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April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr 4tlt r 460 ,473, 11 1 gt MEMBER ASSOCIA TED PRIGS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. El EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS MAYOR NEWKIRK D LB U OF UNIVERST Y S Q HITINewly Elected City Executive Favors Establishment of Municipal Courts. TO BDAY Defending the conduct of present- EFENDS CONDUCT TUDENTS OF TODAY undergraduate years, but ha...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…TWO t ' Ir. M T C 1-4TCAN DATLL'Y - TUESDAY, APFZ.TL 21, 193t - f.0 4Y & j . 1Y1 1 \ a 1 1* +.... t-Z1 Y li.t-> 1 L d 1 - Daily Official Bulletin (Continued from Page 8) Tuesdayafternoon, May 5, at 2:30, Michigan League. cator Finds Modern Authors Beginners' Social Dancing Class Achieve Successes by will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Study of Life. Women's Athletic building. Careful presentation of the varied everyday life of Spain has...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y , p 1G $ - I "1 11 111 .111111 1 1 .11 111 1 111 1 111 P ill I 1 1, - 1 1 p i l l 1 1111 BRI LIAN'I4' PROGRAMS I BY I NOWN D STA1ZS i LILY po Now +{ , sly 5 t F " : n' xi t 1 t4 '' Fbt ", ,aYT! , i, ..rte;'. ..,> .t w ri by .s31} ..d. 57 i s p II AND NI"m A X CTE IRS it LILY PONS AS, OTHERS SEE TE- FE VAtS!! Il I II VALTER DAMROSCH, New York: I congratutlate you n the distiil F'redlerick ...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. , _ , __ C 4r tytot t ater Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control n1 Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches creditedtodit or not otherwise credited tn thisi paper and the local news published. herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arb...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY,APRIL21,191 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC p w- w 'N SIP VIVAAIM am &N 1 .AAIS. GATHERING OPENS TOMORROW WITH REGISTRATION Delegates and From 80 Universities TENNIS TOURNEY WILL OPEN TODAY Sixty-Four Women to Compete in Popular Sport. Entrants have been paired off for the tennis tournament, and actual playing will begin today, it was an- nounced by Virginia Watson, '32, tennis manager of the Women's Athletic Association. The first matc...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL* F- !TJESDAY, APRIL 21, 1931 THE MTCHICA?'J D ATTY mwmm memo Varsity TI k SOUTHER QTOUR C rne Compton, and Tompkins Slated for Duty on Mound aC Against Normal. to Opens Home Season Today Against Ypsi . "RACKSTERS TRY FOR RELAY JOBS inder Team Pointed by Hoyt for Drake Relays Friday. Ideal track conditions gave Coach uck Hoyt an opportunity yester- iy afternoon to start his trials determine the Michigan entrie...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, AT'RTL 22, 1931 !'j-- R-E ?" - U I C 14. 1 CWN D I UY ., - - --- ----- NINE OPrENS H MIE SCHEDULE T ODDAY Cornpton, Tompkins to. Normal Team. FaceI (Continued From Page 6) Braendle will also be in the garden. Trhe other outfielder has not yet been chosen. On' the Southern trip the Wolver- ines started with a win, Compton hurling a shutout 1-0 victory ~against St. Xavier. Against Dayton the Maize and Blue aggregation went be...…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 8

…PAGE MOOT 'S r 1 3H R.,, M I C r'H ":IG zAN . DALLY TUESDAY, APR"iL'' 21, 1931 wA clTV. Y' e'I - n.fT$LL.iF M11 Li(>HTCA LY~ m.N.f y. TEDAARI 1,13 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication ih the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The comprehensive ex...…

April 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…ESTABUSHED 1 1890 Jr Ait 4ati MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLII. No. 142 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 WEATHER: Cloudy, possibly rain. PRICE FIVE CENTS EXPERTS ENDORSE SURGICAL THERAPYI FOR TUBERCOUSIS Scientists Discuss C o 11a p s e Method of Treating Disease. TO MEET IN WASHINGTON Dr. Alexander Presents NewI Method of Handling Specific Cases. Curing pulmonary tuberculosis by; collapsing the patient's lung h...…

April 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' WEDNESDAY, APRIL .2U~ x932 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1932 .i . y-. Now* ae W~tz-.raw. .x. .. ..:.. aa ;m m ra'-.a sa.S ' 4 6 4 PleseNoe Some fteHnrd fBran All Klnils of Stationery to Suet Every Purpose ONE-THIRi9 and ONE- IALF OFF 1I Leatl ° Goon's at .. onewhali off Fountal"in Peris at @0l od . nmhl f A $o0.stok f Fne indng, a onwtho0 WIFIEW k WI REG;ULAR $1m00 POPULAR1 FICTION, HUNDREDS OF...…

April 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE ___________= f Opening Match Against Normal, 27-0 Tiger Infielder 1TIGERS5 SENATORS~ HLD LEAGUE LEA Good Hurling Is Aid to Leaders; Boston Braves Pushed to Frent in National. Good pitching, and in both cases1 a late rally, enabled both Detroit and Washington, leaders in the American League to retain their positions. The veteran George Uhle held Cleveland to five scattered hits to down the Indians 2 to 1. A...…

April 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…#THE MTCH TG AN CDATL aY ' FhURSTDAY .APR-1L,2 1. 1032 P'blished every morning except Monday during the University )ttar by the Board in Contro'! of Student Publications. Mlember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Thle Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- pu~blication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ecdited in this p:aper and the local news published herein. Iitcred at the P'ost O...…

April 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…7, APRIL 21, 1932 - T MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVEI kT- ----. Frances ALTA PLACE NAMEL ASSISTANT: T HREE I jT T Elizabeth Cooper, Ruth Dubme, and Joan arnette to Head Sub Committecs.S WILL PICK( AIDES SOON anctiester Elected Chairmaf,71., of Juir Giris' Pi't ,v H sry 0F Sororiies !TICKETS9 AVAILABLE morn rir nnFrr By Malrgaret O'Brien] All Campus Women Urged to !uncd i: s grup yucg ,o- the roman symbol of knowledge, ini hh a diamon...…

April 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

…TH E MICI11AN DATL-Y THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 __ _ =; ZZ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL. XLII. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 No. 142 NOTICES Medical School: At 2 p.m., today, the usual exercises for the Senior and Junior students will be suspended in order that these cl...…

April 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair Friday and Saturday; somewhat cooler Friday in northwest portion. QL r Sir iga ait Editorials Extra- Curricular Activitie University Appropriation An Inflation. __ VOL. XLIII No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1933 PItICE FIVE C moossommommommum Seabury Is To Discuss City Today Municipalities Will Be Subject Of Address By New York Investigator Case Club Finals Will Be At 3 P. M. Six Members Of State Ju...…

April 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…TILE MICHIGAN DAILY E .7 OFFICIAL BULLETIN lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the versity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 11:30 a. m. Saturday. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1933 No. 143 NOTICES Special Convocation of the University: A special convocation of the University will be held promptly at 11:00 a. m., Friday, April 21, in Hill Auditorium, on which occasion there will be an...…

April 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I From the PRESS BOX Cristy Elected Swim Captain For 1933-341 Ten Letters Awarded At Annual Banquet Last Night; 13 Get Numerals By John Thomas Open Track Meet? Captain DeBaker DYT, WHY NOT an Open College' outdoor track meet in Ann Arbor for all. the .colleges in Mi c higanthis, pringt '. When this was broached t o u s yesterday we fell for it like a ton of bricks. Supporters uuiia nauLM e dying interest in track on the...…

April 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY University Appropriation M And Intlation. -, ;%1 ' A'. S - - Published every morning except . Monday duringt University year and Summer Session by the Board Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assoc tion and the Big Ten News Service, MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to theu for republication of all news dispatches credited to it ...…

April 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…________________THIE MICHIGAN DAILY CAMPUS SOCI ETY I Igiard, Seeley to Lead Frosh sping Activity Miss McCormick Suggests New Activity To Sup- plant Pageant Margaret Ballard was elected chairman of freshman girls' spring activity at a meeting of the first year women held yesterday afternoon in the ballroom of the League. Jean Seeley was elected assistant chair- man. The other three members of the central committee who were chosen at this...…

April 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…... _ " ; 1.1 L 1 n1 .II t1' lLl 1 V '1}. i f i+ t a .r. a. a - )utdoor 'lichigan's Document Rat ifying Prohibition Repeal Items From Ot onc e r mom--- Three Professors Leave IMcMurray will confer with the Com- mittee on Land Utilization of the hcr Cam puses For Research Meetings council. These meetings are held in the form of round table discussions Professors Kenneth C. McMurray, and occur annually in the capitol BATHS, SUNDAY SCHOOL chair...…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Partly cloudy and rather cool Saturday. Sunday probably fair , and warmer. L 5k0 VOL. XLIV. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1934 I -.--.-------------.-- I~ U Defense Made Of League's Peace Efforts Prof. Henry R. Spencer Of Ohio State Addresses Model Assembly Japan Sees Check In Efforts For Improved U. S. Relations Sees Improvement In Future Groups Dr. William Warner Says That League Of Nations Is Still Act...…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…Festival Tieket (ounter S a 1 e To Start Today' The "over the counter" sale of May Festival tickets will begin at 8:30 a.m.' today at the offices of the School of Music on Maynard Street. At this time all unsold season tickets in the respective divisions will be offered for public sale. The seats in Hill Auditorium are divided into three sections. Section "A" tickets priced at $8, include all, seats in the three central sections of the main fl...…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…kY, APRIL 21, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wildcats Beat Michigan In Conference Baseball Open er, 3 PLAY & BY-PLAY [-By AL NEWMAN--I Hush Money. . ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOL- LARS. That's the sum they ex- pect will be wagered on the ponies in New York State this season. One hundred million dollars of easy money . . sucker money just float- ing around the state and waiting for the bookies to get their cut. But there is another party to the agreem...…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THE. MICHIGAN DAILY sAN DAILY =.c Published every morning except Monday during the ZUniversity year and sumnmer Sessionx by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association 6z5dcIate4t, oUinte hvtSO and the Big Te News Service l 113 [Hnio , .. 'covwc[ 1 9.34 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispathces credi...…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…'DAYAPRL 1,1934 THE MICHIGAN RAILY 9arbour Gymnasium Again To Be Scene Annual Penny Ca trnitV( Annual W.A.A.S Penny Carnival To Be Tonight Castle Newell's Orchestrai Will Play For Dancing; Houses Plan Booths From 8 p.m. to 12 midnight tonight Barbour Gymnasium will be trans- formed by the festivity of the Penn3 Carnival at which every fraternit3 and sorority will have its own booth , The carnival is sponsored by W.A.A and all, the money made...…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Firms Offer To Carry Airmail At Low Rates Senate Action On Stock Market Control Measure Pushed Forward WASHINGTON, April 20. - (AP)- Spectators whistled in surprise when Postmaster General Farley ripped open the envelopes and read the bids today for carrying airmail on the routes the government intends to place in private hands for at least the next three months. Some of the companies bid as low as 19 cents an airplane mile...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair today; tomorrow fair and slightly warmer. idommomf t ia ilati Editorials Ann Arbor: Convention City.. Back Country Crossings... VOL. XLV. No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1935s PRICE FIVE CENTS Larson Hurls 2-Hit Game In 8-0 Win Over Ohio State Altered Batting Order Is Effective In Piling Up 7 Runs In One Inning Williams, Regeczi Star At The Plate Three Buckeye Pitchers Fail To Check Drive Of Michigan ...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…SECOND SECT ION A6F A, kp ItItr4t iIaiti 42nd ANNUAL MAY FESTIVAL VOL. XLV. No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Festival Programs Show Wide Range Of Musical Ability a -~e/ _ Original English Version Of Moussorgsky Opera, 'Boris Goclunof' Planned Lhevinne To Give Coneerl+Of Chopin Helen Jepson To Sing In First Performance On 1935 Festival Program The May Festival, to be held May 15, 16, 17, and 18 in Hil...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY M LAT E WIRE NEWS DAILY OFFICI -tics ii the Bunletts Is onstru :. Coy r.@ atd .the offici w :0;110a~m.oaura z AL BULLETIN ctive notie to all members op the * of the Assistant to the PresIdobt fered to the general public, at $2, $3, and $4 each, provided Festival coup- ons from season Choral Union tick- ets are returned, or without such coupons, the prices will be $5, $6, and $7 each. Huey Called' Nation'...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Organizations Will Contribute To Four-Day Musical Period Chicago Symphony Here For 31st Visit The Chicage Syi". phony Orchestra will play in five of the six ,Festival oncert& CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA otes On hopin oncert By BARBARA BEACH Fused in the brilliant artistry of two famous personalities, the Con- certo in F Minor will, by the sheer beauty of its melody, make the Sat- urday afternoon concert the most mem...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…AAP] 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Track Squad Will Stage Meet For Neree Varsity Wins Over Reserves By 27-0 Score Capt. Renner And Cooper Star In Practice Game At The Stadium In the first of a series of three scrimmages to be held every Satur- day afternoon in the Stadium a blue- clad eleven, ostensibly the first team, yesterday, rode through a white team for four touchdowns and a 27-0 vic- tory. Two elevens wore the blue jerseys and divi...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…_THE MICHIGAN DAILY -Second Annual' "I uj May Festival Will Feature History Of May - l Festival Shows i Rare Progress Founded In 1893-1894 Season, Period Is Now In Forty-Second Year (Continued from Page 1) _ general eating houses, contributed its share of discomforts. To make matters worse, special trains which were scheduled to leave the Michigan Central station, after t-h e Saturday evening concert, through a miscarriage of inst...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY NI I --V . " "" .+1 fI PubiU ged every morning except Monday during the University yearand Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. ' MEMBER A'Sssciated le.giate gress 1p34 i1iateBIest 3 ADO w~sco14Sai? MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY tSA-, APIU University Musical Society Presents the FoRTY-SECOND ANNUAL May1 5, 16, 17, 18, 1935 HILL AUDITORIUM Featuring Such Renowned Artists As GIOVANNI MARTINELLI Leading Tenor Of The Metropolitan Opera GIOVANNI MARTINELLI is at the zenith of a remarkable career: For two score years at the Metropolitan he has been "getting better and -better." If there has been a legitimate successor to Caruso, by unanimous con...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…S1935 ETHE MICHIGAN DAILY FAE PaV ,E wo Atractions Are Announced For Frosh Project Russ Lyons' Orchestra To Play; Old Heidelberg Theme Of Decorati is Russ Lyons and his orchestra have been selected to play for the Mardi Gras ball to be given from 9 to 1 a.m., May 3, by the freshmen women in the League, as their annual freshman project. Lyons will come here directly from the Claridge in Memphis, Tenn. Previous to his engagement at the Clarid...…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…T.RE _-MIG -I- N., DAILY SUNDAY, THE MICIUGAN-DAILY SUNDAY, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued From Page 1) ,he League, Tuesday evening, April 23, at 7:30. Mathematics Staff meeting Mon- day, April 22, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H. Acolytes: A meeting will be held )n Monday, April 22, 7:30 p.m., 202 South Wing. Professor DeWitt H.1 Parker will read a paper, "Infinity - continued." Aeronautical Engineers' Division, A.S.M.E.-There will bean important me...…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Generally fair in north, most- ly cloudy and much cooler in south, with possibly some light snow or rain today. L Mittian I aitj Editorials Passivists Or Pacifists .. . One For Borah .. . VOL. XLVI No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Existence Of League Imperiled British Foreign Secretary Warns Nations Combined Action Must Come Now Hints England May Soon Quit League Poison Gas Forms Subject...…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIESDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 I LATE WIRE NEWS Geoghan Sees No Hoffman Angle To Wendel Case ITALIAN GENERAL HEAD- QUARTERS ON THE SOUTH- ERN ETHIOPIAN FRONT, April 5N.-(By Airmail to the Coast)-- (P)-The menacing Ethiopian Army of RasNassibu still blocked the path of General Rudolfo Gra- ziani's Fascist troops today, after the bloodiest battle yet fought on the Somaliland front in which flame throwers ad airplane...…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, PRIL ZI,1936.r . .........AN .A.. _' _ ;. Intramural Spring Sports Competition begins hiteafr1erl Mann Awards 13 Varsity Letters To 1! olverine Swimmers To Start Today Play In Horseshoes And Tennis Scheduled For Wednesday With 14 interfraternity softball games scheduled for this afternoon and tennis and horseshoes competi- tion beginning Welnesday, the In- tramural Sports departmen...…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR 'IRHE, MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY'', AFFIL 21, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ian state," Mr. Lippmann believes, President Roosevelt has "no such instinctive appreciation of American liberalism. He is disposed to think that these old liberal principles no longer fit the mod- ern world, that they belong to a horse and buggy age, and that the future is to bring a very highly organized society under...…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, APRI 21, 196 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC F, lf,"UVE, PAGE FIVE cxerry -- Io 1oR und -- ~vSTEPIIAN1E This grand Spring weather . . . let's hope it is here to stay . . . certainly brought a deluge of new Spring outfits out on the campus today. Everybody seemed to be wandering around in kind of a daze . . . just the old Spring fever coming to the fore again. Stephanie has heard just loads of interest- ing yarns about vacation jaunts too ...…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIP THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1936 PAGE SIX TUESDAY, APRIL ~1, 1936 Alder Reports Boys' Outdoor Camp Enlarged Camping Period Extended And Accomodations For More BoysProvided Extension of the University Fresh Air Camp plant to care for sixty per- cent more boys, and the lengthening of the camping period from two weeks to four and eight weeks were cited as major accomplishments of the camp in 1935 in a report to trust- ees ...…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

… Te Weatdi Rain today; tomorrow mostly cloudy with showers at night; no change in temperature. L Sir iglau ~Iaitj Editorials The Hill-Sheppard Bill VOL. XLVII No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS t Will Not Term Peace Meeting Here 'Strike' 'Demonstration' Replaces 'Strike' After Conference With Prof. Anderson Peace Council Head Explains 'Mistake' Signs bearing the word. "strike" with reference to the...…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 19 New Police Radio Transmitter.Is Put Into Service EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS CKLW-1030 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-"Magic Island." 6:15-News and Sports. 6 :30-Vincent. York's Orch. 6:45-Lane Prescott's Ensemble. 7:15-Michael Zarin's Orch. 7:30-Sweeter Palmer's Music. 7:35-Phil Marley's Orch. 8:00-Symphonic Strings. 8:30-Mercy Hall. 9:00-Gabriel Heatter 3 :15-The Charioteers. 9:30-Jazz Nocturne. 10:00-Romance...…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

… Michigan Nine Favored Over Badgers In Game Here te PRESS ANGLE, By GEORGE J. ANDROS Fisher Selects- Burt Smith As I 1 F romThe Dugout... FOUND IN THE EDITOR'S mail basket last night was the follow- ing report of the Varsity baseball squad's tour of the Southeast during the Spring Recess. It comes from Pete Lisagor, sophomore sports scribe and Coach Ray Fisher's potential handyman of the Michigan infield. * * * Dear Chief: The guy who said...…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…[C AN DAIL SAN DAILY Au I-, I. Edited and rnanaged by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Sludent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaer.. All rgh...…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…TLE MICHIGAN DAILY m List Of Patrons Of Militar y Ball. Ik Announced Anua1 D+Dnce To Be Hed At Union Soon; Name Gustafson Chairman Patrons and patronesses for the annual Military Ball to be given from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, April 30, at thne Union were announced by John. R. Gustafson, general chairman. They annual. affair will feature Reggie Childs' band. The grand march will pass under a sabre arch formed -by members of Scabbard and Blad...…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY " E"Nt"SDAYAPRITL,193 Concert Band Leads Band's Concert To Hold Annual SpringRecital No Charge For Admission; Cornet Trio And Flute Solo Will ;Be Given Michigan's 80-piece Varsity Con- cert Band will present its annual; Spring Concert at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 27, in Hill Auditorium under the direction of Prof. William D. Re- velli. There will be no charge for admission.' - The program will open with the overture, "Obe...…

April 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Increasing cloudiness, not quite so cool today; t ozraw light showers, cooler. L 3k 431rnn ~IZUljp Editorials Preserve The Peace Committee ..,. Mr. Leacock's Model Universty ... VOL. XLVIII. No. 142 ANNJ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS - ~ . Utility Loans Urged As Aid For recovery By Roosevelt Administration Seeks End To Business Troubles Through Conferences Slums Clearance ProjectsApproved W...…

April 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…TW THE MICHIGAN DAILY T UR IDAY, APRTL 21, 1938 Murphy Raps Foes Detroit News Plant At Democratic Raly To Print Journalist' (Continued from Page 1) mean the blood of American working- men, the suppression of labor and ir- reparable damage to industry. He defended the expenditures of his administration, asserting that it- ha dinherited the presnt dficit and expressing his belief that "democracy can far better afford a deficit in the public f...…

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