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April 21, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-21

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Q HITINewly Elected City Executive
Favors Establishment of
Municipal Courts.
TO BDAY Defending the conduct of present-

undergraduate years, but have since
gone into disuse, in attempting to
prove that public censure of student
demonstrations and diversions, in-
cluding drinking, has grown un-
necessarily severe.
Taking a stand in favor of the
1 establishment of a municipal court
in Ann Arbor, Mayor Newkirk point-
dA it. - 4-r. c,)it d s fn t cror.r tho frwl-


Measures Taken to Overwhelm
Disloyal Foeres Alone



Heart Attack Fatal to ProfessorI
of Architectural Design
in Forty-Sixth Year.

day university students from the
onslaught of "malicious newspap-
ers" and other undesirable forms of
publicity, H. Wirt Newkirk, Ann Ar-
bor's recently elected mayor, indi-
cated in his annual message to the
Common council last night that to
his knowledge as student, resident,
and public servant, the capers of
Michigan students; of today can in
no way be compared with the more
boisterous traditional antics of by-
gone days.
The mayor cited numerous forms


M'Bride-Dykstra Bill Placed
Order of Business for



Praises Deceased
'Most Brilliant'
Teaching Work.

as One

Funeral services for Prof. Albert of public demonstration which were
J. Rousseau, of the architectural practiced by students during h
design department of the Colleges --
of Engineering and Architecture,
who died late Saturday night at his
home at 2001 Vinewood boulevard, N
w ill be held at 4 o'clock today at 'lth ' orun e ak g p l r"O
the Doiph undertaking parlors. ' m K
A sudden attack of.heart disease ISUE
was given as the cause of his death.
Rousseau had been working in the Petition for Second Count of
basement study of his home when Ballots to b Decded
the attack came, shortly after .a.teIece
which he succumbed. He is survived' Late in Week.
by his widow. ---
Studied in France. Judge George W. Sample said yes-
Professor Rousseau was born 46 terday that a decision on the peti-
years ago in Quebec where he took tion of J. F. Sheppard, of Ypsilanti,
his undergraduate work in archi- demanding a recount of ballots cast
tecture. From 1910 till 1914, he April 6 in Ypsilanti township, would
studied at l'Ecole des Beaux Arts. not be made until the latter part of
There he became the first American the week.
to win the Prix Jay, annual award' Sheppard's petition for a recount
of the school for work in both de- resulted when Edward D. Foster,
sign and construction. running as a sticker candidate,
In 1915, Rousseau came to the polled a tying vote in the race for
University as an assistant professor supervisor. Sheppard was the Re-
in architectural design and in the publican nominee. Both candidates
fall of 1917 received a full profes- polled 271 votes.
sorship. He married Blanche Towne The recount demanded by Shep-
in 1925. pard was based on election proce-
During the 16 years he was ass- dure, the Republican nominee de-
ciated with the University, Rous- claring that the bollots boxes had
seau received .a number of honors been tampered with, thereby plac-
for his work in architecture. He ing the ballots in a "questionable
was awarded honorable mention in light."
the international competition for Arguments extended for more
"the Chicago Tribune building held thar gan oue an d half yeterday
Several years ,ago and also placed in between counsel for the board of
Mr finals of the international com- t canvassers a n d t wo candidates.
ptition for the Shakespeare Mem-cnasr adae-
pe n er emo- Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp appeared
rial theatre at Stratford-on-Avon. for the board and John P. Kirk,
Last year, he placed as one of the Ypsilanti attorney, acted as coun-
10 finalists in the competition for cil for Mr. Foster. Roscoe O. Boni-
the Chicago War memorial. 'steel-represented Sheppard.
Designed Local Buildings. ______-rpresntedShepard
Rousseau had designed a number
Ann Arbor buildings, amon
which are the Masonic Temple,
which he did in association with I
Pr of. George W. McConkey; Saint f
Mary's Catholic chapel; the An- ON ___ DAY
beray apartment building; the Phi
Kappa Sigma fraternity house; and
the Land Title building.
At the time ofhis death he was Judge Denison Also on Program
a member of numerous societies, of Law Club Banquet in
some of the more important being Memory of Cook.
the American Institute of Archi-____
tects, therRoyal Institute of Archi-
tects in Canada, and the Michigan Judge Arthur C. Denison, Grand
Society of Architects. He was also Rapids, of the United States Circuit
an honorary member of Tau Sigma Court of Appeals, sixth federal cir-
Delta, honorary architectural fra- cuit, and Governor Wilber M.
ternity and a member of Alpha Rho Brucker will be the principal speak-
Chi, a professional fraternity. ers at the sixth annual Founder's
Loss Felt Keenly. day banquet, honoring the late
Professor Rousseau's loss will be William Wilson Cook, '82L, donor of
keenly felt by his colleagues, Prof. the club, which will be held in the
Emil Lorch, head of the architec- iLawyers club at 6:30 o'clock Friday
tural college, said yesterday. "He, night.
was one of the most brilliantly su- Judge Arthur J. Tuttle, of the
cessful teachers in the history of United States District Court of De-
the school and for many years has troit, will also speak, according to
given much of the instruction in plans announced by David W. Ken-
advanced design," he added. dall, '31L, chairman of the com-
Professor Lorch also announced mittee on arrangements. Regent
that, out of respect to his memory, James O. Murfin, Detroit lawyer,
students of the architectural school will present billets to seniors who
to whom he was singularly close have been in the Lawyers club at
will be dismissed. from their classes. least two years. Dean Henry Moore
---_ _ _ Bates, of the Law school, will act
j - ** , as toastmaster.
S I niep fl The final argument in the junior
division of the Law school Case
'(By AssociatedPess)clubsseries will be held at 2 o'clock
Monday, April 20, 1931 Friday afternoon in the main
___ lounge of the club. The case will
be judged by a bench consisting of
DETROIT-The famous airplane1 Gustavus Ohlinger, Toledo attor-
"Pride of Detroit" in which Edward nyG udgus le, andodeGorg
F. Schlee and Wiliam F. Brock flew1 ney, Judge Tuttle, and Judge George
FpHh fTldo the United
from Detroit to Tokio in 1927, was States District courto ofhNorthern
sold under the auctioneer's hammer Ohio. At the conclusion of the
today for $700 in payment of a debt argument the decision will be ren-
incurred by Schlee. dered and the Henry M. Campbell
award consisting of $100 will be
GRAYLING-Herman M. Btker presented to the winning counsel
of East Tawas, was named president while $50 will go to their oppon-
of a new sportsmans organization ents.
founded here yesterday to be The finalists in the inter-club
known as the Bay Strait's league. contests are Leroy Mote, '32L, Lee
It succeeds the old Tri-County Van Blargen, '32L, Morris Zwerd-
Sportsmans association. ling, '32L, and Paul Kauper, '32L.


ea our sDs Fnors overceesre/
ent judicial system, which com- House Today. Northern Coast.
prises only justice courts and cir- ---_
cuit court, and no city judicial GIVEN MUCH ATTENTION CASUALTIES ARE SMALL
functionary with the title of judge. _
The refusal to permit the trans- Tax Called Attempt to Assess Government Continues to Brand
ferring of $750,000 from the city
treasury to the school board treas- Chain Stores More Highly Rebellion as Unimportant;}
ury at the request of Ernst M. Than Independents. Liberal Aid Pledged.
Wurster, city treasurer, before that
amount has actually been collected LANSING, April 21.-(p)- The TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, April
in city taxes represented the first proposed sales tax, designed to pro- 20.-(P)-The government of Presi-
important piece of city business duce $15,000,000 a year largely for dent Vicente Mejia Colindres struck
transacted by the new council the purpose of cutting school taxes, back today at the Honduran rebel
which met for the first time last will have its first serious test in the forces in Sava and near Progreso
night. legislature Tuesday. and reported that it had defeated
Scoring the practice of transfer- The McBride-Dykstra bill, advo- them, killing some and wounding
ring city funds to the various de- cating a graduated levy on sales others.{
partments before the actual collec- has been se as a special order of All necessary measures for thec
tion of taxes representing the business. In the meantime an opin- overwhelming of the rebels are now
amounts, city officials last night ion has been requested from the operating in the north-coast region.
stated that it led to an increase in Attorney General as to the scope Uprising "Unimportant."
city taxes through the necessity of of the act. The bill has been as vig-' The government continued to-
I borrowing money to make the orusly censored and praised as any night to brand the rebellion as un-
? transfers good. . pending before the law making important. The whole liberal party,
At the recommendation of Alder- body. The Home Defense Teague, in- it was stated, as well as various
man William A. Paton, the transfer cluding independent merchants and conservative municipalities in Hon-
of $45,000 from the contingent fundwholesalers in its membership, is duras, pledged support to President
to the poor fund was authorized by solidly behind the plan. Mejia.
the council for the purpose -of The objective sought by friends The leaders of the uprising were
maintaining city relief wik. of the tax is to assess chain-stores said to be Mariano Gonzales and
more heavily than independents Ladislao Santos, both minor figures.
and thus lessen competition from They began the movement in the1
SDsalesabove $10,000. The levy would north coast region, it was announc-
e d mount upward to one percent on ed, but thus far they have not at-
grossrsales of $1,000,000 or more a tacked any iiportant city.'
I year.rThe casualties in the fighting
Newspapers, some of which claim today were said to be small.
CL J'[the levy would force a tax on circu- -
lation sales and possibly a seige . . American Ships Sent.
Manuscripts for English Award lagainst newsboys and newsdealers, WASHINGTON, April 20.-(P)-
department stores, and institutions American officials today pushed
Must be Submitted Before and orgahizations whose annual forward precautionary measures to
Wednesday Afternoon. l sales reach large figures have as- protect their citizens from the
sailed the plan bitterly. A m on g backwash of revolution along Hon-c
All manuscripts for the Avery other things asked of the Attorney duras' northern coast, although
Hopwood awards must be in the General is just how far the bill official reports failed to show that
English office, 3221 Angell hall, by would go to assessing ewspae any American thus far had been t
4:30 o'clock :,Wednesday, - April 22., sales, and .sales -o std ee v - injured.. -. . .-
according to an announcement products. The cruiser Memphis, havingi
made yester.day by Prof. o. J.'I rushed north from Puerto Cabezas,
Campbell, of the English depart- Nicaragua, stopping briefly en route
rent.-at the American built city of Puerto
The manuscripts must be typed, Castilla, rode at anchor off La
double-spaced, In one side of the Ceiba, the largest seaport of the
paper only. According to the rules troubled coastal area, while- the°
of the contest, there must be three 0 Lcruisers Trenton and Marbleheado
copies of each composition. They I were speeding across the Caribbean
must be signed by a nom de plume, from Cuba to other Honduran coastt
accompanied with sealed envelope Pierre Patelin' to be Offered as towns, where they were expected tod
containing the nom de plume and arrive tonight.
the contestant's name. A contestant Next Project of Comedy Official dispatches showed the
must indicate clearly on each of his Club, May 7, 8, 9. revolutionary outbreak began Sat-
manuscripts that it is submitted for --rday afternoon and spread along
one of the major awards. I "Pierre Patelin," a mediaeval farce Northern Honduras in the area be-s
Five major awards of $2,500 each I written by an unknown author in hind the principal fruit exporting
are to be given to the five senior 1464, is the next project of Comedy seaports of Tela, La Ceiba and
or graduate students registered in club and will be offered May 7, 8, Puerto Castilla.s
some course in composition offered and 9 in the Lydia Mendelssohn, Apparently it was in support oft
in the department of English, who, theatre, it was announced yester- the presidential aspirations of Gen. s
having been in residence one year, dy by Richard N. Humphreys, '31, Gregorio Ferrara.
have performed the best ecreative president of the club. Minister Julius G. Lay at Tegu-
i work in the fields of dramatic writ- The play will be produced with cigalpa telegraphed the State De-'
ing, fiction, poetry, and essay. all the color and accessories of the partment that no revolutionarys
farce of the Middle Ages, Humph- force had yet come nearer than 30°
NEW BUS SERVICE reys said. It is the story of a shyster miles to any other principal sea-t
lawyer, a draper of doubtful repu- port.
WILL BE STARTED tation, and a shepherd, and will I
employ a cast of five aided by more Is
Coaches to be Operated Between than 30 extras. Costumes will alsJ
Campus and Golf Course. Mrs. Ruth Ann Oakes, prominentr
in dramatic work on the campusT li ITaI
and the new University golf course dt~to tFitJno olghSD iUIII I I
Bus srvicebetwenthcam uin tForerintrJuctor inolayepro
is now in operation at the same fare been secured to direct this play, J
charge as that which now exists on Humphreys announced. Mrs. Oakes Tr e Offi Vst by
the regular Ann Arbor city service was also the director of the ei'hth reasurers ce isite y
The special service schedule to the annual International night program Thieves; One Escapes With t
golf course will operate between 1 this year. Money and Checks.
and 7 o'clock every half hour on .__nyans._
week-days and between 9 a.m. andD
7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Harper Again to Head DETROIT, April 20.a-P)- Two
This schedule will be lengthened Notre Dame Athletics men robbed the city treasurer's of-n
with additional hours of daylight fice in the city hall of $28,451.01 inF
later in the spring. SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 20.- cash and checks shortly before ther
Coaches will leave the campus at (/P)-Jesse Harper, for whom Knute
North University and State street, Rockne played football and laterI closing hour this afternoon and
and will operate via State street to assisted, will return to Notre Damefled. One man, who said he wasn
the cut-off, thence to the golf- May 1 to become again director of Theodore Crowley, 28, of Chicago,v
course entrance. The return trip athletics. was captured. He was not armedo
will be made the same wav circling IJAnnouncement of Harer's ac-id ha dt-.,sA f th4f ti-p, .ly sv v

James 0. Murfin,
Regent of the University and De-
troit lawyer, who will act as counsel
for the University in the hearings
of the Cook estate case, in which
Ida M. Cook, divorced wife of the
deceased donor of the Law quad-
rangle, is suing to regain part of the
$12,000,000 willed to the University.
Detroit Regent Will Represent
University in Battle With
Divorcee of Lawyer.
Victory in the forthcomign legal
battle for half the William Wilson
Cook estate of $12,000,000 was
sensed by University officials yes-
terday following an announcement
that the entire case has been ac-
cepted by Judge James O. Murfin.
Detroit regent, at the request of 1
the Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity. The-suit, not as yet entered
in court, will be filed by William
Gibbs McAdoo, attorney for Mrs.
Ida C. Cook whom the deceased
divorced more than 30 years ago.
Action claiming the estate broke
out publicly early last week when
Attorney McAdoo, former secretary
of the treasury under President
Wilson, announced hiseclient's in-
tention of attempting to prove the
divorce decree invalid, a fact en-
titling her to a portion of the $12,- 1
000,000 residue. At the time that the
announcement was made, Univer-
sity officials stated that they would
seek no compromise nor accept any..
They intimated that the Univer-!
sity's case was of such a nature
that the estate was in perfect
safety from any invasion.
At the time of the announcement.
of Mrs. Cook's intended action,
Henry M. Bates, dean of the Laws
school, stated that the legal stafi
of thc University was prepared to
act as soon as the particulars of
the bill were filed. Dean Bates in-
dicated that he possesses records
showing that Mrs. Cook filed a suit
for divorce in North Dakota in
1898, seven years after her mar-,
riage. Later, Mr. Cook was granted
a decree on a cross bill.
The factthat Mrs. Cook accepted
the jurisdiction of the western
state, which then required 90 days
residence for a divorce proceeding,
Dean Bates stated, will stand in
the way of a contention that the
divorce was invalid because both
parties were residents of New York.
University officials have been
aware of the suit for the past three I
months, President Alexander Grant
Ruthven said, and all legal prepa-
rations possible under the circum-
stances have been contemplated.
The suit will probably be filed for
more than half of the Cook estate,
willed the University at the death
of the distinguished alumnus last
year. Mrs. Cook is 71 years of age.

Faculty Member, Wife
Dangerousy Hurt
in Car rash.
Mrs. Randall Fails to
Recover Senses
During Day.
Slight improvement in the con-
dition of Prof. Harrison M. Randall,
director of the physics laboratory,
and Mrs. Randall, seriously injured
yesterday morning in an automobile
collision on US-12, was noted by
University hospital physicians late
last night.
A bulletin issued at 11:50 p.m.
said that, although the condition of
both Professor Randall and Mrs.
Randall was critical, some improve-
ment had been shown throughout
the day.
The accident, whic occurred near
the Mercywood sanitarium, f o u r
miles west of here, was said by
county officials to be one of the
worst ever to have occurred in the
county. The automobile in which
the University professor and his
wife were passengers collided with
a truck and trailer, +driven by Gor
don Hill, 2656 Ash street, Detroit.
Mrs. Randall in Danger.
Mrs. Randall's condition, however,
is extremely serious. She has failed
to regain consciousness since ad-
mittance to the hospital, and the
extent of her injuries has not yet
been determined. X-rays so far
have failed to reveal serious injury;
although physicians reported that
she is suffering from a deep lacera--
bion of the scalp and that respira-
Professor Randall Is su mrlng. j
ve3 ely from shock, doctors said. He
received a compound fracture of the6
right wrist, fracture of the left leg,
and several deep lacerations of the
Itis not known whether Professor
Randall or Mrs. Randall is suffering
I rom internal injuries.
Blood Transfusions Made.
Blood tran'sfusions were made
yester day. It was following these
transfusions, physicians stated, that
mprovement was noted.
A ,son, R. D. Randall, has remain-
ed constantly at the hospital, com-
ing here from Toledo. Another son,
John R. Randall, a member of the
Faculty at the University of Wiscon-
°in, and a daughter, Esther M. Ran-
'all of the University of Wiscon-
sin hospital, will arrive early today
in Ann Arbor.
Hill Escapes Injury.
Hill escaped serious injury. The
Sedan owned by the Randalls was
completely demolished, crushed un-
der the truck which was tipped
over to one side. Hill, an employee
of the United States Trucking com-
pany, was driving west at the time.
Professor and Mrs. Randall were
returning to Ann Arbor from Ca-
zrnaugh Lake, near Chelsea.
Details of the accident varied.
Hill said he saw the approach of
the Randall sedan. About 50 feet
from his car he said, the machine
skidded, started backward, and
crashed into his truck.
Following the accident, Hill was
taken to the county jail. He con-
ferred later with Prosecutor Albert
. Rapp and was released on his
own recognizance.

President of University Will
Discuss Mill Tax Issue
Before Alpha Nu.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will speak on the Mill tax tonight
to Alpha Nu, at the regular Tues-
day night open meeting. This will
be one of the few times he has
discussed this topic at a public
session. Open discussion and ques-
tions will be permitted after he has




the campus at South University.
Three University Men
Honored at Convention
Three members of the staff of the
University were honored last Tues-
day in Lansing at a joint conven-
tion of legislators, state officials,
and judges of the supreme court.
Dr. Frederick G. Novy, professor
of bacteriology and chairman of the
executive board of the medical
school, Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, profes-
sor of bacteriology and director of
the laboratories of the University

Charles L. O'Donnell, president of{
the university, following a tele-
phone conversation from Ashland,
Kan., today.
Harper, who became athletic di-
rector and coach of all major sports
at Notre Dame in 1913, will not en-
gage in active coaching, but will
handle the administrative affairs of
the athletic department. Under him,
Heartley (Hunk) Anderson, senior
coach and Jack Chevigny, junior
coach, will direct football.
Burkland Wins Prize

Three policemen were on duty on NEWMAN TO TALK
the second floor of the city hall, O S I NPL Y
where the robbery occurred. Wit- ON PASSION PLA Y
nesses said one of the robbers sat
on the stool usually occupied by one Will Give Illustrated Lecture
of the policeman, and, shielding at Hill Juditorium Tonight.
his actions with a newspaper, clip--___
ped a hole through the wire cage E. M. Newman will present a
guarding the money. Then he travel talk and a motion picture,
reached through and took $3,032.37 "Oberammergau, with Scenes of the
in cash and $25,425.65 in checks. Passion Play," at 8 o'clock tonight
Then he and the other man, who in Hill auditorium.
witnesses said apparently was the No commercial concerns of anyf
lookout, ran in different directions. nature are allowed to take a motion
A clerk, Leo Shiffmn, and a po- picture of the entire Passion play,

anan a none or ie sroien money
ceptance was made by the Very Rev. when arrested.

LANSING-Michigan crop report-
ing service estimated wheat stocks

Mimes to Open Sale

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