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April 21, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-21

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9arbour Gymnasium Again To Be Scene Annual Penny Ca


Annual W.A.A.S
Penny Carnival
To Be Tonight
Castle Newell's Orchestrai
Will Play For Dancing;
Houses Plan Booths
From 8 p.m. to 12 midnight tonight
Barbour Gymnasium will be trans-
formed by the festivity of the Penn3
Carnival at which every fraternit3
and sorority will have its own booth
, The carnival is sponsored by W.A.A
and all, the money made goes toward
its funds. The yearly W.A.A. affaii
is a tradition, having originally been
combined with the Sophomore Cir-
cus, in the form of a W.A.A. bi-
"Five cents a dance" will be the
cry of the barkers outside Waterman
gymnasium where the dancing will
take place. Castle Newell and his or-
chestra from Highland Park will sup-
ply the music. Light refreshments in
the form of root beer, candied apples,
popcorn, carmel corn, frost bites,
candies, in fact everything in the
way of something to eat will be sold
at the various booths, according to
Florence Shaw, '34Ed, chairman of
the booths committee.
Plan Booths
Games of all sorts will be offered to
the patrons of the Carnival for a
varying number of pennies. Grab
bag, fish pond, darts, shooting gal-
leries, and even slot machines are a
few of the games of chance. Fortune
telling, and advice to the lovelorn
will be given to those who are wor-
ried or perplexed. One sorority will
descend to shining shoes, and another
will present living exemplifications of
comic strip characters.
Sarah Caswell Angell ,Hall, which
is on the second floor of Barbour
Gymnasium, will house a revival of
an ancient melodrama, called "Wild
Nell, the Pet of the Plains," with Alice
Morgan, '35, Jean Laitner, '36, Mary
Sterling, '35, Mary O'Brien, '35, Elsie
Pierce, '37, Lois Rosenberry,. '36,
Virginia Nimmo, '37. The melodrama
will be in the form of a pantomime,
15-minute performances being given
at 9:15 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. "We're
calling our show a revival of the old
western style of presentation," Mar-
garet Cowie, '36, chairman of enter-
tainment, said last night.
Award Prizes
Prizes will be awarded the sororities
having the best showing in the Car-
nival both in the kind of booth that
they have, and for making the most
money. The booths will be judged
on decorations, novelty, and finish.
The prizes which are to be given will
be in the form of two-pound boxes
of candy.
Chairmen who have assisted Marie
Metzger, '35, general chairman, in
planning the Carnival are Miss 'haw,
booths chairman, Miss Cowie, enter-
tainment chairman, Lucille Betz, '35,
chairman of the floor committee, La-.
vinia Creighton, '35, chairman of fi-
nance, Sue Thomas, '36, chairman of
decorations, and Eleanor Blum, '35,
chairman of publicity.
Education Sorority
Initiates 12 Women
Pi Lambda, national honorary edu-
cation sorority, held formal initiation
last night for Fay Frazier, Winifred
Kirk, Helen Crowford, Mary Stam-
per, Grad., Mary Stewart, Grad.,,Har-
riet Dean, Grad., Florence Schultz,
'34, Dorothy Dorsey, Grad., Mary
Louise Kessberger, '34, Marietta Coff-
man, '34, and Livinia Creighton, '35,

and Florence Bunton, '34.th
A banquet was given at the Lan-
tern Shop following the initiation
ceremony. Miss Edith Bader, super-
visor of elementary education in the
Ann Arbor school system, spoke to the
old and new members.
The yellow and blue color scheme
was carried out with yellow daisies
and blue larkspur.
After the banquet, a reception was
held in the libiry of the University
The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a
canoe trip today up the Huron River
toward Dexter. The party will leave
at 2 p.m. from Lane Hall and will re-
turn at 7 p.m. Each person will bring
his own picnic supper. This trip is,
the first of the series planned for
the spring season.

Will Direct Carnival

Marie Metzger, '35, who is chair-
man of the annual Penny .Carnival,
which is being held tonight in Bar-
bour Gymnasium, following a cus-
tom of many years standing. She is a
member of Delta Gamma sorority,
and was rasher chairman of the re-
cent J.G.P.
Oren Parker
Appointed New
Art Desinr
Will Do Sets For 'Once In
A Lifetime'; Will Be O
Oren Parker, '34A, known for his
work in designing sets for campus
productions, has recently been ap-
pointed art director on the Play Pro-
duction faculty. Beside designing
the sets for numerous Play Produc-
tion presentations such as "Eliza-
beth the Queen," Mr. Parker has de-
signed those for the last two Junior
Girls Plays and for the Children's
Theatre productions "Jack and the
Beanstalk" and "The Pied Piper."
Mr. Parker was also scene designer
for the Detroit Civic Theatre, which
ran last winter in the Detroit Art
Institute. His first work in his new
position here is that of designing the
sets for "Once in a Lifetime," the
Iau man-Moss hit which is to be giv-
en by Play Production next week,
April 26, 27, and 28, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. This farce on
life in Hollywood, produced here two
years ago by the Michigan Repertory
Players, Play Production summer
company, had a record run in New
York in 1930.
One of the original sets designed
for the Ann Arbor production by
Alexander Wyckoff, who will also be
on the Play Production faculty again
this summer, will be used in this of-
fering. A total of five scenes in-
vives seven quick changes and takes
the audience from a hall-bedroom to
a Pullman car on a transcontinental
train, and from there to the lobby of
a Hollywood hotel. Next one goes to
the ornate outer office of the movie
magnate whose idea of interior dec-
oration involves the emblazoning of
his own name in huge letters on the
wall of his office, and from there to
a movie set where a scene is actually
being shot. A stage crew of six men
and six women will be necessary for
the shifting of these scenes, which
are based on four principal piers and
upon flats which can be shifted to.
give different color effects, and ar-
rangement of rooms.
Where To Go

Mimes Alumni
Plan Reunion
Tuesday Night
Memlbers Of Opera Honor
Society To Attend 'With
Banners Fying'
One of the features of Opera week,
announced yesterday by Union offi-
cials in charge of "With Banners
Flying", will be a reunion dinner of
members of Mimes, honorary dra-
matic society of the opera. It will
be held Tuesday night, April 24, the
opening night of this year's produc-
Following this banquet, alumni and
active members of Mimes will attend
the opera together, where they will
sit in a special section of seats.
-. Will Give Skits
The dinner program will be almost
entirely planned and executed by the
alumni members of the club, and will
include reproduction of several of the
famed features of operas of the past
in which the alumni took parts. J.
Fred Lawton, '12, will act as toast-
master and is bringing with him
irom Detroit several other men who
.vere active in the organization at
about the same time.
Answers to the invitations sent out
by the club to its alumni have been
received from almost every section
of the United States, testifying to the
continued interest which they feel
in the opera and its honorary club.
John Bunting, '36M, president of
Mimes this year, said that alumni re--
plies have indicated great entihusiasni
and a large turnout for the banqiuet.
5if Alnkni Exiected
James K. Watkins, Waldo Fellows,
Gordon Eldiidge, Robert Moreland,
James Dresbach and many others
are among the more than 50 alumni
whohave made reservations so far
for the bancquet.
Mimes was founded in 1913, as an
outgrowth of the Michigan Union
Opera Club, and annually since that
time has initiated the outstanding
members of the annual shows' casts
and production staffs.
A number of faculty men who have
been actively interested in the opera
during its life are members of the
club, as Prof. Earl V. Moore, director
of the School of Music; Donald H.
Haines of the journalism depart-
ment; Carter Adams, and others.
Lawyers Plan
Annual Spring
Danee Apr112 7
The Lawyers will hold their an-
nual spring formal Apiil, 217 in the
Lawyers Club, George Knowles, '34L,
general chairman, announced yes-
Eddie Speidel and his orchestra
from Cleveland are to play for the
dance. Speidel, Knowles said, was a
student in the Lew School last year
and since last suni er h,s been very
successful playing in Ohio around
Cleveland. Jerry Dale, atorch singer,
will accompany the band.
The committee for the dance ae:
Robert Kelb, '34L, patros; Charles
M[iltner, '34L, music; 1en, OQsuna, '34L,
refreshments; JohnI Damm, '35L,
tickets; Irving, Frani, '35L, lighting;
Henry McGurren, '35L, decorations.
A special system of indirect light-
ing centering on the band will be the
basis of the decorative scheme,,
Knowles said. Supper will be served
at midnight.

The annual spring formal, accord-
ing to Knowles, is one of the most
popular of their social events and the
plans of the committee have been
designed to make it even more suc-

The question which is without a
doubt the, most perplexing for the
freshman embarling upon the serious
problem of decorating the room which
will be her home for the coming se-
mester is that of choosing the drap-
eries. Of course even after she has
decided upon them there come many
strenuous days, the major portion of
which. she spends mounted upon a
step-ladder, or what passes for one in
the opinion of dormitory janitors,
hammering everything in sight. But
the mental anguish is over as soon
as she invests in the necessary yards
and yards of material.
The desired material, of course, is
one which will lend anote of cheer
and will not be too delicate to with-
stand dormitory existence Taffetas
and damasks are al,l very well in. a
boudoir, but they are not practical
nor do they give the desired effect
of informal coziness.
The materials which do contribute
to this atmosphere are the cheery
flowered chintzes or cretonnes. These
come in all sorts of designs and colors.
There are the glazed chintzes with a
shiny finish which look as if they
would shed the dirt and dust and
there are cretonnes with a linen
thread giving them added weight, as
well as the more common varieties.
These materials come not only in
the usual flowered patterns but in
various geometric designs and in
polka-dot patterns, which are exceed-
ingly popular.
Heavier fabrics are the homespuns
which are shown in variety weaves in
solid colors and in the usual white-
flecked designs and the burlap ma-
terials. And in case you think a bur-
lap drape can be made by slitting an
old potato sack up the side you are
much mistaken. Burlaps have gone
sophisticated along with white shoes
A.A.U.W.To Be
En tertained By
Ypsi Memers
Ypsilanti members of the district
A.A.U.W. will entertain the local
branch April 28, in Charles McKenny
Hall, Ypsilanti. Luncheon at 12:30
p.m. will be followed by a musicale
at 2 p.m., the programrn for which
is being given by members of the
Michigan State Normal faculty. The
soloists will include Miss Grace Em-
ery, instructor in piano, Miss Lillian
Ashley, soprano, a professor on the
music faculty, and Mrs. Emily Mutter
Adams, violinist, also a member of
the conservatory faculty.
An interesting program has been
planned, built around music of the
17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. The
Iunmers include Palmgren's "May
Night" ant "The Sea," and Pader-
Nwski's "Theme with Variations," all
of which are to be played by Miss
Readings from Robert Browning,
"Toccata of Galuppis," "Love in Life,"
and "Life in Love," will be given by
Marion Stowe. Miss Ashley accom-
panied by Ms. Adams, violinist, and
Mrs,. Clara McAndrew, will render
Schubert's "Die Forelle," and "F'ru-
lings Glaube," and "'amero sarao'
postante" from "Il Re Pastore" by
kai P< hi Elects Five
g$cei's For Semester
Officers elected at a recent meeting
of Kappa Phi, Methodist sorority,
are: Florece Hartsuff, Spec., presi-
dent, Dorothy Armstrong, '36, vice-,
president, Betty Reading, '7, record-
ing secretary, Pauline Wright, '35,
corresponding secretary, Elizabeth
Howard '36Ed., treasurer. Alice Hoff-
man,. '36SM, was in charge of the
program. Dorothy Earls, '37, led the
devotions. ____

and roller skates and are the final
answer to the drapery auestio.
An ultra-refined sacking is a very
fine grade of embroidered burlap. A
cloth which somewhat resembles this
is monks cloth, which is very often
usedl in the dormitory room. It was
original, shown in a neutral beige
tone, but is now used in a variety1
of colors.
If you are looking for a novelty
window treatment any type of gauze
or net is good. Theatrical gauze of
different colors sewn together in
long strips is a bit unusual and Ar-
gentine cloth, a glazed cotton mesh,1
is also tricky.
As for the treatment of these drap-
eries, they may be used to cover an
awkward window or may be draped
away from it to emphasize the window
treament and give size to the roon.
An ,if you are looking for added'
height hang them straight and usej
no valence.
- 1
Chi Phi
Chi Phi fraternity entertained at
a closed, informal dance last night,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Heald were the
chaperons, and Al Cowan's orchestra
furnished the music. The guests
were: Marjorie Morrison '36, Mary
Morgan '36, Dorothy Adams '36,
Margaret Coviie .'36, Florence binv-
ham '36, Marie Metzger '35, Sue Cal-
cutt '35, Grace Snyder '37, M. Kay
Snyder '34, Harriet Wolfs '36, Mar-
garet Allen '34, Margie Lagendcer
'37, Marjorie Jackson, Ann Arbor,
Jane Ellwood, Jane Rowe, Jeanne Joy,
and Betty McCormick, all from De-
troit; Margaret Reid, Fenton, Kay
Lefebvre, Birmingham, Winifred
Hughes, Grosse Pointe, Grace Esther
Schroeder, Toledo, and Mary Thomp-
son, '37.
Deltna Zeta.
Delta Zeta sorority entertained six
guests at a rushing dinner Thursday
night. Table decorations were car-
ried out in a yellow and lavendar
theme, with yellow nasturtiums as
the centerpiece with harmonizing
tapers and place cards of spring mo-
tifs. , Bridge followed the dinner.
Ceil Hellberg, '34, was in charge of
the affair.
Miess Emogene Greicus, of Chicago,
an alumnae of the sorority, is spend-
ing the week at the house.
ihi Sigma Sigma
Phi Sigma Sigma sorority an-
nounces the pledging of Rama Flatau
'38, Cleveland, Ohio.
Theta Xi
With a night club setting furnish-
ing the theme, Theta Xi fraternity
entertained last night with a closed
formal dance. Graham Batting, '35
E., was in charge of the affair, which
was chaperoned by Capt. and Mrs.
C. A. Powell, Capt. and Mrs. A. B.
Custis, and Lt. and Mrs. W. R. Kour-
sey. Wally Gail's orchestra played.
The guests were: Gertrude Jean
'36; Jane Reed '36, Pauline Brook
'34, June Cebek, Oa Park, Ill., Dor-
olhy Edmonds '34, Barbara Otte '37,
Mary Jane Postal, Ebart, Mich.,
Louise Sprague '37, Jane Basset '35,
Mary Margaret Smith '36, Jean
Greenwald '37, Dorothy Shappell '36,
Christine Kennedy '36, Grace Hax-
ton '34, Grace Bartling '36, Lois
Buerch, Detroit, Mary Lambie, '37,'
Saxon Finch '37, Lorraine DeWale,
Bay City, Kate Landrum '37, Dorothy
Iurie '37, Jean Krum '34, Mary Lou
Schwendt '36, Mary Lowery, Man-
chester, Clrarlotte Whitman '35, Dol-
ly Jean Robbins, Port Huron, Phyllis
Price '35, Edith Lowery '36, Ruth
Rich '36, Mary Lou Miller '37, Elaine
Cobo '37, Helen Nehil, Midland, Ann
Schneider, Ypsilanti, Marian Beards-
lee, Ypsilanti, Catherine Bohrn, Oak
Park, Ill., and. Barbara Nelson '34.

Cherry Materiy Of'st Right
For lIntimuacry Of On-'s Ioi

Military Club
To Initiate 22
At Ceremonies
C . 0 1 1p N e w k i r k S c e n e O f
An Informal Initiation;
Honor Lient. Randal
Formal initiation for 22 new mem-
bers of the University company of
Scabbard and Blade, national hon-
orary military fraternity, will be held
Sunday, according to Capt. Frederick
S. kohl, '34E. Informali iitiation will
also take place Sunday and will be
held at Camp Newkirk,.near Dexter.
The list of new initiates includes:
JuliusF. Bartus, '35E, Carl A. Cup-
haver, '35E, Thomas A. Dooling, '35E,
Duane D. Freese, '35, Frank S. Flores,
'35E, Ward D. Houtz, '34A, Frederick
F. Jones, '35, Raymond J. Koykka,
'35, Benjamin Lucitti, '34E, John A.
Lucas, '34E, Edward. P. Hall, '35E,
Paul W. Jedele, '34, Robert McKin-
ven, -'36E, Ward L. Paine, '35E, Don
A. Pomeroy, '35E, Robert W. Thorne,
'35E, Delwin J. Reisinger, '35E, John
P. Sager, '34E, Joseph C. Wagner,
'35E, Gilbert J. Ward, '34, and Robert
E. Wolfe, '35E. In addition, Lieut.
Frederick S. Randall, O.R.C., assistant
to the general secretary of the Alumni
Association ,will be initiated as an
associate member.
The new members will be presented

Many Chapters
Entertain With
Spring Danees
Informal fraternity dances are
proving to be the popular thing this
week-end. Six houses entertained
with dances last night and Phi Beta
Delta is holding a party tonight.
Chaperones at the closed informal
held at Chi Phi fraternity last night
were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Heald. Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity also enter-
tained, with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. But-
terworth guests of the chapter.
Delta Sigma Delta and Sigma Phi
fraternities held, informal parties.
Chaperones at the Delta Sigma Delta
house. were Dr. and Mrs. John Coa-
gan. Mrs. J. R. O'Dell, Grosse Pointe,
was guest of the Sigma Phi house.
Chaperones at Theta Xi fraternity
were Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Custis,
Capt. and Mrs. C. A. Powell and
Lieut. and Mrs. R. R. Coursey. The
dance was informal.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Fishman and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Eliezer are chaperoning
the dance to be held at Phi Beta Delta
for the first time April 27 at the
Military Ball, where, according to
present atrangcments, they will form
a Saber arc.01


. r .

With warm days come sighs from
those advance nudists togged in
bathing suits, or preferring not to
wear hose with light formals. We
admit that legs and nude feet can
be pretty terrible in toeless sandals,
but Elizabeth Arden solved the
problem months ago for Floridans
with her Beauty Film. This flesh
shaded cream is made for any part
' of one's anatomy that's liable to
meet the eye, and forms a non-
greasy film with a velvety finish
that bids hose adieu for warm days.
One purchases it at the Quarry Inc.
for a very reasonable tax - and oh,
the sensibility of it all!
Gad-ding over the town as we've
been, me lassies, we've found the
shop where suits are bound and
beholden to suit you.
r-Be your mood what
it may, The Eliza-
beth D i-llo n Shop
shows sturdy swag-
gers for class, gayly
1zolored k n i t s for
sports, active and
spectator, and subtly
conservative sheers
for church and dates. The latter
with their bright accents rate a
heavy rush.
"I'm simply telling you, that
steak at The Den was the best I've
ever tasted," and this prominent
young woman on campus dashed
on to tell of the long walk she'd
taken last Sunday afternoon and
her final halt at one of A.A.'s fa-
vorite Sunday night supper spots.
The Den and the Tavern are the
cleanest of places, if that sort of
thing matters to you, and the food
(which includes dancing) has that
combination of home and epicur-
ean aromas that leaves one no re-
sistance. The best time to meet for
a table-for-two, or with a mob, is
on carefree Sunday evenings, and
the convenient places are the Den
and Tavern.

Now that winter is over, and with
the hair itself getting shorter, one
requires more curls at the top of
the head in a coronet effect for
evening wear. For
dAy time one
adopts the wind-
swept appearance
of the sp ring
vogue. And with
the care of the all
important coif-
fure, Gad-About
agrees with the
Dimattia Shop that a facial is oh,
so necessary to rid one of winter
coarseness in the pores. And then
chic folk complete the rejuvenation
with a manicure. Telephone the
Diamattia for a date to kiss icy
days good-bye.
Subtle insinuation is the ideal in
lipstick proclaimed by smart Pa-
risians and New Yorkers. One be-
comes unconsciously aware of the
delicately rich overtones that Len-
theric lip rouge imparts to the skin.
Calkins-Fletcher carries the clev-
erly cased originals with the most
convenient refills we've seen. After
the use of one of the unique tints,
one leaves forever that paint-fac-
tory appearance that used to be
thought effective. Toujours subtle,
my dears, and toujours the mod-
Sometimes Dame Nature can be
most cruel! And life would be a
weary process if it weren't for
Schlegel's Florists when house
dance time comes
round and we can't
C pick flowers from
our own plots. But
our friend the florist
improves on nature
with his table ar-
rangements of the
known and novel
spring flowers, as
well' s aiding the masculine fancy
in providing a corsage to send the
damsel into raptures.

Dancing: Union,
Preketes, Tavern.
Motion Pictures:

Den, Hi-Hat Inn,
Michigan, "Dark

Hazard," with Edward G. Robinson;
Majestic, "Wonler Bair" with Dick
Powell, Kay Francis; Wuerth, "Wild
Boys of the Road" and "Man, of the
Forest"; Whitney, "Devil's Mate" and
"Sweetheart of Sigma Chi."
Lecture: Cosmopolitan Club at 8
p.m. in Stalker Hall; Dr. MVehmet
A~a-Qglu on "Turkish Art During
the Seldjuk-Period."
Prof. Thomas M. Reed of the po-
litical science department, Wally
Weber, assistant football. coach, and
Emory J. Hyde, '04L, will attend the
annual dinner of the University of
Michigan Club of Mt. Clemens next
Thursday night to address the mem-
bers of theaorganization.

1las.I ci Shadcs
for the ne vKnit Suit
227 South State

- - - - '--' - - -
at S'under's Canoe Livery, and paddle
up the peaceful Huron River, enjoying
A ,r Arbor's rost healthful recreation.

'r '

.' - . .

__.. . .._ __ __ . ... ... . _..r...m. ..__... - -
- -- - -

wt ti<, t}ux +.xt

W, W~~Aft

Systematzed Saving
Don't try tosave by making small and spazmoic

Continuing SLATER'S Gigantic Spring
Cl eSale



Yoil account will grow much more

rapidly if you make small, regular payments. Try
saving on a systematic basis. It will be easier for
you and you will be surprised at the way your
accouint grows.

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