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April 21, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-21

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Alder Reports
Boys' Outdoor
Camp Enlarged
Camping Period Extended
And Accomodations For
More BoysProvided
Extension of the University Fresh
Air Camp plant to care for sixty per-
cent more boys, and the lengthening
of the camping period from two
weeks to four and eight weeks were
cited as major accomplishments of
the camp in 1935 in a report to trust-
ees made yesterday by Director
George G. Alder.
Organization of a 12-months con-
tinuous educational program for more
than 100 Ann Arbor boys was one of
the high points of advance in 1935,
Mr. Alder said, adding that last sum-
mer the main building at the camp,
which is near Pinckney, was prac-
tically completed and six new cab-
ins were constructed.
The camp's name has been changed
from Fresh Air Camp to the Uni-
versity Camp for Boys, which Mr.
Alder said seemed more in keeping
with the "high ideals and purposes
of the University of Michigan."
Aiming to the truly democratic,
the camp gives each boy a voice in
its affairs, and a like amount of work
is done by each member. During
the two-hour project period each af-
ternoon the boys engaged in handi-
craft, music, swimming, boating,
fishing, dramatics, boxing, nature
study, reading and other activities.
Of 308 attending boys last year,
100 were Ann Arbor boys, in camp
for eight weeks. They were chosen
by the Family Welfare Bureau and
the Ann Arbor Public Schools. The
report showed that 208 boys were se-
lected by social agencies in Detroit,
Hamtramck, Highland Park and
Wyandotte, and these groups stayed
in camp for four weeks.
Physical examinations of the
"screening" type, given to 281 boys,
revealed a number of defects among
which were malnutrition, defective
teeth and diseased tonsils. In a few
of the more serious cases steps were
taken to correct these faults, the re-
port stated. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe
director of the Health Service, super-
vised the health program with the
assistance of Dr. George May, pro-;
fessor of physical education. An in-,
firmary away from the camp, is
needed, as well as a not water bath
and shower facilities, it was shown. ,
With a total of 1458 "boy-weeks,",
the cost per boy-week was $8.90, as
compared with $8.05 for 1934. "Con-
sidering the increased cost of food1
products, we believe the figure repre-
sents, as usual, careful economy of,
administration," Mr. Alder said.

13-Fear Old Boy Torturer

Medical, Dental
Officers Here
For 'Refresher'



Is Headquarters
Reservists During
al Course

-Associated Press Photo.
Gail Tucker, 13 years old, was
named along with a 14-year-old boy
in mayhem and delinquency war-
rants after admitting, according to
authorities at Jerseyville, Ill., they
had branded four-year-old Joseph
Hagen with a hot wire because they
had a "desire to torture somebody."
Van Tyne And
Trautman Back.
From Yucatan,
Complete Study Of Fauna
On Site Of Mayan City
With Institute's Aid
Dr. Jocelyn Van Tyne, curator of
birds, and Milton B. Trautman, assis-
tant curator of fish in the Museum
of Zoology returned last week from
Yucatan where they completed a suc-
+,essful two-months study of the
fauna of that area as part of the
University's cooperative program
with the Carnegie Institution of
Washington for the purpose of re-
constructing the background of the
Mayan civilization.
The two-man expedition, the fifth
serit out by the University in its co-
operative program, left Ann Arbor
January 26 and was in the. field
about two months. They worked
out of Chichen Itza, an ancient May-
an city.
The work of the expedition consist-
ed in part of collecting birds and
banding hundreds of: them in an
effort to learn what migratory North
American birds spent the winters in
Central America.

Medical and dental officers of the
>rganized reserves, national guard
and naval reserves of the section from
Kentucky to Michigan entered yes-
;erday their second week in the an-
nual medico-military refresher course
>ffered here by the United States gov-
Prof. Carleton B. Peirce of the
:oentgenology department, is execu-
Aive in charge of the course, which in-
ludes clinical work offered in dem-
>nstrations, operative clinics, ward
walks and conferences in general
surgery, internal medicine and oral
Maj. Harrison W. Stuckey has come
here from Fort Wayne, Ind. ,to act
as senior army medical officer dur-
ing the course ,and Lieut. Commander
J. E. Malcolmson of Detroit has been
assigned as senior naval medical of-
ficer. Official quarters for the stay
in Ann Arbor is the Union and uni-
form has not been made compulsory.
Medical and dental officers attend-
ing the two-weeks course will re-
ceive a credit of 100 hours, according
to an official bulletin issued from
headquarters of the Michigan reserve
district of the United States Army.
Following the medico-military re-
fresher course, the sixth annual post-
graduate course in ophthalmology
and otolaryngology will be held dur-
ing the period April 27 to May 2, it
was announced by Dr. Peirce.
Historical Society
Will Hold Session
The Washtenaw Historical Society
will hold its spring meeting today
at 3:30 p.m. in Room 3024 of the
Museums Building, it was announced
Miss Marie Louise Douglas of Ann
Arbor will read a paper on "Local
History Immortalized in Ann Arbor
Street Names." The talk will be
followed by an open discussion. The
meeting is open to the public.
Michigan Pennants 9c
at The
College Bookshop
Clearance Sale



Don't hgh-ha
Q UITE a few years ago (when
the class of 1911 was learn-
ing the one-step) Tin Pan Alley
produced a song with a chorus
that started out ...
"I'm the guy that put the salt
in the ocean!"
Well, the ocean is a good place
for salt, and so are peanuts. But
that's not half the story ...
Du Pont chemists take com-
mon salt as a basic ingredient
and produce things as far apart
as insecticides for farmers and
cosmetics for lovely ladies.
Out of the stuff you like on
French fried potatoes, Du Pont

the salt shaker

Aclean shirt,clean clothes- these are the pre-requisites
for Spring. . . and better yet, more economical than ever
before-that is, if you use our special student bundle.
Shirts are only 10 cents in this student bundle, cheaper
in price but of the same quality work that is used in our

regular service.

TRY IT TODAY; we say you'll like it!

makes products for purifying
your drinking water, and ingre-
dients for the dentifrices that
keep your teeth clean .. .
Some day you may be riding on
tires fabricated from Du Pont's
man-made rubber, "DuPrene"
(it's now being used in many
places where natural rubber won't
last). Salt is one of the parents
of "DuPrene"-and also of clean-
ing fluids, adhesives, sizes, and
Salt provides a good example
of the way Du Pont chemists
are using their inventive genius
to provide-

Sample Bundle
(Finished Service )
( Folded - Ready to Wear )
Cost 92C

Price per lb..

. ..Oc

Minimum Bundle 5Cc

Shirts Extra


(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)
Sox Extra, per pair.. 2c

Handkerchiefs, Extra

. Ic


Phone 4185

rrwsTao-am rra . vu flruolflrnu rEur...eTS I



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