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March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…SGc ENDORSEMENTS ..... See Editorial Page An Editorial .. . STUDENTS VOTING in this week's Student Govern- ment Council election are faced with two referenda. Both demand an emphatic "yes" vote. One calls for the University to cease all classified research activity; the second asks the University to withdraw from participation in the Institute for De- fense Analyses. Classified research is intrinsically hostile to the concept of a universi...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 10, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 10, 1968 Fijis, Alpha Xi Delta Win IFC Sing Competition The Week To. Come: A Campus Calendar The voices of the Greek sys- tem's best filled the uppermost reaches of Hill Aud. last night, as the Interfraternity Council spon-- sored its annual IFC Sing. Winning the fraternity compe- tition was -Phi Gamma Delta, led by Craig Gruenberg. Their coun-...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…Sunday, March 10, 1968 Typog Union Strike To Join I Detroit N DETROIT (A JONIMITCHELL tional Tyidgrap E E 401-16 Fridayn singer and song-writer idled Detroit Free Press as th Sunday $1.75 per person charged the put 8:00 p.m. $1.25 after 2nd set ed to negotiate. Also Friday, officials began employes who about terms for Officials of 330 Maynard 372 agreed toa ment with theI NEXT WEEK: JOHN HAMMOND Friday, when t items were adde Fringe THE MICHI...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…0 4r midptgan aI Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLIcATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Platform Choices: Priorit...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, March 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five e <" :<:ml::+ma. t aN;:c:. "..:nc>:i5'... . '?ice: P.¢cL:a3.:;n <t<u;2:'r.,'~.... .f: <%., rnnx<ocew eri.:<:i,..:«44:i:':i.': :vs;+. .+^..:..>,..s:-.:>.:.;AC .ca.. ,co,.v. ::E -: - vi ti .. 'r . .'tIt} es Y.. ir12Y: $t +'....... xi !+ > .J.. sa'S ... .. ..:uaGS m <. <...<.:: . .xrs.<att ..::"..f: i °r.. ......::NJ t °. ............ ......: i... r..:::a z... s: ..... ...:................…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sundry, March 10, 1968 DA ILYO FFIC IA L B U LLE...... . ..............N...............,.....".,N....... ........:.n:, (Cotined ro Pae 5 3.Talesmaybe esrve fo a 7. Literature may be available at as bulletin boards on the Alpha Phi 7. Must be removed on the last day locked and closed at' all times by and from J. J. C., for disciplinary is. se f Tblesmaxmumof oe wek.a table to be picked up by Interested Omega poste...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, March 10, 1968 1 k THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven -- i - - ---- -- -- I li --- - I 4! LINES 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 I doy .65 .85 1.05 1.20 1.40 1.55 1.70 1.85 2.00 2 day 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.30 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 3.80 7.30 10.40 13.35 16.25 3 day 1.80 2.40 2.90 3.35 3.80 4.25 4.70 5.10 5.50 5.50 10.60 15 20 19.65 24.15 4 doy 2.30 3.10 3 75 4.35 4.95 5.55 6.15 6.70 7.15 7.15 13,75 19.60 25.75 31.85 5 dov 2.80 3.75 4.55 5.30 6....…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAIL1r Sunday, March 10, 1968 PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT I * * * * * * * * * Candidates Declare Platforms Slates Head SGC Con-Con Delegate List F Michael Davis SGC Administrative V.P. Carol Hollenshead Incumbent Bob Nelson SGC Personnel Director Dave Phillips Student Consumer's Union Panther White Exec. Committee, City Course Shelly Mittleman UAC Outreach Committee With the end of imposed ...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 9

…Sunday, March 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY pe Nm I~s PAID ADVERTISEMENT agewine PAID ADVERTISEMENT C CT S Presidential Positions * * S Voters To Decide Stated New Pres., V.P. Ballot Includes Nine Council Candidates . Three tickets for president and vice-president and nine coun- cil candidates provide the focus of attention in SGC elections Tues- day and Wednesday. A 'Choice 68" also ballot allows students to vote their preferen...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 10, 1968 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 10, 1968 0 21 GRAPEFRUIT LEAGUE: Tigers Take Twins In Spit-Spat apoplexy S. doug heller COURSE EVALUATION BOOKLET Now Accepting Positions for: By Te Associated Press LAKELAND, Fla. - Don Wert scored twice and drove in a run and Bill Freehan drove in two runs as the Detroit Tigers defeated the Minnesota Twins 6-1 yesterday to even their ...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 11

… Sunday, March 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Sunday, March 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..geEeven Wolverine Cagers Michigan Staves Off Last-Half Surge After Rudy Sprains Ankle Stun Iowa 71-70, Force Playoff Hayes Stars As Houston Triumphs 94-76 By ROBIN WRIGHT Special To The Daily IOWA CITY - Michigan's late season basketball miracle men toyed with a 16 point lead half way through the second half, saw it diminish to a hair ...…

March 10, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 134) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 10, 1968 PageTwelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 1 0,1968 PRESENTLY 'UNENFORCEABLE': State Legislature Investigates Re-Defining Crime of Rioting DAILY OF ..w ... .r ...4y .......... . ;. . ....... n "::. v .-:":::..:..".. {.,:.{ ...wt:::.4i.. FICIAL BULLE iTIN >3 S LANSING P) - If more than 30 people rushed out on the field to join in a fight during a De- troit Tiger baseball game it ...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…LEGISLATURE SHOULD MODIFY ABORTION LAW See editorial-page Cr Sir1 igan A461pr 43 ' ; at ty WARMER Hgh-44 Low--26 Brisk winds; no chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom. VOL LXXVII, No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES ( NEWS WIRE Pentagon Blasts Jobs f Engin Hiring Urges U, or THE NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION was accused last night of "lying to the staff" about severing...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 FILMS First Festival Films Lack Mood, Ingenuity Hit Engin School Employment Procedures By ANDREW LUGG The Ann Arbor Film Festival has reached the half-way stage. During the past three days the films have been mainly from new- er artists. An exception to this was Ion Popescu Gopo's "Steps To- wards the Moon", a Rumanian feature-length film which opened, the festival. It is in strange c...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAn'U' RPvmv £i~5 .A~L rticx nn ti President Plans War Meetig Official LAY-OFF AFFECTS 200,000: UAW Tells GM Workers To Cease Wildcat Strike Wit LBJ Reports, Critics Lack Information U.S. Officials Reveal Record Losses; Viet Cong Defections High ' WASHINGTON () -4 President Johnson said yesterday he expects to meet somewhere in the Pacific later this month with his top lead- ers in Vietnam. J...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…Sictli Jau DilI Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -- UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Vietnam: From Tragedy to Disaster? I Where Opinions Are Pes' 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth WiU Prevan' NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…Y, MARCH 10, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DlAILY ,n x N°7 r.+ rsttr*e For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. PAGE t[ HE 557 9 FOR RENT FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 1 bedroomi, 2 man unit in the Trade- Winds Apts. Call 665-8330. C4 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE for students or family-Furnished, close to cam- pus. April 25-August 19. $200.00. Call 865-21 l0. 049 NEED TWO GIRLS to share three bed- room house near campus. ...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SIX FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 ,: ryC.., ,.."%Y''.+r~~ ."i.. . \ 4, '~ . JOIN AWEEKEND PROJECT ATf DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :.". :? ,A. . h.... Ay~v ...e .D ,TA I .I..... ... ,{ ... .A,.GC.. J%". x ..,.. .. ...... ?. : .....A..... . .4............:........":.....'C,~" Y DC 1.. ....M... ..I.C.....T...1.. ......... ........ . . .L _ , The Daily Offlical Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan f...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAAi, MARCH, 10, 1967 TFE MICHIGAN DAILY aPaA.:j Qi''V r Z tvLN COUNTRY'S BRIGHTEST STARS: ByCob< By BOB McFARLAND Acting Executive Sports Editor Jim Ryun and Conrad Nightin- gale in the mile .... Gerry Lind- gren in the two mile . . Bob Seagren in the pole vault . . . thumbs-up Charlie Greene and Lennox Miller in the 60-yard dash .. Willie Davenport and Rich- mond Flowers in the hurdles . Ryun, Dave Patrick, Ray Arring- ton and {Pe...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. MARCh 1fl i~E~7 s avaY xa i i aL:i1.1 V 1 1 V \ 1 uv {.. ENGINEERS' MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL * METALLURGICAL Sunstrand Corporation, a medium sized company head- quartered in a modern industrial city just 90 minutes from Chicago, Illinois, Is expanding its operations. You can now take advantage of excellent growth oppor- tunities with the l...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 9

…FRIDAY, iKAI ClI 10, 1967 l 11 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P*.V VTVAJA.~i FRIDAY, MAR~U 10, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAf~V ~T~TY rn c, lvl.VtL ++ .rm w. Spartans By GRAYLE HOWLETT Acting Associate Sports Editor Special To The Daily EAST LANSING-The only way to begin this story is to say "The End." Last night the methodic Mich- igan State Spartans knocked the Wolverine icers out of the WCHA playoff round, 4-2, and set the hockey- equipment manage...…

March 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 132) • Page Image 10

… PAGL TEN TAE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 ,, t'AEcw : TE MIHIGAN-AI- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Across Campus U SUBLE SER ICE, (Continued on Page 6)' Econ., Journ.,. Speech, Lib. Arts for public relations trainees. POSITION OPENINGS: Russell Mkt. Research, Inc., N.Y.C. ' -Mktg. Res. Trainees. All phases, Field, Tabulating and Project Direction. Back- grounds in Mktg., Math, Psych., Soc. and Bus. Ad. are most helpful.. U.S. T...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…U. S. MUST SHARE NATO POWER See Editorial Page Y Burt zg au 1E]aitF WARMER High-50 LOW-30 Partly cloudy, clearing later Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 134 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Panhel Eyes Revision of Rush Policy i Sororities Advocate One Extended Period For Fall or Winter By AVIVA KEMPNER Alternate proposals advocating a change in the present sorority rush system ...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1900 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 1966 _.._. _ . , _e_, ,,. __, _....,. I FILMS Experimental Films: Good, Bad But Always, Always, Different ART Peterdi Shows Mastery of Print Making r HILLEL SABBATH SERVICE The type of film now being shown in the present Ann Arbor Film Festival is the future of the movie medium. Some of the pic- tures are awful, others pseudo-in- te...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DATTv ....w...... ..._. . THUSDY, ARH 0, 96 Te MTCUivAil 1IAITiT PAGE THREE I I France To Leave Despite NATO Talks) See Chinese Indonesian Students Riot; Review of old Policies, Call for Communist Purge Command Commence Discussions In London Replies to Johnson Letter; No Formal Withdrawal Planned PARIS (kP)-Ignoring a warning from President Johnson, France announced yesterday it will go ahead ...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

… Sevent y-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDFR AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER 0j is Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 A01, au }OHAT I-r'u I-E& Grt3eC Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. i HOW ~-J -1. THURSDAY, MARCH 10,...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

…IA YA1UE t 1V r Ai 5 fU WHAT IS A MIME? Find out, see ToniMohtenaro March 12. F46 JEANE G.-You little problem child- HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Love Always, Jim SOS P43 NCAA REGIONAL TICKET FOR SALE. Reserved seat for both games. Call Tindall, 665-6183. F28 GOOD TICKETS Still available for New Christy Mn- strels. ,tP42 Hear Michigan's Own Pleasure Seekers New Hit NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D LEAVE ME F20 BARBIE T.-I know April 2 is your 21st birthday, but i...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…SIX' THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1966 SI__l MC IA D IYTUSDY ACH1,1_ Hilitoppers Whip Up M' Worries By GRAYLE HOWLETT What sport has the highest accident rate? Skydiving? Wrong. Bobsledding? Guess again. Touch football? Way off. Try college basketball. "College basketball," you say, "where oversized men run around in short pants, throwing a few elbows and maybe skinning a knee. What's so rough about that?" Nothing, really, ...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, MARCH 10,''1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY lftArtim ctv4v"*%.v THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN '' ...and Number 55, Oliver Darden By GIL SAMBERG Acting Associate Sports Editor There are individuals who can be sketched as quickly as a phrase. "The finest image of collegiate athletics-that's Oliver Darden." And if men were but impersonal impressions, Dave Strack's capsule description would fit well. But a fast ...…

March 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 134) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 PAGE EIGHT TUE MICHIGAN DAILY Lack of Information, Job Objectives, Confidence Offered as Reasons for Unmarried Motherhood Most likely candidates for un- wed motherhood are girls who lack adequate sex information, have no clear-cut job goals, and tend to feel themselves incompetent and unrewarded, a pair of University researchers report. Jean W. Butman and Jane A. Kamm of the Universi...…

March 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…GROUP: TIME TO START KEEPING PROMISES See Editorial Page 5k CioanY Etaitp CLOUDY High--35 Low-20 Chance of occasional light snow Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES KERR, MEYERSON LEAVE OFFICES Give No Reasons 6 For Sudden Move California's President, Chancellor Leave in Wake of Fall Student Riots By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The wave of student prot...…

March 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 ?AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN JJAILY WEDNESDAY, 10 MAR~IJ 19&~ n, .r ........ ... .: r. ..o..... .... ,.,. r..,...... .....a. ......{,. . ,S.V...... ...... .................. .................................................. ................................................. .................................................. Across Campus : li V 5.': DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Dial 662-62...…

March 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1$65 THE MICHIGAN DAILY "A f-I l? Div ray WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 THE MIC hftAN flALV PAGE THREE Rusk Pledges Continued Aid To South Vietnamese' WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk pledged con- tinued large-scale economic and mAilitary aid to South Viet Nam yesterday, saying "inaction in the face of challenge is the sure path to disaster." Opening testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee on ...…

March 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…I'w £tlijant Bailg Sevrety-Fifth Yer EDrrD AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERsITY OF MICmGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are 420 MAYNARD ST., Arm ARBO, MICH. Tmuth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JOHNSTON...…

March 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 THE MICHIGAN BAILY FAnw. mvu DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME1 ITS rriurr I v is FOR RENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .70 1.95 3.45 3 .85 2.40 4.20 4 1.00 2.85 4.95 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 2:30 daily. Phone 764-0557 FOR RENT DESIRABLE Apartment for summer, fall. Bed sitter, large kitchen, sepa- rate ;batch. 416 E. Huron. Phone 665- 7592 afternoons or afte...…

March 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

… PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1965 Caz Responding Well To 'Treatment" center of soph Bob Dove for senior sary. The two referees appeared Jim Shaffer as the turning point |more than willing to declare in- in this unusual Ohio State sea- I fractions throughout the game son. "Dove can create the lead. without any prompting. He moves more. So we began to l Taylor had bee...…

March 10, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…GIGlioe ips '1 By MARILYN KORAL (First of a series) While Michigan's state-supported universities squabble over funds, students and expansion of their facilities, a six-year-old cooperative educational project is flourishing in the Midwest. The University, the other "Big Ten" institutions and the University of Chicago have pool- ed research and faculty resources as members of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). The scope of the b...…

March 10, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 PAGE TWO TUE MICHiGAN DAILY TUESDAY. MARCH 10. 1964 d 4+La AT 1l I. 1. .i.j 11dtd.RYVdd iVj dVVZ s MONTHLY MEETING: Regents Confirm Al DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, pointments, Leaves The Regents approved the fol- lowing appointments, resignations and leaves of absence at the regu- lar monthly meeting. Appointments Prof. Lyle F. Aseltine of the dental school was appointed as- sociate prof...…

March 10, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY luarreling Reds o Settle Dispute Russia, Red China Begin Discussions Observes Viet Nam Progress Killingsworth Offers Definition of Automation Of Alleged Borde NEW DELHI (1P)-Feuding Red up a joint commission to settle a visiting Soviet official reporte Last fall, the Soviet Union char rng its border and trying to seize Peking in turn accused the Sov t in Red China's far northwest HAROLD WILSON. ViolaionsRevo HOA HCAO,...…

March 10, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…14t x4 hgau al Sew t7-Tbkd Ter 'fETED AND MANAGED iB STUDENTS OF ThE UNTVESrZr 'o MI xIAN _ w UNDER ATHORT OF BOARD Di CONTROL OF STUDENT PUW=&TJMOs "Where Opinions A e ree STUDENT° PvucATioNs &LDc., AwN ARxo, MiC., PIsoNi eo 2-3241 Truth win Preal" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH Stu...…

March 10, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I AILY CLASSIFIED ADIVE ITIS p. I FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1959 Triumph station wagon. One owner Call 665-9363. B10 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10 3-5362. PERSONAL AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. F73 Cross word POTTERY FOR SALE. Call Stu Klip- per at 2-4932. B3 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS on sale this week. SAB. 1-3 daily. F...…

March 10, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…PAGE 8IXk THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. MARCH 10. 1964 tc. .... CHIPS... by Mike Block The Week That Was This was the gretest week that ever was in Michigan sports history. It was the first time Wolverine teams ever won five Big Ten championships in a single winter. And it was the first time any Western Conference team has ever performed this feat-unless you include fencing. In 1952, Illi...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…SGC CANDIDATE EVALUATIONS See Editorial Page :Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom :4Ia it ~ PARTLY CLOUDY High--36 Low--25 Little change in temperature through Monday VOL. LXXIII, No 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1963 SEVEN CENTS TWENTY-FOUR PA a' i Syrians Ask UAR Help To Establish Harmony Between Arab NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER JOHN F. KENNEDY ....his own plan ... shifts strategy Executive tax Revision Bill On Sch...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY R mTwnA V A ISUNA AY, 4UAR wl ROGRAM NOTES': Union Features Arts Festival Announce Branstrom Book Winners I ~2. .The Michigan Union's Annual Creative Arts Festival, beginning this week, will feature poetry readings, an original stage pro- duction and a folklore society con- cert as its opening fare. Poet W. D. Snodgrass of WayneI State University will present a1 reading of his own works at 8' p.m. today in the Unio...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

… MARCH 10, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE MARCh 10. 19S~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE THREE Farm Problem Presents Enigma By OVID A. MARTIN Associated Press Farm Writer WASHINGTON - A surplus of uncertainties hangs over the fu- ture of one big national problem, surplus food stocks. It may be that they'll be re- duced. No one knows for sure whether these stocks, which amounted to about $6.5 billion worth in 1962, will increase or grow less ...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Third Year -EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNWElRSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHoITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"'' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must b- noted in all reprints. "You Stay Out Of This!" .1, t ' UNDERSCORE: Alliance...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 5

…1'Y', MARCH 10, 1963 LV. MARCH10. 196ZTHE MICHIGAN DAILY PG r rA GE FIN DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETN t.n:":: ,v: ::. .. . . S..n;" .r:tv r!r !' r." y e ' S t. :.};."," "" . , C f . ::::..:..:.....:.....'::":0i:i:::v:veS.................r{o i". flssw.t . "". .vhtittaan .4 L" .1 }l .y MYt!. Y:t Jf i14. lJA1Mh~INlh J .! h. . ,y- . 'i1'.Y.Y~~": For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturda...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAWR 10. IM ;andidates Build Platforms on Ex-icio ssue; p 1. . c? rederick I Rhines rederick Rhi'es, '64; Member, eigma Chi fraternity, rre- ponding secretary, social chair- aan, Michigras chairman; co- hairman, Homecoming ticket V THE NEXT several years Stu- dent Government Council will faced with many problems Zich are going to be crucial to existence and to the role of e student at the University of .ch...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

…I10,1903 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?Vote Michael Marston Positions on Student-Faculty Governmen 4 Michael Marston, Grad; Past president, Theta Delta Chi so- cial fraternity, member, Law School class of 1964; graduate, U of M; commission, 2d/ Lieu- tenant, USAF Reserve. T HERE ARE several basic issues of concern to us in the present election. One that stands out is the structifre and role of student government at this University. I feel that th...…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. EEW AY IN GRANTS: NSF Interest Lies in Basic Research Walther Explains Notion Of Ecumenical Councils Once Again -- The Famous TCE EUROPEAN STUDENT TOURS (Some tours include an exciting visit to Israel) - ~ The fabulous, Iong-established Tours that include j many unique features: live several days with a French family - special opportunities to make friends abroad, special cultural events, evening entertainment, m...…

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