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April 21, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-21

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Atractions Are
Announced For
Frosh Project
Russ Lyons' Orchestra To
Play; Old Heidelberg
Theme Of Decorati is
Russ Lyons and his orchestra have
been selected to play for the Mardi
Gras ball to be given from 9 to 1 a.m.,
May 3, by the freshmen women in the
League, as their annual freshman
project. Lyons will come here directly
from the Claridge in Memphis, Tenn.
Previous to his engagement at the
Claridge, Lyons completed a sccessful
season at the Oriole Terrace in De-
Lyons, who is a graduate of Ohio
University, has played in various or-
chestras. With his own orchestra he
has played at the Mayfair in Cleve-
land, and broadcasted frequently over
Station WTAM.
Lyons is only one of the many
attractions being planned by the proj-
ect committees. Unusual decorations
to fit in with the spirit of the Mardi
Gras will transform the League ball-
room into a splendour of color. En-
tertainment by the tap and tango
choruses, features by the freshmen
trio, and solo numbers will be a part
of the program.
Contrary to previous announce-
ments, the entire Mardi Gras will take
place in the evening, instead of both
afternoon and evening. The Grill of;
the League will be transformed into
Old Heidelberg and music will also
be featured there.
The main event of. the evening will
be the coronation of the May Queen,,
a senior woman. The identity of the,
successful caididate will be kept sec-
ret until she is selected from among
the dancers at the Mardi Gras. Vot-
ing for the women who have been
nominated will begin Tuesday when.
the first ballot will appear in The
Daily. Students are reminded that
nominations for these candidates must
be in before Monday noon. Any stu-
dent may nominate a senior woman
by handing in the name of that senior
to Miss Ethel McCormick at the
League or Theresa Swab at The Daily.
Characters For
Are Announced
The characters of the 1935 Cercle
Francais play, which will be pre-
sented April 30 under the sponsor-
ship of the French department, were
announced yesterday by Prof. Rene3
A light comedy by Marivaus, en-
titled "Le Jeu de l'Amour et du
Hasard," has been selected for the
The two feminine roles, Silvia and
Lisette, are enacted by Elizabeth A.
Laub, '36, and Margaret Cutler, '36,
respectively. Both have lived in
France where they acquired an ex-
cellent French accent.
Frank Funk, '35, a member of Play
Production and who was selected
last year as giving the "best char-
acterization (as Topaz in the play
of the same name) of the year,"
is the leading man in this year's play.
Maurice R. Demers, '35E, who star-
red in last year's French play, Topaz
and Carl A Nelson, '36, and Vaudie
Vandenberg, '36, both Play Produc-
tion members, complete the cast.
Acacia Fraternity announces the
pledging of Randolph Wilkins, '38E,
Woodhaven, New York.

Alpha Delta Pi will entertain eight
guests at dinner today. Table decora-
tions will be carried out in Easter
Athena and Adelphi, women's and
men's speech societies, will hold their
annual humorous debate at 7:30 Tues-
day in the Adelphi room in Angell
Hall. The subject for the debate will
be "Resolved: That the Charm of
Woman is Inversely Proportional to
Her Intelligence."

Easter Season In Jerusalem Is,
Pictured By Prof. Waterman

Easter in Jerusalem is not just one
day as here but a season during
which religious ceremonies of three
faiths, Jewish, Moslem and Christian,
take place, according to Prof. Leroy
Waterman, head of the department
of Oriental languages and literature.
During the course of a month the
Jewish feast of the Passover is ob-
served, Arabs hold their annual Mos-
lem pilgrimage to Nebi Musa, and
at least four different Easter days
are observed by various denomina-
tions among the Christians.
The Moslem pilgrimage to Nebi
Musa, which is the name of the sup-
posed burial place of Moses, a proh-
phet in Islam as well as Christianity,
originally had very little religious
significance. When the Turks al-
lowed Christians to enter Jerusalem,
the Sultan felt the need of a gather-
ing of Arabs to conteract the large
number of pilgrims who flocked to1
the Holy City during the Easter per-
iod. The Nebi Musa pilgrimage was
the result.
The ceremony of Nebi Musa is a
wild and picturesque affair. Arabs
from all the neighboring villages
gather in Jerusalem where a large
procession is formed which slowly
winds through the city to the desert.
Each village group has a leader who
calls out spontaneous poetic utteranc-
es which are repeated by the group.
Spasmodically throughout the march
the participants dance madly slash-
ing themselves with knives.
Of all the Easter services of the
Christians, that of the appearance of
the Holy Fire held by the Greek Or-
thodox Church in the Church of the
Holy Sepulcher is the most colorful
and spectacular.
Outsiders must secure permits
from the British Counsel to be admit-
ted to the church to view the event.
Crowds throng the church and court
outsida, some even spencling the'

night in the church to be sure of a
good place.
The ceremony consists of the Or-
thodox Patriarch entering the edicule
enclosing the tomb where it is be-
lieved he receives the Holy Fire
through prayer. The moment the
flame is received the crowd surges
forward and the many candles are
lit at the fire.
On Maundy Thursday the feat of
brilliantly robed priests impersonat-
ing the disciples are washed by the
patriarch and on the Roman Catholic
Good Friday the Russian Catholic
Church holds a procession along the
Via Dolaroas symbolizing Christ car-
rying the cross along the Via Dolor-
For the duration of the month at
Easter time a one week visit is sure
to include at least one procession or
ceremony of a religious nature.
Name Winner Of Design
Contest For Costume Ball
Ralph Gustafson, '36A, was selected
as the winner of the design contest
to be used as the theme of the Archi-
tects' Costume Ball, to be held Fri-
day, May 10, it was announced yester-
day by George Navorec, '35A, public-
ity chairman. The theme of the win-
ning design was a series of comic
strip characters enrolled in the de-
partments of the school of architec-
The 60 entries in the contest were
judged by a student board of six
members of the school of architecture,
Prof. Jean Hebrard, and Prof. Roger
The alumni of Zeta Psi fraternity
will entertain the active chapter at
their annual spring banquet in De-
troit today.

Local Literary
Group Af filiates
With Iota Chi
Black Quill Becomes Part
Of National Organization
At Formal Initiation
At formal initiation services yes-
terday in the League, members of
Black Quill, local literary group, be-
came affiliated with Iota Chi, national
society for the promotion of interest
in literature.
Women initiated were Elizabeth Al-
len, '36, Harriet Kesselman, '35, Mar-
ion Wiggin, '35, Edith Engle. '35, Anna
Henckel, '36, Floy Brigstock, '36,
Louise Schottstaedt, '35, Dorothy Gies,
'36, Helen Haxton, '36, Ruth Arnold,
'35, Gertrude Jean, '36, Barbara
Hanna, '37, Jeanne Curtis, '36, Elaine
Goldberg, '37, Helen Sprague, '35,
Marjorie Mackintosh, '37, Camilla
Bowman, '35, Ella Miller, '37, and
Harriet Greenwood, '35.
Initiation services were held at 4:30
p.m. with Miss Cecily Sellars, a mem-
ber of the University of Wisconsin
chapter and acting president of Iota
Chi, officiating.
A formal banquet was given after
the ceremony, with members of the
English department as guests of
honor. Prof. Louis Strauss was the
chief speaker on the program. Miss
Sellars acted as toastmistress.
At the first business meeting of
the new organization officers were
chosen including Gertrude Jean, '36,
president; Marjorie Mackintosh, '37,
vice-president; Anna Henckel, '36,

To Appear In IUEL roias 10
A4nnucd Ca rnival
Faculty Concert In spite of the steady t rek of stu-
'dents out of town over Easter week-
Mr. Stanley Fletcher, an instructor end, the Penny Carnival held last
in the School of Music and winner of night in Barbour and Waterman
the district contest of the National Gymnasiums drew a capacity crowd.
Federation of Music Clubs in the Although all the booths were spec-
department of piano held this month tacular, Prof. Bennett Weaver, Prof.
in Indianapolis will present this Maestro Vallerio, and Miss Jeannette
v oih r ( Perry judged Adelia Cheever House's

Contest Winner

Spectacuiar B~,ooths
A. - - I rri

winning program n n e racuib yon-
cert to be held at 4:15 today in Hill
Among the first selections to be
played by Mr. Stanley will be in-
eluded "English Suite in A Minor"
by Bach, "Sonata in E Major" by
Beethoven, and "Prelude and Fugue
in A Minor" by Bach-Liszt. "Bal-
lade in F Major" and "Nocturne in E
Major" by Chopin, "A Dpn Juan
Serenade" by Szynanowski, "Humor-
eske" ("The Frogs") by Chadwick,
"The Clown" by Pattison, and "To-
ccata" by Debussy, will complete the
secretary; Floy Brigstock, '36, treas-
urer; and Ella Miller, '37, public rela-
tions chairman.
You are judged by the
cords you send just as you
are by the clothes you wear.
Make your selection of
Easter Cards here and be
sure you are getting the best.
723 N. University

"Old Woman in the Shoe" the most
original. This is the sixth time Adelia
Cheever has won such an award,
which entitles her to the silver cup
for another year.
Delta Zeta's booth harboring the
Dionne quintuplets, who according to
the inscriptions above the booth are
the endorsers of the Dixie cup, was
awarded second place. Honorable
mention was given to Mosher Hall.
This booth, decorated with savages,

I f you

Yv ..

I, 'I






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