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April 21, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-21

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Concert Band

Leads Band's Concert

To Hold Annual
No Charge For Admission;
Cornet Trio And Flute
Solo Will ;Be Given
Michigan's 80-piece Varsity Con-
cert Band will present its annual;
Spring Concert at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday,
April 27, in Hill Auditorium under
the direction of Prof. William D. Re-
velli. There will be no charge for
admission.' -
The program will open with the
overture, "Oberon," by Carl M. von
Weber. Next will be a tone poem,
"Message of the Chimes," by Carle-
ton L. Colby. This piece describes
the memories that the distant chimes
bring back to the Weary Wanderer
of the quiet Sunday mornings of his
youth. The chimes remind him how
he has disregarded the teachings of
his youth. .
Will Present Concert Trio
Everett Kisinger, '37SM, Max Mit-
chell, Grad., and Louis Vanmannen,
'39, will present a cornet trio, "Flir-
tations," by Herbert L. Clarke and
"Caprice" by Forest Buchtel. Clarke'
was formerly solo cornetist in John
Philip Sousa's band.
Then, before the intermission, the
entire band will give a Spanish Suite,
"In Malaga," by Frederic Curzon.
This suite, the most ambitious work
to date of the young British com-
poser, is written in the truest Span-
ish idiom.
A nocturne from "Two American
Sketches" by Thomas Griselle will
also be presented. The nocturne's
richness of harmony is considered
both pleasing and effective.
Is Second Formal Concert
After the intermission, the band
will portray "Slavonic Rhapsody No.
1" by Friedman. Then Eldor Pflug-
hoeft, '40, will present a flute solo.
The band will close the program
with a descriptive piece, "Les Deux
Petits Japonais," by Charrosin and a
Manx tone poem, "Mannen Veen,"
by Haydn Wood. This latter work is
founded. on four Manx folk-songs
taken from the Isle of Man. y
This concert will be the second
formal concert the Concert Band
will give this year. The band's new
set of chimes will be featured in the
"Message of the Chimes."
Health Service's
M h/ Rsf~i M dAr11"''Ef A ]

(Continued from Page 4)
Tryouts for the Michigan Technic:
There will be an important meeting
today at 5 p.m.
Dance Club: There will be a meet-
ing this evening at 7:15 p.m. in Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Fencing, Women Students: The
last regular meeting of this group
will be held today at 4:15 p.m. in
Barbour Gymnasium to practice for
the matches on Saturday. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
The Peace Council will hold an im-
portant meeting today at 7:30 in
Room 305 at the Michigan Union.
Mimes Michigras Cast: Complete
rehearsal at 4 p.m. today at the
Union. Room will be posted on bul-
letin board. Please be on time.
The Child Study Group of the
Michigan Dames will hold a pot luck
supper and meeting this evening at
6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held
in Pilgrim Hall, 608 E. William St.
The speaker of the evening, Mrs. A.
J. Rousseau, will talk on the .sub-
ject, "Some Personality Traits in
Children." There will be a short
business meeting during which a
chairman for next year will be elect-
ed. All Dames are invited to come.
Call Mrs. Karl Karsian, 6649.
Coming Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after-
noon, April 22, in the Observatory
lecture room. Dr. W. Carl Rufus will
speak on "Highlights of Korean
Astronomy," illustrating the subject
with lantern slides. Tea will be
served at 4 p.m. Visitors are cor-
dially invited.
French Play: The date of the An-
nual French Play has been changed
from Saturday, May 1, to Friday,
April 30. At that time three one-
act plays will be presented at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Scandinavian Student Club: Prof.
E. L. Erickson of the Engineering
School will give a tallk on Denmark
I. D. Morrill
31 South State Dial 6615

2 Thuos Loot
Village Bank
DETROIT, April 20.-)--Two
robbers whose departure was speeded
by a flood of tear gas from an alarm'
system looted the Depositors' State
Bank of Northville of $10,000 at noon
They changed automobiles at the
Ioutskirts of Detroit and continued
their flight. A third man waited in
an automobile outside the bank. A
fourth man was in the motorcar to
which the trio transferred at six-
mile road and police assumed he, too,
was an accomplice.
The gas attack was set off by W.
J. Schriemer, of Grand Rapids, a
state bank examiner, as he lay on
the floor behind the counter. He
seized the first opportunity to touch
the trigger as the robber who had
been scooping currency from the cash
drawers into a canvas sack turned
his back.
Gas spurted from eight jets about
the banking room and the robbers
fled, coughing and with streaming
eyes. The eight persons who were
in the bank when the robbers entered
also were forced to leave.
The two robbers entered the bank
quietly. Then they produced pistols.
One of them stepped to the teller's
window where A. Russell Clark was
receiving a 4eposit from Miss Frances
Cousins, a Michigan Bell Telephone
Co. employe.
"Take it easy," he said. "It's a stick
Then he seized the money that Miss
Cousins was depositing.
The robbers ordered all persons in
the bank to lie on the floor. One of
them went behind the counter, trans-
ferred the currency from the cash
drawers to his money sack, then or-
dered Clark to open the vault. Clark
convinced him the vault was operated
by a time clock and could not be
and the other Scandinavian coun-
tries this Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
in the small ballroom on the second
floor at the Union. Professor Erick-
son will supplement his talk with
slides. Following the program coffee
will be served. ,
Red Cross Life Savers and Exam-
iners: The Red Cross field represen-
tative will be in Ann Arbor on May
10, 11 and 12 to give the course of
instruction for Red Cross Swimming
and Life Saving Examiners.
Until May 10, on each Monday and
Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9
p.m., there will be a supervisor at;
the pool in the Michigan Union to
help any men interested in review-
ing the Senior Red Cross Life Saving
examination or preparing for the
Eaminers' examination.

I L F.A.W19 I

ITo Debate Here
And Skeleton Cleaner, Aids Museuti,9'

lip.. tC rritm. RPP tip,. fliieattl Skull


By JAMES DUNLAP all his meals free of charge and
There may be scores of "Rin-Tin-: occupies a spacious, well-appointed
Tin's" and "Mickey Mouse's" who are office (at least .:spacious and well-i
drawing huge pay-checks from Hol- equipped as far as most bug offices
lywood's great producers, but only are concerned) in the basement of
the Museums Building.
Carrion Beetle can boast that he is His job, which is almost indis-
employed by the University of Mich- pensable to the Museum of Zoology;
igan. and very valuable to other depart-
While he draws no salary and has ments in the building, is to clean any
no official title, Mr. Beetle, along skeletons or skulls which might still
with several hundred colleagues, gets have some meat on them, according
to Dr. William H. Burt, assistant
curator of the mammal division of
R CA W ill hel the Museum of Zoology under whose
guidance the Beetle family works.
I Can Clean Skeleton
Back Institute "Mr. Beetle is very adept," Dr. Burt
stated. "He can clean a skeleton of a
fish perfectly without injuring the
In Electronics fmost delicate fin." He added that
under good teamwork with his col-
Announcement was made yester- leagues, he could clean an animal the
day by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, di- size of a rat within two weeks, less
rector of the Summer Session, that if the Beetle family were unusually
the Radio Corporation of America hungry.
will join this summer in helping to "Of course, there are a few annoy-
sponsor the University Electronics ing things about the insects. For*
Institute, which will be held as part example, they seem to take too great
of this year's Session, an interest in the work being con-
The corporation will aid in back-3ducted in other parts of the building
ing the program and will send two and are over eager to leave their of-
representatives from its Electronic fice whenever their door is opened."
Research Laboratory at Camden, Dr. Burt did add, however, that
N. J., to take part in the research the University tries to discourage
and teaching courses. Three other them from this interest by herme-
companies are already backing the tically sealing their office and ar-
Institute. These are the General ranging a double set of office-doors.
Electric Co., the Westinghouse Elec- Employes Have Prestige
tric Co., and the Bell Telephone Lab- "And then there are always those
oratories, Inc. Each will send two bugs which get so interested in their
men from its research department to work that they don't realize just
take part in the work. when they're through. They insist
The Institute, which was termed upon sticking to their job even after
by Professor Hopkins as one of the it has been taken from their office.
most outstanding features of the Fumigation of the skeletons takes
Summer Session program, will con- care of them."
sist of two successive four-week lec- Dr. Burt stressed the great prestige
ture sequences dealing with high- held by these industrious employes.
vacuum electronic principles. Ac- "No creature has ever been able to
companying the lecture programs, -
laboratory courses where the ma--
terial may be worked into practical I"::
problems will be given. Informal
conferences will also behl. The ":: .
work is for teachers, graduate stu-
dents, and engineers and physicists
engaged in work in electronics.

emore dVY
match the carrion beetle in ability
along this line," he said. Approximately 2,0s0 hhshoo
'Are Born F or Job' students from all parts of the state
'Aske ohentlJ hic are expected to be in Ann Arbor Fri-
beetles to choose among those wh day and Saturday to hear the state
apple fochUniversity position, Dr.high school championship debate
Burt replied, "The beetles don't ap- and to participate in the annual ac-
ply for the job: they're born into it. tivities planned for them by the
SSometime during the summer we University.

place a large piece of meat by a!
swamp, and after a few days the
meat is full of carrion beetle eggs:
The eggs are sent back to the Mu-
seums and the beetles automatically
become a part of the University."
This system of cleaning skeletons
has been used by the University for
11 years. It was first employed by
the University of Kansas and the
National Museum at Washington, I
Since the carrion beetle is not read-
ily available in all parts of the United
States, the University ships large
quantities of these bugs to other mu-
seums and educational institutes in
various parts of the country, Dr. Burt
Teaching Fellow Gets
Chinese Professorship
Maurice E. Bates, Grad., teaching
fellow in the engineering college, has
been appointed associate professor of
mechanical engineering at the Na-
tional Pei-Yang University in Tient-'
sin, China, it was announced yester-
Mr. Bates, whose home is in Ro-
meo, received his bachelor's degree
from the University in 1934 and hi,
master's degree from the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology in 1935
He has received six scholarships and
fellowships at Michigan and attend-
ed the Massachusetts school on a
Phi Kappa Phi scholarship.
Mr. Bates will leave July 24 for

The debate finalists are Flint Nor-
thern High School and Ionia High
School. The subject for debate is
"Resolved: That All Electric Utilities
Should be Governmentally Owned
and Operated." Flint will take the
affirmative and Ionia will support the
The presiding officer this year will
be Dr. W. G. Henderson, director-
emeritus of the University extension
division, which is the sponsor of the
debate. President Ruthven will in-
troduce Dr. Henderson.
The three judges of the debate as
announced by the speech department
will be Prof. V. A. Ketcham, head of
the speech department at Ohio State,
and professors Gail E. Densmore and
Carl G. Brandt of the speech depart-
Each of the six debaters compet-
ing in the finals will be awarded a
gold watch. Cups will be given to the
two finalist teams by the Extension
Twelve local restaurants, hotels
and taverns were given licenses to
sell liquor by City Council Monday

State Finalists

Jewelry and
Watch Repairing
HAL L ER'S Jewelry
State at Liberty


I' ..___ .____ _ _--.-_--- _ .._.._-q#


IJarcn e v ort ae
During the month of March there
were 13,739 dispensary calls at the
Health Service, according to the
monthly report released yesterday by
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the Health Service.
The large number of calls was due
mainly to the increase in acute colds,
the report stated. There were 1,228
students treated for colds during the
month' and 835 were treated during
the same period last year.
Mental hygiene interviews were
given to 1,846 students and dispen-
sar.y nurse treatments to 1,323, the
report said. There was an increase
in eye refractions, 193 being given
during the month. The report said
that each year 15 per cent of all en-
rolled students receive this attention.
There were 14 cases of acute ap-
pendicitis and 12 cases of pneumonia
during the month. X-ray examina-
tions were given to 375 students and
physiotherapy treatments to 1,374.
Laboratory examinations were given
to 2,726 and dietitian conferences to
282, the report showed.

Sphinx will meet at 12:15 p.m.
today in the Union. Plans for the
Michigras booth will be discussed, as
well as the possibility of sponsoring
a float in the Michigras parade, ac-
cording to an announcement made
yesterday. John McFate will ex-
plain the booth and assign duty
Tours & Cruises
Make Tout and Steame Reservations NOW Phone 6412
Since 1917
A1 Moaor Lin.1-
6. L4e 6' ocan -

Interviews for Jewish Students: M.
J. Karpf, of the Graduate School of
Jewish Social Work, will interview
students desiring admission to that
school on Thursday at the Michigan
League. See bulletin board.

ll i


Wm. C. Roney & Company
Members Detroit Stock Exchange
Announce the Opening of a Branch Office
at 206-208 Nickels Arcade, Ann Arbor

STREETs are deserted. Homes are service, one that stands ready to
dark. Night has wrapped the com- serve any one, anywhere, any time.
munity in slumber. And always with the same prompt-
In one building, however, a light ness and skill and courtesy.
is still shining. It shines on steadily All that modern telephone service
through the hours of darkness until, can mean - all its protection and
at last, the dawn heralds the stir of convenience and comfort --is yours
another day. . . . to command twenty-four hours a day.
That light sums up the eter. It takes no holidays. It is, in an
nal vigilance of the telephone. old familiar phrase, "always
It is truly a beacon of public e on the job."




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