TUESDAY, PRIL ZI,1936.r . .........AN .A..
_' _ ;.
Spring Sports Competition
hiteafr1erl Mann Awards 13
Varsity Letters
1! olverine Swimmers
To Start Today
Play In Horseshoes And
Tennis Scheduled For
With 14 interfraternity softball
games scheduled for this afternoon
and tennis and horseshoes competi-
tion beginning Welnesday, the In-
tramural Sports department will open
its spring sports program this week.
Seventy-four teams, with approxi-
mately 740 players competing, divid-
ed into three sections, interfraternity,
independent, and faculty will take
part in the softball tourneys, making
up the second largest entry of the
Intramural program.
In Twelve Leagues
The Interfraternity division has
been divided into 12 leagues each
with four teams that play three
league games to determine the win-
ners. All of last year's circuit lead-
ers have been seeded in order to
avoid conflict among the best teams
as much as possible.
- Another new feature of the or-
ganization of interfraternity softball
is the introduction of playoff for the
second, third, and fourth place teams
of each league. This will enable
every team to get an opportunity at
playoff competition.
Independents Open Thursday
The independents will not open
their schedule until Thursday. Twen-
ty teams have entered the tourney.
The defending champions, Physical
Eds, will run into the Forestry Club
team in one of the feature games of
the first day's schedule, with the
Doc's-All-Americans tilt sure to
arouse interest.
The outstanding game of the in-
terfraternity openers today will be the
Phi Kappa Psi Chi Pjii contest. Phi
Psi, defending champions, will have
Gar Slocur pitching and Jack Pay-
ton catching, the same battery that
won the title last year, while Chi Phi
will have George Andros on the
mound. Andros was selected as the
outstanding affiliated hurler of the
1935 season.
Tennis Squad
Opens Season
Against State
Capt. Howie Kahn will lead a hope-
ful but decidedly handicapped Var-
sity tennis team into its first match
of the year with Michigan State to-
day at East Lansing. The netters
have had but one day of outdoor
practice and have not been able to
drill as a team for the last week be-
cause of the spring vacation.
The six-man squad ,composed of
Captain Kahn, Johnny Rodriguez,
Ted Thorward, Miller Sherwood, Jar-
vis Dean, and Jesse Flick worked out
on the courts at Ferry Field yester-
day, but one day of practice outside
is hardly sufficient to accustom the
players, who have been playing in the
Intramural Sports Bilding gymna-
sium, to the entirely different playing
conditions.on the outdoor clay courts.
The Michigan State squad, smart-
ing under the clean sweep made by
the Varsity netters in last year's two
matches, have been practicing faith-
fully during the past week and stand
to profit by the Michigan team's
Sports of the Day
(By the Associated Press)
NEW YORK--Johnny Fisher, for-
mer Wolverine golf star, was named
on the United States Walker Cup
squad which will defend the trophy
against Great Britain this summer.
Other members of the 11-man squad
include George Dunlap, George
Voight, Al Campbell, Harry Givan,
Reynolds Smith, Ed White, Johnny
Goodman, Walter Emory and Char-
ley Yates. Francis Ouimet will cap-
tain the squad.
EAST LANSING - Disaster struck
the hopes of the Michigan State
College track team today, injuries
sending two members of its relay
team to the infirmary.
Coach Ralph H. Young considered
both Ken Waite and Jimmy Wright
lost for Saturday's Penn relays, at
which State was to have defended
its title in the four mile and distance
medley relays.
NEW YORK-Max Schmeling, the
man who was, and Joe Louis, the
Negro who would be heavyweight
champion of the world, will battle 15
rounds in the Yankee Stadium,
Thursday night, June 18.
In big Ten Opener
Equal Number
Of Freshmen
Are Honored
Thte HOT
Morris, Unknown, Upsets Dope
To Win K.U. Relays Decathlon
Six Varsity Natators
Collegiate Careers;
not easy to admit complete
Are sophomores failure of an editorial policy-but
we find ourselves with no alternative
Thirteen members of the Michigan as we announce a revised Intramural
swimming team that won National sports publicity program in this news-
Collegiate championship honors for paper.
Colltei h r f When the writer was installed as
the third season in a row and the sports editor he announced that an
seventh time in ten years this winter emphasis would be placed upon In-
will be awarded Varsity letters, it tramural news in The Daily. There
was announced yesterday by Coach was a sincere purpose in announcing
was that policy for it remains our ideal to
Matt Mann. place upon this page a maximum of
--Associated Press Photo.
Merle Kremer, sophomore out-
fielder and pitcher from Conneaut,
Ohio yesterday played in his first
Big Ten Conference baseball game
when Michigan beat Ohio State and
made one hit.
Dworsky Hurls
Javelin 198 Feet
In Track Drill
Sam Stoller Will Compete
In Special 100-Yard Run
At Penn Relays
Leonard Dworsky yesterday estab-
lished himself as a serious contender
in the javelin event when he tossed
the spear 198 feet as the Wolverine
track team began its last week of in-
tensive drills for the Penn Relays
Friday and Saturday.
Just how many men he would take
to Philadelphia, Coach Chuck Hoyt
intimated would depend on time trials
n the quarter, half and mile runs
,his afternoon, but in addition to two
complete relay teams, it is probable
that Skip Etchells as a discus throw-
r and Johnny Townsend as both a
jiscus and shot man will make the
Stoller In Dash
Singing Sam Stoller, along with
Al Tolmich of Wayne University have
been invited by the Penn committee
to compete in the 100-yard dash.
Stoller will also represent Michigan
in the broad jump.
Hoyt expects to have Wolverine
entries in the mile, two-mile and
four-mile relays and Michigan is con-
ceded an excellent chance of show-
ing their heels to the best four-man
teams in the country.
Michigan State had planned to
send four milers of unquestioned
ability to defend the four-mile crown
which they won last year, but Waite
and Wright, who suffered injuries
in the Kansas Relays, will be unable
to make th trip and the entry may
be withdrawn. Ralph Young, Spar-
tan mentor, has decided to take two
jumpers and possibly a shuttle hurdle
team at any rate.
Stone In Steeplechase
Michigan's great two miler, Walt
Stone, is entered in the 3000 meters
steeplechase, and in all probability
will also be called upon to run in
the four-mile relay.
Dworsky, by his 198 foot toss dur-
ing an informal javelin throwing
contest yesterday with San White
and Adam Stone, became the first
potential great Wolverine in this
event since Phil Northrup, holder of
the Varsity record of 207 feet 7 and
5/8 inches, won the National Col-
legiate championship in 1927.
Earl Thomas Eliminated
From Olympic Tryouts
Earl Thomas of the Michigan Var-
sity reached the third round of com-
petition in his quest for a berth on
the United States Olympic wrestling
squad before he was eliminated in
the Olympic tryouts held last week
at Lehigh University.
He scored a victory over Collins of
N.Y.U. in the first round, but was
beaten by Henson of Oklahoma A. &
M. and Hanks of Southwestern
Teachers College in later bouts.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan has
issued a call for all freshmen base-
ball candidates to report at 3 p.m.
any day thissweek in Yost3Field
House, bringing their own equipment.
At the same time Coach Mann dis-
closed the awarding of one pair of
Varsity numerals and 13 sets of fresh-
men numerals.
The list of "M" winners includes
Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld, Derland
Johnston, Ned Diefendorf, Richmond
Blake, Charles Edward Drew, Man-
ley Osgood, Frank Barnard, Ben
Grady, Jack Kasley, Paul Keeler,
Robert Mowerson, Harry Rieke and
Erwin Marquis McCarty.
Six Finish Careers
Of this group Capt. Fehsenfeld,
Johnston, Diefendorf, Blake, Drew
and Osgood ended their collegiate
careers this season. Johnston, Na-
tional Collegiate low-board diving
champion, and Blake are receiving
their third Varsity letter.
Rieke and McCarty are sophomores
with two years of competition re-
maining, while Barnard, Grady, Kas-
ley, Keeler and Mowerson have one
more season left.
Edward VanderVelde, junior breast-
stroker, was the only man earning
Varsity numerals.
13 Yearlings Honored
The freshmen winning numerals
include John Bohn, Baker Bryant,
David Hale, Robert Emmett, Wil-
liam Farnsworth, Robert Hartwell,
David Holmes, Edwin Kent, Richard
Kurtz, Jerome Newhouse, Frederick
Robinson, Robert Sauer and Williamt
Three other outstanding members1
local news.
To the end of furthering Intra-
mural news reporthig we intro-
duced a "daily" Intramural col-
umn. But that innovation, and
the whole Intramural reporting,
was a failure, as several corres-
pondents as well as our own con-
science have told us.
The failure appears to be in the
fact that it is next to impossible to
interest a member of our staff in In-
tramural sports reporting with the
competition of Varsity sports and all
their glamor. One remedy occurs
however, and that is to put Intramur-
al news on a plane with any Var-
sity sport in the attention which it
is to receive and the amount of space
devoted to it.
According, Ray Goodman, whose
work as basketball reporter estab-
lished a high reputation for him-
self, has agreed to take over the In-
tramural department, and with the
cooperation of the sports editor and
the rest of the staff, to treat it as any
Varsity sport.
We will appreciate any comment
as to how these intentions work
themselves out.
MISSING as we resume routine
work here is Cornie Beaukema,
Ann Arbor correspondent for the De-
troit Free Press for several years.
Cornie has taken a position with the
World and intercollegiate records
tumbled and a new decathlon star
rose Saturday at the number one
track carnival of the West, the Kan-
sas Relays.
Favored by perfect track weather.
the Relays got off to a flying start
before a crowd of 10,000 spectators as
Glenn Morris of the Denver Athletic
Club topped the decathlon field which
included Clyde Coffman, formerly of
Kansas University and last year's Re-
lays winners, and Jay Berwanger.
Chicago's "one man football team."
He scored 7,576 points for the ten-
event grind breaking the Relays and
world record held by" Jarring Jim"
Bausch, former Kansas University
ace, by 111 points and bettering
Bausch's 1932 Olympic record by an
even wider margin. Saturday was
the first time Morris, who is at the
present an auto salesman, ever com-
peted in the decathlon; however, he
was an all around star at Colorado
Agricultural College.
Starts Olympic Bid
Glenn Cunningham opened his
climb to an Olympic berth with an
easy win in the 1,500 meter event as
he left Funk of Nebraska and Trutt,
unattached of Indiana, staggering in
his wake. Glenn won in the com-
paratively slow time of 3:57.1 after
staying in sixth place for two laps,
moving up to third in the third lap
and finishing with a terrific stretch
Archie San Romani of Kansas
State Teachers Cohege of Emporia
who was counted on to give Cunning-
ham a race did not compete in the
event due to the fact that he was
saving him'self to run the mile leg of
a distance medley relay team whichj
later set a new world's record.
Bob Grieve of Illinois won a blank-
et finish decision from Harvey Wal-
lender of Texas University and Ja-
cobson of Nebraska in the 100 yard
dash in 9.9 seconds.
Indiana Men Liead
Indiana's distance men showed up
well as Lash, Smith, and Hobbs fin-
ished hand in hand well ahead of the
field in the one-mile University team
race and Tommy Deckard won the
3,000 meter steeplechase by a wide
margin over Glenn Dawson and Har-
old Manning. Dawson threatened in
the last quarter but missed his step
on the next to last barrier and lost
his stride. The Hoosier mile relay
team won the event over Texas in
what was a close race until the last
hundred yards when Bob Collier out-
sprinted the tiring Harvey Wallender
and finished safely in 3:19.6.
ard of 10:14 set by Manhattan Uni-
versity in 1933.
Texas University's spring relay
team composed of Reeves, Rockhold,
Gruneisen ,and Wallender raced to
victory in both the quarter and the
half-mile relays casting Wallender in
the role of an "iron man" as he
anchored two other Texas relay quar-
tets besides running in three heats of
the 100 yard dash. In the University
sprint medley the Northwestern Uni-
versity team set a new intercollegiate
record in 3:27.4 breaking the record
of Heg, Millet, Keitel and Fleming set
by Ohio State in 1931.
Lyon of Iowa State and Cosgrove
of Nebraska tied for first in the pole
vault at thirteen feet even beating
Ray Noble, Kansas star, who last
year jumped 13 feet 6 inches to win
the event. Lyon would have un-
doubtedly have gone higher had not
his pole broken on his first attempt at
13 feet 4 inches. He was uninjured
but considerably shaken.
Tigers Defeated
By St. Louis, 9-6
Coming from behind, the St. Louis
Browns scored six runs in the eighth
inning to defeat the Detroit Tigers
9-6 yesterday at Navin Field. Pete
Fox hit the second four-bagger in
the home park this year\ when he
connected in the sixth with one on.
Other Scores.
American League
Philadelphia 12, New York 11.
Chicago 5, Cleveland 1.
Boston 6, Washington 5. (First
Washington 6, Boston 2. (Second
National League
Pittsburgh 9, Chicago 8.
Boston 8, Brooklyn 4.
Philadelphia 7, New York 6.
St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 7.
Any Steamer or Adri,e
E Bpr E T AdvEc.LLBEUed Slat. 1917, Refmea*AyLoca' Bsk
of the freshman squad that defeated sports department of the Chicago
the Varsity in a dual meet last Jan- Tribune, and carries with him the
uary earned numerals but could not sincere best wishes of everyone who
receive them due to temporary scho- has ever come in contact with him.
lastic ineligibility. They are Thom-A E Es r
as Haynie, Edward Kirar and Walde- WJALLIE WEBER has returned
mar Tomski. from a spring vacation al-
A Varsity captain to succeed Capt. legedly spent in pre-season selec-
Fehsenfeld, National Collegiate high tion of Blossom Queens, to make
and low-board diving champion in a report on his annual pilgrimage
1935 and high-board title-winner to the Notre Dame spring foot-
this season, will be elected Friday ball camp. "They're going to
night at the annual squad banquet. need a kicker to replace Shake-
speare" is his report.
rsi ty Nine Eid BENNIE OOSTERBAAN is telling
a story which illustrates the
hest Training Trip trials and tribulations of the ivory
g hunters.
Bennie was approached by a Mus-
Iesons kegon high school boy while home
last week, and the boy asked Bennie
Exhibiting a surprise batting at- to go around to his home and talk
tack and a competent three-man to his folks. So it was that Bennie
hurling staff, the touring Michigan went up to the boy's home, and as
baseball team has just completed its the lady opened the door he intro-
most successful training trip in the duced himself:
last three years, winning five out of "My name is Bennie Oosterbaan,
eight games played in the south. I'm a coach at the University. Your
John Gee and Herm Fishman won son asked me to come around andj
two games apiece, while Berger Lar- talk to you about the prospects of
son broke even in two abbreviated his entering school-"
tussles, losing to the University of But he got no farther, for there
Richmond by a 1 to 0 score. An- came the prompt reply: "Who gon-
dronik and Kremer were credited na pay fa dat?"_
The distance medley team of Kan-
sas State Teachers College of Em-
poria anchored by Archie San Ro-
mani raced to a new world record in
the 10:12.7 shattering the old stand-
QUESTION:With Touch Con-
trol? So what?
ANSWER: Now anyone can
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writing by hand!
QUESTION: How's that?
ANSWER: Merely move a
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ul Vi111L d11U "I G111G1
WGlG Gl GUlucu i
with the other two losses.
The batting averages follow:
Ab R H
Ferner.......... .30 11 16
Uricek ............29 9 12
Jablonski .........35 9 14
Lerner ............30 6 11
Larson ............11 1 4
Rudness ...........31 9 10
Brewer ............26 11 8
Kremer ........... 28 1 7
jGee .. . . . . . . 8 3 2
Heyliger..........27 3 5
Fishman ... ........7 0 0
Andronik.......... 4 0 0
Patanelli .......... 2 0 0
Miller .............1 2 0
Bennie had no answer.
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Two base hits-Lerner 4, RudnessC
3, Larson 2, Uricek 2, Ferner 2, Brew-
er 1, Kremer 1, Heyliger 1. Three
base hits-Uricek 1. Home runs-
Jablonski 2, Rudness 1. Errors-
Uricek 4, Brewer 3, Jablonski 3, Ler-
ner 3, Ferner 1, Miller 1.
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