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March 10, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-10

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"A f-I l? Div ray



Rusk Pledges Continued
Aid To South Vietnamese'

WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary
of State Dean Rusk pledged con-
tinued large-scale economic and
mAilitary aid to South Viet Nam
yesterday, saying "inaction in the
face of challenge is the sure path
to disaster."
Opening testimony before the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee on the administration's $3.38
billion foreign aid request for the
coming year, Rusk also suggested
that United States assistance to
Indonesia, now about $3 million
per year, should be ended.
At Da Nang in Viet Nam, four
more planeloads of U.S. Marines
were due as the landing of 3,500
soldiers to strengthen the key air
base's defense neared completion.
About 2,500 Marines landed

Monday, some in C130 transport ed from Hill 327 at Da Nang, a
planes and others from landing dominating feature three miles
craft in heavy surf. They dug in from the base, which was taken
around the strategic base, the over yesterday by I company of
prime staging area for air strikes the 3rd Marine battalion.
against North Viet Nam and Com- Elsewhere in Viet Nam some
munist supply routes through 800 Viet Cong recruits from North
Laos. Viet Nam had smashed confidently
In Washington, U.S. officials at the mountain outpost of Kan-
considered whether to authorize nak early Monday and got one of
the powerful 7th Fleet to con- the worst beatings Communist
centrate on intercepting the move- forces in the area have had in
ment of arms and men by boat months.
from Communist North Viet Nam In Paris, highly informed French
to the Viet Cong. sources said yesterday that France
Addition of another carrier to sees Viet Nam today as a crisis in
the three on station in the South which pride and policy forestall
China Sea area also is under con- peaceful solution and heighten the
sideration. danger of full-scale war.
The first scouting mission by the In the French view, these two
newly landed Marines was launch- basic positions have achieved a
stalemate bringing with it the
possibility of a war between the
United States and Red China.
In other developments the Unit-
ed States politely dismissed yester-
day a new bid from United Nations
Secretary General U Thant to
open negotiations on a Vietnamese
peace agreement. A spokesman
said it is still awaiting some in-
dication that the Communists are
ready to "stop the aggression."
"We have told the Secretary
General that we appreciate his
suggestions and are still hoping for
a peaceful solution," said State
Department Press Officer Mar-
shall Wright.
"We also still await some indica-
tion that the aggressors are pre-
pared to talk' about stopping the
. aggression."

Appalachia Bill Signed,
Authorizes $1.1 Billion
WASHINGTON (A')-President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the
$1.1-billion Appalachian aid bill yesterday and said "this legislation
marks the end of partisan cynicism towards want and misery."
"The dole is dead," Johnson said. "The pork barrel is gone.
Federal and state, liberal and conservative, Democratic and Republi-
can-Americans of these times are concerned with the outcome of
the next generation, not the next election. That is what the provisions
of this legislation clearly reflect."
Johnson signed the legislation in a ceremony at the White House.
Attending were several governors from Appalachian states and a
l1 a r g e congressional delegation
from the area.
S eelk Change The bill does not actually ap-
propriate the $1.1 billion to aid
the mountainous, economically de-
pressed 11-state area which ex-
to Alabama. It authorizes the pro-
WASHINGTON (A) -- A top gram. A separate money bill will
WASHNGTO (P - Atopbe submitted.
federal banking official said yes- Touching indirectly on foreign
terday the government should use affairs, Johnson said "we recog-
some new methods to keep racke- nize realistically that our strength
teers and manipulators out of the abroad rests on our strength at
national bank business, home." He said that is why var-
But Comptroller of the Curren- ious levels of government are
cy James J. Saxon counseled "taking up in unity tasks that

(Continued from Page 1)
The announcement of resigna-
tions interrupted what was de-
scribed as a quiet day on the
campus in contrast to the hectic
political activity of students and
faculty during the peak of the
Berkeley crisis last fall.
A faculty spokesman reported
that more than 1000 students
staged a three-mile march yes-
terday protesting the recent con-
duct of state troopers in Alabama.
Sources could not, however, find
any evidence of the sentiment
which led students last fall to im-
mobilize a police car for 36 hours
or occupy an administration build-
ing all night.
US W Resumes
Labor Talks
PITTSBURGH (A)-Basic steel

These demonstrations, involving
nearly 1000 students in each case,
were part of student reaction to
an administrative ruling forbid-
ding off-campus political action
to be organized on campus prop-
erty. That came in September.
By October, a "united front" of
student political groups, joining
as the Free Speech Movement,
was staging sit-ins and demon-
strations which drew national at-
While the administration, prod-
ded by the faculty, relaxed its re-

Kerr, Myerson Give Up Posts

strictions, the students continued
to protest administrative threats
of discipline against their leaders.
A sit-in held in early Decem-
ber prompted Brown to call in
police, resulting in over 800 arrests
which are still being processed by
the courts. Strong used a minor
illness as an excuse to request a
leave of absence in early January
and the regents promptly appoint-
ed Meyerson on an interim basis.
With their backing, he relaxed
the restriction on campus political
activities even further and the
campus quieted down.


7:30 P.M.


-Daily-James Keson
VIETNAMESE COMMANDERS inspect the field covered with
Viet Cong guerrillas killed Monday in the mountain attack on
the South Vietnamese position at Kannak. A Vietnamese unit of
400 irregular mountain troops and their families and nine
American Special Forces men drove off the attack

(Continued from Page 2)
Avco Research & Advanced Devel-
opment Div., Wilmington, Mass.-All
Degrees: AE & Astro., Applied Mech.,
Cbmrun. Sci., EE,'Mat'is., ME & Met
A & Instrum. -BS: E Math & E Physics.
R. & D., Des.
Goodyear International Corp.-BS-
MS: ChE, IE & ME. BS: EE. Can con-
sider non-citizens returning to home
cQuntry where Goodyar has operations.
Dev. & Prod.
lMARCH 11-12--
Atlantic Refining Co., Dallas, Tex.-
All Degrees: ChE, BE, EM, E Physics
& ME. MS: Geol. R. & D.
Bell Aerosystems Co., New York area
-BS-MS: AE & Astro. & ME. MS-PhD:
Nuclear. MS: EE & EM. Men & wom-
en. Can consider non-citizens becoming
U.S. citizens. Dev. & Des.
North American Aviation, Atomics
International, Canoga Park, Calif. -
All Degrees: ChE, EE, EM, Instru., Ma-
terials, ME, Met., Nuclear & Physics.
Prof.: Applied Mech. R. & D., Des.;
Prod. & Nuclear.
North American Aviation, Autonetics
Div., Anaheim, Calif.-MS-PhD: EE, E
Physics, ME, Applied Math & Experi-
mental Physics. PhD: AE & Astro.,
Applied Mech., Instrum. BS: EE-
Students who intend to continue educ.
through adv. degree programs avail-

able at Autonetics. R. & D., Des.
North American Aviation, Los An-
geles Div.-BS-MS: AE & Astro., Ap-
plied Mech., EE, E Math, EM, E Physics.
IE, ME & Met. R. & D., Des.
North American Aviation, Rocketdyne
Div.-All Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE,
CE, EE, ME. MS-PhD: Nuclear. PhD:
Math & Chem. R. & D., Des.
North American Aviation, Space &
Information Systems, Downey, Calif.
-All Degrees: AE & Astro., Applied
Mech., ChE, CE, EE, EM, ME, Met.,
Sci. Engrg., Chem., Math & Physics. BS:
E Math & E Physics. R. & D., Des.
Wheeling Steel Corp., All Locations
-BS: CE, EE, IE, ME, Met. Dev. &
MARCH 12 (a.m.)-
Gulf Res. & Dev. Co., Pittsburgh,
Pa.-BS-MS: Mat'Is. BS: ChE & ME.
Men & women. Can consider non-citi-
zens if permanent visa can be ob-
tained. R. & D.
Los Angeles County CivilService
Commission, Calf.-BS-MS: CE. U.S.
citizen or declaration filed of intent
to become citizen. All phases of public
works, & municipal civil engrg.
Warner Electric Brake & Clutch Co.,
Beloit, wis.-BS: EE & EM. R. & D.,
Des. & Prod.

World News
By The Associated Press
TEL AVIV, Israel-A gun battle
lasting more than an hour be-
tween Israeli and Syrian forces
was reported by an Irsaeli army
spokesman last night.
He claimed that Syrians direct-
ed initial shots from a machine
gun at a tractor working in Israel
in the Almagor area to the north
of the Sea of Galilee yesterday. No
casualties were reported.
NAIROBI, Kenya-African for-
eign ministers ended yesterday
their vitriolic debate on the Congo
in complete deadlock, with the
continent split into two bitterly
hostile camps.
Representatives of 35 independ-
ent African states-who make up
the Organization of African Uni-
ty's council of ministers - tried
without success to shape a policy
which would bring peace and sta-
bility to the Congo.
'* * *
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney accepted yesterday a proposed
allotment of unified National
Guard. and Army Reserve units
which will put the state's military
strength at 13,904 men in 171,
The unification is part of a
nationwide Defense Department
policy announced in December.
* * *
partment said yesterday that a
Soviet underground nuclear blast
on January 15 "may have consti-
tuted a technical violation" of the
limited test ban treaty but that it
did not represent any threat to
either the United States or the

against too much regulation of the
banking industry.
Saxon said he does not want
the government to require advance
approval of changes in the con-
trol of national banks.
Fear Power
"What I'd fear in the power to
approve in advance is the great
susceptibility to abuse," he told
the Senate Investigations Subcom-
On a broader scale, Saxon warn-
ed against increasing regulations
which could require prior approv-
al of bank loans and investments
by public authorities. "It would
entail government allocation of re-
sources," he said.
Saxon said 434 new national
banks have been chartered since
he took office on Nov. 16, 1961.
Only one, the First National Bank
in Marlin, has failed, he said.
Blames Failure
He blamed that failure on "man-
agement deficiencies" not detect-
ed when the bank charter was
Subcommittee Chairman John
L. McClellan (D-Ark) raised the
question of racketeer infiltration.
"There have been charges, I
won't say they've been substantiat-
ed, that in some instances racke-
teers have gained control of these
banks," McClellan said.
He added there have been asser-
tions that "fast buck artists" got
control of some banks which then
were milked of their assets.

ha e o g lmctnd n labor negotiations resumed yester-
have beentoolongneglecte day after a two-month recess with
every region."r the companies still pressing for a
The bulk of the program, $840' contract extension and the union
million over five years, is to pro- n still refusing them.
vide an improved highway net-
work to open up the 165,000-mile David J. McDonald, president of
square region to industry and rec- the United Steelworkers Union,
reation. The other spending will be told newsmen that each company
over two years for new nospitals, made a similar plea as the 11
timber development, restoration separate meetings started.
of strip mine areas, vocational "We gave them the same old
education and other projects. 'premature' answer. It's the same
The program will be adminis- general pitch. They've been talk-
tered by an Appalachia Regional ing about it for years," McDonald
Commission set up by the bill and said.
will consist of a presidential ap- The companies, citing the threat
pointee and the governors of each of foreign competition as long as
of the 11 states or their represen- there is uncertainty in the domes-
tatives. tic industry, had three times be-,
Johnson remarked that the leg- fore asked for an extension of the
islation was "originated by the May 1 strike deadline. Each time
governors of the Appalachian the union has said such talk is
states, formed in close cooperation premature.
with the federal executives, ap- Imports have risen sharply in
proved and enacted by the Con- recent months as domestic users,
gress of all the people." unable to get enough steel from
He called this "the truest ex- overtaxed American mills, turned
ample of creative federalism in to foreign markets to build up
our times." their inventories.
Johnson cited figures to show Union and company spokesmen
the economic plight of the vast denied there was any ill feeling
Appalachian area. While national They said the meeting recessed
per capita income has reached to give each side more time tc
$2,300, he said, in Appalachia it plan the format of their talks.
is estimated at near $1,400. They were scheduled to meet in
States included are all of West oint session today.
Virginia and parts of Alabama, _sn y
G e o r g i a, Kentucky, Maryland,
North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsyl- :..:.:::":";::::.:":::::
vania, South Carolina, Tennessee
and Virginia. Thirteen New York
counties might be added later un-
der a separate provision of the

Voice Political Party (U-M, SDS)
VOICE Political Party
Speaking in place of
who was badly beaten in
Selma, Ala. Sunday
3 P.M. ... DIAG
4 P.M.. Angell Hall, Aud. A

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