enter
the "select circle." The age limit
for Junior hockey is between 18
and 20.
Junior A players cannot meet,
the stringent "amateur" require-
ments of the NCAA or the Big Ten
in this country-as Michigan well
knows by now. The NCAA has
maintained its extremely unreal-
istic attitude largely because hock-
ey without a doubt is only a minor
sport in U.S. colleges. When you
look at the small number of
schools depending on Canadian
hockey players, this makes the
hockey "lobby" look even more
At +h eprsent time a meeting

teams, outside of the University of
The second main choice, and
this I would like very much to see
pursued, would be to go after the
NCAA and get the problem thresh-
ed out. Hockey needs special treat-
ment as far as Canadian players
are concerned. Recognize the
Canadian "amateur" situation for
what it is and then rule that once
a Canadian player enters an
American school it is only from
that point on that he becomes
subject to NCAA jurisdiction. He
entersthe American school with a
"clean slate."
In effect, the NCAA has said
every Canadian boy must govern
himself from birth according to
NCAA rules if he ever hopes to
play hockey for a U.S. college
team. How fatuous can you get?
Drawing a line as of the time the
player enters the American school
certainly would be equitable to the
player and would be an extremely
easy standard to apply. As it is
now, everyone waits in fear for
the "whistle to blow," so to speak.
One final point: unless a new
league is formed in the near future,
more trouble will develop concern-
ino f- 4 itp-cfP bhiinn gnmP


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