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March 26, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-26

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Sir 43 YU

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

. LXVIII, No. 127


A 1me











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-Daily-Fred Merrill
BREAKING A RECORD-These students contributed to an all-time record first-day vote of more
than 4,000 according to estimiates by Elections Director Roger Mahey. Voting continues today with
winners of Student Government Council teats and other campus positions being named at Count
Night, which will be held at,8 p.m. tonight in the Michigan Union ballroom.

Elections Director Claims
Four Thousand Go To Polls
An all-time record of more than 4,000 students voted in the
first day of spring elections, Elections, Director Roger Mahey, '61,
claimed yesterday.
' Mapey said voting for Student Government Council and several
other campus positions was "going much better than expected," and
revised his previous balloting estimate upwards. He anticipates a
higher vote total than'last fall.
Previous first day record vote was 3,770, set last fall, when a
record low total of 5,347 students voted during the election.
Allows for Lost Ballots
The figure made al owance for ballots which blew away, Mahey
"said. "About 300 or 400" were lost this way, he estimated.,
Mahey praised the poll workers, most of whom showed up for
work, he said. tolling places in thS center campus area were manned
% throughout the day with few ex-
ceptions, he said, although some
outlying polling places were vacant
Dean Rostow at various hours.
One of the exceptions came at
" + Tthe voting table in front of the
Vi theools Natural Science Bldg. where Mahey
broke the key to the ballot box
while attempting to open it.
Of Economy Workers (at this table were trans-
ferred to the Diag polling place.
Not Open Early
Labeling the American banking Few booths were in operation
system a "safety valve of the .from 8 to 9 am.; most opened at
economy," Dean Eugene Victor the latter hour, occasioning some
Rostow of the. Yale "tniversity complaints from students with 9
School of Law presented the sec- a.m. classes. Lack of personnel at
and of five consecutive lectures of the outlying tables also drew stu-
the William W. Cook series on dent critlclsm.
American Institutions. Voting will continue today from
Speaking ,on "The 'Pximary 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., although some
Tools of Control, Fiscal and 'booths will not be open until 9
Monetary Policy," Rostow said a.m., because of the early-morn-
propyosals for banking reform "go ing shortage of poll workers.
in the wrong direction." Voters will choose students to
Rostow reviewed the long-time fill six full-year and two half-year.
dispute between Congress and SGC terms, as well as Union Stu-
the President over fiscal policy, dent Directors, members of the.
pointing out that Congress recent- Boards in Control of Intercollegi
ly granted the President discre ate Athletics and of Student Pub-
iinn epii mneyto et lications and class officers.

Asks, Aid


WASHINGTON (P) -,President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
proposed more aid for people long
out of work and laid plans for
faster government spending to
Help end the economic slump.
In taking these steps, the ad-
ministration veered farther away
from the United States tax reduc-
tion as a means of stimulating
President Eisenhower sent a
special message to Congress call-
ing for a 50 per cent extension for
the period in which the unem-
ployed maay draw benefits.
Asks $600 Million
Republican leaders in Congress
said after a White House confer-
ence that President Eisenhower
will ask authority to speed up gov-
ernment buying by another 600
million' dollars.
Sen. William F. Knowland (R-
Calif.) Senate minority leader,
said this request will be in the form
of a letter going up today to House
Speaker Sam.Rayburn (D-Tex.),
The President discussed his un-
employment compensation p 1 a n
last week with a committee repre-
senting a state governors' confer-
Cites Government's Duty
In presenting it formally yes-
terday, he said "the federal gov-
ernment has the duty of tempering
the hardship suffered by workers
whose unemployment has been
He added an optimistic note,
saying he is "convinced that the
need for additional assistance of
these workers will"be of relatively
brief duration."
The White House estimated that
the cost of the inspection arrange-
ment-a federal supplement to the
existing state benefit program-
would run up to 500 to 600 million
Workers who had used up their
benefits in states such as Michi-,
gan, which pays for 26 weeks,
could collect for 13 more weeks if
they were out of work that long.

Calls Hoffa
ate Rackets Committee pictured
Teamster President James R.
Hoffa yesterday as a national
menace -- a powerful master of
a hoodlum empire within thehuge
The committee, in a report to
the Senate, said the Teamster
Union has pursued a "blatant
public-be-damned philosophy""
under leadership permeated by
"the stench of corruption." It de-
picted Hoffa as a betrayer of
rank-and-file workers.
Former Teamster boss, Dave
Beck was characterized by the
Senate investigators as a miserly
man and a man with an uncon-
trollable greed.
They said Beck is a' almost
pitiable figure who just couldn't
resist the temptation to steal from
his union.
"Dave Beck," the committee
said, "brought shame and dis-
repute on the American labor
The committee's bitter findings
were keyed, however, to der uncia-
tions of Hoffa. He was accused of
holding rank-and-file union mem-
bers in veritable servitude and
misusing millions of dollars of
their union funds.
Hoffa's elevation to the presi-
dency of this giant among Amer-
ican labor unions was described
as "tragic for the Teamsters Un-
ion and dangerous for the country
at large."
Reuther GM
Begin Contract,
DETROIT, (W)-With both sides
voicing hope fQr a peaceful settle-
ment, General Motors Corp. and
the' United Auto Workers Union
opened negotiations yesterday on
a new labor contract that may set
a pattern for industry in a year of
But they began bargaining talks
far apart in their declared aims.
Smiling with apparent confi-
dence, UAW President Walter P.
Reuther told newsmen he is "dead
serious" in his demand that the
big auto companies share profits
with workers.
GM has not actually rejected
profit-sharing in advance of bar-
gaining but has said it wants no
part of such a plan.

Gates Says U.S. Moves to Red Goals
American capitalism now stands
closer to reaching the ideals of - ...: ~-:v::v> y}': "v";. Y).i:{,..;":..-v .: :'-fv;
Communism than does the econ-
omly of the Soviet Union, John;>:>::">< -
Gates said yesterday. n:n,>:
The former editor of the Com- {
munist Daily Worker told a press
conference that the removal of
economic inequalities and creation
of more leisure time for "creative k.
cultural contributions to society
are goals that the highly indus-
trialized United States will achieve
before all others.
The process will be through
evolution towards increasing gov-
ernment control= of business, par-
ticularly "price-rigging big busi-
ness" he said.
For Evolution
Emphasizing that he is for evo-
lution' instead of revolution, Gates
predicted that both Communism
and capitalism will undergo fur-
ther modifications.
He said that Communism will
undergo ,a.greater democratization.
"A key question is why Khrush-
chev made his speech denouncing
Stalin." Forces within Russia
made such a declaration inevita-
ble, for Soviet society has ad-
vanced so much that Stalin's re-
pression tactics no longer apply,"
Gates told a crowd of 425 at last
night's Student Government Coun- Daily-Fred Merr
cil Lecture Forum. 6I LEFT"-John Gates said he quit the American Comnunis
'Learned a Lesson' Party Jan. 10, after 27 years, because it n# longer offered a:
The Red leaders learned a les- effective channel for the ideals "that give meaning to life." H
son from Hungary and "I do not said the party suffered from excessive admiration for Russi
think they will permit such pres- which caused blindness to its faults.
sures to accumulate again." . '
More freedom will evolve as a
result of "interaction between the ADENA UER VICTORY:
leaders and the people" he said -
during the spirited question and
answer period.
The best way for the United u bo "
States 6 aid the democratization To Permit Atomic Weapons
process is to help promote an at- -
mosphere of peace. "A way has to
be found out of this impasse," he BONN (IP)-West Germany's Parliament voted last night to
declared. German soldiers have atomic weapons as part of the defense of Eurc
Urges Agreement The vote on the bitterly fought atomic issue came shortly bef
Russia wants to halt hydrogen midnight, climaxing a record four-day debate.
bomb tests, the United States Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his Christian Democrat ps
wants to control space. "Let's be- beat back all moves by the opposition Socialists and Free \Democ
gin by agreeing to both!" Gates to renounce nuclear arms or delay a decision on their acceptar
urged. -- Adenauer's absolute majority
Both sides must make conces- ..the Bundestag assured him
sions, equally and simultaneously, Bids Available victory before the voting beg
he said. But the Socialists served no
Acknowledging that these are that they would not drop tY
risks involved, he added "the great- For Directory campaign.
est risk of all is to let things No Roll Call
continue as they are now." 'Any recognized student organi- There was no roll call vote
He pointed out that the greatest zation is eligible to petition for thegovewasen motionl per
number of departures from the publication and distribution of the Bonn troops to be equipped v
American Communist Party came summer and fall Student Direc- atomic weapons. It came afte
in the last two years-during a tory, according to Maurice M. Rin- show of hands rejected a F
time of ebbing McCarthyism, ex- kel, secretary to the Board in Con-
pansion of freedom in this coun- trol of Student Publications. w. Democrat motion to bar ato
try and fewer external pressures Organizations petitioning f o r The deputies were recorded
upon the party, the activity must be willing to TheepDeocramordtd
The party now exists only as a publish the Directory during both a Free Democrat motion that
corpse, in an advanced stage of the summer and fall. Rinkel said. Bundestag declare itself oppo
decomposition, dates said. All petitions are due April .16. to stockiig atomic weapons

changing economic conditions.
Budget Stabilizes
Calling the budget of the United
States "a means of stabilization,"
Rostow expressed belief that the
budget and its use is a means of
controlling the economy.
Discussing the history of out-
put, Rostow pointed out a con-
siderable rate of increase in out-
put has been maintained during
the past few years, with ,some
periodic fluctuatidns.
According to the one-time legal
adviser to the State Department,
fluctuations are rarely confined to
the area of the ecqnomy con-
cerned with capital kgoods or ma-
terials used for producing other
Cites Causes
Enumerating many reasons for
these fluctuations, Rostow said
there was no single cause. He ex-
press6d the belief, however, that
the most popular conception
among law students was the "un-
der-consumption theory." '
Rostow viewed the *problem of
equal distribution of income as
one of ethics and not of stabili-
Police Q uiz
Two Socialists

Health Service
To Give Sots
Polio shots will be given from
8 to 11:45 a.m. and from 1 to'4:45
p.m. tomorrow at the Health Serv-
Students may receive eitho'
first, second or third shots at these
times. Fourth shots to boost im-
munization will also be available.

Cost Compromise Blamed for Failure of Vanguard

Perhaps the main reason that
the Vanguard project had failed to
put an earth satellite in orbit un-
til last week has been the fact
that the launching vehicle was de-
signed for maximum performance,
but represented a compromise in
According to Prof. M. H. Nichols
of the department of Aeronautical
Engineering, this situation has re-
sulted mainly from an, attempt to
minimize the cost of the project,
although the time schedule also
shares part of the blame.
Agreeing with Prof. Nichols was

phere 'to a height of 140 miles
where it burns out, with the re-
maining part coasting 400 miles.
Finally the third stage of the
Vanguard fires at 400 miles and
sends the remaining satellite into
orbit in the ionosphere where it
reaches a speed of nearly 19,000
miles per hour and an altitude of
from 250 miles to 400 miles above
the earth.
"Souped Up" Viking
A combination of three rockets,
the Vanguard has been under ex-
periment for some time:
According to Prof. Nichols, the
first stage of the Vanguard is a
"souped r1un" Vikitnrcket wnhic'h

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