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April 21, 1931 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-21

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'S r 1 3H R.,, M I C r'H ":IG zAN . DALLY

TUESDAY, APR"iL'' 21, 1931

wA clTV. Y' e'I wy.ai - n.fT$LL.iF M11 Li(>HTCA LY~ m.N.f y. TEDAARI 1,13

Publication ih the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The comprehensive exam-
ination in the professional subjects required for the teacher's certificate1
will be held May 2, at 8:45 o'clock in the auditorium of the University'
High School. All candidates for the teacher's certificate in June, 1931
(except graduate students), are required to take this examination.
A mimeographed outline of the scope, and suggestions with respect

summation formula for two varia- in Morris hall.c
bles." All wlho wish to come will be -
made welcome. Reserve Band: Rehearsal tonight
at 7:15, Morris hall.
Athena: Meeting at 7:30 p. in., in

the Athena room.I



NO. 140

Additional Notices on Page 2,
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the
University from 4 to 6 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, April 12.
The Henry Russel Lecture: Professor William Herbert Hobbs, Head
of the Department of Geology, who has been selected to deliver the
Henry Russel Lecture for 1930-1931, will speak on the subject "Glaciers
of the Present and the Past" (illustrated by stereopticon) in the Natural
Science Auditorium at 4:15 p. m., Thursday, May 7.'
Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for 1930-1931 will be
made at this time.
DIPLOMA FEES PAYABLE NOW! Early settlement is necessary for
the preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University confer a
degree at Commencement upon any student who -fails to pay this fee
before 4 o'clock, P. M., May 27. In case the Faculty does not recommend
any payor, the fee will be refunded on surrender of receipt for payment.
The above applies also to fees for all special certificates.
Candidates for degrees or certificates should AT ONCE fill out card
at office of the Secretary of THEIR COLLEGE or SCHOOL, pay the
'Treasurer* of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated
section of this receipted card with the Secretary of THEIR COLLEGE or
Literary College students please note that blank formiis should be
obtained and receipted cards filed in the Recorder's Office, Room 4,
University Hall.
Please do not delay till the last moment but attend to this matter
at once. We must letter sign and seal approximately 2500 diplomas and
certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early pay-
ment of the fee and consequent longer period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary
of the University
*The Treasurer's Office is closed'on Saturday afternoons.
Annuity policies on the supplemental plan for the following mem-
bers of the Faculty have been received and may be obtained by calling
at the office of the Secretary of the University: R. W. Aigler, A. M.
Barrett, S. L. Bigelow, W. W. Bishop, E. M. Bragg, P. E. Bursley, O J.X
Campbell, C. O. Carey, E. C. Case, W. F. Colby, H. N. Cowden, A. R. Crit-
tenden, A. L. Cross,- H. D. Curtis, B. M: Davis, . O. Davis, T. J. C. Diek-
hoff, E. W. Dow, C. W. Edmunds, J. H. Ehlers, J. E. Emswiler, E. C. God-
dard, M. Gomberg, H. J. Goulding, G. C. Grismore, W. C. Hoad, W. H.
Hobbs, E. Holbrook, L. A. Hopkins, W. F. Hunt, C. T. Johnston, C. H.
Kauffman, H. W. King, A. o. Lee, D. M. Lichty, E. Lorch, A. H. Lovell,
R. K. McAlpine, R. E. McCotter, W. A. McLaughlin, G. A. May, C. L.
Meader, C. C. Meloche, F. W. Pawlowski, W. B. Pillsbury, J. B. Pollock,
H. M. Randall, J. S. Reeves, H. C. Sadler, R. W. Sellars, I. L. Sharfman,
W. G. Smeaton, A. W. Smith, F. H. Stevens, E. R. Sunderland, R S.
Swinton, A. Tealdi, H. P. Thieme, M. P. Tilley, C. P. Wagner, J. B. Waite,
A. S. Warthin, L. Waterman, A. H. White, N. H. Williams, F. N. Wilson,
J. G. Winter, L. J. Young.
To Department heads and Others Concerned: The hourly time slips
must be in the Business Office not later than noon of April 23 to be in-
cludedi in the April 30 payroll. Edna M. Geiger, payroll clerk
Classes in Architectural Building: Owing to the death of Professor
Rousseau, classes in the Architectural Building will be suspended this
afternoon. Services will be held at the Dolph Funeral Home, 310 May-
nard Street, at 4 o'clock.
Circular 6-Engine Performance at High Compression Ratios.-H.
E. Zuck.
Members of the Faculty can obtain these publications free of cost
by calling at the Publications Office, room 1047 East Engineering build-
ing, or by phoning University 467. Students are entitled to all our
publications at half price. J. Raleigh Nelson, chairman.
May Festival Tickets: The "over the counter" sale of season tickets
for the May Festival will begin Wednesday, April 22, at 8:30 o'clock in
the morning at the general offices of the School of Music on Maynard
Street. The sale will continue so long as the supply lasts.
Up to that date, mail orders received with remittance to cover, will
be filled in advance in sequence and will be mailed out to purchasers.
Organ Recital: Gerhard Binnhammer, Guest Organist, will give
the following program, Wednesday, April 22, at 4:15 o'clock. The general
public with the exception of small children is invited to attend: Bach:
Two Choral Preludes, These are the Holy Ten Commandments, In dulci
jubilo; Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor; Franck: Cantabile; Boehm:
Prelude and Fugue in C major; Karg-Elert: Pastelle in B major; Reger:
Introduction and Passacaglia.
University Lecture: M. Gilbert Gidel, Professor of - International
Law in the University of Paris and in the Ecole Libre des Sciences Poli-
tiques, Paris, will lecture on the subject "Peace Agencies Since 1919,"
Monday, April 27, at- 4:15 p: m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
public is cordially invited.
Householders having rooms to rent to men students for the Summer
Session are requested to list them at the office of -the Dean of Students,
room 2, University hall. Apartment listings and houses are also re-
quested. F. B. Wahr, assistant dean.

to preparation for this examination may be secured at the Office of Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma
the School of Education in the University Elementary School. meets at 7:30 p. in. President Ruth-
G. L. Jackson, acting secretary. ven is to address the society on the
Mill Tax and the Relation of the
University to the Legislature. This
Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Sophomores in meeting is open to the public and
the Literary College who are interested in teaching will be addressed 1 will be held in the Alpha Nu room
by Dean J. B. Edmonson and others at a meeting to be held Tuesday, on the fourth floor of Angell hall
April 28, at 4 p. m., in Room 2225, Angell Hall. unless that room is not large
enough, in which case the meeting
will be in room 1025 A. H. Do not
Examinations for positions as play leaders during the summer in be late.
Detroit: Civil Service examinations for these positions will be held at
the office of the Civil Service Commission, Water Board Building, 735 Adelphi House of Representa-
Randolph St., Detroit, April 25. Applications for these examinations tives: Open meeting at 7:30 o'clock
should be filed at least one week previous to the time of the examination. tonight in room 4203 A. H. The pro-
A. E. Wood gram will consist of an open forum

Deutscher Zirkel: Social for mem-
bers and friends at 8 p. m.. in the
Mich. League. Members are urged
to come and enjoy themselves.
Pan-Hellenic meeting in the Com-
mittee Room of the Michigan Lea-
gue at 4 p. m. Both delegates must
be present for voting.
Freshman Pageant Women: The
Modernistic Group will meet at
Barbour gymnasium at 4:15, and
the Athletes and the Bacchanal
Groups will meet at 4:45. The Ballet
Group will have a short meeting
at 4:15.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Important
meeting tonight at Michigan Union,
room 304, at 7:30.
Nu of Kappa Phi will meet at
Wesley hall at 5:30 p. m. Miss Ethel
McCormick, Social Director in the
Office of the Dean of Women, will
speak on "Coming Careers For
Zeta Phi Eta: Installation of offi-

cers will take place tonight at 7:30
in the League in rooms A, B, and
C. All members must be present as
for initiation and pledging or fine
will be imposed.
Pledges meet in Zeta room in
Angell hall at 7:30. Pre-final plans
for Zeta Day Banquet entertain-
ment will be taken up at this time.
Christian Science Organization
meets at 8 p. in., in the chapel of
the Michigan League building.
Michigan Dames will hold their
regular meeting at 8 o'clock at the
Michigan League building. A good
attendance is desired.
Postponement of Meeting of Play
Reading Section: The meeting of
the Tuesday Play Reading Section
of the Faculty Women's Club this
afternoon has been postponed to
(Continued on Page 2)
Allowed on old garments traded in
on custom tailored clothing.
$35.00 and up
1319 South University

Sophomore Engineers: Those who have paid class dues may place
their orders for Junior Jackets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of
this week at Van Boven's. A two-dollar deposit is required when the
order is placed.
University Lecture: Dr. E. H. Volwiler, director of chemical opera-
tions of the Abbott Laboratories, will lecture today under the joint
auspices of the University and the local section of the American Chemi-
cal Society. The lecture is on "Some Applications of Chemistry to Medi-
cine," and will be given in Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 P.M.
The talk will be open to the public.
To All Members of the Faculties of the University: Professor B. D.
Wood, Director of Collegiate Research, Columbia College, will speak to
members of the faculties at eight o'clock. He will report on some results
of the co-operative examinations now in progress in the high schools
and colleges of Pennsylvania. This investigation is financed by the
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Mr. Wood is
one of the co-directors of the study. His talk is illustrated and will be
given in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Refreshments will be served
in the University Clubroom afterward. All interested are invited to
attend. C. S. Yoakum.
Mathematical Club: Meeting at 8 o'clock in Room 3201 Angell Hall.
Papers by Professor Nyswander on "Solution of linear difference equa-

debate. An important closed meet-I
ing will follow the open session. All
members are asked to be on hand.
University of Michigan Girls'
Glee Club: Important meeting for,
those going to Grand Rapids at 5
o'clock at the League.
University Symphony Orchestra:
Very important rehearsal at 3 p. m.,

Just Pulidhd
By Professor Dewitt H. Parker of the
Universit y of Michigan


A I fit'


tions" and by Dr. .aten on "A remainder term for the Euler-Maclaur



Noted American Pianist

Lydia endelssohn Theatre



6300 1 to 5 DAILY



We Welcome YOU
back from spring vacation and
hope that you had a very
pleasant holiday.
The Ritz continues -its cus-
tomary policy of highest ex-
cellence in its menus, com-
bined with fine music in, a t / k P

in ___------_ _ _ _ ___ _
"Aha! A Clue,, Sergeant!"
Tomorrow Marks the Opening Night of the
- First Campus Post-Vacation Production
By A. A. Milne
at The Laboratory Theatre, Wvdnesda, Thursdaa,
Frid ay and Saturdag, at 8':15 o'clock
You Cannot Afford to Miss Seeing This Thrilling
Mystery Comedy. Just the Thing to Relieve
That "Back-to- Work - After -Vacation"
Feeling. Call 4121, Extension 789
for' Ticket Reservations.
Box Office Open 9-5

pleasant atmosphere.


Engineering Research Publica-
tions: The Publications Committee
of the Departient of Engineering
Research announces the following
Bulletin 17-A Rapid Method for
Predicting the Distribution of Day-
light in Buildings.-Wa law Turner-
Szzymanowski. .
Bulletin 18-The Surface Decar-
burization of Steel at Heat-Treat-
ing Temperatures.-W. E. Joniny.
Circular 5-Research Service for

Residential SummertSchool
(co-educational) in the heart
of French Canada. Old
Country French staff. Only
French spoken. Elementary,
Intermediate. Advanced.-Cer-
tificate or College credit.
French entertainments, sight
seeing, sports, etc.
Fee $140, Board and Tui-
Write for circular to Secre-
tary, French Summer School.
Montreal - - Canada

Ritz orchestra plays at all
meals. Phone 5672 for reser-

_ __ _ _.



with Scenes from the Passion Play

i .. Vt/



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