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October 26, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-26

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Nasser Blamed for Confusion over Iran's Identity

Institute To Hold Panel
On 'U's Religious Plans

U.S. Companies To Dispi
Opportunities for Emploi


Much of the blame for confu-
sion over Persian identity can be
placed on Egyptian President
Gamel Abdel Nasser who is try-
ing unsuccessfully to "agitate"
political conditions in Iran, Prof.
Hossein Raffaty Afshar said dur-
ing his visit to the University.
Prof. Raffaty, a member of the
law faculty at the University of
Teheran and theCEnglish faculty
of the Military College in Iran,
said Americans often have the
false impression that Iran is a
member of the Arab countries.
He distinguished the two, say-
ing all the Arab nations are
semitic but Iran, which he pre-
fers to call Persia, which is an In-
do-European nation.
Hays Nasser "Ambitious"
r He described Nasser as an "am-
bitious sort of man" who is trying
to "share in the wealth of other
nations" while doing nothing con-
structive for his own people. i
The "sort of gesture we don't
like" from Nasser, Prof. Raffaty
pointed out, was exemplified by
his recent move to have the name'
of the Persian Gulf changed to
the Arabian Gulf. This, he claimed
is a "nonsensical" move on Nas-
ser's part provoking resentment
against the Egyptian leader from
the Persian people whose name
has graced the gulf for 3,000 years.
The religion of the majority of
Persians is Islam and "that is all
we have in common with the
Arabs" Prof. Raffaty emphasized.
"We are going our own way," In-
Present Keys
To 'St. Nick'
Washington has recognized Ann
Arbor's Santa Claus.
A navy blue plush-lined box with
gold letters that say, "Mr. Albert
Warnhoff, Ann Arbor's Santa
Claus, Oct. 1, 1958," contains a
heavy, gold-plated key about six
inches long with the words, "Key
to Washington, D. C."
Warnhoff earned his title as Ann
Arbor's Santa Claus because of
his work in making and giving
about 35,0004 toys for children in
hospitals at Christmas time. He
has been doing this for 55, years
in hospitals throughout the south-
ern part of Michigan.
In addition to the key, Warnhoff
received a letter from the Wash-
ington Board of Commissioners
that praised him for his humani-
tarian work.
Keys to Ann Arbor, Detroit and
Jackson have also been presented
to Warnhoff.
At Christmas Warnhoff fre-
quently receives mail from all over
the world addressed to Santa
Claus, North Pole.

fidence and cooperation" between
the two nations.
Prof. Raffaty expressed the de-
sire to see the establishment of a
department of "Eastern-centered
studies' in every United States
university for the study of "the
languages and the cultures of the
Eastern countries."
"Your nation is now a leading
world power." he said. and if it
is to be a successful leader, "you
must surely train your young men
and women for the job."
Need Elite Class'
The job of the universities, as
Prof. Raffaty sees it, is to produce
an "elite class to grapple success-
fully with world problems." This
class, according to Prof. Raffaty,
must "look outwards to the world
with a sympathetic understanding
of the problems and feelings of
other nations."
American universities in general
have an "intellectual atmosphere"
that is the "life-blood of civiliza-
tion," Prof. Raffaty has noticed.
He said Persia is trying to create
the same type of atmosphere in
its schools. "but that takes time."
The intellectual atmosphere
should produce the quality of po-
litical, economic and militaryE
leadership the United States must
have as a major power in the free
world, he said.
In pin-pointing the United
States' role as a leader. Prof. Raf-
faty said, "that is your try - you
have to save world culture."

A panel discussion on religion
will conclude the 29th annual
Parent Education Institute which
meets Nov. 3.
The panel. which will be held
in the ballroom of the League will
be focused on the "Centennial of
Student Religious Activity" at the
This topic was chosen because
many parents are intensely in-
terested in knowing what place
religious activities hold in the
lives of students on a state uni-
versity campus, according to the
University Extension Service.
Prominent leaders in religious
activities will be on the pane.
such as the University's coordina-
tor of religious affairs, Dewitt C.
Baldwin. The panel will discuss
the place of religion on campus
Easement Set
for Railroad
By ' Regents
Regents of the University ap-
proved Friday the granting of an
easement to the Michigan Central
Railroad Company.
The easement will include the
present operation of two tracks
and the addition of another track,
all crossing the Willow Run Air-
port roadways.

Exhibits representing many of
and review some of the develop- the major companies in the This exhibit plan was sA
ments and accomp ishments in United States will be displayed on last year, but according to P
student religious activities in the campus starting tomororw. son, the lateness in sending
University. These displays will show what the information to the compa
The panel's moderator will be the company can offer the stu- kept the number of displays I
Alfred W. Storey. of the Exten- ; dent and also what they are look- to six. This year over 20 are
sion Service. He is the Service's ing for in a future job applicant. pected.
supervisor of the lectures, confer- The displays will be set up pre- The exhibits will be set u
ences and Institutes Department. vious to each participating con- the ground floor of the Mich
The Extension Service .ointly pany's interviews. Union and either in one of thi
sponsors the Parent Education In- The placement departments of gineering buildings or in the I
stitute with the Michigan Con- the University in engineering and ness Administration Building.
gress of Parents and Teachers. business administration and the work in setting them up wi
Registration for the Institute Bureau of Appointments will of- done mainly by students wil
opens at 8:30 a.m. in the lobby of fer this combined service to the help of the companies' recru
the Rackham Building- student and the companies, Ward Peterson said these exhibit
Conduct Sessions D. Peterson, assistant to the di- open to all students and not
Alte- registration there . ill be rector of the Bureau of Appoint- limited to seniors or graduate
morning and afternoon sessions, ments, said.'dents.

MEMORIES-Prof. Hossein Raffaty Afshar, on the let, talks with
a felow Iranian, Nematolah Ridzi-Kermani, a special student at
the University. Prof. Raffaty, who leaves today, has been visiting
the campus under the auspices of the State Department,

dependent of influence from anyI
other Arab nation, he said.
Describes Persian Character
The Persians are "individual-
ists" who judge a man on his own,
merits, he explained. He expanded
on this, saying they have a "ten-
dency to wish the other party to
be happy, which sometimes leads
to an apparent disregard of the
The "young king" of Iran, Mo-
hammed Reza Shah, was de-
scribed by Prof. Raffaty as a
great leader supporting "social
justice and the upholding of fun-
damental human rights and free-
doms." He is now waging cam-
paigns against illiteracy and
opium, Prof. Raffaty said.
He said he felt the king had
made a significant contribution
to Persian culture by giving his
crown lands to its farmers for
independent cultivation- and by
"trying to increase the opportu-
nity of each individual."
"Our past is a proud one," Prof.
Raffaty said, "and for the future,
Educator Lists
Study Habits
LOS ANGELES, Cal.-Dr. Leslie
N. Nason of the University of
Southern California's education
school recently published "helpful
hints" for improved study habits:
"1) Read the material in the
table of contents of whatever book
you are studying.
"2) Read the first paragraph or
two of the first chapter,
"3) Skim through the chapter
"4) Read the summary at the
end of the chapter?'
Only then, Nason said, start
reading the chapter carefully.

tomorrow knows what tomorrow,
will be."
Aims to Instruct
"The lack of knowledge of Iran
by my American friends general-
ly" upsets Prof. Raffaty. He says'
his aim in touring the United
States as a participant in the For-j
eign Specialists Program of the
International Educational Ex-
change Service of the State De-'
partment is "constantly pointed
toward good understanding, con-t

conducted by Harey A. RndBdo-
naro W. Overstreet.
At the morning session, the
Ove streets will discuss "Maturing
the Husband and Wife Relation-
ship," and the topic "The Matur-,
ing of Parents Through Parent-
hood' will be discussed during the
afternoon session. These sessions
will be held in the Rackham
A class in parent education will
also be held in Rackham. This
class, opening the day's program
at 9:15 a.m., will be conducted by
Belle Farley Murray. The topic
will be "When Our Children ActI
Their Age."
In the evening. a dinner will be
given in which the panel discus-
sion will be an integral part,

!Union Theatre Trip to Detroit
"Jerome Robbins Ballet - U.S.A."
Tuesday, October 28
Tickest now on sale
Union Student Offices - Monday-Friday 2-5



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The Daily Official Bulletin is an t
.official publication of The Univer- b
sity of Michigan for which The I
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should I
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to I
Room 3519 Administration Build- a
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding 1
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 pm. Friday.,
VOL. LXIX, NO. 35$,
Mr. James Wright will give a read-
ing from his poems on Mon., Oct. 2.7,
4:00 p.m., Aud. A. This reading is spon-
Bored by the Dept. of English and all
interested persons are cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Medical College Admission Test: Can-,
didates taking the Medical College Ad-
mission Test on Oct. 28 are requested
to report to Rm. 140 Bus. Admin, at 8:00
a.m. Tues. /
Engineering Mechanics Seminar?
Mon., Oct. 27, 4:00 p.m,, Rm. 246 W. Eng.
Bldg. Mr. Walter R. Debler will speak
on "An Experimental Investigation of1
the Flow of a Stratified Fluid into ai
Line Sink." Coffee will be served at 3:30
p.m. in Rm, 201 W. Eng. Bldg.
College of Architecture and Design:
freshman 5-week grades are due on
Wed., Oct. 29. Please send them to 207
Architecture Bldg.
Placement Notices
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the School of Engin-
Oct. 30. The Budd Co. Detroit, Mich.
BS and MS in Elec. Ind-, and Mech.
Male U.S. citizen, under 27 years of age.
Ind. and Mech, for Prod. Elec. for Plant
Oct. 30. Am Only the Chemstrand
Corp., Decatur, Ala-, and Pensacola,
Fla., BS, MS and Ph.D. in Ch. E. and
Mech. U.S. citizen. Res. and Dev,, Tech.
Oct. 30, Container Corp. of America.,
Chicago, Ill., and other midwest loca-

tions. BS in Ch.E., Elec., nd. and1
Mech. Male U.S. citizen. Prod., Maint.,t
Power Plant, Quality Control.
Oct. 30. Internationai Harvester Co.,I
Ill., Ind,, and Ohio. ES in Ch. E., Civil,1
Elec., and E. Math., E.M., Ind., Mech.1
and Met. MS in Mech. Male U.S. citi-
zen. Des., Res. and Dev., Sales, Prod. I
Oct. 30. Kuhlman Electric Co., Res.1
Gabs.-Bay City, Mich and Engrg. Staff'
Birmingham, Mich. BS in Elec.. E.
Math., E.M.. and E. Physics. MS in E.M.
and Elec. Des.. Res. and Dev,
Oct. 30. The Lubrizol Corp., Res. and
Des. Division, Cleveland, O., BS. MS
and Ph.D. in Ch. E. and Chemistry.
Male only. Res. and Dev., Production.
Oct. 30. Ohio Dept. of Highways,.
Columbus, Ohio. BS: Civil - June
graduates. Maie U.S. citizen. Des,, Res.
and Dev.
O ct. 30 and 31. Union Carbide Corp.,
Linde Co., BS in Ch.E, E. Phys., Mech.
and Met."MS in ChE., Mech. and Met,
Des., Res. and Dev., Sales, Prod. Linde
Co.. Res.. Dev. and Engrg. Tonawanda,
N.Y, Indianapolis, Ind. Newark, N.J.
Production and Sales: Nationwide.
Oct. 31. American-Standard, American
Blower Div., Dearborn, Mich., BS in
Aero, Ch.E..Civil and Elec. Male U.S.
citizen, Sales.
Oct. 31. Owens-Illinois, All Divisions,
Toledo, Ohio. BS and MS in Ch-E.
Elec., Mech., Met. and E. Physics. Res.
and Dev., Design.
Oct. 31. Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit,
Mich. BS and MS in Ch. E., Ind. and
Mech. Male only. Des. and Production,
Oct. 31. Sales Dept. The Texas Co.
BS in Ch.E., Civil, Elec.. Ind., Mech.,
and Met. Engrg, Counseling, analysis#
ind sales, Sales operations-construe-
tion, etc. Refining Dept. The Texas
Co. BS and MS in Ch.E., Operation,
Mfg., Des. of Operating Equipment.
Also BS and MS in Civil, Mech, and
Met. Research & Development Dept. The
Texas Co.. Beacon, N.Y., Port Arthur,
Texas: Research & Developmenta
Texas: MS and Ph.D. in Ch.E. and'
Chemistry and Mech. Bellaire (Houston)
Texas: MS and Ph.D. in Ch.E., -Elec.,
Mech. Chemistry, Physics and Math,
Research in methods of oil and gasz
exploration, exploiting and production.
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the -Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Call NO 3-1511, Ext. 3371 for
an appointment. Appointments must


be made by 4 P.M. of the day before ;
the interview,
Mon., Oct. 27: U. S. Marine Corps.,
Detroit Marine Officer Procurment Of-;
flce, Detroit, Mich. Interviewer-Capt.
Reginald G. Sauls, IV., Officer of Pro-
curement. Men between 17-26, be a
member of an accredited college or
university and majoring in a subject
other than medicine, dentistry, phar-
macy, music, art, or theology, be in
sound physical and mental health,
maintain at least a'C' average in col-
lege, Agree to serve on active duty,
once commissioned, for a period of 3,
% ears, be a U.S. citizen for Plattoon
Leaders Class-Ground, or Platoon
Leaders Class-Aviation. You will be
eligible for platoon leaders class if you
are a freshman, sophomore or junior.
Training consists of 2 6-week training
sessions attended during summer va-
bations from college then after you
have received your college degree you
will be dcommissioned a second lieuten-
ant and attend the Maorine Officer Ba-
sic Course for 8 months in Quantico,
Va. An exhibit will be held opposite
the cafeteria in the Michigan Union.
Interested candidates may talk with
personnel at the exhibit and men who
are familiar with the requirements may
make a definite appointment in our
U. S. Marine Corps., Detroit, Mich.,
Interviewer-Capt. Inger R. Beaumont,i
Fifth Infantry Battalion. Location of
Work. U.S. and Foreign. Women be-
tween 18-27, maintaining an overall
'C' average or better in regular col-
lege work, degree from accredited in-
stitution in field other than pre-medi-
cine, pre-dentistry, pharmacy or the-
ology for Women Officer Training Pro-
gram. The U.S. Marine Women Corps
provides officer training for college!
sophomores and juniors with 2 weeks
programs in the summer or after grad-
uation training. Once Commissioned,
Women Officers remain at Quantico in'
an advanced 6-week training course.,
Administrative Officers serve in stay;
assignment similar to positions held
by leading women in business. Capt.
Beaumont will be located in the lobbya
of the Michigan League.
Tues., Oct. 28. U. S. Marine Corps,-
Men-See Monday's listing.
U. S. Marine Corps - Women - See
Monday's listing,
Wed., Oct. 29
The Proctor & Gamble Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio. Interviewers-Mr. K. D. Fowler;
Mr. J. D. Hull, Detroit Sales Office. Lo-
cation of Work. Midwest or other loca-
tions if the man desires. Men with any
degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Admin.
for Sales Management Training which
includes Territory Sales and Sales Pro-
motion, Sales Training begins with in-
itial orientation training sessions and
then, accompanied by an experienced,
trainer, the trainee begins making
sales calls in his own newly-assigned
territory. The training programs also
include outside reading, special mar-
keting studies, and surveys and fre-
quent individual sessions with the
man's superiors. Thus the man's train-
ing proceeds as fast as he can learn.
Outstanding men have been appointed
District Manager, Area Manager, or
Territory Manager by the time they
are 27 or 28.
U.L-S. Civil Service, 7th Region, Chica-
go, I1'. Interviewers: Mrs. Gus Butter-
bach, Civil Service Representative. De-
troit, Mich.: Mr. Roy Haning, Staff As-
sist. Dept. Health, Education and Wel-

fare; Mr. Jack Dengel, Placement Offi-
cer. Railroad Retirement Board: Mr.
Chet Nelson, Placement Officer, Great
Lakes Naval Center, Consolidated In-
dustrial Relations Division; Mr. Good-
man K. Larson, Personnel Officer, Fish
and Wildlife Service: Revenue Agents,
and Revenue Officers, Internal Reve-
nue Service. Location of work, Federal
establishments located In Washington,
D.C.. and throughout the U.S., its Ter-
ritories and possessions, and some over-
seas positions. Men and women with
any degree in Liberal Arts, or Bus. Ad-
min. for Government positions. An-
nouncement, No. 170 is available here
in the office giving complete informa-
tion about the Federal Service Entrance
Examination which covers the above
positions, as well as the 5000-AB orm
for applying for this examination,




(Use of this column for an-
nouncements is available to offti-
cially recognized and registered or-
ganizations only. Organizations
planning ,to be active for the cur-
rent semester must register. Forms
available, 2011 Student Activities
Conigregational and Disciples Guild,
Seminar: "H i s t cr y of Ch r i s t i a n
Thought," by Rev. Edwards, Oct. 26,
9:30 a.m., Guild House.
. , * *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
refreshments and program: A Witness-
ing Church in a Storm, Oct. 26, 6:15
p.m. Congregational Church.
, * *,
Gamma Delta - Lutheran Student
Club, supper and program, discussion
centering on the Reformation, Oct. 26,
6:00 p.m., Lutheran Student Center,
1511 Washtenaw.
* r *
Graduate History Club, Oct. 27, 8:00
p.m, Rackham Bldg., W. Conf. Rm.
Speaker: Mr. George Dangerfield, "Per-
sonality in History.'
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, hiking and
supper. Oct. 26, 2:00 p.m. Meet in back
of Rackham Bldg. (NW. entrance)
* 9 *
Lutheran Student Assoc,, supper -
6:00 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Taito Kantonen
at 7:00 p.m., Oct. 26, Lutheran Student
Center, Forest and Hill.
* *
Sigma Alpha Eta - Speech Correc-
tion Soc., invites all students to open
house and tour of Speech Clinic, Oct.
27, 4:00 p m. 1007 Huron St. Refresh-
i ments. Everyone welcome.

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