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April 21, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-21

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kY, APRIL 21, 1934


Wildcats Beat Michigan In Conference Baseball Open

er, 3



Hush Money. .
LARS. That's the sum they ex-
pect will be wagered on the ponies
in New York State this season. One
hundred million dollars of easy
money . . sucker money just float-
ing around the state and waiting for
the bookies to get their cut.
But there is another party to the
agreement. All this ruining of the
citizens' morals by countenancing
wagering on the equines requires
some hush money. And the good old
state is cutting in on it.
It was all very well back in the
boom days when plenty of money
was taken in in other taxes to be
very proud, moral and strict about
such matters. But the recent depres-
sion has made the several states not
only willing but very eager to accept
change from the hairy paw of Satan
himself and no questions asked.
the action of the Federal govern-
ment in repeal. Such things as a
bit of imbibing and betting go on
no matter what the law is, and dur-
ing periods of prosperity it is all very
well for the state and national gov-
ernments to abstain haughtily from
taxing the moral ruination of the
But empty pockets jog elbows, es-
pecially when there is a luxury tax'
and legalization bill to be signed.
Hence the repeal of blue laws. It is
merely an amazing reflection on
American government and politics
that it takes an empty treasury to
bring back personal liberty and al-
low the individual citizen to make
choices for himself. Anyway, we can-
not say that the depression didn't
do anything for us.
Tigers Rally In
Ninth To Drub
Cleveland, 4-0
The Detroit Tigers moved into sole
possession of first place in the Amer-
ican League yesterday by defeating
the Cleveland Indians, 4 to 0. New
York, rained out of its game with
Boston, slipped back into second
Carl Fischer, Tiger's No. 1 port-
sider, went the full route for Detroit
and allowed but five hits. The tilt
was a pitching battle throughout
with Brown doing a fair job on the
mound for Cleveland, shutting out
Detroit until the ninth, when the
Bengals managed to push four runs
across the plate on a walk, a safe
bunt, an intentional pass, Owen's
double, an error, and an infield out.
In the National League, the Giants
chalked up their fourth consecutive
win, defeating the Boston Braves, 7
to 3.,
The Giants got to Ben Cantwell,
Boston hurling ace, for three runs
in the second and after the Braves
had tied it up, collected four more
runs in the sixth to cinch the game.
American League
W L Pet.,

Ladder Masters
'Whitey' Wistert
In Mound Battle
Wolverines Allowed Only
Four Hits As Wildcats
Garner Eight
Play Again Today
Tillotson Slated To Hurl
As Wolverines Hope To
Deadlock Series
EVANSTON, Ill., April 20 - Mich-
igan's baseball team opened the Con-
ference season this afternoon by
dropping the first of a two game series
to Northwestern, 3-1.
The contest was a pitcher's battle
throughout, with the edge going to
Ladder, who went the full nine inn-
ings for the Wildcats and allowed
but four hits to the, up until now,
slugging Wolverines. "Whitey" Wis-
tert was nicked for eight binges
through the nine inning stretch and
scored the only Michigan run.
Score in First
Northwestern started out with a
score in the first inning. Sullivan
led off for the Purple and singled
through Oliver at third. He went to
second on McInnis' out, stayed there
while Mack fouled to Chapman, and
scored on Auguston's single to left.
Michigan came back in their half
of the fourth to tie the score. Wis-
tert, with one out, walked. Oliver
singled to left, Wistert stopping at
second. Paulson flied into deep left.
Wistert and Oliver advanced on a
pass ball, and, when Regeczi beat out
an infield hit, Wistert scored. It was
the fourth run that Michigan has
been able to score thus far on the
Western invasion, and likewise it was
the fourth run for Wistert, who seems
intent on monopolizing the Wolverine
scoring column.
Two In Eighth
In the last of the eighth, with two
down, the Wildcats got to Wistert for
three successive singles, which with
the aid of two stolen bases, paved the
way for the final and deciding runs
of the game. Finkle, third man up
in this inning, singled, stole second
and scored on Arnquist's base hit.
Arnquist then proceeded to take sec-
ond with a successful steal, and
scored the last run of the game on
Kennedy's single to right.
The game was featured by good
fielding on the part of both teams, as
well as tight pitching. Michigan
committed one error, while North-
western had a perfect day afield.
The cold breeze coming up off Lake
Michigan seemed not to seriously
congeal the soup bones of Wistert
and Ladder. If anything it was a
favorable temperature for Ladder, al-
though the Wolverine batters hit
him hard, if not safely. A fair sized
crowd braved the cold, shivered, and
enjoyed the hurling duel.
Michigan will conclude the series
with Northwestern tomorrow. Harry
Tillotson will probably be called upon
to do mound duty for the Wolverines.
Michigan. .......000 100 000-1 4 1
Northwestern . . .100 000 020--3 8 0
Wistert and Chapman; Ladder and
cam Wins Hockey
rfie But He Quits
CHICAGO, April 20. - (/P) -Tom
Gorman, who managed the Chicago
Blackhawks to the world's hockey
championship, resigned today to de-
vote his interests to the Ontario Rac-
ing Association of which he is secre-

The announcement of his resigna-
tion, rumored during the Stanley Cup
series, was made by Maj. Frederick
McLaughlin, owner of the Black-
hawks, who said a successor had been
selected but declined to divulge his
"Some time before the start of the
playoff games (Stanley Cup series),
Manager Gorman notified us that be-
cause of his racing connections, he
felt he would be unable to manage the
Blackhawks after this season," said
Maj. McLaughlin.
Leslie Munns, rookie Brooklyn
pitcher, wears a size 48 shirt and
another Dodger recruit, Art Herring,
said to be the smallest man in base-
ball, wears a size 3 1-2 shoe. Carnera
wears 14 3-4.

Their Home Run Race Has Begun

Michigan State Squad Is
Not Expected To Press
Ann Arbor golf fans will congre-
gate at the University course this af-
ternoon at 1 o'clock to, see the 1934
edition of Coach Thomas Trueblood's
mashie-wielders tee off against Mich-
igan State in the first match of a
campaign for Conference and Na-
tional Collegiate honors.
The Wolverines are expected to
have an easy time against the Spar-
tan golfers although little is known
of the strength of the East Lansing
outfit. Michigan won an overwhelm-
ing victory last year and their fol-
lowers see no reason why they should
not repeat..
The matches are open to the pub-
lic and will be free of charge. Judging
by performances during the last week
some championship golf will be

-Associated Press Photo
Babe Ruth of the Yankees and Jimmy Foxx of the Athletics lost
no time in getting off to a fast start with some of the first home runs of
the new baseball season. Babe hopes to get at least 30 this year, and
Jimmy is out to defend his laurels won last year.

Kipke Chooses
Tentative First
String Lineup

Three Frosh,
Winners On

Two Letter
Spring Grid

. After four ,days of outdoor foot-'
ball drills Coach Harry Kipke yes-
terday indicated what his "spring
first team" would look like when he
took eleven men aside and put them
through some of their 'trickiest plays.
Three freshmen were on this
"first" team which was led by Cap-
tain Tom Austin at right tackle.
The center of the line bristled with
last year letter winners who are ex-
pected to hold down Varsity berths
next fall, the ends appeared to be
capably handled by Matt Patanelli
and Ernie Johnson, while the back-
field, composed of two sophomores
and two freshmen looked fast but
rather green.
The team lines up with Patanelli,
left end; Don McGuire, left tackle;
Chet Beard, left guard; Jerry Ford,
center; Bill Borgmann, right guard;
Austin, right tackle; Johnson, right
end. In the backfield, Dick James
was at quarter, Joe Ellis at left half
Howard Triplehorn, right half; and
Cedric Sweet, fullback.
These were only a small fraction
of the 75 or more blue-jersied war-
riors who punted, passed, tackledI
and blocked as though in mid-season
amid snow flurries on Ferry Field
yesterday afternoon. Half a dozen
freshman backfields were running
intricate lateral pass plays all over
the lot and would-be Varsity linemen
smeared each other on the soft turf
with more than usual gusto.
Coach Kipke expects to receive a
supply of the new official size balls
soon, meanwhile the boys are work-
ing with the old style pigskin.
Chuck Bernard, 1933 All-American
center, was out wearing the hooded
shirt affected by coaches, but said
he had heard nothing about getting
Jack Blott's job here, and was only
out limbering up.
Indications yesterday were to the
effect that Michigan's 1934 edition
would emphasize the lateral pass
even to the extent of dimming the
prestige of the forward pass.
Of course, Bill Renner, who Kipke
is counting on to heave the forwards
this year is not on hand, but it seem-
ed that every other play run was a
single or double lateral. Kipke also
indicated that the lateral may be
used in returning punts and kick-

Trials Today
To Determine
Relay Te ams
Michigan tracksters will run their
first races under an open sky today
when they compete in time trials for
the Drake Relays on the Ferry Field
track at 3 p.m.
The results of the trials will go to
determine the make-up of the Wol-
verine sprint and mile relay teams.
The trials, as usual, will take on the
proportions of a regulation meet with
starters, timers and the like.. A good-.
ly crowd is expected for the, outdoor
home premiere.
Although Coach Charlie Hoyt will
not name his team until next week he
has announced that he will take a
larger aggregation than in previous
years in an attempt to run off with
honors in the University class.
In the Relays last year, Michigan's
mile relay team copped top honors
from a picked field. Their chances
of repeating are slim unless they show
great improvement over their indoor
Willis Ward will be the only Wol-
verine to defend a title in the in-
dividual events. In his first outdoor
collegiate competition at Des Moines
last year he crossed the bar at 6
feet, 43/4 inches to easily outdistance
all comers. He should win again in
this event with little trouble.
Along with his high jumping Ward
will also either run the 120-high
hurdles or the century. With his
spring relay competition this will
make three events for him.
WASHINGTON, April 20--- (1) -
A 61-stroke total for the par 70
Washington Golf and Country Club
course has given Al Houghton, local
professional, what some golfers here
believe is a new world's non-com-
petitive record.

_ . ,

New York............2
Philadelphia ........... 2
Boston .............2
Washington...... ..2
St. Louis . .... ... . 1
Chicago....... ......1


Friday's Results
Detroit 4, Cleveland 0.
Philadelphia 9, Washington 6.
New York-Boston, rain.
St. Louis-Chicago, rain.
National League


Now plill Is ., 1 1.


New York
Pittsburgh .
Brooklyn ...
St. Louis .

... . . . .4 0
.... . ....3 0
2 1
1 2
. .. . .. . .... 1 2
. ... . .. .. ..0 3
.,. . .. . ....0 4


Friday' Results
Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 0.
New York 7, Boston 3.
Pittsburgh-Cincinnati, cold weath-
Chicago-St. Louis, cold weather.
802 Packard Street
TODAY 11:30 TO 1:30
ON TOAST with Poached Egg
30c - BACON & EGGS or
Potatoes, vegetables, drink, dessert


i, .



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