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April 21, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-21

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VALTER DAMROSCH, New York: I congratutlate you n the distiil
F'redlerick Stock and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra will take part.

;tuisl ced list: of atrtis5ts, and that

JEFFERSON B. WEBB, Vice President, Detroit Symphony Orchestra: Cong ratul~ations oit the splendcid
jr(gramns ou hav e arrangedl for the May F~estival ! The citizens in the State of IMichiig;an aret;icled fortunate.

PIERRE V. R. KEY, Editor, Musical Digest, New York City: Ani establishecd inistituiui. In addl~itionI
to pro rams in kcee ping ith splendid tradlitions the list of soloists is adnuriialle.
RUTH HALLER OTTAWAY, President, National Federation of Music Clubs: It is filled tvitlz ]interest
from Lily ioons to the p~resentation of Doris (o.dtunof ! Michligan is lprotider tliaii cvcr of th1is rent musical
EDWIN J. STRINOH-AM,' Music Education, Columbia University: 'hat all ideal VC,-JiVal! \Vli1at a
p7rivileg'e andc~ an opportunrity ! iVI y heartiest coig ratul atitlls.
RUSSELL V. TOi GAN, Directing Supervsor of Music, Cleveland: TIbis festival is ci ut ouse, exceecd-
4qfl'l uiiiiortarit to Michiiganl, bi1):1 [ kn , as mali v othiers mutst, thlat it has its iiiflieiice lltp ii mursic(levelop-
lienlt andt conisciouisness of mutsical iwver throug liouut this b~roadl land of ours.
CHARLES E. WATT, Publisher and Editor of Music News, Chicago: \1otur scliedlule of artists and
wvorks for youlr 1ext May Festival has just been received and it is s(o w( nderitil tI mt it tilorouclgily soli(lii(5 my
lonig-timne opinion that the Ann Arbor Festivxal is by far the best of all Cte festivals.
E. T, 'CAMERON, Executive Secretary, Michigan Educational Association: r'oaM!ay I 'cs1 ix al luu cromite
to be recognized1 as a great factor inl devclopliu a I )tter MUSIC rograll1 ill our 5(7110015s.
F+ELIX BOROWSKJ, Composer, Conductor and Critic, Chicago: ludginkg fron1i thec iuii(s of the soloi:,ts
fi e cornceris shiouldl be this season of the iiigliest worth ildn I tluiiikt tot:., that the 11u1sic xi iicli is to li eintter-
preted w\ill offer a great treat to your atllieumces.

C. M. TREMAINE, Director National Bureau for the Advancement of Music, Newi York:
seemns to ine an unusually line one. Festivals of this k ind are a real asset to a commnunity.

t'khie program


Z3D .r i; ".L BUCK, Teacher of Singing, Columbia School of Music, Chicago:
\*a Ine a -11(1i n pm rtallce of the yearlyv'Fes ti val s x{ InIi Ji 1 at Ann iA rbr. It is an
for flthemusic loiver-s of this 1)4,t (of time comm try to htear grieat works given inl a

I ami all (lit htisiasiiiOver thec
e(7Cjti( nmaly i]lae 'I ~l)F tun it v
grteait aVLY.

DR._ WILLIAM C. CARL, Guilmant Organ School, New York City: 'Tie immipo)rtanice (,fa itestivatl sutch
ais you give each year is of the gresatest IIusica1l ad e(ltucatiohlal valuie, not onily to tiele bi xersity but the
country at large. '1lie program is brilliant, interesting and~ has been wvell chlosen2.r
LESLIE A. BUTLER, Superintendent of Schools, Grand Rapids: InII my judlgment it is impiIossible to
mleasuire the value to the State of iMlichigatn of the 51)IC iiid MVay Festivals whlichl have beeut collni cted inI the
city oif Ann Arbor for maniy years.
FRED W'. GAGE, President, Gage Printing Company, Battle Creek : .I xxaWit to Co ll ratltoe nonlhay-
ing, miadle upp aprogram wlinch cannot fail to l)e of the Highest Ipossible u mu sicail interest.
MRS. EDMULND JOSEPH TYLER, Secretary American Opera Society, Chicago: Your fine pirogram i
for tlhe May festivali with its cortprehemisive array of ch oral works, sp)levi(l organ iizatiom 15, olltstai(hilg artists
and mas-tterimus il (directors, presenits a most alluring list-of attractions. Conlgratuilationis.
DR. FRANCIS L. YORK, Honorable Advisor of Musical Activities of the Art Institute of the City of
Detroit, and Directeur du Departement de la Musique representing the French Government: You are surelyv
providinit s ,with a feast of go od things. Such a progralu2 not only gig\ e> us the umarxinili of iiiusisi(l lel(IUre,
but is Iiii yedIucational.
CHARLES N. BOYD,,Director Pittsburgh Musical Institute: Youtr oiferiiig for time 19.31 14"c:tival at anti
Arbor is aipparently one of the finest, if not the very lbest yon have yet provided~.
LEO C. MILLER, Director of Miller-Ferguson Institute of Music, St. Louis, and Secretary Music Teach-
ers' National Association: ThmisFestival is no doubt one of the gk atest forcecs at tiorlk iii building a better
imisical life.

F. B. STIVEN, Director of Music, University of Illinois, Urbana: The mu~tsical. interests of the Middle.
11 est are dleelyv indlebtedl to the May If'estival for brinlg ingt together each year such a gala array of artists.
SELBY C. OPPENHEIMER, Impresario, San F rancisco: You are ever retainling the p~osition for this
14estival, as the foremnost musical celebration of the ye ar.
MARGIE A. McLEOD, Western Manager, Musical America, Chicago: 'I'he galaxy of stars just proves
againi your ahbility to mianiage one of the greatest, if no t the g'reatest flestival in the counatry.
GLENN M. TINDALL, Business Manager, Holly wood Bowl, Hollywood: Each year seenms to be about
t1he ultimlate attailnment in art andl your schedule for 1 931 shows that you are continuing your growth
EDITH M. FELLER, State Supervisor of Music, Columbus, Ohio: 'The excellent p)rograms 111ad thy: out-
stau~il') artists you have engaged will have a wide applieal to msic lovers.
FLORENCE FRENCH, Editor and Publisher, Mu sical Leader, Chicago: Aim Arbor's .May festizval is one
of Amelrica's giceat inistitutionis. Thj1is wvil libe 11 'tw=enty-sixth andi each is fraught wvith delightful mlemnories.
RUBIN GOLDMARK, President, the "Bohenians," New York: 1: comigratmlate you on the suistainecl ex-
cell enieeof your musical offerings. You are (loimig a in agtnifi licenlt worl for mutsical culture ini Amelrica.
CHARLES A. HUGHES, Secretary Detroit Athletic Club and Member of Board of Directors Detroit
Symphony Orchestra: I want to congratulatte you onl this yecar's program. I think all things considered, the
annuital flay' Festiv~al is the hlighl light InItime state's cultural decl elolit.
JAMES E. DEVOE, Manager, Philharmonic Concert Co., Detroit: Once more you annlounzce a May f'es-
tti',al whlich shoul.1d give the whole cotuitry a high miark to reach for. Personally I don't think yout have ever
aiiimouricer a immore compelling list of attr-actions.
HONORABLE WEBSTER H. PEARCE, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lansing: You certainly
are remiderimig a distinct service not onily to the ple I~Cwhliv 14e iliii n Arbor hbut to the many citizens of the
ADA B ICKING, Director of Music Education, De partment of Public Instruction, Lansing: As utsuacl, the
1 931 array ()I artists chotsen is mTost iilitriguling anld the e l:l're 1)11w-on is l1: rovokintg enthusiasm1 and interest.
OSCAR C. CRESS, President of the Grand Rapid r C-n r-,/atory of MVusic : No genuine lover of music
sI iuld(Ifo rego this exceptional op)portunlity.
J.\L B i",RT RIKER, Editor and Assistant General Manag cr, usca Courier, New York: It is appamrenmt
that the concerts in May wvill b~rinmg, fo rthowiie of AnnmArmm yr; iL sout standhinli msic events. Congrattulations.
JAMES FRANCIS COOKE, Editor, The Etude, Philadelphia: You have selected peop~le who are capable
of prduchi gen inie musical thrills of this day, and It avec selected xx ork s wilchl are vital andl filled with pres-
eit initerest. It is easy to foresee that the festival -,illI l)e an (7lorilots artistic success.
D. MV. SWARTHOUT, President, Music Teachers' National Association, and Dean of School of Music,
University of Kansas: Your p)rogram outline for thmis year is one of uinusuial initere st. Mu~tsically its success
is assuired1.
JAMES T. QUARLES, Dean College Fine Arts, University of Miss'ouri, Columbia: What a lehssinig it
lutist 1ine to lire within ens y access of A umi Ar bor, atnd I0)llae al)]ietoL4 avail omme:'s sef of these oppoicrtunlities.
PAUL J. WEAVER, Professor of Music, Cornell University: ' itliot t qiestiolli, it is of eliunious value
to time Lmiiersity and to Michigan.



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