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April 21, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-21

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PubiU ged every morning except Monday during the
University yearand Summer Session by the Board in Con-
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" CITY EDITOR.........................JOHN HEALEY
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Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
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Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
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Ann Arbor:
Convention City. . ..
N EXT WEEK-END will be one of
N those unusual occasions - a week-
end when educational activities outshine all others.
Since academic interests dominate the week, it is
slot as paradoxical as it sounds that week-ends
devoted primarily to such matters should be rather
Be that as it may, the last Friday and Saturday
of April have come to be marked, by the regular
annual occurrence of a group of events emphasiz-
ing education and scholarship.
Teachers and school heads will be drawn to Ann
Arbor from all parts of the state by the 70th meet-
ing of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club and allied
gatherings, including the annual Conference for
Teachers, and the Conference on Teacher Train-
As usual the finals of the state high school debat-
ing contest will come Friday night, attracting many
parents and school students, and an exhibition in-
tercollegiate debate will be offered in the after-
Students chosen to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi
Kappa Phi will be announced in connection with
the Honors Convocation, and all those accorded
scholastic recognition for the year will be hon-
cred again at the same time, while the University
community is given an opportunity to hear a dis-
tinguished outside speaker.
For the sake of University students who are

temporarily discommoded by so much intellectual-
ism at one time, it is fortunate that some of the
educational gatherings, such as the Spring Parley
and the Michigan Interscholastic Press meetings
will be saved over to make another big week-end
as May begins.
Back Country
Crossings ..
R ECENT NEWS from Washington is
to the effect that $200,000,000 of the
$4,800,000,000 work relief appropriation is to go
for the elimination of grade crossings throughout
the country, with a view toward eliminating one
of the most dangerous combinations in American
traffic fatalities - the train and the automobile.
Appropriately enough, the announcement was
made on the same day that morning papers carried
the news of the recent collision of a school bus
and railroad express which cost the lives of 14

curred at a poorly-marked crossing. The accident
ast winter in which two men lost their lives when
:he car in which they were driving through a blind-
ng snowstorm crashed into a freight train on the
Pontiac road is one which could have been avoided
had the danger spot been properly marked at that
time. As it was, a small yellow "X, set high above
the headlight field, was useless under bad visibility
A part of President Roosevelt's $200,000,000
would well be spent, then, on the back roads of
the country for good crossing markers, rather than
for the construction alone of expensive bridges
or superhighways over one or two lines of track.
AsOthers See It
A Universal Exam
(From the Daily Texan)
A UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO professor recently
presented the following questions to Lambda
Delta, honorary society for freshman girls:
Have you learned how to make friends and keep
Do you know what it is to be a friend yourself?
Are you good for anything yourself?
Can you be happy alone?
Can you look on the world and see anything
except dollars and cents?
Can you look into a mud puddle by the wayside
and see anything besides mud?
Can you look into the sky at night and see be-
yond the stars?
These questions offer a challenge not only to
the co-ed but also to the male student. After all,
are they not the key to what one should be
seeking above all else in a college education? No
matter if a person is the world's best authority on
electrical engineering, or a Phi Beta Kappa in any
other line, his education will be decidedly lacking
in a most important respect if he is unable to give
satisfactory answers to such questions. From his
own personal standpoint his life will be barren,
though an impersonal world sees fit to praise him
to the skies.
Planning For Land And Water
(From The Daily Iowan)
ANNOUNCEMENT Tuesday that Rexford G. Tug-
well will begin administration of a national
coordinated land use program gives welcome prom-
ise that the monumental report of the National
Planning Board on land and water use will bear at
least partial fruit.
There can be no poss bility of exaggeration, even
by planning enthusiasts, of the vital importance of
adequate planning for the use of land and water
The day is fast approaching when continued dis-
regard for these fundamental resources and their
,proper use will bring conditions of such appalling
misery to the farm population that discomforts of
other years will be negligible.
The nature of our government, under which co-
ordinated action is slow and cumbersome, almost
precludes the possibility of swift enforcement of
any far-flung program. But this difficulty must
be overcome through public understanding of the
need. The problem was well stated by the Missis-
sippi Valley committee in the introduction of its
report on the problems of that area:
"Planning for the use and control of water is
planning for most of the basic functions of the life
of the nation. We cannot plan for water unless
we plan for the whole people. It is of little use to
control rivers unless we also master the condi-
tions which make for the security and freedom of
human life. The need for planning arises out of
the needs and desires of the people. Under the
proven system of democracy no plan can be im-
posed upon the people., Government may inform,
educate and guide. It may mobilize resources for
the common task. It cannot dictate. What must
\be sought is effective means for carrying out the
common purpose, not only in the interest of the
living generation but for the protection and en-
hancement of the lives of all the generations to
come. We are but tenants and transients on the
earth. Let us hand down our heritage not only un-
impaired but enriched to those who come after

Future Citizenry
(From the Los Angeles Junior Collegian)
TOPPING TO ANALYZE a portion of college
life prevalent on the campus and yet seemingly
unapparent, is the question of tools, toil and to-
Nearly 5,000 men and women of this institution
are going through the process of being educated
with the community bearing the brunt of the ex-
pense. These persons and their contemporaries in
other institutions will form the nucleus of tomor-
row's civilization. What return will they make to
their communities and state?
To these 5,000-odd men and women comes the
necessity of facing today's problems and offering
tomorrow the solution to the enigma of poverty,
and of doing away with a vast public indebtedness.
The great races of this earth disintegrated and
passed into oblivion only when the simplicity
of home life became lost in the pursuit of riotous
living. In the search of some manner of improve-
ment, something tangible with which to stem the
flow of this rapidly descending sea of destruction,
we must first turn to the producing factor of the
race, the home. Improvement of home life in turn
improves the individual and the individual in turn
builds the life of community and state.
The destiny of the race rests largely upon the
shoulders of each individual of the succeeding
generation. Will our education in economics, poli-
tics and in social betterment prove a boon to our
future citizenry?
Methods in which we employ the tools gained at
home and in educational fields will determine for
us tomorrow's success in the field of the eternal
struggle for existence.


"Dear Bud," writes E.O.P. '36, "supposing that
the craze for giving anything and everybody a
theme song had not died down, how would some
like these do?"
Michigan co-ed - "I Never Had a Chance."
Huey Long - "Talking to Myself."
Jimmy Walker - "No More Money in the Bank."
Dionne's - "Once In a Blue Moon."
Michigan Football Team - "I've Had My
Greta Garbo - "Solitude."
Chicago - "Let's Take a Walk Around the
Hollywood - "I Saw Stars."
The Sorority Across the Street - "Love Thy
Co-eds again take it on the chin. An article in
a recent issue of the Loyola News states that the
co-eds are suspected of deliberately making low
grades in their courses so that men in the same
courses will feel superior and ask the "dumb" co-
eds for "dates." We think this charge is just a
trifle unfair. Some of the girls really may be
A student at the University of California re-
cently moved into a new boarding house, and
at the same time decided that it would be a
good thing if he learned to play a musical in-
strument. After all, with times as they were,
it was a good policy to have something to fall
back upon, and musicans, particularly mem-
bers of dance bands, seemed to be doing well
all the time. Besides it would be nice to have
something to do without going out of the house.
And so after deliberation, the student bought
himself a new saxophone, and after awhile, the
strains of popular tunes, mangled a bit it is
true, but as the student himself expresses it,
"what the - I mean, what of it," could be
heard all over the immediate vicinity of the
student's house.
Not long after this, the student encountered
one of his neighboring students in the barber
shop, and was struck by a sudden thought.
"Does my practicing ever bother you, or make
you nervous?" he asked.
"Well," said the sympathetic neighbor, "It
did make me nervous at first, particularly when
I heard the people 'round discussing it.
"But now I've gotten so I don't care what
happens to you."
What a Hearst reporter says about his boss. We
picked this up in the news columns of the Daily
Northwestern: 4
"We do just what the old man orders. One
week he orders a campaign against rats. The
next day he orders a campaign against dope
peddlers. Then he orders a campaign against
professors and the "red activities" in uni-
versities and colleges. It's all the bunk but
orders are orders."
Off The Record
REP. JOSH LEE of Oklahoma brought a laugh
to the House's discussion for taking profits
out of war by telling a story about the socks "our
dear ladies knitted" during the World War.
"One of the boys put on a pair," he said, "and
started to hike. He felt something like gravel in
ene shoe, and shortly he was limping. Finally he
was ordered to fall out of line.
"He unrolled it and found a note from the knitter
back home which said, 'God bless you, poor tired
feet!' "
There was.a noticeable and unusual length
to the President's black locks. Despite protests
from his family, he remained adamant. He
would not have them cut - just then.
The reason: MacDuffic, the President's
valet for many years, was away. And MacDuffie
prides himself on being the only one who cuts

the presidential hair. So the President and
the locks awaited MacDuffie's return.
YJ HERE were gasps of delight when Assistant
Secretary of War Harry Woodring and his wife
moved into "His Lordship's Kindness," one of
the more famous colonial homes near Washing-
But the Woodrings have discovered a drawback.
The front door has a huge, old-fashioned, brass
lock. The key is so big that Woodring can't carry it
in a pocket. So he and his wife set out for dinner
-and toss the door key in the back seat of their
Mrs. Walter George, wife of the senator from
Georgia, had been absent from teas for several
days. Then she returned to the social whirl.
"Where, and how, have you been?" she was
"Terrible!" she said, "if you have all after-
noon I'll tell you. I had laryngitis, and now
I have to catch up on four days' talking I
couldn't do."
SPRING SEEMED SO imminent that Rep. Mary
Norton of New Jersey decided to buy a new
She was a bit ashamed to wear a winter hat
down-town, so she dug out a little, black spring
hat she bought three years ago.

By Albert D. Taylor, MA S. A.
Assisted by
Gordon D. Cooper,
B. SiA. H W
The book thatONLY
solves every gar-
dening problem!
Covers all sea-
sons, all plants,
the country over.
A most practical
and comprehen-
sive garden book
now offered to garden lovers at almost
a.75% reduction from its former price--
now only $1.79!
For Every Garden Lover
The Complete Garden is for the aver-
age small home owner, as well as the
professional of wide experience. For
any and all who want to introduce a
bit of nature into their surroundings,
whether in the great outdoors, or near
a-city street, this book is the ideal ref-
The authors are recognized authori-
ties of wide experience-their book is
for every garden, lover in the United
Murray - Planning and Planting
Schling - Everyman's Garden.

I. .1

This Great Book for Garden Lovers
formerly sold for $00
r 5, ann

the Home Garden . . $3.50

Wilder - What Happens in My Garden ..... .... 3.00
Stevens - Garden Flowers in Color ... 3,75
Henderson - Gardening for Pleasure..............2.00
Putz - Another Garden Notebook 1.50
Garden Guide or Amateur Gardeners' Handbook . . 2.50
and many others

State Street

Main Street

.. , 1

Sqnd ow


SOMEHOW, with the passing of Easter,
we feel that Spring has really arrived.
Trees and grass turn green; everything
seems a bit more beautiful; life a bit

more enjoyable.

We turn to lighter

clothes and don odd costumes with that
"studied carelessness." Merchants prick
up their ears with the first cheep of the
robin, knowing only too well that that

means new Spring clothes.

They also

know that we are looking for bargains,
and have decided that the best way to
let you know about these is through
The Michigan Daily

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