The Weather
Partly cloudy and rather cool
Saturday. Sunday probably fair
, and warmer.
VOL. XLIV. 143
I -.--.-------------.-- I~ U
Defense Made
Of League's
Peace Efforts
Prof. Henry R. Spencer
Of Ohio State Addresses
Model Assembly
Check In Efforts
For Improved U. S.
Sees Improvement
In Future Groups
Dr. William Warner Says
That League Of Nations
Is Still Active
When the thrill of peace has come
to the man of the streets, then, and
only then, will constructive, co-oper-
ate action be no longer an inaccessible
ideal, Prof. Henry R. Spencer of the
political science department of Ohio
State University said last night in his
address at the banquet of the Model
Assembly of the League of Nations in
the League.
Speaking on the "Future of the
League of Nations," Professor Spencer
prophesied that with the return of the
world to sanity following the present
economic depression, nations will soon
realize that commerce in ideas as
well as in goods is an essential part of
Life, Professor Spencer said, cannot
be lived in little 'neighborhoods, but
on a world scale, where humanity
comes above all nations. It is not the
League which has failed in its duty,
he contended, but the states of which
it is composed which have not utilized
its possibilities to the full. The co-
operative action of the League, he
continued, is symbolized by the unity
in the diversity of the colleges partic-
ipating in the Model League Assembly.
States League Purpose
To Rappard's classifications of the
purposes of the League of Nations -
namely, as a body for executing peace
treaties, for abolishing war, and for
facilitating state co-operation -
Spencer added two of his own, the
function of the League as a body
for developing institutions imple-
menting world consciousness, and for
the education of the world opinion in
Dr. William Warner Bishop, dis-
tinguished librarian who has recently
returned from Geneva, also spoke at
the banquet, telling his listeners that
the League of Nations is by no means
dead but is carrying on substantial
non-political and intellectual work, of
which the new library is a token.
Library Grows Rapidly
The library, started in 1927 by a
gift of $2,000,000 from Rockefeller,
has grown since then from 12,000 to
almost 200,000 volumes, representing
the governmental publications of all
nations within the last 10 years. The
collection now housed there is su-
perior to that of the Congressional Li-
brary in Washington, and is ample
enough to house over 1,000,000 vol-
umes, with adequate provisions for
The Model Assembly ,of the League
of Nations opened officially in the
afternoon with the first plenary ses-
sion held in the First Congregational
Church. The meeting was opened by
Robert French, Grad., Secretary-Gen-
eral of the Assembly, who introduced
President Alexander G. Ruthven, act-
ing president of the council. President
Ruthven, in welcoming the students
from the 24 colleges and junior col-
leges in Michigan, praised the extra-
ordinary educational value of the as-
sembly, which, he said, serves as an
apprenticeship in solving the im-
portant problems of life, and in real-
izing the social duty of integrating
Wagner Elected President
The business of the first plenary
session consisted in the election of
Martin Wagner, representative of the
Dominican Republic, as president of
the Assembly, the election of the
agenda committee, and the election
of the six vice-presidents of the Model
Assembly. The subject of the re-or-
ganization of the League, which will
be discussed today at the lunch and
second plenary session, was opened
by reports from the delegates from
Italy and the Netherlands on the po-
sitions of their respective countries
on this issue. Italy proposes to reor-
ganize the League, and the Nether-
lands stand solidly behind opposing
any such reform.
The presentation of the "Lotus
Case" in a reproduction of a session
of the Permanent Court of Interna-
tional Justice was done by students
from Wayne University, meeting in
the Natural Science Auditorium fol-
lowing the first plenary session.
The program today includes meet-
TOKIO, April 20. - OF)~ - Japan's
admonition to other countries that
meddling in China will be stopped by
force if need be aroused fears in high
circles tonight that it might check
efforts to improvearelations between
the United States and Japan.
Foreign diplomats, astounded by
Tokio's "audacity" in issuing the
manifesto Tuesday, and highly-placed
Japanese admitted that attempts to
reach a preliminary American-Jap-
anese naval accord were definitely set
back and that the goodwill expressed
March 21 in notes between Secretary
of State Cordell Hull and Foreign
Minister Koki Hirota may come to
Diplomats appeared dazed by what
they called a "white-hands-off-
China" policy, but concurred almost'
unanimously in believing the docu-
ment to be more startling than any
declaration of foreign policy since the
21 Japanese demands to China in
1915, and that Tokio's interpretation
and application of the manifesto will
determine its.effect on world peace.
LONDON, April 20. - (A') -The
United States must take the initiative
if she desires to maintain a united
front of Western powers against the
Japanese move, spokesmen for Great
Britain said tonight. The British Gov-
ernment does not recognize specific
evidence that British interests in
China actually are threatened.
Foreign Office attaches revealed
that no instructions or messages had
been sent to the British Ambassador
in Washington as a result of Tokio's
The belief was held that the United
States, Great Britain, and Soviet Rus-
sia are likely to be affected in the
greatest degree if Japan carries out
the new program.
It was strongly indicated, however,
that London feels it unnecessary to
make a countermove because Japan
would find it extremely difficult to
enforce any ban on foreign aid to
China such as, in the case of the
United States, airplanes and cotton
and wheat loans.
Rolph Is Sued
By Widow Of
Lynch Victim
Mrs. Holmes Claims That
Governor Incited Public
suit Involves Over
Million In Damages
Sheriff, Newspaper,
R a d i o Operators
Also Cited
Editor Claims'
World's Peace
Is Restricted
Says That Only One-Ninth
Of Globe Has Freedom
Existing In America
WASHINGTON, April 20. - (P) -
A frankly "pessimistic view" of the
future of free speech was presented
to assembled newspaper editors today
with the statement that two-thirds
of the world's population is "living
under rigid and complete censorship."
Bruce Bliven, editor of the New Re-
public, told the American Society of
Newspaper Editors that eight-ninths
of the world's population "is under
serious restriction of free speech of a
governmental character." He added:
"Only one-ninth of roughly some 228,-
000,000 persons live in countries where
newspapers are without formal cen-
sorship and enjoy the degree of free-
dom which we know in the United
Bliven was one of the speakers at
the second session of the Society's
twelfth annual convention. It also
heard Hugh S. Johnson, NRA chief-
tain, deny accusations of "a diabolical
desire to impose censorship on the
Johnson asked the co-operation of
the editors in speeding success of
President Roosevelt's recovery pro-
gram, also inviting criticism, and
added: "I started out here and said
that I didn't believe that NRA could
have gotten to first base except for
the newspapers. They put this recov-
ery program over."
Bliven said the United States had
reason to be proud of its freedom of
speech and of the press in comparison
with many other lands. But he said
that even here this freedom was qual-
ified by three important censorships.
- censorship of the audience; censor-
ship through one's economic posi-
tion, and self-censorship.
Tickets for this year's Union Op-
era, "With Banners Flying," may be
procured from 12 noon to 5 p.m. to-
day at the box office in the Whitney
theatre. They are no longer on sale
at the Union, but orders for them
will be taken between 1 and 5 p.m.
there, and they will be reserved at
the box office.
Curry Removed As
Tammany Chieftain
NEW YORK, April 20. -(P)-
John F. Curry was ousted tonight as
leader of Tammany Hail.
The vote was 14 1-3 for ouster and
10 1-6 for retention of the man who
has been chieftain for five years.
The action was taken after an hour
and a half of discussion by the Hall's
executive committee in a closed ses-
sion in the historic wigwam.
The committee reached no decision
on the appointment of a leader to
succeed Curry, but it was indicated
that a triumvirate - as appointed in
times of stress before - would be
named to operate Tammany Hall.
Spanked Schoolgirl
Sues Friends, Gets
TOPEKA, Kan., April 20.--(P) -
The alleged spanking Miss Georgia
Hill, of Silvis, Ill., received for violat-
ing a no-date rule at the Goodland,
Kan., High School has won her a
$2,500 judgment against 10 former
schoolmates, but she may have to wait
a while to collect.
A Federal Court jury awarded the
girl $2,0.00 actual and $500 punitive
damages Thursday night after delib-
erating four hours. The judgment was
entered against any or all of tho 10
defendants, but not against .heir
parents. None of the girls are of age,
but attorneys said the judgment could
be held for collection in future years
whenever any of the defendants
should be found with sufficient prop-
erty or funds.
Miss Hill charged that her school-
mates took her to the outskirts of
Goodland, stretched her across a mo-
tor car fender, and spanked her
roughly, some using slippers. She said
she was injured.
The defendants called the episode
a "school prank." They said Miss Hill
was spanked lightly because she had
violated a school rule against taking a
"date" to a basketball game.
The girls against whom the judg-
ment was rendered were members of a
pep organization called the "Sherman
County Sals."
Purdue 3, Minnesota 2.
Indiana, 5, Ohio State 4.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 20 - ()-
Gov. James Rolph, Jr., of California,
who declared the lynching at San
Jose last November of two kidnap-
slayer suspects "the best lesson Cali-
fornia ever has given the Country,"
was sued today for $1,050,000 by the
widow of one of the victims.
Mrs. Evelyn Holmes, widow of John
M. Holmes, alleged in her complaint
that the Governor aided and abetted
in inciting the public mind by state-
ments he would offer no protection
to Holmes and Harold Thomas Thur-
mond, held as suspects in the kidnap-
slaying of Brooke L. Hart, young
San Jose merchant.
The suit also named as defendants
Sheriff William J. Emig, of Santa
Clara County, from which jail the
men were dragged by a mob and
hanged to trees; the San Jose News
and Radio Station KQW of San Jose
and its operator. Fred J. Hart, C. V.
Dahl and Eva P. Hart, and 100 John
Does, 10 identified as San Francisco
Mrs. Holmes filed the suit in her
own name and that of her two chil-
dren, David, 6. and Joyce, 5. She
was made their guardiantoday by
Superior Timothy I. Fitzpatrick. Her
suit asks $50,000 actual damages and
$1,000,000 punitive damages.
The suit, filed by Vincent Halli-
nan, attorneyof San Francisco, de-
clares no warranV had ever been~ is-
sued for the arrest of Holmes and he
was merely held pending investiga-
The San Francisco police are
blamed by the complaint for return-
ing Holmes and Thurmond to Santa
Clara County after they had been
brought to the County Jail here "for
The newspaper and the radio sta-
tion are accused of enraging and in-
flaming the public mind.
Fewer Writers
Enter Works
In Hopwoods
Poetry And Essay Gain In
Contributors; Dr ama,
Fiction Entries Diminish
Fifty-eight contestants submitted
76 manuscripts for judging in the
1933-34 Avery Hopwood and Jule
Hopwood Awards Contest which
closed on Wednesday. This number is
somewhat less than last year's when
93 manuscripts were received from 78
The contest this year has more con-
testants in the poetry and essay di-
visions, and less in the drama and
fiction groups than that of 1932-33,
according to Prof. Roy W. Cowden,
director of the Hopwood Awards. Pro-
fessor Cowden stated that the results
of the contest would be announced
sometime in the latter part of May,
the exact date to be set later.
The Annual Hopwood lecture will
be given early in June, although the
lecturer has not as yet been chosen.
This lecture is delivered each year by
some man or woman prominent in
the literary field. The first was de-
livered in 1932 by Robert Morse Lo-
vett, while last year the Hopwood Lec-
turer was Max Eastman, poet and
Members of the Committee on the
Hopwood Awards, in addition to Pro-
fessor Cowden, who is chairman, are
Professors Howard Mumford Jones,
Louis A. Strauss, and Erich A. Walter
of the English department, and Prof.
De Witt H. Parker of the philosophy
Child Princess Knows
Her Lake Monsters
Dillinger' s Home Town All In
Tears For Misunderstood John
CHICAGO, April 20. - UP) -John
Dillinger may be poison to society
in general, but in his home town of
Mooresville, Ind., he is regarded as a
much-abused victim of injustice.
Door in Mooresville, John Roe was
circulating a petition requesting Gov.
Paul V. McNutt to grant amnesty to
Dillinger, whose wooden gun flight
March 3 from the Crown Point, Ind.,
jail left a trail of blood and political
repercussions that have shocked the.
Many of Dillinger's home-town ac-
quaintances are reported to have
signed the petition which alleges that
he didn't get a square deal when
he was convicted and sentenced to
prison back in 1924 for robbing a
They Point With Pride
"He has never," it says, "manifested
idea about it was that John would
make a good policeman if he surren-
dered and was permitted to rejoin
The amnesty talk coincided with
a report that Dillinger was believed
to have been the author of a threat
to kill Gov. George White, of Ohio,
unless he pardoned Harry Pierpont
and Charles Makley, sentenced to die
for slaying Sheriff Jess L. Sarber
when Dillinger was snatched from
the Lima, O., jail by his gang last
October. The governor, however, said
he was not alarmed.
Visited Old Home Town
Still more interesting was the fact
that the freedom-for-Dillinger move-
ment came to light just at the time
that Indiana authorities were more or
less agitated to learn that Dillinger
had dropped in on the folks back