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March 10, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-10

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An Editorial .. .
STUDENTS VOTING in this week's Student Govern-
ment Council election are faced with two referenda.
Both demand an emphatic "yes" vote.
One calls for the University to cease all classified
research activity; the second asks the University to
withdraw from participation in the Institute for De-
fense Analyses.
Classified research is intrinsically hostile to the
concept of a university as a free marketplace of ideas.
By its very nature, classification imposes a restriction
on the free dissemination of knowledge. That dissemi-
nation is the University's major reason for existence.
It is unfortunate that the referendum addresses it-
self only to research classified by government security
agencies, for there are other types of "classification"
which are equally insidious. It makes little difference
whether study is classifid ,because a government spon-
sor feels it is in the national interest to keep the re-
sults secret, or because a private or corporate sponsor
wishes to keep the results from its competitors.
It has been argued that it is an important part of
academic. freedom to allow professors to do whatever
types of research they see fit to do. To us, it is a per-
version of that concept to say that professors must be
free to pursue any course of research even if that re-
search subverts the nature of the University. It is one
man's freedom to do classified research against every-
one's freedom of inquiry.
THE SENATE Assembly Committee on Research Policy
has recommended that a faculty review committee
be established to examine and pas on all research pro-
jects with regard to the propriety of University sponsor-
ship. In a letter published in The Daily today, the com-
mittee states: "Other cissified material is completely
unobjectionable on the basis of any criterion which
has been mentioned by any of the opponents of classi-
fied research."
The only "unobjectionable" secret research is studies
which are classified because an investigator needs
access to classified material and the results of which
are freely publishable.
It seems reasonable to assume that the makeup of the
review committee would be quite similar to the makeup
of the Committee on Research Policy. And the Committee
on Research Policy did not see fit to recommend re-
stricting classified research at the University to projects
of this "unobjectionable" nature.
The committee suggestion, therefore, is unacceptable
and we urge a "yes"-vote on the classified research
SIMILARILY, THERE is absolutely no justification for
University membership in the Institute for Defense
IDA, a 12-university consortium, was founded in the
mid-1950s as a mechanism to formalize cooperation
between academic scientists and the Department of
In recent years, IDA has become increasingly con-
cerned with studies in counterinsurgency and the inte'-
diction of guerrillas, both in the jungles of Southeast
Asia and in the streets of American cities. IDA scien-
tists have worked on ways to spot enemy trucks at night
as well as the feasibility of the battlefield use of tactical
nuclear weapons.
We emphatically feel that the work of IDA is in no
way a proper function of the University. The University
is dedicated to life, not to finding improved methods
of killing and destroying. The issue of classified re-
search can be separated from the issue of the Vietnam
war; the issue of participation in IDA cannot.
By remaining in IDA, the University is actively
sanctioning the institute's role as a resource group
for American actions in this immoral and despicable
A "yes" vote on the IDA referendum will put pres-
sure on the University to sever its ties withtheninstitute.
THESE TWO referenda are equally important. If the
University withdraws from IDA without ending
classified research, as seems possible, the research will
continue and all the objections to it will remain in
A "yes" on both referenda is imperative.


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Vol. LXXVI!I, No. 134 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sundoy, March 10, 1968 Twelve Pages






--Diily-Thomnas R. Copi

Norjuan Mailer Mak es His Poinit

Daily News Analysis
With the Albert Terrace case
report pending in the City At-
torney's office, city administra-
tors anticipate resultant actions
ranging from court proceedings to
radical changes with the building
and safety department.
Most city councilmen are wait-
ing for the report on alleged vio-
lations and administrative negli-
gence in the construction of Al-
bert Terrace before committing
themselves to a specific course of
But private consultations in the
last week with city administrat-
ors have led at least one council-
man to predict "There will be
steps taken afterward. We should
prosecutet(Albert Terrace land-
lords) if the law has been broken
or change the laws if they are
An article in Tuesday's Daily
charged that prominent realtor
John Stegeman repeatedly viola-
ted city building codes in con-
structing and renting Albert Ter-
race at 1700 Geddes. The article
also charged the building and
safety department did not press
charges against Stegeman as
specified by city law.
Attorney Peter Forsythe's re-
port prompted by Councilman
Robert Week's (D-Third Ward)
call Thursday for an investigat-
ion is a preliminary in dealing
with the Albert Terrace case.
"I am compiling a step-by-step
report of the facts I have already
known." says Forsythe. "But I
am not going to go back and re-

fer the a
- such a
is like o
John S
ney, Jac
City Att

Plans To Speed

Mailer Decries Insanity'
OfAmerican C onscience

city officials would pre-
answer to come from an
tion by outside parties
I to the administration
as the courts.
nment in a small town
ne big family," says a
an. "Everybody knows
Stegeman s private attor-
obs 'Fahrner, served as
orney until the summer

of 1967. His assistants were pres-
ent City Attorney Peter Forsythe
and now Municipal Court Judge
Samuel J. Elden, who has pre-
sided over Stegeman's various ap-
pearances in court.
Student Government Council
has already passed a resolution to
file court suit against building of-
ficials by mandamus action. If
approved by the court, a writ of
See ALBERT, Page 12

By DAVID SPURR voice-a novelist 's voice, not a
It started out funny, but by the politician's-spoke of "a fiercely
end of Norman Mailer's intensely controlled schizophrenia, an un-
wild and stirring speech every seen vice, a worship of techno-
leftist in Rackham, every student logy," that America labored under,
with a hint of dissent in him, had like "the unendurable pain of its
undergone a deeply personal ex- own gangrene."
perience concerning his role in a The speech was political, but
fiercely changing America. much more than that. Mailer, in
A tense silence prevailed in his own artistic way, was express-
the packed auditorium. Even the ing a revolution that concerned
hippies sprawled on the aisle car- the American mind as well as the
pets last night didn't stir as they nation's political exploits.
listened to the prophet of the He read from his written work.:
New Left. "America," he said, "needs the
'Insanity in America' war as long as technology prog-
"I came here, I suppose," Mailer resses and the cities spread like,

sense of working class morale, vio-
lence and loyalty personified in
the soldiers defending the Pen-
tagon. And the slogans were not
"Liberty, Equality . .." but scrawl-
ed graffitti like "War Sucks."
The fires were not the Union
campfires of civil war Virginia,
but early evening sparks of mari-

D ctoral Programs
By MARCIA ABRAMSON Thesis candidates would be re-
beDoctoral thesiscandidates mayjquired to enroll for one-year per-
} b abe t reistr oce or achiods, without regard to residence
year and pay a single dissertation or place of work.
fee on a non-credit hour basis if Afte wod har, thesi
a continuous enrollment proposal candidates would have to submit
is accepted by the Executive Board a yearly request for time exten-
f hg tsion to their department and their
of the graduate school. idoctoral committee, which are re-
"All reaction to the plan has sponsible for outlining minimum
been favorable," said Dean Ste- progress expected before another
phen Spurr of the graduate school. extension will be granted.
"We hope to conclude work on-
the proposal before the end of the
term." The Regents must also ap-
prove the change.
Spurr said the plan is part of T
a large-scale move to speed up the 1 O flOr rOW
doctoral program partly so that University President Robber W
the University can receive Ford"FlUnitPein te W,
Foundation fellowships which re- Fleming wil be inaugurated a
quire recipients to complete course p.m. tomorrow, in ceremonies at
workin 0 tems.Hill Aud. Among those attending
work in 10 teims will be Lt. Gov. William G. Mil-
The proposal aims to eliminate liken and Michigan State Uni-
considerations of credit-hours, versity President John Hannah.
academic terms and location for In order to permit student par-
thesis candidates and to provide icipation, Vice President for
yearly review of dissertation pro- Academic Affairs Richard Cutler
gress "in order to obtain a higher has urged the faculty to dismiss
completion rate and better thesis all afternoon classes, excepting
sooner. labs, clinics, and other meetings
Students would pay twice the not easily rescheduled.
applicable one-term full residence Tickets are available at the first
fee for the first two years. Sub- floor desk of the Administration
sequent renewals would cost only Building upon presentation of an
a nominal fee, to discourage stu- University identification. Tickets
dents who have actually given up will be given on a first come first
their study from maintaining en- served basis and will be limited
rollment. to two per person.

"It was a revolution via excur- investigate and rehash them."

began, "to talk about my favorite
subject and yours . . .the insanity
of America."
The little curly-haired man's
Petitioning for seats on the
literary college student steer-
ing committee will open to-
morrow. Petitions may be
picked up in 1220 Angell Hall.
Twelve to 25 positions will be
open to students in the literary
college, according to Diane
Lynn Saltz, '69, committee
* The petitions, due March 12,
will require suggestions for
creative solutions to current
academic problems in the col-
lege, as well as relevant per-
sonal data, says Miss Saltz.
Students on the admissions
a n d administrative boards,
and the curriculum committees
of the college are chosen from
the steering committee to in-
sure representation of view-

cancer. If the American people
lost their war, they would lose
their Christ."
It is this "schizophrenic bal-
ance" between the love of the
mystery of Christ and the love of1
no mystery at all, that plagues an
America "with its emotions for-'
ever locked in the chains of ambi-
The nation's contradictions rose:
religion and technology, the love
of peace and the thirst for war,
the alienation to his fellow men
felt by "nearly everyone in Amer -
He spoke seriously, tragically,
and with a sense of foreboding.
like a New Yor'k-bred Winston
1Churchill. To Mailer, last October'~s
march on the Pentagon was an
historical event comparable in
significance to the storming of the
Class Conflict
But this time, it was essentially
a conflict between the urban mid-
dle class-"the most alienated'
from and most critical of Amer-
ican society"-and the healthy

sion bus," Mailer quipped, "but as
the buses loaded at the end of1
that long weekend, some hint of
the glorious future may have hung
in the air."
It was as if that moment the
dissenting urban middle class1
looked at the blank faces of the
soldiers saying, "I will stealhyour
elan and your lower-class charm,
because I am morally right."
As they stood in the mouth of
their first cannons, Mailer re-T
See MAILER, Page 2l

Councilman John Hathaway (R-
Fourth Ward), expects the re-
port, or subsequent investigations
if necessary, to account for the
city's role in the case.
"The question is whether the1
laws have been enforced properly,
whether Stegeman got favors
from someone which should not
have been given to anyone under
any circumstances." says Hatha-
"My experience is the laws are
not administered according to the!
letter of the law."

Funds, Curriculum Key Problems



Literary College



Gun Sales in Detroit Area Surge

DETROIT (R)-Mayor Jerome
P. Cavanagh says whites and
Negroes in Detroit and its sub-
urbs are in an arms race that
must be stopped. He pleads for
a "return to sanity."
What is he talking about?
" A 46 per cent increase in.
the rate of pistol registrations
in the city since last July's riot.
* Booming sales of shotguns
and rifles, which are exempt
font gun registration laws.
* Stepped up gunrunning to
Detroit from Toledo, Ohio.
where pistols can be bought
without registration.
9 More gun thefts in the De-
troit area since the riot than
during the entire preceding
f Clinics teaching hundreds

sales are up about 30 per cent
over last February."
The shop is located just south
of what was the main area of
trouble in last July's violence.
The manager of the Detroit
outlet of a nationally known
department store chain which
stocks guns says sales are up,
prices are up and, "You can
easily see the customers think
there'll be another riot."
Some gun buyers desiring
training in the use of their new
weapons found their way to gun
clinics, two of which existed be-
fore the riot.
Weapons Clinic
Another gun clinic was form-
ed in Dearborn, which juts into
Detroit's southwest side. follow-
ing the riot.
The clinic has trained 240
pe 2ons so far, all of theni white
women, and has a waiting list
of some 350 more.

them. Officers rip down the
signs wherever they find them.
The Inner City Voice, a mili-
tant Negro periodical which
claims a circulation of 15,000
in Detroit, billing itself as the
"voice of revolution," explains
to its readers that revolution-
aries must be willing to die, if
necessary, for their cause, and
it comes complete with a recipe
for a Molotov cocktail.
Officials view the situation
with alarm.
"What we have is a public
hysteria," declares Capt. Ray-
mond McConnell, the top de-
tective in the Michigan State
Police, "A lot of people are
going out and buying guns and
that's the worst thing they
could do."
"Wildly irresponsible rumors"
are what Mayor Cavanagh
blames for the public's preoc-
cupation with guns.

Before the surge in pistol reg-
istrations, the usual rate of in-
crease was 20 per cent, Dafoe
said. He estimates one million
pistols are registered in Michi-
gan-one for every nine persons.
Every one concedes that addi-
tional guns - unregistered -
exist in Detroit and other parts
of Michigan.
For example, in the seven
months following the riot 848
pistols were reported stolen, po-
lice records show. This seven-
month total is greater than the
812 reported stolen in all of
1966. The 1967 total was 1,374
pistols reported stolen.
What about stolen shotguns
and rifles?
Immediately after the riot,
Detroit police said 2,498 shot-
guns and rifles had been re-
ported stolen during the July
23-30 riot period.
Police said an extremely small

By DAVID MANN cially since we are going to experi- to afford a program of this na-
The literary college will get a ence difficulty with the budget." ture."
new dean July 1, but will still face New programs of the college will Hays would like to see a "grad-
the same old problems. William probably feel cutbacks first ac- ual reorganization of the literary
L. Hays, who was appointed last cording to Hays. But regardless of college,' perhaps along the lines of
week to succeed William Haber as the low budget he continues, "we're the Residential College. Depart-
dean of LSA, is concerned about going to break our backs to meet mental divisions are no longer as
maintaining quality education, the students' demands." clear as they used to be, says Hays,
stretching inadequate funds and Hays emphasizes that his ad- and he foresees a blending of some
restructuring the college. ministration will exist "basically of them.
"We want to be as good a school to serve the students," and he is The new dean hopes to expand
as possible," says Hays, "but with looking forward to changes and the staff of the administration of
low appropriations, it's going to innovations in several college pro- the college. In addition to filling
be harder to manage than in the grams. the office of the associate dean
past." The new dean views a tui- The college, he says, "often which he will vacate, Hays would
tion hike as "better than facing 'doesn't take advantage of the well like to appoint at least one more
a major financial crisis," but he is prepared student." The curriculum associate dean and increase the
concerned that the University may should be liberalized so that it number of administrative assist-
be "putting itself out of reach of can meet the needs of all students. ants.
many students" by substantially The dean, who is sympathetic to
raising tuition. pass-fail, feels that the option
Hays, who is currently associate might "properly be expanded out-
dean of LSA, is largely in charge side the concentration area But
of the literary college's finances. he adds that before any expansion
Although he will not continue to of the program could be made a
have such intimate contact with thorough study of the pass-fail
the budget, he says he will work system must be completed and
clsl ihthe new associate d
'dean on financial natterss aysatlso feels the language
requirement should be re-evalu-
1 * ated to determine the most effec
Noy Receives tive means of teacing and to con-
sider "what we should expect an s
educated man to know about lan-
CLOVIS, N.M. ()--An Aim For ce During his four years as asso-
oflicer w~as sentenced yesterday ciate dean. Hays maintained close
to one ye am at haird labor in prison, contacts with the curriculum com-
dismissal from the Air Force and mittee and hopes to continue
forfeiture of all pay and allow- them. He sees thte comntittee as
ances in his general court martial "one of the few places wheire y ou
conviction for refusing on religious can se sonie concree seps being
grondstohel trin a tuenttakn, fo ademic rnoi'aouml
-...1 in rni '.Prison

"The literary college is larger
than many of the colleges and
universities in the country, and I
feel our size requires more admin-
istrative staff to keep things run-
ning as -they should," Hays ex-
"The literary college more than
any other school in the Univer-
sity should be a real partnership
among students, faculty and ad-
ministrators,. says Hays.
Hays is succeeding retiring Dean
William L. Haber who is retiring
after 36 years with the University.
Hays called Haber a truly "great"
Bean and hopes he will remain
with the University to teach.

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