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March 10, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-10

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"''
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must b- noted in all reprints.

"You Stay Out Of This!"

t '

Alliance Needs
Latin Leaders

NDAY. MARCH 10. 1963



L ,t*

The SGC Candidates.. .

BELIEVE that Student Government
Council provides students with the means
to channel their ideas and educational con-
cerns into specific and constructive programs.
'SGC must stand for and strive to attain
thoughtful and meaningful student participa-
tion in the formation of University policy.
SGC candidates should realize the necessity
for student-faculty government of University
affairs, be thinking of structures best to ful-
fill these aims and stand ready to suggest steps
to implement such a government.
SOC must use its full resources to guaran-
tee students the opportunity to maximize their
educational growth. This means insistence on
the creation of a climate where students may
express their opinions freely, through publica-
tions or political action,. and listen to which-
ever speakers interest them. A Council candi-
date should be pledged to work for guaran-
tees of academic freedom and substantive and
procedural due process in all judicial hearings.
5GC SHOULD REALIZE that a student's edu-
cation is impaired when he is pevented
from associating with other students of differ-
ing backgrounds and beliefs. This, plus a clear
mandate from the Regents to end discrimina-
tion within the University, gives SGC both the
right and the responsibility to eliminate as
quickly as possible racial and religious discrim-
ination in student social organizations. Council
candidates should stand for the elimination of
all such discrimination.
Members of SGC should also have a compre-
hensive understanding of the structure of the
University-one which acknowledges that the
campus is more than the Office of Student Af-
fairs and that the problems of the OSA are re-
lated to more general problems which exist
in widely diverse areas of the University.
EVALUATION of SGC candidates should in-
clude both the individual's vision of student
government, and his capacity to translate ideas
into specific and concrete action.
After an. Open House,, personal interviews
and examination of the platforms of the 13
candidates, we find seven whose conceptions of
student government include advocacy of great-
er student responsibility, assured student rights
and an understanding of the Council's relation
to the academic program.
FOUR OF THEM display the necessary con-
sistency of thought, logical development of
ideas and apparent ability to turn their con-
ceptions into effective programs to be elected
to Council. They are:
EDWIN SASAKI is an articulate and intelli-
gent past president of Graduate Student Coun-
cil, impressive in his ability to relate SGC is-
sues to a broader philosophy of higher educa-
tion. Though not a militant liberal, Sasaki
calls for full academic freedom and an end
to restrictive paternalism. He does think that
rules such as women's hours should be legislat-
ed over the women who desire them. Sasaki
would give to the Council a much needed ma-
turity; an educational framework to work
within; and many contacts with graduate stu-
dents, important faculty and administrators.
KENNETH MILLER has great knowledge of
the Council from his year's term and valuable
experience (within its structure) as former ad-
ministrative vice-president. He is one of the
,few SGC members to approach issues with an
open mind, listen to all sides of argument and
reach an independent conclusion. Unfortunate-
ly, this has meant that he vaccilates on im-
portant issues and is unwilling to put an order
of precedence over conflicting principles.
He will implement several action programs
if elected SGC president and in this position
might be able to rally student support to press
for necessary reforms: If he fails to become
president, however, he is most likely to slip into
inaction and obscurity. He deserves to be elect-
ed president more than he deserves to be re-
turned to Council.
HOWARD ABRAMS deserves re-election. He
works harder for Student Government Council
and the Michigan Region of United States Na-
tional Student Association than any other
Council member. He is familiar with the prob-
lems of the University and can give traditional
liberal and jargonistic rationales for them. His
policy positions are based on thought and he
can defend them with coherence. Abrams' dif-
ficulty, however, is in his ineffectiveness as
an SGC member. More concerned with speak-

ing the blunt truth (as he sees it) than in
passing motions, his untactful and sometimes
irrelevant debate often alienates both sides.
MARY BETH NORTON hasserved a rather
undistinguished year on SGC as Assembly As-
sociation president, sponsoring only one mo-
tion. With a year of experience and without
the burdens of another office, Miss Norton
could become a hard working and effective
member of Council. She has thought through
the student political issues and answers tough
questions with relative ease. However, she has
done little thinking about the relation and
responsibility of SGC to the academic process.
what similar point of view on the direction
Council should be going, but lack experience,
and knowledge to translate their opinions into
action. They display inconsistency of thought
and anprficiil eamination o fmanoft hr +

any of his stands if he encounters opposition
from those in power. He would sacrifice free
speech to pacify the state Legislature and would
not go beyond the naive approach of humble
requests of the administration.
Although THOMAS SMITHSON is one of the
more experienced quadrangle candidates to seek
an SGC post in recent years, his actual knowl-
edge of the University outside this one area is
small.'He supports direct action to accomplish
progress in student economic welfare with
emphasis on a cooperative book store. He
fails to see, however, any direct relevance of
student government to the academic experience
and has no idea of how to implement student-
faculty government. His stand on discrimina-
tion in student organizations is archaic, holding
that they are essentially private groups and
should have some exemption from the Regents
bylaw prohibiting racial or religious bias.
HENRY WALLACE offers new ideas and
original thinking on old ones, but the ideas are
often better suited for other bodies than SGC
and he is often tripped up by "liberal dilem-
mas." His platform shows a mixture of con-
cern for engineering education, student-run
bookstores and a new program to show the
University to underprivileged children from
Detroit and Ann Arbor in an effort to give
them an appreciation and aspiration for higher
education. He is ignorant of the Council's
structure, resources and problems and overly
concerned with social programming and dat-
ing patterns of University students.
,T HE FIVE remaining candidates offer a
philosophy of SGC which differs remark-
ably from those outlined above. As a group they
have a slower, more cautious approach to prob-
lems, one which doubts the competency and
maturity of students and shies away from in-
creasing the decision making power of stu-
dents. They tend to value the pragmatic argu-
ment over the democratic or moral one, and
support the short practical resolution over
the broader reaching, more idealistic ones.
OF THESE, two appear to present the capabil-
ity of potential of becoming adquate Coun-
cil members, able to articulate an implement
their view of SGC. They are:
JOHN RUTHERFORD is an intelligent con-
servative with an enlightened attitude on pa-
ternalistic extra-classroom regulations and
SGC's responsibility to take sides on educa-
tional and academic freedom questions arising
on other campuses which are of national con-
cern. He admits a lack of competence to for-
mulate new issues and displays a lack of con-
fidence in the ability of the student to make
wise political decisions.
Advocating a "hands off" position on mem-
bership selection, Rutherford sees "education"
as the only ,method of combatting prejudice
in the affiliate system. He would not take any
action other than issuing a warning to a
student organization admitting that it dis-
criminated on the grounds of race or religion.
Though purporting to be a conservative,
SHERRY MILLER refuses to adopt any over-
all philosophy of student government. While
other candidates view student-faculty govern-
ment as the panacea for SGC's problems, she
puts emphasis on the districting plan as a cure-
all. She believes "responsibility" must be dem-
onstrated before freedom is given to students
and tends to evaluate issues from the admin-
istration's interest and not the students. She
has had much experience in the SGC commit-
tee structure, however, and has shown that she
is willing to work hard in researching a project
and examining all sides of a question before
taking a stand.
THE LAST THREE candidates have neither
the knowledge nor imagination to serve as
effective representatives of the student body.
They are:
MICHAEL MARSTON has avoided taking a
stand on ex-officios, the main issue of an
essentially one-issue campaign. He offers no
new ideas for Council consideration or any
specific proposals for implementing standing
policy. Though in his fifth year at the Univer-
sity, he knows surprisingly little about it and
has attended only one SGC meeting. For a
regional officer of a fraternity, however, he has
a surprisingly progressive position on member-
ship selection. Though claiming to be in "gen-

eral agreement" with the Voice platform, he
differs with it on many substantial specific
FRED RHINES makes it quite clear that
nothing in his program is new and that his
election wouldN be based simply on his stands
on present issues. While professing a tolerance
of several individuals of minority groups and
an opposition to bias, Rhines asserts that a
fraternity working on a majority vote can dis-
criminate on racial or religious grounds with-
out being penalized. He cannot defend his
stands on various other issues with any adept-
ness and in at least one instance could supply
no reason at all for his opinion. He switches
stands when pushed on some points, but has
one or two notions on how to implement some
present Council policies.
MICHAEL KNAPP puts his emphasis on
"cooperation" with the administration and
"step by step" progress, though he sees no un-

America between the glitter
and wealth of the great. cities and
the poverty, disease and hunger
of the slums and hinterlands is
being aided little by the ambitious
plans outlined for the Alliance for
The violence and instability of
political conditions have increased
the misery of the majority of the
200 million Latin Americans who
go to bed hungry each night. The
chaos produced by the rapid flue-
tuations of power have made for-
eign investors hesitant about pour-
ing capital into the heavily en-
dowed but lightly built-up con-
The social unrest which plagues
the countries carries the threat to
investors of confiscation of private
capital by politicians and revolu-
tion. It is against this background
of paralyzing poverty and fear of
investors that American business-
men and American officials have
been exploring the question of
what to do.
* *
THEIR FIRST answer was to
pour $100 billion into the econ-
omies of the Latin American coun-
tries over a 10-year period. The
U. S.taxpayers would put up $11
billion of this at the rate of $1.1
a year. American companies and
other outside investors were to
provide about 900 million a year to
total about $9 billion. Latin
Americans themselves would put
up the remaining $80 billion.
This original plan is now in its
second year of testing.
The biggest problem has been
that while American taxpayers
have been pouring in their money,
but mostly to build up collapsing
currencies, Latin American inves-
tors have been drawing money out
of their own countries to have
what they have.
The program has bogged down
for this very reason.
* * *
IN ORDER to investigate ttie
problem there has been establish-
ed a Commerce Committee for the
Alliance for Progress. It is com-
posed of 25 U. S. businessmen
whose firms are active in Latin
America, and was established by
the U. S. government.
The COMAP report to the Whtte
House calls for more aid to pri-
vate investors from the govern-
ment. It says the best way to en-
courage more extensive investment
by U.S. firms is to reduce the
risk and increase potential re-
A group of dissenters in COMAP
favor not increased expenditures
and guarantees by the government.
but rather a "get tough" policy.
They suggest that U. S. aid be
limited to!countries which show
iniatative and a willingness to
help themselves. They further sug-
gest that aid be withheld from
countries which hold back and
fail to take needed actions.
BOTH COMAP proper and the
dissenters within the group agree

on a few basic points. They feel
that the plight of the Alliance for
Progress is based in part on the
ill-health of the business climate
and that sources of private capital
-both foreign and local-are dry-
ing up.
Both reports stress that present
aid is too small as well as veiwing
the program as involving "gov-
ernment deficits, support shaky
currencies, and keep countries
from going bankrupt."
BUT THIS accomplishes very
little. It's like constantly putting
gasoline into a car with a hole
in the tank. The government ap-
parently thinks that it can pour
enough gasoline to negate. the
hole-but it can't.
Much of the blame has rested
with the Latins themselves. The
Alliance was based on the premise
that Latin Americans would help
themselves to underwrite a social
revolution which would diminish
the gap between rich and poor.
The wealthy men agreed to offer
a somewhat better life to the
workers to stave off Communism.
But nobody who has any money
has conceded a dime to the work-
The wealthy of the countries on
the South American continent
have them so fimly in their hands
that little can be done. Most of
the countries have no income taxes
--or if they do they tax only the
poor and middle classes. A few
countries, under intense Alliance
prodding, have dabbled in tax and
land reforms, but this has been
the exception rather than the rule.
form combined with the minimum
of $10 billion in personal fortunes
that Latin Americans have tucked
away in Europe and the United
States rather than invested in
their own countries where capital
is desperately needed, points up
that the long-range effectiveness
of the Alliance depends upon some
changes of attitude in the Latin
American rulers themselves.
If the nominal gains-in new
schools and better-fed children-
can be expanded, then there is
hope .for dLatinAmerica. But if
the Alliance fails then the con-
tinually nagging hunger of Latin
America's millions will erupt, and
our empty promises will be swept
away by the tide.
of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People announced plans to picket
a high school musical production
of "Huckleberry Finn," because
Negro students are playing the
roles of slaves," an American Civil
Liberties Union publication, "Fea-
ture Press Service," commented.
Do they think that picketing will
negate history?
--Ellen Silverman


Effective Action Necessary

THE RECENTLY proposed fair
housing ordinance reaches first
reading tomorrow night at the
Ann Arbor City Council meeting.
The real issues to be considered
concern the form the law will
take, rather than the passage in
any form.
The idea of an ordinance is ac-
teptable to just about everybody.
The Republican party, in its plat-
form for the April elections, sup-
ports enactment of fair housing
legislation this year. And of course
the Democratic party continues
to conduct a vigorous fight.
But "effective" is the key word
in describing such legislation. The
word has different meanings to
different people. With reference
to discrimination, Mayor Cecil O.
Creal this summer said, "I don't
think Ann Arbor has this problem.
Ann Arbor is a broadminded town.
Everybody here is a first-class cit-
TO THOSE who hold Creal's
viewpoint, any legislation would
effectively control discrimination
in Ann Arbor. Then, the only re-
maining legal problem would seem
to be whether a proposed fair
housing ordinance respected
people's alleged innate property
Creal has used this premise as
his given reason for trying to re-
duce the proposed fair housing
legislation to impotence, even
though the premise is patently
At the council work session
which considered the proposed or-
dinance, Creal objected to the sec-
tion which dealt with discrimina-
tion by financial institutions.
Creal said that he had never en-
countered or heard of discrimina-
tion in a financial institution.
There is even a disadvantage in
the section, he said, in that fi-
nancial discrimination might be
mistaken for racial discrimination.
So he suggested that the section
be removed as it was unnecessary.
In fact, he termed it "just a
* * *
HOWEVER, the section provides
the missing link in a complete fair
housing ordinance. Whether or not
there is discrimination by finan-
cial institutions, the fact remains
that such units could become the
one obstacle which would negate
existing fair housing laws by pro-
viding an "out" for real estate
The Ann Arbor - Washtenaw
County chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union recently sent
a letter to Creal urging that the.
section, pertaining to discrimina-
tion by financial institutions,
which it called a "key provision,"
be retained. Their stand represents
the idea that the fair housing or-
dinance should be complete.
Financial institutions should
not be allowed to discriminate.
They shouldnot be the exception
to which real estate agencies
could resort to escape the juris-
diction of an ordinance with the
financial section removed, as Creal
In the working session, Creal
further proposed that there be an
addition providin a cutoff in the

vent any conduct tending to ren-
der ineffectual any steps that the
commission or the court might
take. to bring about compliance
with this chapter in the event a
court shall later determine that
a violation did occur ..."
Creal's fear is that in having
one's property put under an in-
junction, ardefendant might un-
dergo a great deal of financial
loss. The possibility of the case
remaining in court for such a
long time is nill. And the proposed
ordinance, like those operating in
other cities, is basically a "no-
fight" law. Almost all cases are
intended to be resolved by the
conciliation-oriented Human Re-
lations Commission.
furthermore, the. circuit court
seldom sets a permanent injunc-
tion. It has the power to stop in-
junction as well as start it. The
decision to end an injunction
should lie with the court rather
than with an inflexible addition
to the ordinance.
tified Creal that it wants to see
the portion which details injunc-
tion procedure retained intact. The
positions of the City Council mom-
bers on the advisability of adding
Creal's suggested amendment have
not yet become apparent. They
may come out at first reading, un-
less, as some predict, the council
delays controversial discussion u-
til later. Let us hope that the
council decides in favor of the
acceptable existing section.
But despite present efforts to
weaken the fair housing ordinance,
there are areas which definitely
need strengthening. The first lies
in the difinition of a :nultiple
housing accommodation as con-
sisting of five housing units.
Under this definition, only about
20-30 per cent of rental units
and housing is covered. A multiple
housing accommodation should be
defined to consist of three housing
units. Then the ordinancehwould
cover more of the city. Areas out-
side the territory of the Univer-
sity and the central district should
also become open to minority
has remained virtually segregated
without change for the last quar-
ter-century. Lowering the defini-
tion to three units would help the
school board break down the
existing segregation.
Also, the choice of five units as
constituting a multiple housing
accommodation would be a gross
inconsistancy, as pointed out by
ACLU in its letter to Creal. Un-
der the city zoning ordinance, a
multiple housing unit accommo-
dation is defined as consisting of
three units.
The council should not let this
inconsistancy pass. It should sub-
stitute a definition using three
units as the criterion.
* * w
ANOTHER AREA of weakness
in the proposed ordinance is that
it nowhere specifically prohibits,
discrimination by real estate
agents. When the ordinance was
first read in the working session,
however, the ordinance was inter-
preted to mean that no real estate

real issues are in which form
the ordinance will take.
* * *
WILL THERE BE omision of
financial institutions? A cutoff
in the length of time of an in-
junction? A definition of mul-
tiple housing accommodations as
consisting of five housing units?'
A lack of specific statement pro-a
hibiting discrimination by real
estate agents when acting for
other people? Let us hope the an-
swers to all of these questions are
no, no, no and no.
In answering them; council must
spend long hours hashing the con-
ditions and issues. Some have pre-
dicted that the final decision on
the ordinance will be delayed until
after -the April 1 elections, when
it would be strategically conven-
ient and possible to bury a strong
ordinance. The council should act
as soon as it can on the legisla-
tion while giving full considera-
tion to the criticisms given by
A major step in ultimately. put-
ting the legislation into effect will
take place at tomorrow night's
regular session, when the ordi-
nance is expected to pass first
reading. The ordinance would then
go to a public hearing scheduled
for March 19.
THE COUNCIL should show
that it stands for a fair housing
ordiance which can solve the exist-
ing problems in discrimination
against Ann Arbor residents and
University students.
Creal and those like him who
believe that Ann Arbor does not
have a discrimination. problem
should not be allowed to suffocate
legislation which would help those
who, through experience, have
learned differently.

No Plot, but .Boring
LIKE A SICK. COW grazing across the cultural wastelands of the
really far west, "Diamond Head" (a vivid glimpse of modern Hawaii)
concerns the tragic decomposition of a man, a way of life, and a movie.
This movie has everything. To begin with, it faces squarely virtually
all of today's leading moral dilemmas: integration, birth control, abor-
tion, the money-honor problem, pre-, post-, extra-, intra-, inter-, quasi-.
semi-, and para-marital relations, political uncleanliness, and so forth.
The film doesn't do anything with these dilemmas, but it faces them
THE BEST WAY to understand how one movie can deal so ef-

fectively with all these issues and


Voice Misunderstood

To the Editor:
wa's article expressing his dis-
satisfaction with several points
in the Voice Platform, we feel
there is a definite need to define
certain Voice positions more ex-
As Selwa stated, "Voice is com-
mitted to increasing the political
dialogue both inside and outside
the University." Potentially the:
Michigan Union Reports might be
one area where political dialogue
could and should be increased.
Voice does consider it desirable
for the members of the Union
staff' to have an organ through
which they can express their per-
sonal political ideas. However, it
is one thing for a group of in-
dividuals to publish its ideas, as
Voice does In its platform at its
own expense, and quite another for
the resources of the Union to be
used to put forth political idealogy
when all University men must
support it through their tuition.
page Voice Platform does not
enumerate "all other possible safe-
guards" when referring to stu-

our platform..Our platform states
opposition to "any and all Uni-
versity regulations which limit
freedom of expression beyond the
limits imposed by state and na-
tional laws." This means that if,
the University had no speaker re-
strictions beyond those imposed
by state and national laws, it
would in effect have no speaker
policy of its own. As stated in our
introductory pamphlet, Voice calls
for "an end to our restrictive,
hasty approach to civil liberties
during the Cold War, abolition of
the House Un-American Activities
Committee and other laws or
agencies which either implicity or
explicity set unjust limits on free--
dom of political action and poli-
tical expression. Therefore, Voice
also opposes the laws limiting free-
dom of speech.
Tuesday Voice is co-sponsoring
a speech by Herbert Aptheker,
editor of "Political Affairs":
Theoretical Organ of the Com-
munist Party. This will not be a
direct test of the new speaker
restrictions but it will be a test
of the spirit in which the new
bylaw was past.
* * *

yet not have to resort to the use
of a plot or any ether such low
theatrical device is to notice who
the stars are: Riding herd over the
rest is Charlton Heston, who owns
a $20 million plantation, plunders,
kills, runs for United States Sen-
ator, and in his spare time prac-
tices smiling like he just came
from the orthodontist.
Then there's Yvette Mimieux
(whom you loved in, uh, what was
it?) who keeps offering, for rea-
sons best known to herself, to take
her clothes off. She spends her
time seducing every /good looking
Hawaiian' around, and his brother
too. I'm speaking of James (sic)
Darren and George (sick) Cha-
kiris, who, in a flash of casting
genius, plays a doctor.
Somebody once commented on
the transcendental qualities of the
Oriental mind, and they, too, are
present, embodied pleasantly in
France Nuyn, who bears Mr. Hes-
ton's illegitimate son.
AS FOR special features, the,
movie offers a vision of the landed
gentry known best only to a few
Hollywood writers, and a vision
of Miss Mimieux throwing her
flat little chest around the big
screen, doing a native Hawaiian
dance known best only to a few
of this country's lesser burlesque
queens. There's even a nude bath-
ing scene.
All these Hawaiian hi-jinx end

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