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April 21, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-21

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TUESDAY'', AFFIL 21, 1926




ian state," Mr. Lippmann believes, President
Roosevelt has "no such instinctive appreciation of
American liberalism. He is disposed to think that
these old liberal principles no longer fit the mod-
ern world, that they belong to a horse and buggy
age, and that the future is to bring a very highly
organized society under the control of a very pow-
erful government.
"The real issue of the near future lies between
the kind of liberal individualism which Mr. Borah
represents and the kind of regulated monopoly
which Mr. Roosevelt seems to believe in."
As Others See It

Publisned every morning except Monday during they
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited inathistnewspaper.sAl rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, ill.

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmenv: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt: Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
Ssing, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.

Passi vi sts
Or Pacifiss. .
THE WAR RECORD of the Mich-
iganensian lists 165 Michigan stu-
dents killed in the last war. More than half of
the student body of 7,000 had enrolled in some
service. Fraternity houses were made into bar-
racks, the Union into a mess hall, classrooms into
war training headquarters. On Ferry Field day
after day marching feet drilled. Down State
Street marching feet paraded.
It's all very well for any of us to dislike the
word pacifist. Like it or not, however, we have
but one alternative: either we accept the fact that
State Street will again resound to marching feet,
or we decide to do something about it. One thing
we can do is to attend at the University Peace
Meeting this morning at eleven o'clock on the mall
between the Architecture School and University
High School. Still patriotic, we will declare that
these our lives will not be cruelly ended before
they are begun for any private gain, that we will
support legislation and legislators to eliminate this
While this alone won't stop war, it will help.
Now is the time to act - this morning!
One For
Borah. . ,
ESPITE all that his opponents do
to minimize the fact, it appears as
though the stock of Senator Borah, on the Repub-
lican candidacy exchange, is going up.
On the heels of his overwhelming victory in Wis-
consin came his victory in out-state Illinois, which,
although the total popular vote went to Colonel
Knox, gave him a majority of delegates from that
state. The victory for Borah was more than a
moral one, especially when it is kept in mind that
he won it with absolutely no campaign or or-
ganization against the Knox forces which had the
backing of the regular Republican set-up and had
made an intensive campaign.
On the face of the Illinois results, we cannot
help but agree with Walter Lippmann that Borah
not only "might win," but that the real issue has
resolved itself into a contest between Borah and
It is likely that the nomination of Senator
Borah, however improbable it may seem to some at
this time, would insure a real contest at the polls
this fall. Aside from our own Senator Vandenberg,
who is sitting tight and insisting that he is not a
candidate, Borah's chief opponent is Gov. Alf Lan-
don of Kansas. Now we know of nothing against
Governor Landon. But on the other hand we
know of nothing for him. So far as we have
been able to determine, his qualifications for the
Presidency are three-fold (1) He balanced his
state's budget, which the law requires him to do,
anyway; (2) He frequently eats in the kitchen;
and (3) He calls his wife "mother." These, to
our mind, are not enough.
Against Mr. Borah, it is often said there is no
difference between him and President Roosevelt.
We again agree with Walter Lippmann that this is
not so. Writes Mr. Lippmann:
"The two men are alike in their general feeling,
that large corporate wealth has exercised too much
power. But they are radically different in their
general feeling as to how to deal with this problem.
Borah, Lippmann points out, is a "lineal descen-
dant of the earliest American liberals, an indi-i
vidualist who opposes all concentration of power,
political or economic, who is against private priv-
ilege and inrivate mononoly. afmint nolii a n- i

Undergraduate Pleads For His Life
Editor's Note: The following speech by James
G. Green, Yale '32, appointed spokesman for un-
dergraduate students of Great Britain and America
was presented before the Disarmaent Conference
at Geneva in February, 1932. It is reprinted here
because of' its statement of the undergraduate
position, and now because of its relevance to the
Peace Council meeting at eleven o'clock this morn-
Mr. President; Delegates to the
Disarmament Conference:
I petition you on behalf of several groups which
have a particular right to demand the assurance
of a permanent peace, based upon the principles
that security is a collective interest of the several
states, that the building of peace must be founded
on equality of status and that those instruments
of war which allow rapid mobilization for purposes
of aggression should be abolished.
I should hardly be speaking with the candor
of the new world did I not discuss some of the
questions which constantly are being debated
in every dormitory, club and fraternity house in
America and England. We never cease to ask,
Were those ten million young men, who loved
life as wholeheartedly as ourselves, the victims
of an illusion when they fell to earth only a few
years ago? Must the insanity known as war be
repeated within our generation at the cost of our
lives? Most important, what is to be our answer
to the government in case of mobilization for war?
No doubt it may be considered unwise, even im-
pertinent, to raise these issues; yet I would be
playing traitor to my constituency were I to remain
silent. Perhaps students may rush in where
diplomats fear to tread.
After contemplating the events preceding the
catastrophe of 1914, we remain unconvinced of
the wisdom of our predecessors. Fourteen years
after the Armistice the glamour and heroism of
that period fail to impress us, even when inscribed
in gilt on stone memorials.
Organized slaughter, we realize, does not settle
a dispute; it merely silences an argument. We
insist that for violence be substituted juridicial1
control through the World Court and executiveI
action through the League of Nations. If we are'
to evolve an international order out of anarchy,
we must renounce nationalism and drastically cur-i
tail the absolute sovereignty of states.
The other speakers have much at stake; we
(students) have even more, for literally we are
fighting for our lives. I stand before you as at-
torney for the defense, pleasing for a reprieve. It
is my generation which will be called upon to
surrender all we consider worthwhile in life, in
order to become targets for machine-gun bullets
and victims of the latest poisonous gas. It is the
young men and women of my age who will be com-
manded to commit suicide. It is my generation
which will be requested to destroy the best of hu-
man culture, perhaps civilization itself, for causes
which future historians will discover to be erron-
eous, if not utterly vicious. We have thus lost
interest in being prepared for cannon fodder.
In a sense I am presenting an ultimatum, rather
than a petition. The students whom I represent
are watching critically every action of this confer-1
ence. For behind your deliberations stands staring1
down at us the spectre of Death. We desire to live1
and to live at peace. We desire to construct a1
world society providing freedom, equal opportu-
nity and a sense of security. We desire to makel
possible for every human being full developmentT
of personality in terms of the highest human andt
spiritual values we know. Those of us who have
retained a concept of a loving and purposeful God,
desire to live in peace lives which will reflect that
concept. We therefore petition you for a sub-
stantial reduction of armaments, in order that we
may have a civilization in which to forward this
creative purpose.1

M IGHTY early to the office, and mighty ir-
ritable at the selfish thoughtlessness of those
who unnecessarily clog passages. But what pre-
cipitated my rage was the amount of sidewalk
space occupied by newsstands next to subway
entrances in 40th and 41st streets, and if I were
a newspaper editor I should send a photographer
to make pictures to show to the Commissioner
of Licenses. And there are those who stand in
the doorways of elevators, so that everybody get-
ting on or off must needs pass them; and those
who stand on subway platforms when there is
plenty of space in the car. So did some work,
and then to have dinner with my wife, and thence
to Frank Godwin's, and a great crowd there, Car-
roll McComas and Kate Spaeth and Irma Goldberg
acid Jane Adams, and their husbands, too. So by
omnibus to M. Ernst's, and John Finerty there
that was a lad with me on Grand Boulevard and
he is a barrister and Tom Mooney's counsel, and
he told many details of the case, and how per-
jury against Mooney had been proved, and it is
twenty years now that Mooney hath been in
prison, and John said that Mooney was a mighty
wise and well informed man, and could discuss
world affairs with the best of them. So home
and to bed.
Tuesday, April 14
UP AT SEVEN and by omnibus to the hospital,
and my wife under knife, as they say, so
waited until Dr. Rubin tells me that she no longer
hath her appendix, and that she soon will be whole
of her malady. Deeply saddened by news of the
death of Harlow Brooks, the physician; and so
great the trust I had in hinm that three years
ago when I felt low-spirited I went to see him, and
he told me my physical condition was good, and
there is a piece about it in a book that I wrote.
So to the office at noon, and scurried through my
work, and so to the hospital again, and so home
and read Winfred Hotby's "South Riding," and
I could not help wondering whether - for it made
me think of Hardy in that here also was a writer
who well knew the countryside and its people-
I would now think Hardy pallid and out of date;
Hardy that was my hero of all writers. But I
know there is a West, and an East, and a North
Riding; but no South. Which may be why Miss
Holtby chose the South, as being non-existent.
And well I remember her "Mandoa, Mandoa," a
mighty comick book; and it is a sad thing too
that Miss Holtby is dead.
Wednesday, April 15
TP AND TO THE OFFICE, and at work, and
there I read in John Middleton Murry's
"Shakespeare," and it seemed to me a bloodless

Conning Towerj
Saturday, April 11
VERY EARLY UP, and at some work, and so
to the office, and in the afternoon took my
boys to see and hear "The Mikado." which was
the first time ever they had been in a grown-up
theatre, and enjoyed it mightily. But whether
that was the first play I ever saw I do not know.
It may have been that, it may have been "Held
by the Enemy," and it may have been "The Black
Hussar." So home, and after dinner to see "On
Your Toes," and I liked it better than any mu-
sickall harlequinade f have immediate recollec-
tion of, and there were songs that were worth
listening to, and the orchestra did not drown the
words of the songs out, and my favorite of all
was Miss Luella Gear, whom I fell in love with,
and said so, in "Poppy," more than twelve years
ago. So to buy four chocolate rabbits, and so
home and to bed.
Sunday, April 12
ROUSED UP EARLY and was told that my wife
had become so ill last night that she came
in from Lyons Plain in an ambulance, to the
hospital, so I to see her, and she tells me she
had much pain. So to the office to work, and
in the evening to the hospital again, and so
to an apothecary's for a glass of milk and back
again to assure my wife that I had had dinner,
and so home and to bed.
Monday, April 13

SOCIAL DRAMA on Broadway is
currently taking two distinct
forms. The first and most obvious of
these is the direct and realistic. It se-
lects as its subject matter a life or
collection of lives caught under bitter
socio-economic pressure and builds
therefrom drama which is sometimes
very good, sometimes very bad, but
nearly always important.
r The second category of social
drama - to which "Russet Mantle"
1 belongs --- may be described as the
euphemistic. The dramatist who
chooses this form sugar coats his
comments with a good melodramatic
or humorous plot, stocks his show
with as interesting characters as pos-
sible, and in general attempts to en-
tice his audience into listening to his
sociological message by presenting a
highly unsociological play. A good
example of this euphemistic tech-
nique was afforded last year in Rob-
ert Sherwood's "Petrified Forest," in
which Leslie Howard scintillatingly
played lead.
Lynn Riggs' "Russet Mantle" is
very much in the "Petrified Forest"
manner and is, in this reviewer's
estimation, one of the two best plays
of its sort produced in New York
this year.
The plot deals with a youthful
hitch-hiker (John Beal), charmingly
insouciant on the surface but philoso-
phical underneath. Turning up at
the fruit ranch of a wealthy retired
Wall Streeter, he is hired by the
Wall Streeter's wife to help her raise
chickens. Visiting the ranch are a
Southern feminine relation (Cora
Witherspoon) and her daughter
(Martha Sleeper).
The older generation - the retired
business magnate, his wife, and her
Southern sister - are entirely un-
able to understand the speculations
which puzzle the young man. Their
several views of life are completely
unreal and would be nauseous in
their apathetic stupidity if Author
Riggs hadn't chosen to exploit their
excruciatingly funny aspects.
The Wall Streeter is quite sure that
hard work will put anyone on top
of the'world - and has a fine time
pretending to work hard raising
apples. His wife solves the Universe
through the medium of genteel direc-
tion of her chicken coops. And the
Southerner, in a more honest way,
simply closes her eyes at the disturb-
ing aspects of 1936 America, whether
referred to in general, or specifically
as the cause of her daughter's un-
happiness. The daughter is miser-
able without quite knowing why-
although Author Riggs' makes it clear
that she suffers because she is torn
between the exciting life of the idle
rich and the need for a morality
which only a sterner life can afford.
The solution, of coure, comes when
the hitch-hiker, a combination of So-
crates and Lothario, succeeds in per-
suading the young lady to chuck the
surface pleasures of her carefree,
Sybaritic life and follow him 'in a
career of honest work and honest
social thinking.
'The whole cast is good - Cor
Witherspoon may be singled out as
specially effective. "Russet Mantle"
felicitously achieves the paradoxical
feat of arousing sustained laughter
and excitement, yet somehow man-
ages at the same time to give its
audiences food for solid thought. No
one visiting New York will regret
seeing it.

A Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer picture
starring Jeanette MacDonald and Nel-
son Eddy, with Reginald Owen, James
Stewart. and others. Also a Silly
Symphony. "Elmer Elephant," and Paul
Because he had admitted to his
friends that he had not seen
"Naughty Marietta" this observer
went to see "Rose Marie" in a subdued
and reverent mood, and, although at
the final blackout, as Nelson Eddy
pressed his lips to those of Jeanette
MacDonald, several schoolgirls half
moaned, half sighed, there was one in
the audience at least who could find
his feet and leave.
"Rose Marie" is a good musical
with Nelson Eddy the real star. His
voice is excellent, and his handling
of comedy lines adept.
A fairly sturdy plot proves helpful.
Not until the very end does it col-
lapse, with Miss MacDonald choosing
the occasion of her brother's arrest
for a rendition of the "Indian Love
James Stewart, who made his de-
but as a romantic juvenile not long
ago, is wisely given a chance as a
villain here. The part is small, but
the idea encouraging.
A bushel of carrots couldn't do
to the adolescent schoolgirl's cheeks

VOL. XLVI No. 138
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to the students on Wednes-
day, April 22, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To Students and Faculties: With
the consent of the Deans of the
Schools and Colleges of the Universi-
ty, in order to permit students and
members of the faculties to attend the
public meeting held under the aus-
pices of the Peace Council, classes
held at the 11 o'clock hour on Tues-
day, April 21, will be dismissed. Lab-
oratories, libraries, clinics, and of-
fices will remain open.
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rule passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
Feb. 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or Summer Session. Student loans
which fall due during any semester
or Summer Session which are not
paid or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans
not yet due are exempt. Any un-
paid accounts at the close of busi-
ness on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the
University, and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or Summer Session just completed
will not be released, and no tran-
scripts of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing suh ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-
mer Session until payment has been
S. W. Smith, Vice-President
and Secretary.
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity buildings except in private offices
and assigned smoking rooms where
precautions can be taken and control
exercised. This is neither a mere
arbitrary regulation nor an attempt
to meddle with anyone's personal
habits. It is established and enforced
solely with the purpose of preventing
fires. During the past two years there
have been twenty fires in University
buildings, seven of which were at-
tributed to cigarettes. To be effec-
tive, the rule must necessarily apply
to bringing lighted tobacco into or
through University Buildings--in-
cluding such lighting just previous to
going outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at the
exit from the Pharmacology Building
by the throwing of a still lighted
match into refuse waiting removal at
the doorway. If the rule is to be en-
forced at all its enforcement must be-
gin at the building entrance. Further,
it is impossible that the rule should
be enforced with one class of persons
if another class of persons disregards
it. It is a disagreeable and thankless
task to 'enforce' any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within the
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it has
the willing support of everyone con-
cerned. An appeal is made to all
persons using the University build-
ings - staff members, students and
others - to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect
University buildings against fires.
Student Loans. There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall, Thursday
afternoon, April 23. Students who
have already filed applications for
new loans with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there at once
to make an appointment to meet the
J. A. Bursley, Chairman Com-
mittee on Student Loans.
Clinics of the School of Dentistry
will be closed Tuesday, April 21.

R. W. Bunting, Acting Chairman.
"Over the Counter Sale of Season
May Festival Tickets: All remaining
season tickets for the May Festival
(six concerts) are now on public sale
at the Business Office of the School
of Music, Maynard Street, at $6.00,
$7.00 and $8.00 each. (If Festival
coupon from Choral Union course
ticket is returned, the price is re-
duced to $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00).
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts. A meeting
will be held on Tuesday, April 21, at
4:15 p.m. in Room 218 West Medical
Building for students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
and others interested in future work
in Pharmacy. The meeting, one of
the vocational series designed to give
information concerning the nature
and preparation for the various pro-
fessions, will be addressed by Prof.
H. B. Lewis, Director of the College of
with Mae strumming a mandolin in a
Chinatown gambling hell, but after
she stabs Lo Chang in the back ioth-
ing much Happens.
Victor McLaglen, as Mae says,

Publicat"on"inyth. t'.11',in;is ros1!rimli tice to all members of the
Waatverslty. Gory received at the uflice of tLhe Assistant to the President
vmtii 33; 11:00 a.mn. onl ,aturday.

Pharmacy. The next professional
talk, to be given by Miss Marian Du-
rell of the School of Nursing, will be
on Thursday, April 23.
Hopwood Contestants: All manu-
scripts must be in the English Office,
3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, April 22.
R. W. Cowden.
Scholarships for Study in Cina:
Lingnan University in Canton, China,
offers 25 scholarships to American
students (20 to men, and five to
women) interested in the Orient.
These scholarships are open to stu-
derits who have completed their
freshman or sophomore year. They
exempt the students selected from
tuition and room rent, but do not
provide for the expense of travel
or board. Those interested may se-
cure full details by calling at my of-
fice, Room 9, University Hall.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations for
Junior and Senior stenographer, sal-
ary, $1,440 to $1,620; Junior and
Senior typist, salary, $1,260 to $1,440,
for appointment in Washington, D.
C., only; Junior cotton technologist,
salary, $2,000; Senior Scientific Aid
(color technology), salary, $2,000;
and Junior Scientific Aid ,salary, $1,-
440, Bureau of Agricultural Econom-
ics, Department of Agriculture. For
further information concerning these
examinations call at 201 Mason Hall,
office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Women Students interested in the
Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School
in Boston and its scholarships are in-
vited to meet Mrs. Katherine Dun-
bar at the Michigan League Building
at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April
22. Inquiries may be made at the
Oflice of the Dean of Women.
Events Of Today
Romance Journal Club meets at
4:15 p.m., Room 108, Romance Lan-
guage Building. Two papers will be
read: "Notes on Translation in
France in thes16th Century" by Prof.
William A. McLaughlin and "French
Canadian Literature of the Soil" by
Prof. Anthony J. Jobin.
Graduate students are cordially in-
Tau Beta Pi: Regular dinner meet-
ing in the Union at 6:15 p.m.
Student Social Workers Club: Stu-
dents of social work and all others in-
terested are invited to attend the
regular meeting of the club at 7:30
p.m., Room 302, Michigan Union.
Miss Esther Ladewick, of the Con-
sultation Bureau Detroit Public Wel-
fare and graduate lecturer in case-
work at Wayne University, will speak.
Hiawatha Club: Regular business
meeting at the Michigan Union, 8:00
o'clock. All members are urged to
be present.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel League Building. Students,
alumni, and faculty members are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Michigan Dames: General meeting
at 8:15 p.m. in the League. The
speaker for the evening will be Mr.
Edward Wagg, director of F.E.R.A.
Also there will be election of officers
for next year and every member is
urged to attend.
Adelphi will meet at 7:30 p.m. to-
night in the Adelphi room on the
fourth floor of Angell Hall. There
will be a debate tryout for fresh-
men members.
Coming Events

Research Club, Junior Research
Club, Women's Research Club. The
annual Memorial Meeting will be held
on Wednesday, April 22, at 8 p.m.,
in the ballroom of the Michigan
League. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will
speak on Joseph Louis Lagrange, and
Prof. A. H. White will speak on
James Watt.
Mechanical Engineers: The
A.S.M.E. will hold its annual election
of officers on Wednesday, April 22,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. There
will also be a report on the Chicago
Conference by Wilfred Williams, and
a report by Larry Lentz on the re-
quirements for becoming a state reg-
istered engineer. Plans for the De-
troit dinner meeting will also be dis-
Transportation Club: Annual ban-
quet Wednesday, April 22, in the
Union, 6:15 p.m. Mr. Otis will speak
on and show pictures of the wheel
wear of railroad trucks, taken by
a newly developed high speed camera.
Tickets on sale at Transportation Li-
brary. 75 cents.
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Wednes-

Faculty Thoughts On Peace Meeting

I am most fully in sympathy with the objective
of absolute elimination of war, and can hardly
conceive of a price too high to secure that ob-
jective. There have always been human discord
and strife, even from the days of the cave man
down to the present, and this discord is evidenced
among neighbors, urban and country groups, be-
tween sovereign states and among foreign nations,
and it will probably continue to exist as long as
there shall be selfishness, aggression, and deceit,
The real cure must lie in a Brotherly Love which
is deep and sincere. It is my humble opinion
that peace on earth can be attained only through
that means. Enlightened people everywhere, in-
cluding Michigan men and women, should dedicate
their lives to the attainment of those ideals, and
your Peace Council is working in the right direc-
tion. But progress will needs be slow and the
attainment hardly in this generation. In the
meantime American Arms and American Ships
must be maintained at that standard which will
give temporary assurance, at least, of the pres-
ervation of peace and the integrity and honor of
the United States.
-Walter C. Sadler.
I am with you, heart and soul, in your effort
to organize effective and intelligent sentiment for
peace. Now, if ever, we must work sanely and
constructively to forestall the dangers of that
Psv i'ria - -Vy]it- inI ofi- m t ,;,; ,

This seems to me to be a logical and intelligent
way to indicate our opposition to war as a means
of settling disputes between nations. In addition
to such protests, however, there should be unre-
mitting efforts to unite on more specific and posi-
tive programs of war prevention.
May the meeting be a great success!
--Dwight C. Long.
Any attempt; to increase interest in or enthu-
siasm for Peace should be encouraged. We have
more than an adequate supply of war propaganda;
we need more of the peace variety. We need to
have it known that the militarists' methods never
have produced peace and never can assure it. We
need an organized group which will prepare for
Peace as thoroughly, efficiently, and relentlessly
as the Army and Navy prepare for War.
-Alden W. Squires, M.D.1
I am opposed to war but if other nations are
preparing for war or if they believe in war as a
necessity for political and economic issues it is
suicide for America not to be ready to meet any
We have had in our own day many examples
of the futility of treaties. I believe we should
intelligently keep out of "entangling" European .
alliances. This I think means that we should build

what this picture will. Most
will probably find it pleasing,


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