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April 21, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-21

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Published every morning except Monday during the
ZUniversity year and sumnmer Sessionx by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
6z5dcIate4t, oUinte hvtSO
and the Big Te News Service
l 113 [Hnio , .. 'covwc[ 1 9.34
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thi paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication. of special
dispatches are reserved.r' "11
Eintered at the dostOffice at Ain Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Asistant Postmaster-General.
S1scrijt ion during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
#1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mal, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publicaties'Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New Yorl; City; 0
Boyison Street; Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS A. Ellis Ball, Ra.ph G. Coulter. William
G.Feorris, John C, Healey, (eorge Van Vieck, E. Jerome
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L Martin, Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott,
Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. 'Groehn,
-John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene,-Bernard B. Levick, 'David
Gf. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell,
Konneth Parke.r, Wiillam R. Reed, Robert S3. Ruwltch,
Arthur S. Settle, ,Tacolb C. Seidel, Marihall D. Silveriman,
Arthur M. Tau .
Dorothy Gle, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johmson, Ruth Loebs, JosephineMcLean, Marjorie Mor-
rlison, Sally Place, Rlosalie Resnick, Jane Schidicer.
Telephone 2.1214
S ..... ........CATARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-
ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusl; Circula-
tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson.
ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros-
enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,;
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Flield, Louise
FJorez, Doris Gimy, Betty Greve, Billie Grffiths, Janet
Jackson, LouiseKrause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty. Simonds.
FRESHMAN. TRYOUTS William Jackson,' Louis Gold-
smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson,
c harles Parker, RobertOwen, Ted Wohgeisuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avncr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman
Wittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn.
The Good And Bad
Of J.C.P. Elections.r r

majority of the class would thus be elected chair-
And let us dispense with the Utopian illusion that
there was no caucusing for the last elections and
that there will be no caucusing in the future. In-
stead of illegal, underhanded caucusing, let candi-
dates for chairman of the junior class project be
known to the voters. Let the class at large discuss
their abilities and fitness for the job prior to the
election. In this way, we think sophomore women
will be best able to choose the right persons.
Since co-operation on the central committee is
essential to the success of the play, and since cau-
cusing requires the highest degree of co-operation
and teamwork, it seems to us that it may rightly
be a part of the election.
Further than this, caucusing results in the widest
possible representation on the central and sub-
ordinate committees. The essence of the practice is
collective bargaining, and under this system each
sorority, dormitory, and independent group has its
best chance of obtaining a place.,
Caucusing, of course, has its undesirable points,
but as we have said on other occasions, it can never
be eliminated. This, added to the fact that there is
much to be said in favor of it, leads to the con-
clusion that it had best be acknowledged as legiti-
mate politics.
Again we repeat our belief that the elections
Thursday marked an advance in campus politics
in that precedent was broken and an experiment
made. But, we also believe, and are sure that most
sophomore women agree with us, that there is still
a great deal of room for improvement.
Do We Want
Revenge Or lefoin'?. .
S AMUEL INSULL is in the grasp of
the United States Government and
is being returned to this country to face charges
of embezzlement in connection with his collapsed
utility empire.
A recent dispatch from Washington states that
if Insull is convicted on the Federal charges pend-
ing against him he is liable to spend 50 years in
the penitentiary;, in addition to this the State of
Illinois is seeking to prosecute him.
The question arises as to just what possible good
will be accomplished by trying to confine aged Mr.
Insull for 50 years. It seems to us that there are
only two reasons for confinement of criminals:
to attempt reform, and to segregate dangerous
individuals from society. It is ridiculous to believe
that either of these ends will be accomplished by
putting Insull in a penitentiary.
He is too old to reform and never will again
receive the opportunity to control a huge empire
of finance or to embezzle.
It is surely not for segregation of a dangerous
individual from society that he is being prosecuted;
if Samuel Insull were a dangerous individual,
which he is not, it would have been the logical
thing to leave him in Athens, where he was wel-
come, thus effectually segregating from the hostile
society of the United States.
It is evident that neither of the logical reasons
for confinement can possibly apply in the Insull
case. Then what is the reason that motivates
the people of the United States, represented by
the Federal courts and law forces, in wishing
to put Samuel Insull in the penitentiary? The
only possible answer is revenge.
We wonder if it is a becoming motive. We wonder
if revenge has any excuse in a country that claims
to be civilized. Men like Owen D. Young have
repeatedly reaffirmed their belief in Mr. Insull's
fundamental integrity. He played the game pretty
much.according to its rules. It is our belief that
this country will profit infinitely more by expend-
ing the energies of its revenge in channels of re-
form than by crying for the blood of a man who
can have no more effect on the country's future.

Music and Drama
NEWNESS IN MOTIF and in execution is to be
a prime factor in the distinction of the Dra-
matic Season this spring. That is the dictum of
Robert Henderson; and Mr. Henderson, as director
of the Season, should know.
Now at the Pabst Theatre in Milwaukee, Mr.
Henerson sends exclusively to The Daily the fol-
lowing statement regarding this blossoming-forth
of dramatic delight, which, in these days of only-
too-recent pecuniary color, is the only thing of its
kind to be found in Michigan:
"In the Dramatic Seasons of past springs, the
interest has been definitely focused on the ferinine
stars rather than on the actors. The list reads like
a Blue Book of the American stage - Miss Anglin,
Blanche Yurka, Violet Heming, Violet Kemble-
Cooper, Patricia Collinge, Jane Cowl, Joyce Carey,
Rose Hobart, Martha Graham and Angna Enters,
Edith Barrett and so on down the line. There
have been such actors as Tom Powers and Geof-
frey Kerr and a great artist like Robert Loraine;
but definitely the attention has been drawn to
women -'with feathers a flutter, ribbons afloat,
and a shoal of fools for tender!'
"This spring in the Dramatic Season the festival
committee and myself have tried in every way to
plan a different mold for the season. The plays
are different, with but two exceptions all of the
artists are new, the plays and players are con-
trasted in much more dramatic fashion than
before. There are no two drawing-room comedies,
like 'Springtime for Henry' and 'Design For Living,'
placed together. In fact, this year there are NO
drawing room comedies; there are plenty of com-
edies, but they are sandwiched strikingly between
tragedy, melodrama, farce, even a kind of musical
"There are, it is true, really great women stars,
as Edith Risdon and such a towering artist as
Eugenie Leontovich. She, in my opinion, is the most
important player we have ever brought to Ann Ar-
bor. Naturally, any woman with a foreign accent
starts ten steps of anyone else, but there is more
brilliance and glamour - real and not synthetic -
to Madame Leontovich than any actress on our
stage (save Nazimova and Cornell, who are in the
same class). There are also such treats to the eye
and ear as Olive Olsen and Dorothy Vernon of the
'Meet My Sister' cast, and to Gloria Blondell in 'She
Loves Me Not' who is a younger edition of her
sister, Joan of Hollywood.
"But this spring there are also the men who are
the stars as well as the ladies exclusively. There is
Walter Slezak and Rollo Peters and Bert Lytell
and, most importantly, Ian Keith of the films. It
has been said, with some truth, that our festival
companies have always presented brilliant women
but scarcely an ounce of male appeal in the whole
roster. Such a criticism has been none too pleasant
to hear, and this season there will be MALE charm
on the Mendelssohn stage a well as feminine
glamour -or we die in the attempt!
"Walter Slezak, as you know, is famous for his
ingratiating manner. Anyone who saw him as the
star of 'Meet My Sister' or 'Music in the Air' knows
what I mean. Of Ian Keith, it is scarcely fair to
base his distinguished talent merely on his striking
appearance. In such pictures as 'Christina' and
'The Sign of the Cross' and his current perform-
ance of Pompey in DeMille's 'Cleopatra,' he is al-
ways a suave villain; and, as in 'Christina,' obvious-
ly outplayed the hero of the picture. In 'The Rise
and Fall of Susan Lennox' with Greta Garbo, you
saw Ian Keith more as he is on the stage.
"His Macbeth, at last, will be a YOUNG and
handsome Macbeth, virile and passionate; not the
elderly grey-bearded gentleman that Hampden and
Lynn Harding make the warrior. All of these mas-
culine stars are much more than mere matinee
idols;-yet this very reputation which they all have
will do no harm to the interest of the new Dramatic
Season. It, too, will be new!"
olegiate Oserver

A certain professor at the University of Illinois
was speaking against the use of cosmetics, and in
the course of the speech he said, "The more I
come in contact with this substance, the less I
like it."
* * *
There is a story going the rounds at the
University of West Virginia about a certain
Sigma Chi who told a certain Theta that she
was a plenty keen and swell girl only she
talked too much. Ile will recover.
Red fingernails so irk University of California
men that many declared on a recent questionnaire
that they would break a date with a carmine-
digited female. Opposition to the craze was almost
A Delta Gamma at the University of Okla-
homa describing the sky in an English theme
wrote: "The sky was gorgeous, in hues of
bronze, pink and blue."
The professor after reading her theme wrote
the following comment: "God must have been
a Delta Gamma!"
The University of Pittsburgh has a "profanity
fund," which is swelled by assessments from swear-
ing students. The fines vary from one cent to a
dollar, depending upon the potency of the invec-
* * *
A great lover, according to a co-ed at Wash-
ington State University, is one who can tell
whether a girl is nensive or inst sleeny.

Results ofI
vhave been
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tions of a penny. An ekctric clock costs
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An electric percolator costs two cents an
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Is there anything else that gives you a
greater return for your money, in the
amount of time and labor saved, than
your =household electric appliances?

Cash Rates
Ilc a Line
Te Michigan Daily
Maynord Street



T HE VOTING METHOD initiated lby
the Judiciary Council of the League
for Junior Girls Play elections, held. Thursday
afternoon, was a complete and unpopular surprise
to sophomore women. Because of alleged excessive
caucusing these elections had been postponed from
April 5 to April 19.
Many sophomore women were dissatisfied with
the new plans as shown by the discontent mani-
fest after the elections. The system called for
petitions of the candidate's activities and scholar-
ship which were checked by the Judiciary Council
and read aloud in the meeting. These students
were then graded, 'in a vote, by the sophomore
women present, on their leadership, experience,
and co-operation. A mark of four designated ex-
ceptional; three, good; two, fair; and one, defi-
ciency in that quality.
Inasmuch as the audience was cognizant of the
candidates' past experience, at least as revealed
by their petitions, we believe this to be a step
in the right direction. We also commend'the prac-
'tice of seating women alphabetically so as to
prevent pressure from friends or house.
However, it seems to us that this system does not
guarantee getting the most meritorious person in
office. In the first place, it is impossible to consider
these grades seriously, as each voter has a different
standard of judgment and such qualities as lead-
ership and co-operation are intangible. When the
candidate was unknown, as was often the case, she
was judged merely on her list of activities. We
note that only those women who held committee
chairmanships in the sophomore cabaret were in-
stalled in office,
We believe the system fails in what it is designed
to do - that is, in preventing caucusing. It puts
a premium on dishonesty. The voter abiding by
the rules will judge the candidate to the best of her
ability, giving threes and twos as well as fours
and ones. However, her less scrupulous neighbor, on
the other hand, upholding her sorority sister or
her political favorite, will grade every one else defi-
cient. Personal antagonism may also result in un-
fair marking.
The most serious blunder made by the Judiciary
Council, was, however, in naning the candidate
with the third highest number of votes to the office
of finance chairman. A candidate might very well
excel in leadershin. co-oneration, and exnerience.

jt) ,.yl) + a il!'fr ill' rrrW t/ s+v .r..i l a IA +. r4 t la..ti.,pat/+ .rd+~l) l)!L.. ,.,Tt) .n

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief. confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I wish to publicly protest against the unfair
discrimination shown by the manager of the Union
in the posting of notices on the Union bulletin
board. I brought in several copies of the "Student
Review," a magazine published by the National
Student League, to be placed on sale at the Union
desk. Since the magazine is comparatively un-
known on the campus, I asked permission to post
a notice on the bulletin board announcing that the
"Student Review" was on sale at the desk, but such
permission was denied me. I was told that there
was not sufficient space, but upon personal investi-
gation found that statement to be untrue.
.-Alvin Schottenfeld, '3'7 .
As Others See It
Great interest attaches to the Federal Govern-
mnent's appeal of the Texas oil conspiracy case to
the Supreme Court. This means that one of the
most controversial sections of the Recovery Act
is now before the nation's final judicial authority.1
The case arose from alleged violation of Section
9C of the law by five oil men. The indictments were
quashed by Federal Judge Bryant of Texas, who
ruled it unconstitutional for Congress to empower
the President to prohibit shipment in interstate
commerce of oil and petroleum products in excess
of state and Federal allocations. As this control was
relied on by the Oil Administration in its efforts


Religious Activties

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10 :45-Morning Worsmp.
"Leo Tolstoy Imitates
Dr. Fisher
7:30-Evening Worship.
"What Will The Drys
Do Now?"
Dr. Clarence.True Wilso"
of'Washington, D .;
For University Students
5:30 - Election of Wesleyan Guild
5:45 -Union meeting with Congre-
gational Guild at Pilgrim Hall.
Prof. Bennett Weaver, speaker.
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts,
April 22, 1934
9:30 A.M-service in German.
9:30 A.M.-Church School.

Hillel Foundation
Corner East University and Oakland
Dr Bernard Heller. Director
April 22, 1934
11:15 A.M. Sermon at the Michigan
Leagtie by Dr. Bernard Heller--
"Interpreters and
Dissenters of Nazism'
4:00 P.M. - Meeting of the class in
Jewish Ethics led by Mr. Hirsh
7:15 P.M. - Class :.in. Dramatic Mo-
ments in Je'wish History, led by
Rabbi Bernard Heller.
8:15 P.M.-Open forum. James Davis
will deliver a paper on "THE EF-

Zion Lutheran
Washington St at Fifth Ave.
F. C. Stelihorn, Pastor
April 22, 1934
9:00 A.M.-Bible School -_Topic:
"Our All For the Kingdom"
10:30 A.M. - Service-
"The Prayer Without the
5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and

6:45 P.M.-Student

discussion on-

The Fellowship of
Liberal IReligion
State and Huron Streets
10:45 A.M.-Sunday Morning Sermon:
Prof. Carl E Gouthe, of the Dept.
of Anthronoloay will sneak on-

St. Andrews
Episcopal Church
nivtslon at Catherine Street
Sunday,.April 22, 1934
8:00 A.M. - Holy Comumunion.
9:30 A.M.- Qhurch School.
11-.AAA -r" aivr"


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