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April 21, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-21

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Firms Offer To
Carry Airmail
At Low Rates
Senate Action On Stock
Market Control Measure
Pushed Forward
WASHINGTON, April 20. - (AP)-
Spectators whistled in surprise when
Postmaster General Farley ripped
open the envelopes and read the bids
today for carrying airmail on the
routes the government intends to
place in private hands for at least
the next three months.
Some of the companies bid as low
as 19 cents an airplane mile in of-
fering to fly the mails. The maximum
range stipulated in the specifications
was from 41 to 45 cents per airmail
The small room where the bids were
opened was jammed with postoffice
and justice department officials and
aviation men.
Meantime, while the Senate was
- getting ready to debate the airmail
bill which would provide for a Con-
gressional commission to study the
whole aviation situation, Senator
Black, (Dem., Ala.) announced that
officers of the International Mercan-
tile Marine corporation would be
summoned soon for questioning by his
investigating committee.
"Influence Reported"
Discussion of the International Ma-
rine came up in the Senate after Rob-
inson had read a newspaper clipping
charging that Kermit Roosevelt, who
was on the Astor yacht Nourmahal
with President Roosevelt, recently.
had received radiograms from the
steamship company giving him in-
structions as to what to tell the Pres-
Answering a question of Senator
Robinson (Rep., Ind.), Black said he
would be glad to call Kermit Roose-
velt, vice president of the line, or Vin-
cent Astor, whom Robinson called a
large stockholder, and permit the In-
diana senator to question them.
Investigation into the affairs of the
International . Mercantile Marine
would-have already been under way,
he added, if the course of the inquiry
had not been "diverted."
The stock market control bill, ap-
proved by Ferdinand Pecora with the
words "the teeth are there," was
pushed toward Senate action today.
The Senate banking committee,
called to give the final vote that pro-
pelled the measure into the chamber,
approved the bill as a climax to a
two-year inquiry into Wall Street
"It's a very fine bill," said the ag-
gressive Pecora, committee counsel.
Early Action Expected
Pecora smiled with apparent sat-
isfaction. The measure would ban
many practices which Pecora brought
to the committee's attention during
its long investigation.
The bill retains little of its original
language, but Pecora maintained some
of the changes had strengthened,
rather than weakened, the regulatory
Experienced Elmer
Knows He Should
Look B'efnre Eaing
Poor, incautious Elmer is in dis-
tress. More than that he is in im-
minent danger of running afoul o
the anti-hoArding law. Listen to the
sad tale of Elmer, the University'
pet crow.
Iistead of flying to the Parro at
the hour of 10 a. in. as many of the
other B. B. O. C.'s (Big Birds, etc.)
do, Elmer alights on the walk be-

tween Angell Hall and South Wing
to amuse the students with sage imi-
tations. This morning he carried it
too far.
From somewhere Elmer secured a
penny, and , holding it tightly in his
bill, he proceeded to march up and
down with true penny-pinching ex-
actness. Nor would he allow any of
the avaricious students to remove
his prized possession. He resisted all
attacks, subtle or bold, with flurries
and jabs of his penny-filled beak.
But Elmer met his match-in the
form of a psychology student who
tossed him another coin of the same
denomination. Here indeed was a
But a bird who has spent as much
time in a University as Elmer has iF
not long to be baffled. "Hah", he
crowed, and exultantly hopped for-
ward. One penny he quickly seized
in his beak and swallowed forthwith.
The result was alarming.
"Ulp !", gulped Elmer, followed by
two more "ulps". Then he took off
and sailed crazily about the enclos-
ure, nearly coming to rest on several
un-hatted heads. His surprise soon
over, however, he did not forget his
other coin, which he soon returned
to secure. But no longer was Elmer
his happy-go-lucky former self.
Something had changed. Elmer had
learned the bitterness of greed.
Sociologist Selected To,
Address Social Workers'
Miss Mildred Valentine of the

Six Witnesses Flatly Deny Dr. Wirt's Charges

Road Construction Materials Are
Tested In Engineering Building

"Nearly 18 million dollars of stateN
money are spent annually for road
construction materials tested by the
State Highway Testing Laboratory
in the East Engineering Building."
This statement was made by Prof.
W. S. Housel, research consultant, in
a recent interview. Prof. Housel went
on to say that all of the materials
used by the State Highway Depart-
ment in the building of roads and in
the construction of bridges must first
undergo rigid tests to guarantee their
conformity to the specifications under
which they were purchased.
The quality and efficiency of ap-
proximately 3-4 million barrels of ce-
ment, 20,000 carloads of gravel, and
numerous other materials used an-
nually by the highway department
are insured by the work done here
at the University, Prof. Housel stated.
This important function was in-
stituted by the University as a part
of the activities of the Department
of Civil Engineering at the request of
the Michigan State Highway Depart-
ment and had its origin over 20 years
ago. The demand for an efficient
road service, which was just then be-
ginning to be felt due to the inven-
tion of the automobile, created the
need for a laboratory that could test
all the varied materials necessary
for road construction, and whose ac-
tivities would thus safeguard the
state's interests.
It was felt by state highway offi-
cials that the University was in the
best position to develop the service
which the Department required, and
accordingly a testing unit was estab-
lished. The development of this lab-

oratory kept pace with the rapid in-
crease in highway construction, until
in 1932 a payroll of nearly $60,000
was necessary to take care of its op-
A unique phase of the laboratory's
work is found in the so-called "cold
room" which is used for certain spe-
cialized tests given to road materials.
In temperatures of more than 30 de-
grees below zero the behavior of con-
crete, gravel, and the different types
of soils which lie under the road beds
are observed, and road construction
methods have been adapted to the
results obtained.
The knowledge gained from this
"cold room" has been particularly
valuable in the prevention of frost
heaves and the deterioration of road
surfaces which accompany the spring
break-up, Prof. Housel pointed out.
Excessive 'Bolts'
May Be Reported
Although instructors are obliged
to give "triple bolts" on the day be-
fore and after holidays, they have
the option of communicating with
administrative officials when, in their
opinion, a student's absence record
is so poor as to make action by them
necessary, Assistant Dean Wilbur R.
Humphreys declared yesterday.
The subject was brought to the
fore when large numbers of students
were noticed missing their classes on
the day before and after Spring Va-

Mrs. Roosevelt
Calls For Peace
In D.A.R. Talk
Only Scattering Applause
Greets Speech Although
Hall Is Filled
WASHINGTON, April 20. - (A) -
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt made a
plea for peace before the Daughters
of the American Revolution today.
"You are interested in prepared-
ness," Mrs. Roosevelt said. "I agree
that as long as the world can't dis-
arm together, we must all continue
to defend ourselves.
"But I feel strongly and I feel many
of you agree that we should leave no
stone unturned to prepare everyone
in our nation to live well. That is the
only way we can advance the world
to a place where we may wish to
disarm together."
Patriotic education toward "living"
for one's countiy as well as being
willing to die for one's country was
Mrs. Roosevelt's theme throughout.
Only a scattering of applause greet-
ed Mrs. Roosevelt's remarks, although
the huge D.A.R. hall was filled to
its utmost. Mrs. Roosevelt made "Edu-
cation in Our Mountain Schools," her
announced topic, a springboard for a
request for a breadth of education
that would lead to such world knowl-
edge and understanding that war
would eventually end.
"I feel we are living today in a
world where we hear people con-
stantly talking of war," she said. "The
attitude the world over is that we
can't end war. That is a defeatist at-


-a sukaiate reenoto
These companions of Dr. William A. Wirt at the now-famous Virginia dinner party appeared before a
special House committee in Washington and flatly contradicted Dr. Wirt's testimony that they had talked
of revolution. Left to right: David Coyle of the PWA; Miss Mary Taylor of the farm administration; Miss
Alice Barrows, hostess at the dinner; Miss Hildegarde Kneeland, agriculture department economist; Rob-
ert W. Bruere, chairman of the textile code advisory co mmittee under NRA; Laurence Todd, Washington
correspondent of Tass, Soviet news agency.


Random House, New York, is today
probably the most active publishing
organization in America in the busi-
ness of making brilliant'writers avail-
able to the more finicky portion of the
reading public. It does not insist on
first editions: its only requirement is
that the writer have modernity and
substance. In its 95 cent and dollar
editions under the trade-name "Mod-
ern Library," and in the more deco-
rative publications under its own
name, Random House offers to the
judicious the most attractive literary
fare to be had - and this, I assure
you, is quite gratis advertising. .
All of this is leading up to the fact
that Erskine Caldwell, prominent in
the public eye today because of the
recent dramatization of "Tobacco
Road," has earned himself a place
in that unofficial hall of fame, The
Modern Library, with his novel of
last year, "God's Little Acre." This
is probably a record-breaking per-
formance; not every author is rec-
ognized as solid meat in the course
of a single year. The novel will be
reviewed in this column in a week
or so.
Marcel Proust, whose name is a
talisman on both sides of the Atlantic,
has also been acquired in toto by
Random House, which will publish his
entire "Remembrance of Things Past"
very shortly in a $2.50-per-volume
edition. The' novels will appear one
at a time for the nonce, but ulti-
mately the house plans to produce a
$10 four-volume set.
Meanwhile, reverberations, direct-
ed at James Joyce's "Ulysses," are
yet thundering from the Philistine
encampment. Martin Conboy, the
Say Roosevelt
Favors London
ilver Formula
Would Bring Fixed Ratio
Between Silver And Gold
Throughout World
WASHINGTON, April 20.--( -
it was made known today at the
White House that President Roose-
velt feels that the answer to the
silver monetization problem lies in the
formula presented at the London Eco-
nomic Conference whereby all nations
would fix definite reserves of silver
in ratio to their gold supply.
This would bring for the first time
in history a fixed ratio between gold
and silver throughout. the world. It
was proposed at London that the na-
tions establish silver reserves up to
25 per cent of their gold supply.
As a result of this informal exposi-
tion of the President's attitude, it
was believed today that Mr. Roose-
velt would stand pat against any man-
datory legislation at this session re-
garding silver.
Co-Operation Needed'
As explained at the White House,
Mr. Roosevelt feels it is impossible
for one nation to get anywhere in
rehabilitating silver without the co-
operation of all countries.
One problem, it was said, is that
there is an unknown quantity of sil-
ver in the world - unlike gold, which
can be figured to an almost exact
How far negotiations for an inter-
national agreement have progressed

new Federal District Attorney at New
York, the present offender, has ap-
pealed Judge Woolsey's sane and
significant decision allowing "Ulys-
ses" to be published and sold in this
country. The publishers (Random
House again) are, of course, fighting
the appeal; it is senseless and wholly
deleterious to artistic standards,
which thrive on freedom.
Judge Woolsey's decision of last
December included the following
statements: ". . . reading 'Ulysses' in
its entirety . . . -did not tend to ex-
cite sexual impulses or lu s t f u
thoughts, but . . . its net effect .
was only that of a tragic and very
powerful commentary on the inner
lives of men and women . . . a sincere
and serious attempt to devise a new
literary method for the observationf
and description of mankind."l

Detroit No Longer
On Accredited List
CHICAGiD, April 20.-(')-Seven
colleges including the University of
Detroit, were dropped from the ac-
credited list of the North Central
Association of Colleges and Second-
ary Schools today on recommenda-
tion of its board of review.
The association also delegated au-
thority to the board tot reinspect
Colorado College, the University of
Denver, and Butler University, and
to expel these from the accredited
roster at its discretion. Meanwhile,
however, they remain accredited.
The board of review is to act be-
fore June on the three placed on
The association took the punitive
action against the University of De-
troit because of faulty academic re-
quirements, the athletic situation,
and finances.


The Twentieth Book in Harpers Monthly Pulpit







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As to

the cigarette paper
on Chesterfields

H IS reel of cigarette
paper is sufficient to
make 42,000 Chesterfield
Cigarettes. It is of the fin-
est manufacture.
In texture, in burning
quality, in purity, it is as
good as money can buy.
Cut open a Chesterfield
pigarette. Remove the to-
bacco and hold the paper
up to the light. If you know
about paper, you will at
once note the uniform tex-
ture - no holes, no light
and dark places. Note also

its dead white color.
If the paper is made right
-that is, uniform- the
cigarette will burn more
evenly. If the paper is made
right-there will be no
taste to it and there will be
no odor from the burning
Other manufacturers
use good cigarette
paper; but there is no
better paper made
than that used on
Chesterfields. You
can count on that!

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